2 /, /,y.- SYSTEM O F VEGETABLES, IN TWO VOLUMES. VOL. I. SYSTEM O F VEGETABLES, ACCORDING TO THEIR CLASSES ORDERS GENERA SPECIES WITH THEIR CHARACTERS and DIFFERENCES. IN T W O VOLUMES. TRANSLATED FROM THE THIRTEENTH EDITION ( AS PUBLISHED BY Dr. MURRAY ) OF THE SYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM OF THE LATE PROFESSOR L I N N E U S; AND FROM THE SUPPLEMENTUM PLANTARUM OF THE PRESENT PROFESSOR L I N N E U S. V ° L* *' ■ By a Botanical Society, at LICHFIELD. LICHFIELD: Printed by John Jackson, for Leigh and Sotheey, York Street, Cove nt Garden, L O N D O N. M DCC LXXXII I. - / " ■i5 Co Sir JOSEPH BANKS, Bart. Prefident of the Royal Society. S I R, THE rare and excellent example you have gi^en, fo honourable to fcience, bf foregoing the more brilliant advantages of irth and fortune, to feek for knowledge hrough difficulties and dangers, at a period jf life when the allurements of pleafure are :aft refiftable, and in an age when the ge- eral effeminacy of manners feemed beyond ' hat of former times to difcourage every vir- uous exertion, juftly entitles you to the preeminence you enjoy in the philofophical world. In your extenfive purfuits after na- :ural knowledge, Botany has been difting- lifhed by your peculiar attention ; of this, the ii. DEDICATION. the princely work in which you are at prefent engaged, and of which the public has con- ceived fuch hi^h exoectations, will furnifh a noble example to pofterity. At the fame time therefore that we are happy in an op- portunity of paying public homage to your virtue, we have the pleafure to think that this attempt to advance the ftudy of Botany in thefe countries will meet with your par- ticular approbation : by placing this work in the hands of the perfon beft qualified to judge of its merits or imperfections, we at lead avow the dilinterefted wifh, that it may receive no protection but fuch as it really deferves. Accept, Sir, of this mark of our refpect and efteem ; and allow us the honour of fubferibing ouifelves your moil: obedient humble fervants, The EDITORS. $ S*~*S d\ F"*l tfk r~H E ^ SkjnS 4» Sft-jiS O kj«! PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. THE future improvements in Agriculture, in Medicine, and in many inferior Arts, as dying, tanning, varnifhing ; with many of the more important Manufactures, as of paper, linen, cordage; mud principally arife from the knowledge of BO- TANY. For how can we afcertain the more recon- dite properties of bodies, without firft being able to diftinguifh them from each other ? From the want of this fcience almofr. all the medicines, and many of the arts of the ancients have been loft to their des- cendants. The labours of LINNEUS are generally acknow- ledged to have befl fupplied this great fource of future improvement, and yet his works have not hitherto ap- peared in the englifh language. Mr. Lee indeed in his Introduction to Botany has well tranflated ?nd explained many parts of the Phikfophia Rotanica ; Dr. Berkenhout has given a Lexicon of 'Terms ex- tracted from the fame work; and Mr. Milne has difpofed a great part of it with other botanical know- ledge in the form of a Dictionary. All thefe labours have their merit ; but why mould not the works themfelves be tranflated into our language ? the con- cife and beautiful arrangement, for which they are fo remarkable, is loft in thefe diffufe explanations of them. Dr. ii. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. Dr. YVithering has given a Flora Ariglica under the title of Botanical Arrangements, and in this has tranflated parts of the Genera and Species Plant arum of Linneus; but has intirely omitted the fexual dis- tinctions, which are erTential to' the philoSophy of the fyltem ; and has introduced a number of englifh ge- neric names, which either bear no analogy to thofe of Linneus, or are derived from fuch as he has rejected, or has applied to other genera; and has thus rendered many parts of his work unintelligible to the latin Bo- taniit ; equally difficult to the englifh fcholar ; and loaded the fcience with an addition of new words. We propofe to give a literal and accurate tranflation of theSYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM of LINNEUS, which unfolds and.deScribes the whole of his ingenious and elaborate fyilem of vegetation. The terms, which he invented, or appropriated to thofe parts of veget- ables, which he either firil difcovered, or on which his fyitem.is erected, are retained in the tranflation with englifh terminations. As new ideas require new words to reprefent them, and mufc therefore be ex- plained to the young Botanift, it is of no confequence from what language they are derived. Thofe therefore which are already in ufe, are prefered to fuch as might be found in our own language, though fimilar in their primitive Signification ; as fuch words would be liable to prefent to the mind their vulgar meaning, which is not Sufficiently precife for the purpofes of Science. Thus Calyx is ufed by Linneus for the green cup beneuh Some flowers, Sor the Sneath from which others burfl longitudinally, for the leaves beneath the umbels of others, for the hufks of graffes, the cat- kins of willow, nettle, occ. the veil over the flowers of PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. iii. of molTes, and the fkin beneath the heads of mufh- rooms. All this muft be explained, whether it is reprefented by the word calyx, or by the word im- palement i which latter, though ufed by fome of the writers above-mentioned, is as difficult to the englifh fcholar, as the word calyx ; is not underftood by thofe who are already acquainted with the language of Linneus ; and does not affift the young Botanift in his ftudy of the original. So the word Legumen means a pod, in which all the peas or feeds are attached to the upper edge or future; Siliqua a pod in which they are alternately attached to the upper and under one. If the former mould be termed Jkell, and the latter pod, they muft ftill be defined ; and thus the meaning of them would be as difficult to acquire by the englifb reader as that of the words legumen, and filiqua ; and would be fo unin- telligible to the latin Botanift, that they could not con- njerfg tagethdr. Hence we have retained the words calyx for flower- cup ; corol for bloilbm ; jiamen for chive ; piflil for pointal ; pericarp for fruit veftel ; and fome other technical terms ; Juch as would necejfarily be ufed in an englijh conversation by Botanijls acquainted with the original of Linneus ; to thefe words we found it necerTary to give englim terminations, becaufe their diminutives and their participles frequently occur in the courfe of the work, and they are fometimes com- pounded with other words ; thus corolla is tranflated Corol, petalum Petal, anthera Anther, panicula Panicle, verticillus Verticil, for the purpoie of ufing corollet, five-petal'd, anther-bearing, paiiicled, yerticil'd, ancl the iv. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. the like. For the explanation of thefe we refer the reader to the BOTANICAL TERMS and DEFI- NITIONS prefixed to this work; which we have tranflated from a thefis of Dr. Elmgren, written under the eye of Linneus, and publifhed by him in the lixth volume of the Amcenitates Academicce, The determining the exact number of thefe words, necerlary to be naturalifed into our language, was a tafk of much nicety and confideration. We were afraid of rendering our work difficult to the en^lifh reader, if we introduced many innovations, or did much violence to our vernacular tongue; or of making it unintelligible to the latin Botanift, if we were too parfimonious in the engraftment or tranfplantation of exotic terms. We hope we have freered between thefe two extremes, for we have had the opinion of many and of fkilful pilots to direct our voyage ; the ce- lebrated Mr. Rosseau, in a Pofthumous Botanical work had adopted a iimilar plan -, and has attempted to naturalife into the french language many of the technical words of Linneus ; as corymbe, panicle, cyme, filique, filicle, fpathe, perianth, and many others, which we hope will not be more diffonant to an eng- lifh ear than to a french one. Linneus has arranged the individuals, or Species, of vegetables into families, or Genera-, and thefe again into Orders and Claffes; As there are fo few generic names in our language, we have univerfally adopted thofe of our author ; thus the words 'Triticum, Hordeum, Avena, Secale are family names ; which include variety of other grailes, as well as the Wheat, Barley, Oats, and Rye, which we cultivate for our food : the generic name PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. v. .name Amygdalus includes the Peach as well as the Almond-, Prunus includes the Cherry, Apricot, and Laurel) as well as the Plum-, and Pyrus the Apple, fweet-fower d Crab, and the g>uince, as well as the Pear ; whence it would have been productive of much confunon to have given any of thefe englifh names to families, which belong to individuals. The englifh generic names however, which are well eftablifhed, we have occafionally added in italics after the latin ones. In refpect to the individuals or Specks of Plants we have, by the advice of many of our botanical cor- refpondents, retained the Trivial Name ufed by Lin- NEUS;asitis become a kind of cognomen along with the generic name ; and where it is expreilive of any pe- culiarity of the plant, we have tranflated it by an equi- valent englifh word. The Quotations from other works we have placed in the index-form, as our author has difpofed them ; and have added the beft received engli/h names in their proper places from Miller, Hudson, Lightfoot, &c. and referred to them in our Index of Synonymies. The learned reader will perceive, that We have made a flight change in the conftruction of the fexual dif- tinclions of the ClafTes on account of the greater deli- cacy of modern language ; hence the words, one male, and one female, are ufed in preference to one virility one feminality. In regard to the general language, we have endeavoured to copy that of Linneus with the moft fcrupulous exactnefs ; for as this illuftrious Naturalift may be faid to have formed a language, rather than to have found one, fuitable to his purpoie ; and appears to have ftudied every part of his work, from the great outline of the fyftem to the moft minute 2 circumftance vi. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. circumftance of conflruction and arrangement, with induftry and fagacity almoft peculiar to himfelf, we have tranflated it, as far as might be, page for page, and line for line : have accurately attended to his mode of punctuation, and have introduced the aftro- nomic characters with all the numerous capital and italic types, which are uied in the original. As Linneus formed numerous diminutive and com- pound words from the latin and greek languages, we have endeavoured to conitruct correfpondent ones from the engliih ; it were impofiible otherwife to equal the concifenefs and precision of the original. We have attempted to compofe the former, fo as to be ealily familiarifed to an englifh ear, and intelligible to the latin botanift ; as leaf leaflet, ftalk, fla/k/et, valve vahelet, tooth toothlet, fpathe fpathelet, tube tubelet, crown coronet y calyx cafyc/e ; of fuch dimi- nutives the words tablet, circlet, bracelet, ringlet, rivulet, icicle, particle, are examples in daily ufe. Some of the common diminutive adjectives of the la- tin, and thofe formed by the prepofition flub, whofe correfpondent word in englifh would not allow of the termination i/Jj, were found more difficult to manage without periphrafes, as fubramofus thinly- branched. Where they were evidently derived from the latin lan- guage, we have fometimes retained the particle flub. We come now to thofe numerous compound words constructed by our author in fo artful a manner, as to depicture fuch a variety of forms, of leaves, fruits, flowers, items, feeds, as no language was before ever, made to defcribe. He has taken words expreffive of well-known figures, as the words oblong and egg, and by compounding thefe has given a form between them both PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS, vii. both ; which new form partakes more of the egg, if that word precedes in the compound, as egg-oblong ; or more of the oblong, if that word precedes, as oblong- egg'd. Hence thefe two words are made to reprefent forms of four kinds very nearly allied ; but to thefe he has added oval, and elliptic, and again compounded thefe with oblong and tgg, and has thus, as it were, conjured up before our eyes the outlines of forms as numerous and as accurate by the magic of a few words, as the pencil alone was thought capable of producing. Our readers will perceive, that to equal all thefe niceties of combination with precifion and concifenefs in our translation was an undertaking that required fome degree of hardinefs ; this was the Gorgon-feature, that had hitherto frozen the defigns, or blafted the progrefs of all, who looked upon this giant NaturaJift, and deterred them from the encounter. In the construction of thefe numerous and difficult compound words we have laboured their concifenefs and diftinctnefs, as our author has done, rather than the elegance of their combinations ; and as our language allows of great variety of compound words, and thofe terminating either as fubilantives, adjectives, verbs, or participles both active and paffive, we have found it as well adapted to this purpofe as the latin, and perhaps not much lefs fo than the greek. We had ^reat difficulty however in determining the two follow- .ng circumftances, about which we confulted many of «ur ingenious friends. The firft was, whether the la- in words cor datum, ovatum, lunatum, lanceolatum, Jiatulatum, car inatum, /erratum, hafiatum, peltatum, and the like, expreffivc of the forms of leaves, would better be tranflated by their correfpondent englifh words, hearted, eggd, moond, lanced, Jpatuled, keel'd Vlii.. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS keel'd, faw'd, halberted, targeted, or by the com- pounds heart-Jhaped, egg-Jhaped, moon-fnaped, lance- feaped, fpatule-fiaped, keel-fiaped, faw-fiaped, halbert- flaped, target-fiaped and the like. After having much canvaffed the fubjecl, we were at length re- folved to adopt the former, I. becaufe the englifh botanical language became thus a more exact refem- blance of the original ; 2. becaufe it became thus much more concife ; 3. becaufe fiape includes the whole external furface, whereas the words above mentioned mean only to exprefs the outline of a particular fection. 4. becaufe when thefe words already compounded with the participleyZ^jW, become compounded afecond time, (feveral of which double combinations would occur in almoft every page of the work) as egg-lance- Jhaped, lance-egg-ftaped, egg- heart-Jhaped, heart -egg- jhaped, they were more difficultly affociated with the ideas they were defigned to exprefs, than the compounds of the fimple words, egg-lanced, lance- egg d> egg-hearted, heart-egg'd. We found ourfelves further under the necelTity of forming participles from our numerical adjectives, uiing the words twod three d, fourd, jived, eight ed, for the words bina, tema, quaterna, quina, oclona ; becaufe binata, ter- nata, quaternata, had previoully been translated by the words twofold, threefold, fourfold, &c. bis by twice, duo by two, jugum by pair, geminus by double, ant didymus by twin ; and the fame of the other numerals Though fome of the compound words above mentionel are perhaps rather warped from their ufual fignific^- tions, yet the fame objection lies againft the correfpor- dent original ones of Linneus. His words are indeed not clafTkal, they are not to be found in the works of Cicero, but they might have been, as Mr. RoufTeau well obferves, had Cicero written a Syftem of Botany. The PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. ix. The fecond difficulty was, whether fome of thefe compound words fhould be ufed as adjectives or as par- ticiples pajjive -, as in fome of them the fignification differs with this difference of their conftruclion ; thus a thread-form flowerftem is one every where of equal thicknefs like a thread, but a thread-formed flowerftem would mean one formed of thread ; fo axe form means of the form of an axe, but axe-formed would mean formed by an axe ; a threejold garment means a tripple garment, but a three-folded garment would mean thrice folded ; a threefoot rule is one of the length of three feet, but a three footed ftool is one having three feet. After much deliberation, and by the advice of our ingenious friends we at length refolved to ufe thefe words, and a few others, adjectively ; becaufe their precife fignification was thus better afcertained, and they became more euphonious from their being lefs loaded with confonants, and our language affords many inftancesof compound words of fimilar conftruc- tion. Thus a grit-ftone wall, a hair-breadth fcape, a broad-cloth coat, foot-path way, fmall -tooth comb, one-horfe chair, two-man beetle, three-foot rule, four-mile flone, five-card loo, fix-penny loaf, ten- pound weight, twenty-milling bill, fifty-gun (hip ; to thefe may be added the words uniform, multiform, two-fold, manifold, blindfold ; and the words com- pounded with like, wife, full, and fome; as caftle-like, crofs-wife, fpoonful, burthenfome ; all which are ufed as adjectives either in familiar converfation, or by refpectable writers. By this aptnefs of our language in compounding variety of words, we flatter ourfelves that we have been able to exprefs in fome inftances the meaning pf our author, as explained and defined by himfelf or by x. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. by his pupils, with greater precifion than the latin language would allow ; thus the word dentata applied to a root fignifies teethlike, applied to leaves it means toothed ; the word end- nicked gives a more accurate idea than the word emarginatum, the words fouth-turned than adverfum, and one-ranked than fecunda-, the latin words biternatum and triternatum either mean twice and thrice thofe numbers, or the fquare and cube of them, and bidentatum having two teeth, or two Jets of teeth. Hence we truft that our tranilation will thus reflect the very image of the original; but, as happens in fome optical experiments, with greater diftinctnefs, and brighter illumination. We have further to add, that to render this work more extenfively ufeful and compleat, we have not only tranflated the SYSTEMA VEGETABILIUM pub- limed by Dr. Murray from the papers of the deceafed Linneus, containing one hundred and nineteeen ad- ditional Genera, and variety of Species and alterations; but have been favoured with a part of a new work now publishing by the prefent Dr. Linneus, termed Sup- flementum Plant arum, which will defcribe ninety four new Genera, with many additional Species : the effen- tial Characters of which we have interwoven in our tranilation in their proper places. The prefent ingen- ious Profeflbr has indeed made one alteration in the ClafTes in this new work; and that is, the omiffion of the clafs Polvgamia, as far as his additional Genera ex- tend, which are principally plants from Surinam, and fome from Africa. Thefe he has placed in the other ClaiTes, according to their fexual diftindtions j in which, we have copied him. The Botanic Terms and Definitions tranf- lated from the Thefis of Dr. Elmgren, we had once PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. xi. once arranged in the form of an alphabetical Glof- fary; but we perceived, that by removing the terms from under their proper heads, their definitions became much more difficult ; for the fame adjunct has fre- quently five or fix different meanings according to the fubject to which it is referred. We have there- fore preferved the ingenious arrangement of the o- riginal, and added an Alphabetical Index, by which any word may be referred to under each of its figni- fications. To thefe we have fubjoined the Plates from the Philofophia Botanica, fo that we hope by thefe means to prefent the public in our native tongue the molt compleat edition yet extant in one work of the celebrated Sexual System. Of that Syftem which hitherto like the Bible in catholic countries, has been locked up in a foreign language, acceflible only to the learned few, the Priefts of Flora, whilll: the gardiner, the herb-gatherer, the druggift, the farmer, and all who are concerned in cultivating the various tribes of vegetation, in detecting their native habitations, or in vending or confuming their products, could by no induftry arrive at that Syftem, which they wiihed to attain, and were capable of enlarging. It remains only, that we mould here make our moll: grateful acknowledgements to the President of the Royal Society, who with his ufual liberality allowed us the ufe of his Botanic Library ; to Dr. Linneus, the prefent Botanic ProfeiTor at Upfaly for fupplying us with a part of his Supplementum Plantarum, before the whole was publifhed ; to that great Mafter of the englifh tongue Dr. Samuel Johnson, for his advice in the formation of the botanic language ; and for variety of opinion, remark, and afiiftance, to the learned Professors of Botany in the xii. PREFACE of the TRANSLATORS. the Univerfities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Ed- inburgh ; Dr. Sibthorpe; Rev. T. Martin; Dr. Hope ; Mr. Wheeler, Botanic Lecturer to the Apothecaries Company ; Mr. Foxley, Prefident of the Botanical Society, at Manchejier ; Dr. Poultney, F. R. S. Author of a General View of the Writings of Linneus ; Mr. W. Hudson, Author of the Flora Anglica; Rev. J. Lightfoot, Author of the Flera Scotica; Mr. Lee, Author of the Introduction to Bo- tany ; the learned and ingenious Ladies Mrs. Eg- erton, Oulton-Park, C he/hire ; Mrs. Blackburne, Orford, Lancajhire ; and Mrs. Cummins, Kenfmgton. Drs. Duncan and Hutton, Edinburgh ; Dr. Per- cival, Manchejier ; Dr. Oakes, Mansfield-, John Pitchford, und John Crowe, Efqrs. Norwich ; R. Calvert, Efq; Lincoln' s- Inn ; Rev. Dr. Good- enough, Ealing ; John Sneyd, Efq; Belmount, Staf- fordshire -y Dr. Aldrich, Cocklow, Nottingham/hire ; Dr. Evans, Shrewfhury ; Rev. G. Jackson, Penny- bridge yLancafh. Rev. Mr. Davy, Milham, Norfolk ; T. Woodward, Efq; Bungay, Suffolk; John Hough- ton, Efq; Baguley, Che/hire; Rev. Mr. Dickinson, Blymhill, Staff "or -djhire; Mr. Wm. Alexander,. Hali- fax; Rev. W. Pashly, Balbro' , Derby/hire; and many other of the learned and ingenious. ^c^ BOTANIC BOTANIC TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. BOTANIC TERMS AND DEFINITIONS. ROOT, (radix) an organ nourifhing the plant. Duration. 1 Annual, (annua) perifhing with the year. 2 Biennial, (biennis) flowering another year and then perifhing. 3 Perennial, (perennis) flourishing again through many years. Figure. 4 Fibrous, (fibrofa) confifting intirely of threads. 5 Branchy, (ramoja) fubdivided into fibres. 6 Spindle-form, (fujiformis) flmplifh tapering. 7 End-bitten, (pramorfa) as if lop'd at the point. 8 Creeping, (repens) running fome length and then budding. 9 'Jointed, (articulata) intercepted with joints. 10 Teeth-like, (dentata) necklace-form, with joints chained together. 11 Globular, (globofa) roundifh ( 1 56) with lateral rootlets. 1 2 Tuberous, (tuber ofa) flelhy parts connected at the bafe by a thread. 13 Fafcicled, (fafcicularis) flelhy parts connected at a fenile (148) bafe. 14 Handed, (pahnata) flefhy lobed. (iSl) 1«; Bulbous, (bulbofa) furnifhed with a bulb. (652) j 6 Granulated, (granidata) befprinkled with flelhy particles. TRUNK, (truncus) an organ multiplying the plant Kinds. 17 Stem, (caidis) a trunk elevating the fructification ar-t! leaves, 18 Culm, (culmus) appropriated to grafles. 19 Scape, ffcapus) elevating the fructification^ but;- 20 Stipet (jiipcs) a trunk becomng leaves. *C2 xvi. BOTANIC TERMS Duration. 21 Herhaceou , ( herbaceus) certainly annual (not woody). 22 Somewhat- /hrubby, (fiijfruticofus) permanent at the bafe, the yearly branches withering. 23 Shrubby, (fruticofus) perennial with many flocks. 24 Arborejcent, (arboreus) perennial with a Ample flock. Substance. 25 Solid, (folidus) ril ed full within. 26 Empty, ( tnanis) fpungy internally with pith. 27 Piped, (fijiulofus) tube^ar within. Direction. 28 Erecl, (ereilus) railing itfelf almofl perpendicularly. 29 Straight, ( Jlridus) quite perpendicular without bending. 30 Rigid, (rigidus) impatient of frsxure. 31 Flexible, (laxus) eafily bent into a bow. 32 Oblique, (obliquus) between a perpendicular and horizontal line. 33 Amending, (afcendens) archwife upwards. 34 Declined, (decdnatus) defcending archwife. 35 Incurvate, (incurvatus) nodding upwards, 36 Nodding, (nutans) bent down outward from the top. 37 Spreading, (diffj.p.is) with expanding branchlets. 38 Procumbent, (procumbens) weak, fupported on the earth. 39 Stole-bearing, (Jloloniferus) giving out fcions from the root. 4c. Sarmentous, (farmentofus) thread-form with root-ftricking branches^ 41 Creeping, (repens) lying on the earth and ftriking roots. 42 Rooting, (radicans) fixing itfelf by deep lateral roots. 43 Knotted, (geniculatus) intercepted by knots. 44 JFinding, (flexuofus) bending from bud to bud this way and that. 45 Climbing, (fcandens) rifing high, fuftained on others. 46 Twining, (volubilis) afcending fpirally by other bodies. From the right, (dextrorfum) to the left. From the left, (ftnijlrorfum) to the right. Figure. 47 Columnar, (teres) without angles. 48 Semuoluhmar, ffemiter'es) flat on one fide, roundifh on the other. 49 Co?npreJfed, (comprejjus) the two opofite fides flat. 50 Two-edged, (anceps) the two oppoiite angles rather acute. 51 Angled, (angulatus) grooved longitudinally with more than two hollow angles. Acuteangular, (acutangulus) from the figure of the angles. 52 Three-cornered, 'trigonus) with three prominent longitudinal angles. 53 Three-ftded, (triqueter) with three fides exactly flat. Cloathing AND DEFINITIONS. xvu. Cloathing. 54 Naked, (nodus) opofed to the 5 following (55. 56. 57. 58. 59.) 55 Leaflefs, (aphyllus) deftitute of leaves. 56 Leafy, (foliatus) furnifhed with leaves. 57 Sheathed (vaginatus) furrounded with fheaths of leaves. 58 Scaly, (fquamofus) fprinkled with fcales. 59 Lubricated, (imbricatus) covered fo as not to appear naked. Surface. 60 Corky, (fuberofus) cloathed with an exterior bark, fofter but not elaftic. 61 Chinky, (rbnofu) fpontaneoufly forming cracks in the exterior bark. 62 Coated, (tunicatus) cloathed with membranes. 63 Polifh'd, (lavis) with an equal furface. 64 Striated, (ftriatus) engraved witli very fine hollow lines, 65 Furrow':!, (falcatus) ploughed with deep lines. 66 Smooth, (giaber) 213. 67 Rugged, (fcaber) 240. 68 Murex'd, 1 murkdtus) fprinkled with awl-fhape points. 69 Downy, (tomentofus) 235. 70 Villous, (vittofus) 234. 71 Hifpid, (hifptdus) 241. 72 Prickly, (a:culeatus) 242. 73 Thorny, (fpinofus) armed with fpines. 384. 74 Stinging, urens) fprinked with ftings. 39 r. 75 Stlpukd, (Jiipnlatus) having ftipules. 291. 76 Membranous, (membranatus) flattened like a leaf. 77 Bulb-bearing, (bidbiferus) producing bulbs, 653. Structure. 78 Knotlefs, (enodis) continued without joints. 79 Very funple, (fimpluijjimus ) with fcarcely anv branches. 80 Simple, (fimplex) extended into a continued feries towards the top. 8 I Intire, (integer) very funple with fmall branches. 82 'Jointed, (articulatus) intercepted with knots. S3 Proliferous, (prolifer) putting out branches only from the center of the top. 84 Two-forked, (dichotomus) divided always by pairs. 85 Crofs-arm'd, (brachiatus) with branches oppofed crofs-wife. 86 Somewhat-branchy, (fubra?nofus) with very few lateral branches. 87 Branchy, (ramofus) with many lateral branches. 8 8 Very branchy, (ramofifimus) thronged with many branches without order. 89 Twiggy, (virgatus) with weak unequal branchlets. 90 Paraded, (paniculaius) with branches varioufly fubdivided. 91 Level- xviii. BOTANIC TERMS. 91 Level-top^d, (fafligiatus) with branches of equal height. 92 Expanding^ (patens) (131.) 93 Divaricated, (divaricatus) (103) BRANCHES, {rami ) parts of the ftem. 94 Alternate, (alterni) (113) 95 Two-ranked, (difiicbi) (114) 96 Scatter' d, (fparfi) (116). 97 Crouled, (conferti) (117) 98 Oppofite, (oppofiti) (124). 99 Verticil d, (verticipati) many furrounding the trunk at the joints. 100 Erect, (ere£li). (127J. 101 Condenfed, (coarclati) almoft leaning over toward the top. 102 Diverging, (divergentes) parting from the trunk at a right angle. j 03 Divaricated, (divaricaii) parting from the trunk at an obtufe angle. 104 Defietted, (deflexi) inclining downwards in anarch. 105 Reflected, (refiexi ) hanging perpendicularly. 106 Retrofitted, (retrofiexi) this way and that way diftorted. 107 Prop'd, (fulcraii) (289J furnimed with props. LEAVES, (folia) organs of motion of the plant. Determination : Place. 108 Radical, or root-leaf, (radicale) fitting on the root. 109 Stem-leaf, (caulinum) inferted on the item 1 10 Branch-leaf, (ramewn) fitting on the branches. 311 Axillary, (axillare) inferted at the bafe of the branch. 112 Floral, (florale) neareft to the flower. The number is to be note:!. Situation. 113 Alternate, (alterna) arifing by fteps about the branch, 114 Tzvo-rank d, (dtfticha) bending towards the fides of the branch, though inferted on all parts of it, 115 Two-faced, ibifaria) fpringing only on the two oppofite fides of the branch. 116 Scatter d, (fparfi) growing without certain order. 117 Crouded, (conferta) numerous almoft hiding the whole branch or ftem. 118 Imbricated, (imbricata) covering half of each other. 119 Fafciclcd, (fafciculata) many from the fame point at the joint of the branches. 120 Two-fold, three-fold, five-fold, &c. (hina, terna, quina, l3c.) ac- cording to the number at the joints of the branches. 121 Confluent, (confluentia) cohering together at the bafe. 122 Approximated, (approximata) coming very near each other. 123 Remote, (remota) diftant from each other. 124 Oppofvc AND DEFINITIONS. xix. 124 Oppofite, (oppofita ) placed crofs-wife by pairs. 125 Decu/j'atcd, (aectijjtita) fo diiyoied oppohtely, that the branches, as we look down on the top, reftmble four orders. 1 26 Star'd, (Jlehata) more than two leaves unrounding the ftem. Direction. 127 Erecl, (erecluni) rifing almoft to a perpendicular. 128 Straight, (Jlriclum) quite perpendicular without bending. 129 Rigid, (rigidum) impatient of flexure. 1 30 Jpprejf'd, (apprtjfu?n) approaching the ftem with its difk. 131 Expanding, (patens) growing from the ftem at an acute angle. 132 Horizontal, ( borizontale) departing from the ftem at a right angle. 133 Arifing, (ajjurgens) archwiie ere£t, hrft declining, then erect at the point. 134 Injiecled, (inftexum) arched upward towards the top. 1 35 Reclined, (reclinatum) bent down that there may be an arch below the bafe, with an afcending point. 136 Recurvatc, (rtcurvatum) btnt down fo that the arch looks upwards. 137 Revolutc, (revolutum) bent fpirally. 138 Depending, (depautens) looking ftright on the earth. 139 Oblique, (obliquum) looking towards the fky, with the bafe towards the horizon. 140 South-turn' d, (adverfum) turning the upper fide to the South, (not to the fky.) 141 Vertical, (verticale) inverted, fo that the region of bafe is narrower than the region of the point. 142 Refupine, (rejuptnatum) the upperfide being under, and the under iide upptrmoft. 143 Immerfed, (jubmerfum) hid under the furface of water. 144 Szuimming, (nata)isj lying on the furface of the water. 145 Kooting, (raduans) ftnking roots. Insertion. 146 P dialed, (petiolatum) a petiole (292) inferted at the bafe. 147 Targeted, (peltatum) the petiole inferted into the difk of the leaf. 148 Seffde, (JeJJile) fitting immediately on the ftem without a petiole. 149 Adjoin' 'd, (adnatum) joined to the bafe of the branch by its upper furface. 150 Coadjoin'd, (coadunatum) many joined together. 151 Decurfive, (decurrens) extended downwards along the ftem by the bafe of the leaf. 152 Stem-clafping, ( ample xic aule) the bafe furrounding the ftem. 153 Leaf-pierced, (perfoliatum) the bafe tranfverfely furrounding the ftem and not gaping before, 154 Conjoin' 'd xx. BOTANIC TERMS 154 Conjoin' 'd, (connata) the pairs of oppofite leaves conjoin'd at their bafe. 155 Sheathing, (vaginans) the bafe forming a tube cloathing the ftem. Structure: Figure. 156 Rcundijk, (jubrotundum) approaching to an orbicular (157) figure. 157 Orbicular, (orbiculatum) a furrounding circle [the longitudinal diameter equal to the tranfveri one.] • 158 Egg'd, (ovaturn) the longitudinal diameter of which is greater than the tranfverfe one, circun fcribed at the bafe by a fegmeht of a circle, the top being narrower. 159 Oval, (ovale.) from a circle becoming oblong, each extremity being rounded and equal. 160 Oblong, (obiongum) the longitudinal diameter a few times greater than the tranfverfe one. 161 Parabolic, (parabolicum ) round towards the top gradually narrower. 162 lVedge-for?n, (ciineiforme) gradually narrowed towards the bafe. 163 Spatuled, (fpatulatum) roundifh (156) with a narrower linear ( 1 67 J bafe. 164 Rounded, (rotundatiwi) deprived of angles. 165 Lanced, (lanceolatum) oblong taper'd, at both ends. 166 Elliptic, (ellipticum) lanced with the breadth of an egg'd leaf. 167 Linear, (linearis) every where of an equal breadth. 168 Awny, (acerofian) linear, (167) permanent, (272). Angles. I 69 Intire, (integrum) undivided without any hollow. 170 Triangular, &c, (Triangulares &ti) according to the number of angles. 171 Delta-like, (deltoideum) rhomb-form (172) of four angles, of which the collateral ones are lefs remoit irom the bafe than the others. 172 Rhombic, (rhombeum) the form of a rhombus. 173 Trapeze-form, (trapeziforme) the form of a trapezium. Hollows. 174 Hearted, (cordatum) fomewhat egg'd, hollow'd at the bafe without pofterior angles. 175 Kidney-form, (reniforme) roundifh, hollow'd at the bafe without pofterior angles. 176 Moond, (lunatum) roundifh, hollow'd at the bafe, with pofterior acute angles. 177 Arrow? d AND DEFINITIONS. xxi. 177 Arroutd, ( 'fag itt at um) triangular, with pofterior acute angles di- vided by an interftice. 178 Halberted, (haflatum) arrow'd (177) with pofterior angles divi- ded by an interftice, prominent at the fides. 179 Ruminate, (runcinatnm) feather-cleft, (187) i'o that the lobes, convex before, are the contrary behind, as Dandelion. 180 Violin-form, (panduriforme) oblong contracted below at the fides. 181 Cleft, (fijfum) divided by linear hollows, with fbaight edges. 182 Lobed, (lobatum) divided by the middle into diftant parts. 183 Twice-fiveclcft, (bi-quinquej.dwn) according to the number of the fiffures. (181) 184. Parted, (partitum) divided almoft to thebafe. 185 Handed, (palmatum) divided beyond the middle into equalliih lobes. 186 Lyred, (lyratum) divided tranfverfly into fegments, of which the inferior lefs ones, are more remote. 187 Feather-cleft, (Pinnatifidum) divided tranfverfly into horizontal oblong fegments. 188 Sinuous, (finuatum) with wide hollows on the fides. 189 Jagged, (laciniatum) cut into various and indeterminate parts. 190 Ragged, (fquarrofum) divided into elevated fhreads, parallel to ' the plane of the leaf. Margin. 191 Very intire, (integerrimum) the very edge linear, not in the leafl cut. 192 Notched, (crenatum) the margin cut into nicks without any ref- pect to the extremities. 193 Sazvd, ([erratum) all the nicks of the margin looking towards the extremity. 194 Fringed, (ciliatum) parallel bridles, longitudinally placed on the margin. 195 Toottid, (dentation) diverging remote points on the margin. 196 Iborny, (fpinofum) awl'd, rigid prickly points on the margin. 197 Grijlly, (caridagineum) with a boneyifh margin. 198 Scollop' d, (repandum) the margin winding yet flat. 199 Tom, (laccrum) the margin varioufly divided in different fhaped fegments. 200 Gnaiud, (ercfum) finuous (188) with very fmall obtufe hollows, and with equal fegments. Top. 231 Dadal, (dcedaleum) at the fame time winding and torn. (199)- 202 Obtufe, (obtufum) terminated with a fegment of a circle. 203 End-nick 7/, (emarginatum) terminated with a nick. * D 204 Retufc xxii. BOTANIC TERMS 205 Retufe, (retufum) terminated with an obtufe hollow. 205 End-bitten, (pramorfnm) terminated obtuiely, with unequal di- vifions. 2c6 Lop'd, (truncation) terminated with a tranfverfe line. 207 Acute, (acutum) terminated with an acute angle. 20o Painted, (acuminatum) terminated with an awl'd (267) point. 2oq Piked, cujpMatum ) terminated with a briftly point. 2j0 Daggered, (mucranatum) terminated with a dagger {landing out. 211 TendriVd, (cirxbofum) terminated with a tendril. Surface. The uppc lide generally looks towards the fky, amd the undei one tov trds the earth. 212 Naked, (nu htm) deftitute of hairs or briftles. 2x3 Smooth, (glabrum) with a llippery furface. 21.: I ,',, \ifidum) with a mining fmoothnefs. 215 Bright, .lucidum) as if illuminated. 2 1 6 Colour d, (coloratum) with any colour but green. 217 Nervy, (nervofum) with very iimple veins from the bafe to the point. 218 Three-nerve, (trinerve) three nerves meeting together at the bafe of the leaf. 219 Triple-nerve (triplincrve) nerved with three nerves meeting to- gether above the bafe of the leaf. 220 Three-nerved, (trinervatum) nerved with three nerves meeting to gether behind the bafe of the leaf. 2?I Nervelefs, (enerve) oppoled to nerved. (217 220.) 222 Lined, (Uneatum) with dcpreffed nerves. 22 j Striated, (jlriatum) with parallel lines flightly hollow'd. jZx Furrow 'd, (fvlcatum) with deep hollow lines. 2?5 Veined, (venofum) with veffels varioufly divided. 226 Wrinkled, (rugofwn) full of wrinkles. 227 Bubbled, (bullqtum) form'd from a wrinkled (226) leaf, the vc ins being contracted on the other fide. 228 Pitted, (hcunofum) the difk being depreffed between the interfer- ing veins. 229 Vemlef, (avene), oppofed to veiny. (225.) 230 Dotted, ( punclalum) fprinkled with hollow points. 2:1 Papillous, (papiliofum) covered with flefhy, points. 232 Pimply, (paprriofwn) covered with little blifters. 23 1 Vtfcid, (vifciduni) fmeared with a tenaceous moifture. 234 Villous, (villofum) covered with foft hairs. 235 Downy, (tomentofum) covered with an undifcernable intertexture of hairs. 236 Silly, (jcriceum) covered with very foft clofe-prefled hairs. 237 Woolly* AND DEFINITIONS. xxiii, ^37 Woolly, (lanatum) cloathed as with cobweb (the hairs fpontane- oufly curling. > 238 Bearded, (barbatum) fet with parallel hairs. 239 Hairy, (pilofwn) covered with diftin£t long hair. 240 Rugged, (fcabrum) rough with prominent ftiiiiih points, 241 Hifpid, (htfpidum) befprinkled with ftirFbriftles. 242 Prickly, (aculeatum) armed with prickles. (378.) 243 Lance-prickled, (llrigofum) with lanced (165.) HirT^O.) prickles. Expansion. 244 Flat, (planum) with an equal fur face. 245 Channel' d, (canaliculatum) longitudinally hollow'd with a deep furrow. 246 Concave, (concavum) with the edge more contracted than the difk, fo that the difk is depreffed. 247 Convex, (ennvexum) with the edge more contracted than the difk, fo that tne difk is elevated. 248 Coivl'd, (cuadlatum) the fides approaching at the bafe, but the top fpreading out. 249 Plaited, (plication) the difk alternately bent with acute folds 250 Waved, (undatum) the difk alternately bent with obiufe folds. 251 CurTd, (crifpwn) the margin being luxuriant, the difk becomes larger than its ribs. Substance. 252 Membraneous, (membranaceum) the proper fubftance of the leaf. 253 Parch 'd, (fcariofum) the fubftance dry, parch'd founding to the touch. 254 Gibbous, (gihbum) both furfaces being convex, containing a more copious plup. 255 Columnar, (teres) almoft cylindrical. 256 Deprefid, (deprejfum) a pulpy (261) leaf, the difk more flatten'd than the fides. 257 Comprefsd, (comprejjum) a pulpy leaf, the fides more flatten'd than the difk. 258 KeeVd, (carinatum) the under part of the difk prominent longi- tudinally. 259 Compact, (compatlum) confiding of fol id fubftance. 260 Tubular, (tubulofum) internally concave or empty. 261 Pulpy, (pulpofum) filled with a tenaceous material. 262 Flejhy, (carnofum) filled internally with a folidifh pulp. 263 Three-fuied, (triquetrum) three longitudinal fides in an awl'd (167.) leaf. 264 Two-edged, (anceps) two prominent longitudinal angles, the difk being more convex. * d 2 2. 65^ Tongued XXIV. BOTANIC TERMS 265 Tongued, (lingulatum) linear (167) flefhy (262) convex (247) underneath. 266 Sword-form, (enftformc) two-edged (264) gradually leflfening from the bale to the top. 267 divl'd (fu'-ulatum) linear at the hafe, leffening towards the top. 268 Scymiter-form, (acinaciforme) comprefi'd (257) flefhy (262) with one edge convex, narrow, the other ftraighter thicker. 269 Axe-form, (dolabr'ifo. me) comprefl'd, roundifh, outwardly gib- bous (254) with a (harp edge roundifh beneath. Duration. 270 Deciduous, (deeiduum) falling after one fummer. 271 Falling, (caducum) falling in a fhort time, not enduring the whole fummer. 272 Permanent, (perfiftens) not falling when the fummer is over. 273 Perennial, (pereune) living through fome years. 274 Evergreen, (fempervirens) flourifhirjg through all feafons of the year. Composition, 275 Compounded, (compofttum) the petiole (290) fupporting more than one leaf. Compounded, 276 Jointed, (articulation) leaf growing out from the top of the leaf. 277 Paird, (covjugatum) feather'd (281) with only two lateral leaflets. 278 Finger d, (digitatum) a fimple petiole joining the leaflets to it at the top. 279 Two-fold, (binatum) finger'd (278) terminated with two leaflets. 280 Footed, (pedaium) the petiole two-clefr, the interior fide only joining to it many leaflets. 281 Feather'd, (pinnatnm) a fimple petiole joining to it at the fides many leafle s. 282 Ttvice-pair 'd, (bijugum) fo thricc-pair d, (trijugum) four-times^ pah V/, (quadrijugum) &c. feather'd, but with only four leaflets, &c. with an odd one, (cum hnparj) feather'd, terminated with a firgle (unpair'd) leaf. abruptly, (abrupte) feather'd, terminated neither with a t ndr.l nor with a leaflet. (69) Tcndrila, (chirrhofum) terminated with a tendril. (292) zuith leaflets oppofite, (foliolis oppofitis) (124) alternate. interrupted, (ruptis) with the alternate leaflets lefs. ' decurfive AND DEFINITIONS. xxv. decurfive, (decurfwis) with decurrcnt (151) leaflets on the petiole. Decomposed. 283 Twice-double, [btgeminuiri) a two-fork'd (84) petiole joining many leaflets at the top. 284 Thrice-three 'd, (biternatum) thrice three-finger'd. (279) SUPERDECOMPOSED. 285 Twice- feathered, (bipinnatum) doubly feather'd. (281) 286 Thrice-double, (trigeminum) triply double. Petiole twice-cleft bearing two leaflets at each fummit, and tw» other leaflets at the forking of the common petiole. 287 Three-times thrice -three d, (triternatum) triply threefold. 28b Thrice .feather 'd Ctripinnatum) triply feather'd. 289 SUPPORTS (fulcra) afliftances for the more commodious fupport of the plant. 290 Petiole, (petiolus) a prop fupporting the leaf. 291 Stipule, (Jlipida) a icale {landing at the bafeof the rifing leaf- It alk. 292 Tendril, (cirrhus) a fpirai threadform band, by which a plant is tyed to other bodies. 293 Pubefcence, (pubes) every kind of hairynefs of plants. 294 Arms, (arma) points preventing animals from injuring the plants. 295 Bracl, (braclea) floral leaf (112) differing in appearance from other leaves. 96 Peduncle, (pedunculus) a prop fuftaining the fructification. I y PETIOLE. Figure. 297 Linear, (linearis) (167) 298 Wingd, (alatus) dilated at the fides. 299 Club'd, (clavatus) thicken'd towards the top. 300 Membranous, (membranaceus) flatten'd. 301 Columnar, (teres) (255). 302 Se?ni-colnmnar, (femiteres) (48) 303 Three-fided, (triqueter) (53) Size. 304 Veryjhort, (brevijfimus) not reaching by much the length of the leaf. 305 Short, (brevis) not reaching the whole length of the leaf. 306 Middlefize, (mediocris) as long as the leaf. 307 Very Ml, BOTANIC TERMS. 307 Long, (longus) exceeding the leaf in length. 308 Very long, (longijfimus) exceeding the leaf in length feveral times. Insertion. 309 Inserted, (infertus) fitting perpendicularly on tiie branch. 310 Adjoin d, (adnatus) (14.9.) 311 Decurjrj,., {decurren$\ (151) 312 Shm-clafping, (ampiexicaulis) (152.) 313 Apperdaged, (appendkulktus) with leafy films at the bale. Direction. 314 Ere 51, {ereftus) (127) 315 Expanding, ( p rtah ) ( ; 3 -, ) . 316 Arifing, (ajfurgerts) (133.) 317 Recurved, (recurvatus) (136.) Surface. 31 S Smooth, (glabrr) (.213.) 319 Prickley, (acuieatus) ( : : ) 320 Nuked, (rtudus) (512) 321 feinted, (arii , ) 322 Spinefcentj (/pinefeens) browing hard and fharp. STIPULES, (Jiipula.) 323 Double, (geviina) two and two in pairs. 324 Solitary, (folitarta) iimple, fcatter'd. 325 Lateral, [lateralis) infr rted 0:1 the lides. 326 Behind the leaf , [extrafoiiaefte) placed beneath the leaf. 327 Before the leaf, [intrafoliacea) placed above the leaf. 328 Leaf-oppofed, {oppofiti folia) placed oppofite on the fide of the leaf. 329 Falling, (caduca) (27 1 ) 33a Deciduous, (deci- dual) (270.) 330 Permanent, (perf/lentcs) remaining after defolia- tion. 332 Spincfcent, (fpinefcentes) (322). 333 Sejfile (fef- firs) (148) 334 Adjoin' d, (adnata) (149.) 335 Decurrent, de- current es) (151.) 336 Sheathing AND DEFINITIONS. xxvii, 336 Sheathing, (vaginantes) (^155.) 337 Awl'd, (fubu- lat*) (267.) 338 Lanced, [lanceolate) (165. ) 339 Arrowed, (fagit- tat*) (177. J 340 Moon'd, [lunat*) (176.) 341 Erecl, (erecl*) (127.) 342 Expanding, (patentes) (131.) 343 Very intirey (integ errim*) ( icfi . ) 344 Saw'd, (ferrat*) (193.) 345 Fringed, (ciliata) (194.) 346 Tooth 7/, (dentat*) (195.) 347 Cleft, (fijfa) (181.) TENDRIL, (cirrhus.) 348 Axillary, (axillaris) (ill.) 349 Leaf-tendril, (folisris) growing on the leaf. 350 Petiole-tendril, (petiolaris) fitting on the petiole (290.) 351 Peduncle-tendril, (peduncidaris) fitting on the pe- duncle. (296.) 352 Simple, (fimplex) undivided. 353 Three-cleft, (trifidus) divided into three parts. 354 Many-cleft, (multijidus) divided into many parts. 355 Convolute, (convolutus) bent in rings. 356 Revolute, (revolutus) a fpiral line turned back in the middle of its courie, PUBESCENCE, (pubes.) 357 Hairs, (pili) excretory du&s of the plant briftlv. 358 Wool, (lana) curved denfe hairs. 359 Beard, (barba) parallel hairs. 360 Down, (to?nentu?n) foft interwoven hairs fcarcely difcernable. 361 Lance- brijlles, (frig*) ftiffifh flattifh hairs. 362 Brijlles, (fet*) ftijfifh roundifh hairs. 363 Simple, (fmplices) equally extended lon- gitudinally. 364 Hook'd, (hamofce) eafily adhering to animals. 365 Branchy, (ramofa) fubdivided as if into branchlets. 366 Feathery, (plumofa) compounded fhag- gy- 367 Star'd, (fellatce) difpofed decufTately. 368 Hooks xxviii. BOTANIC TERMS. 368 Hooks, (hami) daggers pointed curved. 369 Barbs, (glochides) daggers bent back at the top* 370 Gland, (glandula) a teat excreting a fluid. 371 Bladder, (utriculus) a veflel filled with a fecreted fluid. 372 Leaf -bladders, (foliacece) inferted on the leaves. 373 Petiole-bladders, (petiolares) f350.) 374 Pedunele-bladders, [peduncular cs) (351.) 375 Stipule-bladders, (Jlipularcs) inferted on the ffipule (291.) 376 Vifcofiiy, (vifccfitas) the quality of a tena- cious fluid. 377 Glutinofily, (glutinofitas) the quality of a flipperv fluid. ARMS, (anna.) 378 Prickles, (aculei) pricking daggers fixed only on the bark of plants. •579 Straight, (rccli) without bendings. 380 Incurved, (incurvi) bent inwards. 381 Recurved, (recurvi) reflected outwards. 382 Forks, (furccc) prickles divided into mmy. 383 Two- cleft, h three- cleft, (bifida & trifi- dee.) from the number of the divifions. 384 Thorn, (fpina) a dagger protruded from the wood of the plant. 385 Terminal, (terminalis) placed at the point of the plant. 386 Axillary, (axillaris) (ill.) 387 On the calyx, (calycina) fitting on the calyx. 388 On the leaf, (foliar is) (349.) 389 Simple, (jimplex) (363.) 390 Divided, (divifa) parted at top. 391 Stings, (jlimuli) daggers producing infiamatory hching punctures. BRACTS, (braclce) leaves of the following year. 392 Colour'd, (iotoratce) (216.) 393 Falling (caducce) (271.) 393 Deciduous, (deciduce) (270.) 395 Perma- nent, (pcrjiflens) (272.) 396 Tuft AND DEFINITIONS. xxix. 396 Tuft, (coma) bracts terminating the flem, re- markable for their fize. PEDUNCLE. 397 Partial, (partialis) bearing fome flowers of the common peduncle. 398 Common, (communis) common to many flow- ers. 399 Pedicel, (pedicellns) proper to the flowers of the common peduncle. 400 SCAPE, putting on the appearance of a Item with rooted pe- duncles. Place. 401 Radical, (radicalis) (108.) 40 2 Stem-fcape, (caidinus) (109.) 4O3 Brancb-fcape, (rameus) (no.) 404 On the petiole, (pctiolaris) (350.) 405 Tendril-bearing, (cirrhiferus) (292.) 406 Terminal, (terminalis) (385.) 407 Axillary, (axillaris) (ill.) 408 Lcafoppofed, (oppofitif alius) (328.) 409 Side-flower d, ( later if 'orus) (325.) 410 Before the leaf, (interfoliaceus) (327) 411 Behind the leaf, (extrafoliaceus) (326.) Situation. 412 Alternate, (alt emus) (ll2.) 413 Scatter d, (fparfus) (116.) 414 Oppofite, (oppoftus) (124.) 415 VcrtiaWd, (verticillatus) (99.) Number. 416 Solitary, (folitarius) (324.) 417 Double, (go minatus) (323.) 418 Sc'ffle umbellct, (umbellula fcffilis) many pedun- cles proceeding from the fame center with an equal circumference. Direction. 419 Apprefsd, (adprejjus) (130.) 420 Eretl, (ereclus) (127.) 221 Expanding, (patens) (131.) 422 Bo-wing, (cernuus) the top bending towards the earth. 423 Refupine, (refupinatus) (142.) 424 Declined, (declinatus) (34.) * e 425 Nodding *xx. BOTANIC TERMS. 425 Nodding^ (nutans) (36. J 426 Flaccid^ (flaccidus) weak, bending beneath the weight of its flower. 427 Ajc endings (afcendens) (33.) 428 Pendulous) (pendulus) loofe, hanging down- wards with its leaf. 429 Straight) (flriclus) (29.) 430 Winding) (Jlcxuofus) bending from flower to flower. 431 Retrofracled) (rctrofratlus) as if forcibly brought to hang down. 432 Many-flower d) (multiflorus) from the number of flowers on one ftalk. Structure. 433 Eoluhiitar, (teres) (47.) 434 Tbree-flded, (triqueter) (53.) 435 Four-corner' «) (tetragonns) ($1.) 430 Thread-form, (filiformis) every where of equal thicknefs. 437 T*per*d) (attenuatus) gradually lofing its thicknefs towards the top. 43 c CiuVd) (clavatus) (299.) 439 'thicken* a\ (incrajjatus) gradually acquiring a greater bulk towards the top. 443 Naked) (nudus) (212.) 441 Scaly, (fqua?nofus) (58.) 442 Leaved (fonatus) (56.) 44.3 Bracled) ( braEteatm ) furnifhed with a brad. 4., 4 Knottea, (geniculars) (43.) 445 Jointed) ( articulatus) (82.) 446 INFLORESCENCE, (inflorefcentia) is the manner in which flowers are joined to their peduncles. 447 VERTICIL, (verticillus) many flowers furrounding the ftem like a ring. 448 Sejfdc) (fjjilis) without apparent pedicils. 449 Fcduncled) (pedunculatus) with peduncles elevating the flower. 450 Naked, (nudus) oppofed to 451, 452. 45 1 Involucred) (involucratus) furnifhed with an invo- lucre. 452 Bracled) (bracleatus) (443.) 453 Crowded) (confertus) the peduncles near together 454 Dijlant) {dijlans) the peduncles remote. 455 HEAD AND DEFINITIONS. xxxi, 455 HEAD, (capitulum) with many flowers colle&ed in a globe. 456 Roundijh, (fubrotundum) almoft globular, (457 ) 457 Globular, (globcfum) round on all fides. 458 Halved, (dimidiatum) round on one fide flat on the other. 459 Leafy, (foliofum) leaves intermixed with the flowers. 460 Naked, (nudum) deftitute of leaves and briitles. 461 Faficlc, (fafciculus) a collection of erecl: parallel flowers, approaching each other level at the top. 462 SPIKE, (fplca) alternate felHle flowers on a fimple common peduncle. 463 Simple, (fimplex) continued undivided. 464 Compound, (compofta) many fpikelets growing on a peduncle. 465 Glomorate, (glomorata) fpikelets varioufly heaped together. 466 Egg% (ovata) (158.) 467 Bellied, (ventricofa) gibbous on the fides (254) 468 Cylindric, (cylindrica) taperiih. One-rank'd, (fecunda) means the above halved. 469 Interrupted, (interrupta) with lefs alternate diftin& fpikes. 470 Imbricated, (imbrieata) (118.) 471 Jointed, (artictdata) (82.) , 472 Branchy, (ramofa) varioufly divided. 473 Linear, (linearis) (167.) 474 Fringed, (ciliata) (194.) 475 Leafy, (foliacea) divided by leaves. 476 Tufty, (comofa) terminated with leaflets. 477 CORYMBE, (corymbus) is formed from a fpike (^62) when all the flowers are furniftied with their appropriated petioles, and proportionally elevated. 478 THYRSE, (tbyrfus) a panicle, (panicula) (490; condenfed into an egg'd form. 479 RACEME, (racemus) with peduncle furnifhed with lateral branches. 480 Simple, (fimplex) undivided. 481 Compound, (compo/itus) divided into many. 482 One-fided, (unilateris) all the flowers inferted en one fide. 483 One-row' d, (fecundus) all the flowers bent to one hde. * E 2 484 Footed xxxii. BOTANIC TERMS. 484 Footed, (pedatus) (280.) 485 Pair'd, ( 'conjugates ) (277.) 486 EPtfi, (creclus) (127.) 487 Flexible, (laxus) (31.) 488 Naked, (nudus) (460.) 489 Leaved, (foliates) (56.) 490 PANICLE, (panicula) fcatter'd flowers on a peduncle varioufly divided. According to the Structure of the trunk. 491 FRUCTIFICATION, (fruclificatio) a temporary part of vege- tables dedicated to germination. 492 Simple, (/implex) confifting of few flowers. 493 Cvnpcund, (compofiia) with many confluent florets. 494 CALYX, (calyx) the bark of the plant prefent in the fructifica- tion. 495 Perianth, (perianthium) a calyx contiguous to the fructification. 496 Of the fruotifcat'on, (fruclificaiionis) in- cluding the ftamens and germ. 497 Of the fioiuer, (floris) containing the fta- mens without the germ. 498 Of the fruit, (frucius) containing the germ without the ftamens. 499 Proper, (proprium) refpecling each flower. 500 One leaf, (monophyllum) form'd of a finale leaf. 501 Many-leaved, ( polyphyllum) confifting of many leaves. 502 Two-cleft, five-cleft, (bifidum, quinquefi- dum) (181) 503 Two-parted, five-parted, (bipartitum, quinqucpartitian) ( 1 84. ) 504 Intire, (integrum) (169.) 505 Tubular, (tubulofum) (260.) 506 Expanding, (patens) (131.) 507 Refiefted, (reflexion) the parts bent back- wards. 508 Inflated, (inflation) hollow like a bladder. 509 Abbreviated, (abbreviatum) not fo long as the tube. 510 Obtufe, (obtufum) (202.) 511 J cute, (acutwn) (207.) 512 Thorny, (fpinofum) (73.) ^13 Prickly AND DEFINITIONS. xxxfti. 513 Prickly, (acculeatwn) (242.) 514 Above, (fuperum) when the germ is below the receptacle. 5 t 5 Beneath, (inferum) when the germ is above the receptacle. 516 Common, (commune) containing many congre- gate flowers. 517 Imbricated, ( imbricatus ) covered with various fuperimpofed fcales. 518 Rugged-, (fquarrofum) with fcales every where disjointed. Parch' V, (jcarioflmi) with fcales at the margin membranous dry, fonorus ( 25 3 ) 519 Topjhape, (turbinatum) inverfly conical. 520 Calycled, (calyculatum) the calyx furround- ed at the bafe, as if with a lefTer calyx. 521 Involucre, (involucrum) a calyx remote from the flower. 522 Univcrfal, (unlverfale) beneath an uni- verfal umbel. 523 Partial, (partiale) beneath a partial um- bel. 524 Proper, (proprium) beneath each flower. 525 Glume, (gluma) the calyx of grafs, with embracing; valves. 526 One-flower' d, (uniflora) embracing a finglc flower, 527 Many-flower d, ( multiflora ) including many flowers. 528 One-valved, (univalvis) confifting of one valve. 529 Two-valved, (bivalvis) confifting of two valves. 530 Many-valved, (?nultivalvis) with more than tw» valves. 531 Colour d, ( color ata) (216.) 532 Smooth, (glabra) (2J3-) 533 Hifpid, (hifpida) (241.) 534 Awn, (arifla) an awl'd dagger growing on the glume. 535 Azunltfs, (mutica) without a point, 536 Terminal, (terminalis) fixed to the point of the glume. 537 Dorfal, (dorfalis) placed on the exterior fide of the glume. 538 Straight, (retla) coming out perpendicularly. 539 Tivijled, (tort His) bent like a cord, 540 Knotted, (geniculata) (43.) 541 Recurved swriv BOTANIC TERMS 541 Recurved, (recurvata) (136.) 542 Ament, (amentum) from a chaffy buddy common recep- tacle. (633) 543 Spatbe, (fpatha) a calyx burfting longitudinally. 544 One-vuhed, (univalvi ) g-ping on one fide. 545 Halved, (dimidata) covering the fructification only with the interior fide. 546 Calyptre, (calyptra) a cowi'd calyx of AlOSS covering the antner. 547 Straight, ( refta) every where equal. 548 Obliqiu, (obliqua) bent to one fide. 549 Volve, (volva) the membranous calyx of a FUNGUS. 550 Approximated, [approximata) near the head. 551 Very rctncte, (remotijfima) di (rant from the head. 552 COROL, (corolla) the inner rind of the plant prefent in the flower. 553 Petal, (petahan) part of a corol divided into many. 554 Tube, (tubus) the inner part of a one-petal corol. 555 Claw, (ungui inferior part of a many-pe- tal'd corol fiVd to the receptacle. 556 ttoai , 1 Bnbus) the fuperior dilated part of the corol. 557 Fold, (lamina) the fupe ior fpreading part of a one-petal'd corol. Cne-petal'd, or many pe- tal'd, according to the number of petals. 558 Regular, (rcgularis) equal in figure, magnitude, and proportion of parts. 559 Irregular, (irregularis) in the parts of the border being different in figure, magnitude and pro- portion of the parts. 560 Unequal, (inaqualis) the parts correfponding not in magnitude, but in proportion. 561 Globular, (globcfa) like a globe. 562 Bell'd, (companulata) bellied (467) without a tube. 563 Funnel-form, (infundibuliformis) conical placed on a tube. 564 W-hceVd, (rotata) flat, not placed on a tube. 565 Grinning, (ringens) irregular, gaping with two lips. 566 Helmet of a grinning coral, (galea rigentis) the upper lip. Lip AND DEFINITIONS. xxxv. Lip, (labium) is often ufed for the lower lip of a grinning corol. 567 Throat, (faux) the opening between the divisions of the corol where the tube ends. 568 Majk'd, (perfonata) grinning (565) but with this palate clofed between the lips. 569 Crofs'd, (cruciate) expanding with four equal petals. 570 Concave, (concava) (246.) 57 1 Expanding^ (patens) (131) 572 Papilionaceus, (papiliovacea) irregular, with the inferior petal boat-form, [the keel) (carina) the upper one afcending,(f/->£ banner )(vexillum) the lateral ones folitary, (the wings) (ales.) 573 Compound, (compofita) confifting of many florets with a common perianth, upon a common receptacle. 574 Ligulate, (ligulata) all the cordlets of the florets flat towards the outward fide. 575 Tubular, (tubuiofa) all the coiollets of the florets tubular nearly equal. 576 Radicated, (radiata) the corollets ofthe^difk. tubular, but thofe of the circumference mif- fhapen ligulate. The colour is to be noted. 577 Neflary, (neclariuni) the honey bearing part proper to the flower. 578 Proper, (proprium) diftindl: from the petals and other parts. 579 On the petal, (petalinum) from its infer tion on the petals. 580 STAMEN, (flamen) an organ for the preparation of the duft. 581 Fila?nent, (Jilamentum) the part elevating and connecting the anther, conftituting the male. 582 Equal, (csqualia) having the fame length. 583 Unequal, (ineequalia) fome larger fome lei's. 584 Conjoined, (connata) many joined into one. 585 Anther, (ajithera) a part of the flower big with duft, which when mature it fcatters. 586 Bijlincl, (dijlinclte) not cohering toge- ther. 587 Conjoin d, (connata) many join'd tinto one. 588 Dujl XXXVI. BOTANIC TERMS 588 Duft, (pollen) the duft of the flower, to be burft by moiftu.e, throwing out elairic toius, the origin of the plant. 580 PISTIL, (pijlillum) an organ adhering to the fruit for the reception of the duft, couftituting the female. 590 Germ, (germen) the rudiment of the imma- ture fruit in the flower. 591 Above, (fuperum) included in the corol. 592 Beneath, (infer urn) placed beneath the corol. 593 Style, (ftylus) part of the piilil elevating the ftigma from the germ. 594 Stigma, (Jligma) the top of the piftil, moift with fluid. 595 PERICARP, {pericarpium) an organ of the plant big with feeds which when mature it fcatters. 596 Capfule, (capfula) a hollow pericarp gaping in a determinate manner. 597 Valvlet, (valvula) the coat, by which the fruit is covered externally, 598 Cell, (hculamentvm) a hollow chamber as a place for the feeds. 599 Partition, (dijppimentum) the wall by which the fruit is divided internally in- to many chambers. 600 Two-capfuled, (bicapfuhiris) from the number of the capfules. 601 Two- cell' d, (bilocularis) from the num- ber of the cells. 602 TJjree-grain'd, (tricocca) a capfule pro- tuberant with three knots, and divided within into three cells. 603 Twin, (didyma) a capfule gibbous with two knots. 604 Siiique, (fdiqua) a two-valve pericarp, the feeds being fixed along the futures. 605 Ccmprefe'd, (comprelja) the oppoflte fides- approaching near together. 606 Protuberant, (torulofa) here and there gibbous with prominent parts. boy Jointed, {artuulata) intercepted with tight knots. 608 Parallel AND DEFINITIONS. xxxvii. 608 Parallel partition, (parallelum diffepimen- tum) approaching the valvelets by its breadth and by itstranfverfe diameter. 609 Tranfuerfe partition, (tranfuerfum difje- pimentum) narrower where the con- tracted valvelets become concave. 610 Legume [legumen) a two-valv'd pericarp, the feeds being fixed along one fide only. 6 u Intercepted -with ijlbmufes, (ijlhmis inter- cepturn) divided tranfverfly within into various cells. 612 Folicle, (foliculus) a one-valve pericarp, ga- ping longitudinally on one fide, the feeds not being fix'd to the future. 613 Drupe, (drupa) a valvelefs fill'd pericarp, containing a nut. 614 Juicy, (fucculenta) containing a fluid. 615 Dry, (ficca) oppofed to the preceding. 616 Pome, (pomurn) a valvelefs filled pericarp con- taining a capfule. 617 Berry, (bacca) a valvelefs fill'd pericarp, con- taining feeds, in other refpects naked. 618 Nidulant, (nidulantia) feeds fpread through the pulp. 619 Strobile, (Jlrobilus) form'd of an ament, with hardened fcales. 620 SEED, (femen) the rudiment of the new plant. 621 Hile, (hilum) the external fear of a feed, where it was fixed in the fruit. 622 Corcle or Heart, (corcuhnn) the rudiment of the new plant within the feed. Plumelet, (plumula) part of the corcle fcaly, afcen- ding. Rofiel, or Beak, (rojlellum) part of the corcle Am- ple defcending. Cotyledon, (cotyledon) the lateral body of the feed bi- bulous falling off. 623 Crown, (corona) a calycle adhering on its top, bv which it flys, 624 Pappus, (pappus) a feathery, or hairy fly- ing crown. 625 Stiped, (Jlipitatus) by a thread elevating and connecting the tuft and feed. F 626 Capillary xxxviii, BOTANIC TERMS 626 Capillary, (capillaris) with un- branch'd hairs. 627 Feathery ', (plumofus) confifting of feathery hairs. 628 Tail, ( cauda) a feed terminated by a thread. 629 Hook, (hamits) by which it adheres to animals. 630 Calycle, [calyculus) the proper cover of the feed. 631 Nut, (nux) a feed covered with a bony cuticle 632 Aril, (arillus) the proper exterior coat of the feed falling off fpontaneoufly. 653 RECEPTACLE, (receptaculum) the bafe by which the parts of the fructification are connected. 634 Common, (commune) containing many flowers and their fruit. 635 Dotted, (punclatum) fpnnklcd with hollow dots. 636 Hairy, (pilofum) (239.) 637 Chaffy, (paieaceum) dividing the florets by interpofed fcales. 638 Flat, (planum) (244) 639 Convex, (convexum) (247.) 640 Conical, (conicum) round tapering towards the top. 641 AwVd, (fubulatum) (267.) 642 Compound flower, (compofitus flos) with a broad intire receptacle and with feflile florets. 643 Aggregate flower, (aggregatusflos) with a broad receptacle, with florets fubpetioled. 644 Umbel, (umbella) a receptacle elongated from one center into thread-form pro- portional peduncles. 645 Si?nple, (flmplex) all the pedun- cles arifing from one and the fame receptacle. 646 Compound, (compoflta) all the peduncles bearing umbellets on their tops. 647 Universal, ( universalis) com- pofed of many iimple ones. 648 Partial? AND DEFINITIONS. xxxix. 648 Partial^ (partialis) an umbellet part of an univerfal one. 649 Proliferous, (prolifera) an um- bel more than decompoun- ded. 650 Cyme, (cyma) a receptacle elongated in- to level-top'd peduncles, from the fame univerfal centre, but with the partial ones uncertain. 651 Rachis, (rachis) a thread-form recepta- cle connedting the florets longitudinally into a fpike. 652 Spadix> (fpadix) the receptacle of a PALM coming out of a fpathe, divided into fhrubby branchlets. 653 BULB, (bidbus) the hybernacle of the plant from the rudiments of the paft leaves. 654 Solid, (folidus) flefhy, undivided within. 655 Coated, (tunicatus) a bulb with coat upon coat. 656 Scaled, (fquamatus) with imbricated fcales. 557 Stem-bulb, (caulinus) growing on the item. petiole-bulb, (petiolaris) from the rudi- ments of a petiole. Jlipule-bulb, (Jlipularis) made from 3 ftipule. cortical, (corticalis) from the films of the bark. leaf-bulb, (foliaris) containing leaves, not flowers. fi 'oral-bulb, (f 'oralis) containing flowers not leaves. common, (communis) containing both leaves and flowers. 658 BUD, (gemma) the hybernacle of a plant from the rudiments of future leaves. 659 VERNATION, (vernatio) the difpofition of the leaves in the bud, (658.) 660 Conduplicate, (conduplicata) the fides of the leaves applied parallel to each other. 661 Convolute, (convoluta) fpiral like a paper-cone. 662 Involute, (involuta) the edges fpirally turned in on the upper furface on both fides. *f 2 663 Equitant, xl. BOTANIC TERMS. 663 Eqaitant, (equitantia) approaching with their oppo- fite margins, fo that one includes the other. 664 Obvoluie, (obvoluta) with refpect to the upper fur- face with the fides approaching, fo that each I le fhews a different leaf. 665 Plaited, fplicatum) bent into various folds. 666 Spiral, (ch rinnale) bent into a tranfverfe fpiral line, fo thai the point is in the center. MEASURES. 667 A Line, (linearis) the breadth of a moonlet, at the root of the fin- ger nail, (not the thumb.) 668 Half an Inch, (unguicularis) length of a nail. 669 An inch, (poHicaris) length of the laft joint of the thumb. 670 A band, (pabnaris) the length of the breadth of the hand. 67 1 Six inches, (fpithamaus) the fpace between the points of die thumb and the firfr. finger when extended. 672 A Span, (dodrantalis) the fpace between the points of the thumb and leaft finger when extended. 673 A Foot, (pedalii) from the bend of the elbow to the bafe of the thumb. 674 Six feet, (orgyalis) the length of a man. INDEX. xli. N D E X. A ABBREVIATED 509. Above 514, 591 Abruptly 282 Acutanglar 57 Acute 207, 511 £41. Adjoin'd 149, 310, 334 Aggregate flower 643 Alternate 94, 113, 4 1 2, 282 £ Ament 542 £.13/. Angled 51 Annual 1 Anther 585 Appendaged 313 Apprefs'd 130, 419 Approximated 122, 550 Arborefcent 24 Aril 632 Arifing 133, 316 Arms 294 Arrow'd 177, 339 £ld. Afcending 33, 427 Awl'd 267, 337, 641 £s. Awn 534 Awnlefs 535 Awny 168 £-10/. Axeform 269 S.57. Axillary hi, 348, 386, 407. B Banner 257 Barb 369 Beard 359 Bearded 238 Behind the Leaf 326, 41 1 Before the Leaf 327, 410 Bell'd 562 ^Bellied 467 Beneath 515, 592 Berry 617 Biennial 2 Bladder 371 Bulb-bearing .77 Border 556 Bowing 422 Brade 295 ±1-2.0 ■ Bracked 443, 452 Branch-leaf no±.go. Branch-fcape 403 Branchy 5, 87, 365, 472 Branches 94 Bright 215 Briftles 362 Briftly 533 Bubbled 227 Bud 658 Bulb 653 Bulbous xlii. Bulbous 15 Calycle 630 Calycled 520 Calyx 494, 387 Calyptre 546 Capillary 626 Capfule 596 Cdl -Q° Chaffy 627 neli'd 245 £.Co- Chinky 61 Claw 555 Cieft 181, 347 tl() Climbing 4 5 Club'd 299, 43S Coadjoin'd 150 Coated 62, 655 Colour'ti 216, 392, 531 Columnar 47, -255.» 301, 433:£ Common 398, 51b, 634» 657 Compact 259 Compound 464, 481, 493, 573, 646 Compounded 175 Compound- flower 642 Comprefs'd 49, 257, 605 Concave 246, 570 Condenfed 101 Conduplicate 660 Confluent 121 Conical 640 Conjoin'd 154, 584, 587 .£0S. Convex 147, 639 Covolute 355, 66 r Corcle 622 Corky 60 Corol 552 Cortical 657 Corymbe 477 Cotyledon 622 Cowl'd 248 N D E X. Creeping 8, 41 Crofs'd 569 Croff-arm'd 85 iii/ Crouded 97, 1 1 7, 453 Crown 623 Culm 1 8 Curl'd 251 139. Gylindric 468 Cyme 6^0 D Daedal 201 Dagger'd 210 Declined 34, 424 Deciduous 270, 330, 394 De rent 335 fgs. Decurfiye 151, 311, 282 •ted 125 1 °d 1 04 Delta-like 171 £ 5«. riding 1 ]S ( ... ..lied 256 Diftant 4.54 Diftjna 586 Divaricated 93, 103 Diverging 102 Divided 390 Dorfal 537 Dotted 230, 635 Double 323, 417 Down 360 Downy -6*9, 235 /4'S- Drupe 613 Dry 615 Duft 588 Egg'd 158, 466 £.3. Elliptic 166 Empty 26 End-bitten 7, 20$£.L&. End-nick'd 203 Equal 582 Equitant 663 Erect I N D X. «Jiii, Erecl: 28, 100, 127, 314, 341, 420,, 486 3? S3- Evergreen 274 Expanding 92, 131, 315, 342, 421, 506, 571 isA- Falling 271, 329, 393 Fafcicle 461 Fafcicled 13, 119 ±'T0/. Feather-cleft 187 £.23. Feather'd 281 Feathery 366, 627 Fibrous 4 Filament 581 Finger'd 278 /'$>• Flaccid 426 Flat 244, 638 Flefhy 262 , Flexible 31, 487 Floral 112 £gi. Floral-bulb 657 Flower 497 Fold 557 Folicle 612 Foot 673 Footed 280, 484 f. Cy. Forks 382 Four-corner'd 435 Fourtimes-pair'd 282 Fringed 194, 345, 474 -f 50. Fructification 491, 496 Fruit 498 Funnel-form 563 Furrow'd 65, 224 i*.£i Germ 590 Gibbous 254 Gland 370 Globular jj, 457, 561 Glomerate 466 Glofiy 214 Glume 525 Glutinofity 377 Gnaw'd 200 "2i- Granulated 16 Griftly 197 Grinning 565 H Half an inch 668 Hand 670 Handed 14, 185 £L2Z. Hairs 357 Hairy 239, 636 £-4y. Halberted 178 £.J.&\ Halved 458 545 Head 455 Heart, 622 Hearted 174 /'. io. Helmet 566 Herbaceous 21 Hile 621 Hifpid 71, 241 /-4?- Hook'd 364 Hooks 368, 629 Horizontal 132 Jt*5. I Jagged 189 fU- Imbricated 59, 118, 470, ^iy£jc6 Immerfed I43 Inch 669 Incurved 380 Inflated 508 Infleded 134 i-S2>- Inflorefcence 446 Inferted 309 Intercepted 611 Interrupted 469 282 Intire 81, 169, 504 Involucre 521 Involucred 451 Involute 662 Jointed 9, 82, 276, 321, 445, 471, 607 £±00. Irregular 559 Juicy 614 K •kHv. N D E X. K N Keel 572 Keel'd 258 Kidney-form 175 t.q. Knotlefs 78 Knotted 43, 444, 540 Lance-briftles 361 Lance-briftled 243 Lanced 165, 338 £.6. Lateral 325 Leaf 388 Leaflefs 55 Leaf-bladders 372 Leaf bulb 657. Leaf-pierced 153 £j)7- Leaf-oppofed 328, 408 Leaf-tendril 349 Leafy ( 56, 459, 475 Leavecl 4*42, 489 Legume 610 Level-top'd 91 Ligulate 574 Line 667 Lined 222 Linear 167, 297, 473 £y. Lip 566 Lobed 182, 206 £ ig- Long 307 Lop'd 206 Lyred 186^6- M Many-cleft 354 Many-flower'd 432, 527 Many-leaved 501 Many-valved 530 Mafk'd 560 Membranous 76, 252, 300 Middlefize 306 Moon'd 176, 340 fli.. Murex'd 68 Naked 54, 212, 320, 440, 450* 460, 488. Nectary 577 Nervy 217 ± 5S. Nervelefs 221 Nidulant 618 Nodding 36, 425 Notch'd 192 £3S- Nut 631 O Oblique 32, 139, 548 Obtufe 292, 510 £40. Oblong 160 {5. Obvolute 664 Pi. to.iv. Odd 282 One-flower'd 526 One-leaf 500 One-rank'd 483 One-fided 482 One-valved 528, 544 Oppofite 98, 124, 282, 4i4.£/cg. Orbicular 157/.I. Oval 159 £4. P Pair'd 277, 485 Panicle 490 Pan;c!ed 90 Papil.onaceous 572 Papil.ous 231, 624 T-^- Pappus 624 Parabolic 161 /iiO. Parch'd 253, 518 Parallel partition 608 Partial 397, ^23, 648 Parted 184 *28, Partition 599 Pedicel 399 Peduncle 296 Ped uncled 449 Peduncle-bladders 374 Ped unci? I N Peduncle- tendril 351 Pendulous 428 Perennial 3, 273 Perianth 495 Pericarp 595 Permanent 272, 331, 395 Petal 553, 579 Petiole 290, 404 Petioled 146 £ p3. Petiole-bladders 373 Petiole-bulb 657 Petiole-tendril 350 Piked 209 Pimply 232 Piped 27 , Pitted 228 Piftil 589 Plaited 249, 665 £9/. Plumelet 622 Pointed 208 £az. Polifli'd 63 Pome 616 Prickles 378 Prickley 72, 242, 319, $13 Procumbent 38 Proliferous 83, 646 Prop'd 107 Protuberant 606 Proper 499, 524, 578 Pubefcence 293 Pulpy 261 R Raceme 479 Rachis 651 Radiated 576 Radical 108, 401 Ragged 190 Receptacle 633 Reclined 135 £3&. Recurvate 136 Recurved 317, 381, 541 Regular 558 Reflected 105, 507 Remote 123 D X. Xlv. Retroflecled 106 Retrofracted 43 1 Retufe 204 fj,6. Refupine 142, 423 Revolute 137, 356/8?. Rhombic 172 Rigid 30, 129 Rooting 42, 145 Rounded 164 Roundiih 156, 456 t-Z. Roftel 622 Rugged 67, 240, 518 Runcinate 179 Sarmentous 40 Saw'd 193, 344 / 34. Scaly 58, 441 ±-111. Scaled 656 Scape 19, 400 fii3 .Scattered 96, 1 1 6, 413 Scymeter-form 268 £5b. Scollop'd 198 f-ZQ- Seed 620 Semicolumnar 48, 302 Seflile 148, 333, 448 £()/,. Sheathed 57 Sheathing 155, 336 /<#. Short 305 Shrubby 23 Side-flower'd 409 Silique 604 Silky 236 Simple 80, 352, 263, 389, 463, 480, 492, 645 Sinuous 188 f 25. Six-inches 671 Six-feet 674 Smooth 66, 213, 318, 532 Solid 25, 654 Solitary 324, 416 Somewhat -branchy 86 Somewhat-fhrubby 22 South-turh'd 140 Spadix 652 * c Spar. xlvi. I N Span 972 Spathe 543 Spatules 323 Spatuled 163 £ tcfl- Spike 462 Spindle-form 6 Spinefcent 322, 332 Spiral 666 Spreading 37 Stamen 580 Star'd 126, 367 £ 101. Stem 17 Sem-bulb 657 Stem-clafping 152, 312 i\p^- Stem-leafioo, xS$' Stem-fcape 4^ Stigma 594 Stings 391 Stinging 74 Stipe 20 Stiped 625 Stipule 291 JtJfiB Stipuled 75 £jV$> Stipule-bladders 375, Stipule-bulb 657 Stole-bearing 39 Straight 379, 538, 547 Striated 64, 223 Strobile 619 Style 592 Supports 289 Swimming 144 Sword-form 266 Tail 628 Taper'd 437 Targeted 147 £&• Top-fhape 519 Tooth'd 195, 346 -£30. Torn 199 Trapeze-form 173 Tranfverfe partition 609 Triangular 170 fi2. Triple-nerve 219 Trunk 17 Twice double 283 Twice feather 'd 285 Twice five-cleft 183 Twice-pair'd 282 Twiggy 89 Twin 603 Twining 46 £ J/S Twilled 539 Two-capfuled 600 Two-cell 'd 601 Two-cleft 383, 502 Two-edged 50, 264 Two-faced 115 Twofold 120, 270 Two-forked 84 £l\G. Two-parted 603 Two-rank'd 95, 114 Two-valved 529 Tube 554 Tuberous 12 Tubular 260, 505, 575 Tuft 396 Tufty Tufty 476 U Unequal 560, 583 Univerfal 522, 647 Umbel 644 -.Umbellet 418 Upright 29, 128,429» V Valvelet 597 Veiny 225 -£$2. Veinlefs 229 Vernation 659 Vertical 141 Verticil 447 Verticil'd 99, 415 Very-branchy 88 Veryintire 191, 344 Very long 308 N D E X. Very fhort 304 Very fimple 79 Very remote 551 Villous 70, 234 Violin-form 180 Vifcid 233 Vifcofity 376 Volve 549 W Waved 250 Wedge-form 162 Winding 44,430 Wing'd 298, Wings 572 Wheel'd 564 Wool 358 Woolly 237 Wrinkled 226 fSi.. *Mi. i» ♦ - ERRATA In the Botanic Terms. Number' 29, 128, 429, read upright, (ftricta) inftead of Jlraight. 190, read not parallel to the plane. 279, read two' dy (binatum) inftead of twofold. 283, 285, read decompounded, and fuperdecompounded, for decompofed, and fuperdecompofed. 243, read, lance-brijtled, (Jlrigofum) for lance-prickled. 322 read Bra&es, (bracleoe) for Bracks, (brafta). 479, read «peduncle, for with peduncle. 483, read one-rank' dy (fecundus) for one-row'd. 576, read radiated, for radicated. In the Preface. Page viii. line 24, read binatay ternata, quaternata, quinata, oclonata; becaufe binay ternay quaternay &c. inftead of the paffage as it there ftands. Page x. after line 10 add, * which ambiguities are avoided in the tranflation'. VEGETA- **■ PLATE I. SIMPLE LEAVES. Fig. I. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- 10. ii. 12. J3- 14. 15- 16. i7- 18. 19. 2C 21. 22. 23- 24. 26. 27. 28. 29. 3°- 3T- 32- VjRbicular, (orbiculaturn) Roundifh, (fubrotundum) Egg'd, (ovatum) Oval or Elliptic, (ovale s. ellipticum) Oblong, (oblongum) Lanced, (lanceolatum) Linear, (lineare) Awl'd, (fitbulatum) Kidney- form, (rent forme) Hearted, (cordatum) Moon'd, (lunulatum) Triangular, (tr't angular e) Arrow'd, (fagltatum) Heart - arrow'd, (cor data - fagitatum) Halberted, (hajlatum) Cleft, (fifjum) Three-lobed, (triloburn) End-bitten, (prcemorfum) Lobed, (lobatum) Five-angled, (quinquangu- lare) Gnaw'd, (erofum) Handed, (palmatum) Feather-cleft, (pinnatifidum) Jagged, (lac'iniatum) Sinuous, (finuatum) Tooth - finuous, (deniato- fenuatum) Sinuous backivards. (retror- f urn finuatum) Parted, (part/turn) Scollop' cl, (repandum) Tooth'd, (dentatum) Saw'd, (ferratum) Double-jaw 7/, (dupl'uaio -fer- ratum) Fig. 33. Double - notch 77, (duplicato- crenatum) 34. Cartilaginous, (catilagine- urn) 35. Acutely notch 77, (acute crena- tum) 36. Obtufely notch' d j (obtufe cre- natum) 37. Plaited, (plicatum) 38. Notch'd, (crenatum) 39. CurPd, (crifpum) 40. Obtufe, (obtufum) 41. Acute, (acutum) 42. Pointed, (acuminatum) 43. Obtufe with a pointy (obtufum acumine) 44. End-nick' d acutely^ (emargi- natum acute) 45. Wedge-form end-nick 77, (cu- neiforme emarginatum) 46. Retufe, (retufum) 47 i Hairy, (pilofum) 48. Downy, (tomentofum) 49. Hifpid, (hifpidum) 50. Fringed, (ciUatum) 51. Wrinkled, (rugofum) 52. Vein'd, (venofurn) 53. Nerved, (nervofum) 54. Papillous, (papillosum) 55. Tongue-form, (lingmforme) 56. Scimitar-form, (acinacifor- rne) 57. Axe-form, (dolabriforrne) 58. Delta-like, (deltoides) 59. Three-fided, (triquctrum) 60. Channcl'd, (canaliculatum) 61. Furrow'd, (fulcatum) 62. Columnar, (teres). v— m 1 «o? J ' <( >»!?/ vS if if y \% PLATE II. COMPOUND LEAVES. Fig. 63. I WO'D, (binatum) 64. Three'd with feflile leaflets, (tevnatum foliolis fejjilibus) 65. ■■ ■ -with petioled leaflets, ( petiolatis) 66. Finger'd, (digitatum) 67. Footed, (pedatum) 68. Feather'd, with an odd one, (pinnatum cum impart) 6g. abrupt^ ( abr upturn) 70. alternately^ ( alternatim) -71. 1- ■ —1 interruptedly, ( interrupte) 72: ■ tendril' d, ( cirrbofum) -~ „ pairdy ( conjugatum) *ja. •- decurjively, ( clecurfive) 75. -jointedly, ( > — articulate) 76. Lyred, (lyratum) 77. Thrice threefold or the fquare of three, (biternatum, duplicato-pin~ natum) **8. Twice-feather'd, double feather'd, (bipinnatum, duplicato-pinna- turn) 79. Three times thrice threefold (the cube of three) (Triternatum, triplicato-ternatum) 80. Thrice feather'd without an odd one, (tripinnatum, fine imparl) gi, .. with an odd one ( cum imparl) ; ?! jpft Jcf> PLATE III. DETERMINATE LEAVES, Fig. 82. Inflected, (injtexum) 83. Ere<5t, {ereftum) 84. Expanding, {patens) 85. Horizontal, (horizontale) 86. Reclined, (recllnatum) 87. Revolute, (revolutum) 88. Seminal, (feminale) 89. Stem-leaf, (caulinum) 90. Branch-leaf, (rameum) 91. Floral, (florale) 92. Targetted, (peltatum) 93. Petioled, (petiolatum) 94. Seflile, (fejfile) 95. Decurrent, (decurrens) 96. Sem-clafping, (amplexicaule) 97. Leaf- pierced, (perfoliatum) 98. Conjoin'd, (connatum) 99. Sheathing, (vaginans) 100. Jointed, (artlculatum) 301. Star'd, (Jiellata) 102. Fourfold, (quaterna) 103. Oppofite, (oppojita) 104. Alternate, (alterna) 105. Awny, (acerofa) 106. Imbricated, (imbricata) 107. Fafcicled, (fafciculata) 308. Frond, (from) 109. Spatuled, (fpathulatum) 110. Parabolic, (parabollcum) 7t b ffl PLATE IV. STEMS. Fig. in. oCALY culm, (fquamofus cnhnus ) 112. Creeping Ste?n> (repens caulis) 113. Scape, (fcapus) 114. Jointed cubn, [ariiculatus culmus) 115. Twining y?£7w, (volubilis epulis) 116. Two-fork'd_/?^;;/, (dichotomus caulis) 117. Crofs-arm'dykvw, [brachiatus caulis) Tab, IV. PLATE V. SUPPORTS. Fig. ii 8. a. Tendril, (cwrhm) b. Stipules, (Jlipulce) c. Concave Glands, (Glandule concavce) 119. Pedicel' d glands, ( Glandules pedicellate* ) 120. a. Bradte, differing from leaves, b. {Braclea) 121. a. Simple thorn, (Spina ftmplex) b. Triple thorn, ( triplex) 122. Simple prickle, (Aadeus /implex) 123. Triple prickle or Fork, (Aculeus triplex s. Furca. ) 124. Qppofite leaves, (oppofita folia) a, Axil, (axilla) Tal.V PLATE VI. ROOTS. Fig. 125. SCALY bulb of the lily (bulbus fquamsfus) 126. Solid bulb, (bulbus folldus) 127. Coated bulb tranfuerfely differed, (bulbus tunkatus) 128. Tuberous root of Filipendula> (tuber ofa radix) 129. Spindle-form root of Carrot, (Fujiformis radix) 130. Branchy root, (ramofa radix) 131. Creeping root,, (repens radix) Wt^lt ft, LATE VII PARTS OF THE FLOWER. Fig. 132« SPAT HE, the Calyx of Narcifus, (Spatha, calyx Narcijfi) 133. Spathe, Spadix [Spatha, Spadix) 134. a. Glume calyx, b. Awn, (Gluma calyx, b, Arifta) 135. a. Univerfal umbel, b. Partial one, ( umbel la uni- verfalis. b. Partialis.) c. Univerfal Involucre, d. Partial one. (Involucrum univerfale. d. partiale.) 336. c. Calyptre j b. Lid. a. Head. (Calyptraj b. O- perculum. a. Capitulum.) 137. Ament, (amentum.) 138. Strobile, (ftrobilus) 139. a. Hat. b. Volve. c. Stipe of a Fungus, (Fungi a. Pileus. b. Volva. c. Stipes. ) 140. a. Common naked Receptacle (receptaculum com- mune nudum) 141. Common Receptacle imbricated with chaff (recep- taculum commune paleis hnbrlcatum.) 142. a. Tube (Tubus) b. Border, (Limbus) of a one-pe- tal'd Carol (Corollse monopetalcej 143. Flower, a. Germ. b. Style, c. Stigma, d. Fi- laments, e. Anthers, f. Petals. ('Flos. a. Ger- men. b. Stylus. c. Stigma. d. Filamenta. e. Antherae. f. Petala.) 144. a. Claws (unguesj.' c. Folds (Laminae) of a many- petard corol. (Corolee poly petala.) 145. Bell'd Nectary in Narciftus. (Nectarium campa- nulatum.) 146. Horn'd Nectaries in Aconitum. (Nc&aria cor- nuta. ) 147. Horn'd Nectary in the Calyx of Tropreolum. 148. Nectaries in Parnaffia, Till, v/i * S trvr PLATE VIIL PARTS OF THE FRUCTIFICATION. Fig. i49.tf. i KRIANTH. i.Gcrm. r. Style. tU Stigma, e. Filaments, f. Anthers gaping, g. Anthers intirc. (a. Perianthium. b. Germen. c. Stylus, d. Stigma, e. Filamenta. f. Anther* dehif :entes. g. Anthers integrte.) 150. a. Filament. b. Anther. (a. Filamentum. b. Anthera.) 151. a. Duft (Pollen) (een in the micro/cope. b. Elajlic vapour. (Halitos clajlicus.) 152. a. Germ. b. Style, c. Stigma, (a. Germen. b. Stylus. c. Stigma.) 153. Follicle (Folliculus) a receptacle of 'feeas. 154. Legume a. a. (Legumen) the feeds are annex 'd to the fuperi- our future. 155. Silique, (Siliqua) a. b. each edge of the receptacle. c. Valvelet of the Silique (valvula fdiqiue.) 156. Pome a. (Pomum) included Capfule. b. (Capfula inclufa). 157. a. Drupe, b. with a Nucleus, (a. Drupa. b. Nucleo. 158. Berry, (Bacca.) 159. Capfule gapiug at top. (Capfula apice defcifcens.) 160. Of the Capfule, a. The Valvelet. b. The partition (Cap- fulae. a. VcAvula. b. Dijfepimentum.) c. Column, d. Receptacle, (r. Columella, d. Rcceptaculum. ) 161. a. Capfule longitudinally dijfecled, that the receptacle of the Seeds may appear. 162. a. Hairy Pappus. (Pappus pilofus.) b. Feathry Pappus. (Pappus plumofus.) e. Seed, (Yemen. J a. Stipe cf the Pappus, (Stipes pappi.) PLATE IX. THE PEDUNCLE. Fig- 163. CORYMBE, (corymbus) 164... Raceme, (racemus) 565. Spike, (/pica) 166. Verticil, (verticillus) 167. Panicle, (panicula) 168. Fafcicle (fafciculus) PLATE X. FOLIATION. Leaves tranfverfely difTe&ed. Fig. i. Convolute, (convoiutum) 2. Involute, finvolutum) 3. Revolute, (rcvolutum) 4. Conduplicate, (conduplicatum.) 5. Equitant, (equitans) 6- Imbricated, (imbricatumj 7. Ob volute, (obvolutum) 8. Plaited, (plicatum) 9. Convolute, (convoluta) 10. Involute oppofte, (involuta oppofita) 1 1 • alternate, ( alterna) 12. Revolute oppofite, (revoluta oppofita) 13. Equitant two-edg'd, (cquitantia ancipita) 14. three-fided, ( ■ triquetra. ) MEASURE. P. Quarter of a Paris foot. A. Quarter of an Englifh foot. S. Quarter of a Swedifh foot. la J ( X. PLATE XI THE CLASSES. Fig. 1. ONE Male, (monandrict) 2. Two Males, (diandria) 3. Three Males, (triandria) 4. Four Males, (tetrandria) 5. Five Males, (pentandria) 6. Six Males, ((hexandria) 7. Seven Males, (heptandria) 8. Eight Males, (otlandria) 9. Nine Males, (enneandria) 10. Ten Males, (decandria) 11. Twelve Males, (dodecandria) 12. Twenty Males, (icofandria) 13. Many Males, (polyandria) 14. Two Fowers, (didynamia) 15. Four Powers, (tetradynamla) 16. One Brotherhood, (monadelpbia) 17. Two Brotherhoods, (diadelphia) 18. Many Brotherhoods, (polyadelphla) 19. Confederate Males, (Jwgenefa) 20. Feminine Males, (gynandria) 21. One House, (monoeda) 22. Two Houses, (disecia) 23. Polygamies, (poly gam- a) 24. Clandestine Marriages, {crypugamla) t ^mm ALPHABETICAL INDEX O F LATIN TERMS, With their Translations. ' A. Abbreviates, abbreviated Abrupte, abruptly Acerofus, aivny Acinaciformis, fcymiter-form Aculeatus, prickly Aculei, prickles Acuminatus, pointed Acutangulus, acutangular Acutus, acute Adnatus, adjoined Adpreffus, apprefsd Adverfus, fouth-turrfd ^Equalis, equal Aggregatus flos, aggregate flower Alae, wings Alatus, winged Alternus, alternate Amentum, ament Amplexicaulis, Jlem-clafping Anceps, two-edged Angulatus, angled Annuus, annual Anthera, anther Apex, top Aphyllus, leaflefs Appendiculatus, appendaged Approximates, approximated Arboreus, arborefcent Arillus, aril Arifta, awn Arma, arms Artie ulatus, jointed Afcendens, afcending Aflurgens, arifing Attenuatus, tapered Avenis, veinlefs Axilla, axil Axillaris, axillary. B. Bacca, berry Barba, beard Barbatus, bearded Bicapfularis, two-capfuled h Biennis, 1. Biennis, biennial Bifarius, two-faced Bifarias, two-way s Bifidus, two-deft Bigeminus, twice-double Bijugus, Hvicc-p'tired Bilocularis, tv.o-celid Binatus, two'd Bini, two- fold Bipartitus, two-parted Bipinnatus, twice-feathered Biquinque fid us, twice -five- cleft Biteinatus, thrice-ibree'd Bivalvis, two-vahed Brachiatus, crofs-armed Brac^ea, brafte Bra&eatus, bracled Brevis, Jhort Breviffimus, Jhortejl Bulbofus, bulbous Buibus, bulb Bullatus, bubbled. c. Caducus, faking Calycinus, on the calyx Calyculatus, calyclcd Cal) cuius, caly..e Calyprra, calypire Calyx, calyx Campanulatus, ItlTd Canaliculars, channefci Capiilaris, capillary Capita! um, bead Crp'ula, capjule Carin?, keel Carinatus, k-eePd Carnr.fus, fiefiy Cartila^meus, griftly Cauda, tail Caulinum-fclium, Jlem-leaf Caulimis, belonging to the Jlem Caulinus fcapus, Jlem-fcape INDEX. Caulis, ftcm Cernuus, bowing Ciliatus, fringed Circinnalis, fpiral Cnrhiferus, tendril-bearing C i r i h o fu s , tend il'd Cirrhus, tendril Clavatus, clubbed Coaunatus, coadjoined Co 1 01 at us, coloured Communis, common Comofus, tufty Compa^us, compacl Compofitus, compounded CompreiTus, romprcjfd Concavus, concave Conduplicatus, conduplicate Confertus, crowded Ccnfluens, confluent Cor.icus, conical Conjugatus, pair'd Connatuc, conjoined Convexus, convex Convolutus, convolute Corculum, corcle or heart Cordatus, hearted Cordalo-figittatus, bcart-arroiu'd Corolla, corol Corona, crown Cortic?li5, cortical, barky Corymbus, corymbe Cotyledon, cotyledon Crenatus, notched Crii^us, curled Cruciatus, crofid Cucul'ams, cowl'd Cuneiformis, wedge-form Culmus, culm Cum impari, with an odd one Cufpidatus, piked Cylindricus, cylindric Cyma, cyme. D. N D X. li. D. Daedaleus, decdal Deciduus, deciduous Deciinatus, declined Decurrena, decurrtnt Decurfius, cLcurfive Decuffatus, aerated Deftexus, deflected Dc hi fcens , gaping Deitok'et'j, ddta-like Dentatus, teeth-like, ioom.d Denticulatu», fine-tooib'd Depend. n», depending Depreiu: s, del rtejs'd Dextrorfam, f cm the right Dii hq^omus, two-forked Didymus, twin Diffufus, Jprepding Digits r,is, fingei .d D imidiatu s, h caved Diftans, d'ifiant Diftichus, two- ranked DiV~ricatu , divaricated Divergens, diverging Divifus, divided Dolabriformis, axe-form Dodrantalis, a /pan Dorfalis, dorfal, on the back Drupa, drupe. E. Elafticus, elaflic Ellipticus, elliptical Emarginatus, end-nicked Enervis, nervelefi Enodis, knotlefs Enfifbrmis, fword-form Equitans, equitant Ere&us, eretl Erofus, gtiaw'd Extrafoliaceus, behind the leaf. F. Fafcicularis, fafcicled Eafciculatus, fafcicled Fafciculus, fafcicle Failigiatus, level-topped Faux, throat Fibroids, fibrous Filamentum, filament Filifbrmis, thread-form Fiffus, cleft Fiftuiofus, piped Fhccidus, flaccid Fiexuofus, winding Flora' is, floral Flos, flower Foliacei utriculi, leaf-bladders Fob ace us, belonging to the leaf hafy. Foliaris cirrhus, leaf-tendril Foliaris bulbus, leaf-bulb Foliaris, on the leaf Foiiatu-, leaved, leafy Foliculus, folicle Foliolis oppofitis, with leaflets op- pofite Foliolis ruptis, with interrupted leaflets Foliofus, leafy Folium, leaf Frons, frond Fructificatio, fruclification Fruticofus, Jhrubby Fulcratus, propped Fulcrum, fupport Furca, fork Fufiformis, fpindle-form. G. Galea, helmet Gemma, bud Geniculates, knotted Gibbus, gibbous h 2 Glaber lii. I N D Glaber, fmootb Glandula, gland Globcfus, globular Glochides, barbs Glomoraiu?, glomerate Gluma, glume Glutinofites, glutinofity Granulatus, granulated. H. Halitus, vapour Harnofus, hooked Kamus, hook Kaftatus, halbcrted Herbaceus, herbaceous Hilum, bile Hifpidus, bijptd Horizontals, horizontal. I. Imbricatus, imbricated Impar, odd Inxqualis, unequal Inanis, empty Incraffatus, thickened Incurvatus, incurvate Incurvus, incurved Inferus, beneath Inflatus, inflated Inflexus, injlicled Inflorefcentia, inflorefcence Infundibiliformis, funnel-form - Infertus, infer ted L.te r.x., intire irr.us, msjl intire Int iptus, interrupted in foiiaceus, before the leaf lucratuS, invclucred lucrum, involucre Involutus, involute Irregularis, i> regular iiilimi? interceptus, intercepttd ■rj'ith tflhmufes. X. Li Labium, lip Lacer, torn Laciniatus, jagged Laciniae, divifions Lacunofus, pitted Laevis, polijhed Lamina, fold Lana, wool Lanatus, woolly Lanceolatus, lanced Lateralis, lateral Lateri-florus, fide-fiowercd Laxus, flexible, or loofe Legumen, legume Ligulatus, ligulate Limbus, border Linearis, a line (mcafure) Linearis, linear Lineatus, lined Lingulatus, tongued Linguiformis, tongue-form Lobatus, lobed Locul amentum, cell Longiflimus, moft long Longus, long Lucidus, bright Lunatus, mocn'd Lyratus, lyred. M. Mediocris, middle ~flze Membranaceus, membranous Membran tus, membranous Monopttalus, onc-petaCd Monophyllus, one leaf IVlucronatus, daggei Multiridus, many-cleft M ultiflor us, many -flowered M ult i v al vis, many-valved Muricatus, murex'd Muticus, awnhfs. N. N D EX. liii. N. Natans, Jwimming Ne&arium, ne clary Nervofus, nervy Nidulans, nidulant Nitidus, gloffy Nucleus, nucleus Kudus, naked Nutans, nodding Nux, nut. o. Obliquus, oblique Oblongus, oblong Obtufus, obtufe Operculum, lid Oppobtifelius, leaf-oppofed OppofitUi, cfpfite Orbicular us, orbicular Orgyalis, fix-feet Oval is, oval Ovatus, egg'd. P. Paleaceus, chaffy P?lmaris, a band (mcafure) Pnlmatus, handed Panduriformis, violin-form Paniculatus, panicled Panicula, panicle Papibonaceus, papilionaceous Papilloius, papulous Pappus, pappus Papulofus, pimply Parabolicus, parabolic Parallelus, parallel Partialis, partial Parritus, parted Parens, expanding Pedalis, a foot (meafure) Pedatus, footed Pedicel] us, pedicel Pedunculares utriculi, peduncle- bladders Peduncularis cirrhus, peduncle- tendril Pedunculatus, peduncled Pedunculus, peduncle Peltatus, targetted Pendulus, pendulous Perennis, perennial Perfoliatus, leaf-pierced Perianthium, perianth Pericarpium, pericarp Perfiftens, permanent Perfonatus, majked Petalinus, on the petal Petalum, petal Petiolaris bulbus, petiole-bulb Petiolares utriculi, petiole-bladders Petiolaris, on the petiole Petiolaris cirrhus, petiole-tendril Petiolatus, petioled Petiolus, petiole Pileus, hat Pili, hairs Pilofus, hairy Pinnatihdus, feather-cleft Piftiilum, pijlil Planus, fat Plicatus, plaited Plumofus, feathery ox plumy Plumula, plumelet Pollen, dujl Pollicaris, an inch Polypetalus, many-petal 'd Poiyphylius, many-leaved Pomum, pome Praeniorfus, end-bitten Procumbens, procumbent Prolifer, proliferous Proprius, proper Pubes, pubefcence Pulpofus, pulpy Pun&atus, dotted. 0, liv. INDEX. Q. Rimofus, chinkf Ringens, grinning Roftellum, rojlel or beak R tat us, tvheel'd Rotundatus, rounded Rugofus, wrinkled Ruptus, interrupted Quadrijujus, four-times paired Quaternus, four-fold Quaternatus, fourd Quir.i, five- fold Quinatus, Jived Quinquangularis, quinqu angular , five- angled Quinquefidus, five-cleft Quinquepartitus, five-parted R. Racemus, raceme Rachis, racbis Radicatus, radicated, rooted Radicale folium, root-leaf Radical is, radical Radix, root Radicans, rooting Rameum folium, branch-leaf Ramofiffimus, mojl branchy Ramofus, branchy Ramus, branch Receptaculum, receptacle Reclinatus, reclined Rectus, flraight Recurvatus, recurvate Recurvus, recurved Reflexus, reflected Regularis, regular Remotiffimus, mojl remote Remotu:, remote Reniformis, kidney-form Rcpandus, fcollofd Re. ens, creeping Refu'(Jiiiatus, refupine Retroflexus, retrofitted Retrofractus, retrofracled Retufus, retife Revoiutus, revolute Rhombcus, rhombic Rigidus, rigid Sagittatus, arrowed Sarmcntofus, farmentous Sarmentum, farment S caber, rugged Scandens, climbing Scapus, fcape Scariofus, pa?-ched Secundus, one-ranked Semen, feed Seminalis, femintl Semi teres, femi-columnar Sempervirens, evergreen Sericeus, ftlky Serratus, faw'd Senilis, feffile Setse, br'fjllcs Siccus, dry Silicula, filicle Siliqua, filique Simplex, fimple Simplicillimus, mojl fimple SjniiLrorfum, fom the left Sinuatus, finuous Sclidus, folid Solitarius, folitary Spadix, 'fpadix Sparfus, fcaitcred Spitha, fpathe Spati.latus, fpatidt'd Spica, fpike Spimathreus, fix inches Spina, thorn i\,)inefcens, fpinefcent, or thorn- growing Spinofus' I N D Spinofus, thorny Squmnatus, fcaled Squ^moius, fcaly Squarrofus, ragged Stamen, flamen S tel i a t u s, Jlarred Stigma, Ji'gma Stimuli, Jiings Stipes, ftipe Stipitatus, /liped Stipula, ftipule Stipulares utriculi, Jlipule-blad- ders Stipularis bulbus, (lipule-bulb Stipulatus, Jiipuled Stoloniferus, jhle-bearing Striatus, Jiriated Strict us, upright Strigae, lance-krijlles Strigofus, lance-brijiled Strobilus, Jlrobile Stylus, Jlyle Subdentatus, fomewhat-tooth' 'd Suberofus, corky Subintcgerrimus, very intire Submerfus, immerfed Subramofus, fomewbat branchy Subrotundus, roundijh Subulatus, aivled Succulentus, juicy Suffruticofus, fomewhat fnrubby Sulcatus, furrowed Superus, above. T. Teres, columnar Terminalis; terminal Terni, three-fold Ternatus, three'd Tetragonus, four-corner' 'd Thyrfus, thyrfe Tomentofus, downy Tomentum, down X. h. Tortilis, twifled Torulofus, protuberant Tranfverius, tranfverfe Trapeziformis, trapeze-form Triangularis, triangular Tncoccus, three-grain' 'd Trifidus, three-cleft Trigeminus, thrice-double Trigrnus, tbree-cornered Trilobus, three-lobed Trinervatus, three- neoved Trinervis, three-nerve Tripinnatu s, thrice-feathered Triplinervis, triple-nerve Triqueter, three-fided Triternatus, three-times-thrice- three'd Truncatus, lopped Truncus, trunk Tuberofus, tuberous Tubulofus, tubular Tubus, tube Tunicatus, coated Turbinatus, top-Jhape. U. Umbel I a, umbel Umbellula, umbellet Undatus, waved Unguicularis, half an inch Unguis, claw Uniflorus, one-fower'd Unilateris, one-fided Uniyalvis, one-valved Univerfalis, univcrfal Utriculus, bladder Urens, flinging. V. Vagi nans, Jheathing Vaginatus, Jheathed Valvula, valvelet Venofus, Ivi. I N D Venofus, veined Ventricofus, bellied Vernatio, vernation Verticalis, vertical Verticillatus, verticilled Verticillus, verticil Vexillum, banner E X. Villofus, villous Virgatus, tvjiggy Vifcidu-', vifcid Vifcofitas, vifcofity Volubili s, twining Volva. voive. N. B. The Binder is apprized to place this Index after the Index of Englijh Terms at the beginning ofthefrjl volume. VEGETABLE K I N G D O u PI tfk ^ #k ^^ £! ^ k.M O *lj& O kj«( a VEGETABLE KINGDOM. I. (^ RE AT ED NATURE, by fucceffive Seeds, with the affiftance of the elements, modifies Earths into Vegetables, Ve- getables into Animals, perhaps not contrarywife : (he refolves each of them again into Earths, in a perennial increasing circle. 2. VEGETABLES have life, without voluntary motion. 3. They are commonly divided into three TRIBES. Thofe whofe feeds have One Cotyledon : Corn: 1, 2, 3. Thofe with Two Cotyledons: Plants: 4, 5. Thofe with No Cotyledon: the clafs of Clandeftine Mar- riage : 6, 7, 8^ 9. 4. The NATIONS, which have fupplied this conflux of inhabitants, are principally 1. PALMS. Princes, Vegetables of India, having a Spathe and a Spadix, eminent' for their prodigious height, beautiful for their unvaried fimple perennial ftem, crowned with an evergreen tuft of leaves, and rich with the choiceft treafures of fruit. Thefe are tributary to the Primates, or firjl order of animals ; in particular to the Prince their cohabitant. PDACCrc A 2 2. GRASSES. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 1. GRASSES. Plebeians, Plants of the field, producing Culms and Glumes, Rufcics the rnoft common, the molt fimpie, and the rnoft tenacious ofliie ; conilituting the mul- titude and ftrength of the vegetable kingdom ; and which the more they are taxed and trod upon, the more they multiply. Thefe are Tributary from their vile hoards to al- mofl all herbivorous animals, and by their Harvejl in par* ticular to the Prince their cohabitant. 3. LILIES. Patricians, luxurious inhabitants of groves, Bul- bous rooted Plants, displaying their fnining feftive gar- ments. They amuje the eye, and adorn the vegetable kingdom •forth the jplcndour of courts. 4. HERBS. Nobles, Meadow Plants, Annual, of many Forms. They enrich the kingdom of vegetation by their admirable Structure, variety of Tajlcs, their fragrant Odours, and gorgeous Colours. 5. TREES. Highnesses-, of the Order of Nobility, Inhabitants of the woods, perennial as to their flock, furrounded with Servants at their feet, and fupporting deftru£tive Parafites. They erefi their heads, rejj/l the Winds, over- Jhadciv the fultry, moflen the dry with inviftble Jhowers, allure the Birds, and perfeel their Fruit like fo ?nany Orchards of Nature. Soldiers, Plants armed with Thorns or Prickles from both of the laft kinds. They repel the attacks of the Mammalia orfrfl clafs of animals. 6. FERNS. New-Colonists, Plants of obfeurity, fupported on Stipes, with Seeds on their backs, poor. Thefe pre- pare the Earth for their fuccejfors. 7. MOSSES. Servants, Plants of the winter, Imbricated, Ca- lyptred, Revivefcent, hungry, occupying in immenfe numbers all the places relinquifhed by the former. Thefe protect the Roots of other plants ; left they Jhould be injured by the Winter Frofls, by the Summer Heats, the Vicifitudes of Spring, or the Putridity of Autumn : and collecl for the benefit of others, the daedal Soil. 8. FLAGS, (alga:) Slaves, Plants which love the water, Squa- lid, revivefcent, abftemious, almoft naked. Thefe begin the firjl Vegetation on uncultivated places. 9. FUNGUSSES. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 5, 9. FUNGUSSES. Vagabonds, Plants of tke Autumn, Barba- rous, Naked, putrcfcent, rapacious, voracious. Thefe at the Fall of the Leaf are fupported by.the recrements of other plants. 5. TEXTURE of vegetables confifh of Fluid-bearing Veffels, AlrVefjeh, Secretory Rcfervolrs. 6. SUBSTANCE of vegetables, which, covers their Pith, confifts of a Cuticle externally covering the Bark •> which bark depofits on its interior fide the Rind; which is converted annually into rigid Wood. 7. The principal PARTS of vegetables are three : Root defcendjng, abforbing moifture, nourljhlng. Herb afcending, breathing the air, moving. Fructification expanding, inhaling ether, producing feeds* 8. ROOT, inferted into the moift earth, puts forth capillary-£ incurved, nodding, diffufed, procumbent, (role-bearing. b. farmentous, rooting, creeping. c. knotted, flexuous, climbing, twining: from the left, from the right. figure a. columnar, femi-columnar, comprell'd, piped. two-edged, 3-10 angled, acute-angled, obftufe-angled. b. > H- V E G E T A B L E K I N G D O M. chath'ing ' furface a. b. compofitlon a. b. e. d. e. Branches a-, b. d. LEAVES determina- tion place number Jituation a, direction vifcrtlon a. b. ftructure a. figure b. c. angles fallows a. 3-6-corner'd, 3-5 fided naked, leaflefs, leafy, fhcath'd, fcaly, imbricated, corky, chinky, coated. ' ppliHijd^ftriateJ, furrow'd, channel'd, frnooth, rough, muree'd, dayny, iha-gy, hiipid, prickly, thoray, flinging, fripuled, membranous, bulb-bearing. , . •knotlefs, ysry fimple, firnple, iatire. j-iiiL.u, proliferous, two-fork'd, crofs-arnvd. tnn 'y-branch'd, branchy, very branchy, twiggy, ranicled, Icvel-top'd. e .pandin^, divaricated, 1? fracture of the Stem, and of the Frond. alternate, tv/o-rank'd, fcatter'd. crownM, bppofrte'j verticil'd. ere&j condenfed, diverging. divaricated, deflected, reflected, ratroHected, prop'd. ■height of the item 5 long, fhort, expanding. root-leaves, ftem-leaves, branch-leaves. axillary, floral. one, tvvo, three, few, many. alternate, two-rank'd, two-faced. fcatter'd, crouded, imbricated. fafcicled, tvvo'd, three'd, four'd, five'd. confluent, approximated, remote. oppofite, decuiTated, ftar'd. erect, flrraight, rigid, appreiT'd, expanding ; very expanding, arifing, inflected, reclining, recurved, revolute, depending. oblique, ibuth-turn'd, vertical, relupine. immerfed, fwiming, rooting. petioled, targetted. leilile, adjoin'd, co-adjoin'd, decurrent, flem-clafping, leaf-peirced, conjoinM, fheathing. roundifh : orbicular, egg'd, oval. oblong, parabolic, wedge-form, fpatule-form. rounded, bneed, elliptic, linear, awl'd. intire, 3-5-angled, deltalike, rhombic, trapeze-. form. hearted, kidney-form, moon'd. arrow'd VEGETABLE KINGDOM. arrow'd, halberted, violin-form, runcinated. b. cleft, 2-5-lobed, 2-5-cleft, 2-5-parted. handed, lyred, feather-cleft, finuous, jagged, H'j^d. margin a. very intire, notch'd, fcw'd, fringed, tooth'd, thorny, cartilaginous, b. fcollop'd, torn, gnaw'd, daedalean. top a. obtufe, end-nick'd, end-bitten ; lop'd. b. acute, awl'd, dagger' d ; tertdril'd. furjace a. upper furface, Jower furface. naked, fmooth ; bright, fhining, coloured. b. nerved ; three-nerved, thrice-nerved, tripple- nerved, nervelefs, lined, ftriated, furrowed. c. vein'd, wrinkled, bubbled, pitted, veinlefs. d. dotted, papillous, pimply» vifcid. e. villous, downy, filky, woolly, bearded, hairy, rugged, hifpid, prickly, lance-briftled. expanfion flat, channel'd, concave, convex, cowl'd, plaited, waved, curl'd. fubftance a. membranous, parch'd, gibbous. columnar, deprefPd, compreiT'd, keel'd. b. compact, tubular, pulpy, fiefhy ; c. three-fided, two-edged, tongue'd, fword-form. awl'd, fcimitar-form, ax-form. meafure very (hort, very long, in rcfpecl to itsjlem or joints, duration deciduous, falling, permanent, perennial, ever-green. jointed, pair'd. Finger'd : twofold, threefold, fivefold, Footed. Feather'd : twice-pair'd, thrice-pair'd, four- times-pair'd, &c. with an odd one, abrupt, tendril'd. with Leaflets oppofite, alternate, interrupted, de- current. twice-double, thrice-threefold, twice-feather'd. thrice-double, three-times-thrice-threefold, trip- ple-feather'd. Petiole, Stipule, Tendril, Pubefcence, Arms, Peduncle, Bracie. Petiole compofition com- pounded Decompounded Sup erdeco mp sunded PROPS : The DEFINITIONS of Terms I have given in Amcen, apaJ. vol, 6, p. air. The FIGURES in Hon. cliff, and Philofcmh. Botau. i6. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Petiole figure Jize injertion direcl'ion furface Stipules a. b. c. d. e. f. g- h. Tendril a. b. c. Pubescence a. Arms Bractes Peduncle linear, wh.g'd, club'd. membranous, columnar, femi-columnar, three- fided, channel'd very fhort, fhort, middle-fize. long, very long, inserted, adjoin'd, decurrent. ftem-ciafping, fheaihing, appendaged; erect, expanding, a. iiing, recurvate. frrjooth, prickly., naked, jointed, fpinefcent. doubled, folitary, none. lateral, behind the leaf, before the leaf, leaf-op- pofed. falling, deciduous, permanent, fpinefcent. feffile, adjoin'd, decurrent, fheathing. awl'd, lanced, arrow'd, moon'd. ere£t, expanding, reflected. very intire, faw'd, fringed, tooth'd, cleft; very fhort, middle fize, long. axillary, leafy, petioled, peduncled. fimple, three-cleft, many-cleft, convolute, revolute. hairs, wool, beard, down, Iance-briftles. briflles : fimple, hook'd, branchy, feather'd, ftar'd. hooks, barbs, glands, bladders. leafy, petioled, peduncled, ftipuled. vifconty, glutinofity. Prickles: ftraight, incurvedy recurved. Forks two-cleft, three-cleft. Thorns terminal, axillary, on the calyx, leafy, fimple, divided. Stings pungent, flinging. colour'd, falling, deciduous, permanent. one, two, manv. Tuft. Other properties of Leaves. partial, (a-e) common ; Pedicel. place The forms of the lame divifion join well together, As lance egg'd and egg-'anced j ' ut Thofe of dift"ercn<- dii ifi< ns join difcordantly, As lance-acute, egg-dagger'd. VEGETABLE KINGDO M. if, a. place root-peduncle, ftem -peduncle, branch-peduncle. of the petiole, tendril-bearing, terminal, axillary, leaf-oppofed, fide-flower'd, within the leaf, above the leaf, behind the leaf. b. foliation alternate, fcatter'd, oppofite, verticil'd. c. number folitary, doubled, umbellet ; fejjtle. d. direclion apprefT'd, ere£t, expanding, bowing, refupine, declined, nodding, flaccid, afcending. pendulous, itraight, winding, retrofracted. e. measure fhort, very fhort, long, very long. f. f.otvers one-flower'd, two-flower'd, many-flower d. g. Jlriiclure columnar, three-fided, four-corner'd, thread-form, taper, club'd, thicken'd, naked, fcalv, leaved, bracked, knotted, jointed, INFLORESENCE, afcends in gradual modification : Spadix, Cyme, Umbel, Umbellet, Aggregrate, Compound, Spike, Ament, Strobile, Corymb, Raceme, Panicle, Thyrfe, Fafcicle, Head, Verticil, Side-flower'd, &c. Flowers terminal, lateral, fcatter'd, crowded, aggregate» feffile, peduncled, one, folitary, threefold, &c. copious, ere6t, bowing, nodding, refupine, one-rank'd. vertical, horizontal. fuperaxillary, leaf-oppofed, fide-flowering,within the leaf. : a. Verticil a. feffile, peduncled. b. naked, inyoiucred, bracked. c. crouded, diftant. b. Head a, roundifh, globular, halv'd. b. leafy, naked. Fafcicle. c. a Spike a. fimple, two-rank'd compofed of fpikelets, glomerate. b. egg'd, bellied, cylindrical, interrupted. c. imbricated, jointed, branchv, one-rank'd. linear, fringed, leafy, tufted. d. Corymb fimple, compound. e. Thyrse naked, leaved. f. Raceme a,. .fimple, compound. b. one-fidcd, one-rank'd, footed, pair'd, c. ere£t, loofe, depending. d. naked, leaved. g. Panicle of the ftructure of the Trunk, C FRU<% x8. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. Calyx Perianth Proper Common Involucre Glume Aiun Ament Spathe FRUCTIFICATION from the number, figure, proportion, Jituation of p^rts, Simple. Compound from the Florets* of tiie fructification, of the flower, of the fruit, permanent, deciduous, falling. a. one-leaved, mmy-ieaved. b. 2-5-cleft, 2-5 -parted, intire. c. tubular, expanding, reflected, inflated. d. abbreviated, long, middlefize, e. obtufe, cute, thorny, prickly. f. equal, unequal, lip'd. imbricated, ragged, calycled, parch'd. a. univerfal, partial, proper. b. one-leaved, many-leaved. a. one -flower 'd, 2-many-flower'd. b. one-valved, two-valved, many-valved. c. colour'd, fmooth, briftly. a. awnlefs, terminal, dorfal. b. ftraight, twifted, knotted, recurvate. fcaly, naked, one-valved, two-valved, halved, imbricated, 1-6-flower'd. ftraight, oblique, approximated, very remote ; Hat, Stipe. a. Tube or Claw; Border, or Folds. b. one-petal'd, 2-6 many-petal'd, 5-cleft, 5-parted, c. regular, irregular, unequal, deform'd. d. globular, bell'd, funnel -form, ialver-form, wheel'd, globular, liliaceous, grinning, mafk'd : with lip upper and lower ; with Grin ; Palate, Throat, Neck. crofPd, concave, expanding, papilionaceous ; with banner, wings, keel. C. Compound : ligulate, tubular, radiated. Difk, Ray. f. Colour. Neclary proper, petaline, fpur'd. Stamens Filaments number, figure, infertion, proportion, equal, unequal ; conjoin'd, alternate. Anthers. diftinct, conjoin'd ; lateral, incumbent, erect. twin, globular, awl'd, arrow'd, twice-horn'd, awn'd, fpiral. cells, aperture. Anther-d'tjl figure. Pistil Germ sbove, beneath ; pediccl'd. Style Calyptre Volve Corol Petals VEGETABLE Style KINGDOM. 19. Stigma Pericarp Capfule. Silique Legume Follicle Drupe Pome Berry Strobile number, proportion, divifion, figure, capillary, thread-form, cylindric, awl'd, club'd. ere£f, declining, afcending. number, figure ; divided, perforated, headed, figure, valves, cells, partitions, column, gaping j 5-tooth'd, 5-valved, jointed, circum- cifed, elaftic. two-capfuled, Sec. two-celled, &c. twin, three-grain'd, &c. inflated, figure : comprefTed, protuberant, jointed. Partition parallel, tranfverfe. figure, jointed, 1-2-edl'd, with ifthmufes. one-valved, figure, fucculent, dry. figure, cells. one-feeded, &c. nidulant feeds, figure of the whole, of the fcales. Nut Aril Receptacle Common Seed number, figure, cells, furface, confidence. Hile Heart Crown Pappus fHped, or feffile : capillary, plumy. tail, hook, calycle, wing, awn. one-cell'd, two-cell'd, he. cartilaginous, fucculent. of the fructification, of the flower, of the fruit. a. naked, dotted, hairy, chaffy, honeycomb'd. b. flat, convex, awl'd, egg'd, globular. Compound flower, of Florets. Aggregate flower Umbel a. fimple, compound of an univerfal a)ul partial one, proliferous. concave, level-top'd, convex. ere£t, nodding. naked, bracked. one-flower'd, many-flower'd. fimple, branchy. Rachis [pike. III. HABIT. Bulb folid, coated, fcaly, ftem-bulb. Bud, its origin petioled, ftipuled, cortical. its contents leafy, floral, common, conduplicate, convolute, involute, revolute, imbricated, equitant, obvolute, plated, fpiral. C 2 EST- Cyme Spadix GEMMATION VERNATION b. c. a. b. c. 20. VEGETABLE ESTIVATION TORSION KINGDOM. convolute, imbricated, conduplicate, valved, un- equal-valved. a. uniform, diilimilar. b. from the right, from the left, reciprocal. c. refupine, fpiral. VARIATION of colour, fize, pubefcence, age. External: plaited, bundled. broad- leaved, flender-leaved, curl'd. awnlefs. Internal: a. mutilated, greatflower'd. b. multiplied, full, proliferous, crefted. c. viviparous, bulb-bearing. NUPTIALS Male, Female, Androgynous, Hermaphiodite. Myjleries of Reproduction. SEMMINATION of the Seed tail, wing, tuft, awn, hooks, gluten, curviture. of the Pericarp berrying, inflation, vifcofity, elafticity, Jlrutture. PLACENTATION Two-Cotyledon'd, Cotyledonlefs, Many-Co- tyledon'd. IV. STATION. CLIME northern, mediterranean, alpine, marine, eaftern, fouthern, weftern, indian ; SOIL watry, fhorey, marine, faline, marmy, overfiow'd, fpongy, turfy, fhady, woody, arable, meadowy, paftury, mountanous, rubbimy, cultivated. EARTH Mould, Clay, Chalk, Sand. Parafitical, Rootlefs : of the Root, of the Trunk, of the Stem, of the Leaves. V. T I M E. GERMINATION of days, of months, annual, biennial. FRONDESCENCE Vernation early, equal, late. Autumnation early, flow, delay'd. CALENDAR i. Germination, Frondefcence, Florefcence. 2. Groffification, Maturation, Harveft. 3. Exfoliation, Defoliation, Congelation. 4. Of the Winter, of the Froft, of the Thaw. HOROLOGE a. Vigils meteorous, tropical, equinoctial, b. of opening, of clofing. SLEEP VEGETABLE KINGDOM. SLEEP Converging, Including, Surrounding, Fortifying. Conduplicating, Involving, Diverging, Depending. Inverting, Imbricating. DURATION Plants fading, delicate, perpetual. Flozvcrs of a day, of three days, of a month. Fruits early, late, annual, VI. QJJ A L I T I E S. 21« ODOUR ambrofial, fragrant, breathing, aromatic, orgaflic, hircous, nidorous, nafty, nauceous, pifonous, TASTE watery, acid, fatty, fweet, mucous, dry, bitter, Itiptic, acrid, fait. COLOUR glafly, red, purple, white, fad. black, yellow, green, afh-colour, pearly, TOUCH moift, downy, juicy, flefhy, vifcid. . dry, Hippery, parch'd, membranous, rugged, MEASURE a line, an inch, fix-inches, a foot, a cubit. half an inch i, a hand, a fpan, fix-feet. VII. USES. NATURAL The Oeconemy and Policy of nature, fympathies, antipathies. Pan of the domejlic herbivorous animals. Pandora ofinfecls. ARTIFICIAL Culinary : Roots, Pot-Herbs, Fruits. Officinal a. fimples, preparations. b. price, place. Medical: Virtues, Ufes. Oeconomical for the Mechanic, the Shepherd, the Dyer, of cultivation Grain. Market. Shop. Nurfery. Shrubery. Orchard. Pafturagc. K E Y 32. VEGETABLE KINGDOM. KEYof the SEXUAL SYSTEM, MARRIAGES of PLANTS. Florefcence. ( Public marriages. Flowers vifible to every one. iTn one Bed. Hufband and wife have the fame bed. All the flowers hermaphrodite iftamcns and pijlils in the fame flower. ' Without Affinity. Hufbands not related o each other. Stamens not joined together in any part. 'With Equality. All the males of equal rank. Stamens have no determinate proportion of length. ONE MALE. TWO MALES. THREE MALES. FOUR MALES. FIVE MALES SIX MALES. 9- 10. ii. 12. *3- SEVEN MALES EIGHT MALES. NINE MALES. TEN MALES. TWELVE MALES. TWENTY MALES. MANY MALES. v With Subordination Some males above others. Two Jlamens are always lower than the others. 14. TWO POWERS I 15. FOUR POWERS, ^With Affinity Hufbands related to each other. Stamens cohere with each other, or with thepijlil. 16. 17- 18. ONE BROTHERHOOD. TWO BROTHERHOODS, MANY BROTHERHOODS. V.In Two Beds Hufband and wife have feparate beds. Male flowers and female flowers in the fame /pedes. 21. ONE HOUSE. I 23. POLYGAMIES 21. TWO HOUSES. I ^Clandestine Marriages. Flowers farce -vifble to the naked eye. 24. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. 19. CONFEDE- RATE MALES. 20. FEMININE MALES. CHA- VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 23. CHARACTERS of CLASSES. I. ONE MALE. One hufband in marriage. Onejlamen in an hermaphrodite flower. II. TWO MALES. Two hufbands in the fame marriage. Two Jlamens in a . hermaphrodite flower, III. THREE MALES. Three hufbands in the fame marriage. Three Jlamens in an hermaphrodite flower. IV. FOUR MALES. Four hufbands in the fame marriage. Four Jlamens in the Jame flower with the fruit. [if the two nearefl Jlamens are Jhorter^ it is referred to Clafs 14.. V. FIVE MALES. Five hufbands in the fame marriage. Five Jlamens in an hermaphrodite foxver. VI. SIX MALES. Six hufbands in the fame marriage. Si.. Jlamens in an hermaphrodite jiower. (if the two oppoJiieJla?nens areJhortery it belongs to Clafs 15.) VII. SEVEN MALES. Seven hufbands in the fame marriage. Seven Jlamens in the fame fioiver with thepijlil. VIII. EIGHT MALES, Eight hufbands in the fame marriage. Eight jlamens in the fame foxver with the piflil. IX. NINk MALES. Nine hufbands in the fame marriage. Nine Jlamens in an hermaphrodite fioiver X. TEN MALES. Ten hufbands in the fame marriage. Ten Jlamens in an hermaphrodite flower. XL TWELVE MALES. Twelve hufbands in the fame marriage. Tweheflamens to nineteen in an hermaphrodite flower. XII. TWENTY MALES. Generally twenty hufbands, often more. Stamens inferted on the calyx (not on the receptacle) in an hermaphrodite flower. XII. MANY 64- VEGETABLE K I'N-G DOM. XIII. MANY MALES. Twenty males or more in the fame marriage Stamens inferted on tne receptacle, from 20 to iooo in the fame flower with the pijlil. XIV. TWO POWERS. Four hufbands, two taller than the other two. Four Jlamens : of. which the two nearefl are longer. XV. FOUR POWERS. Six hufbands, of which four are taller. Six ft aniens : of which four are longer , and the two oppoftte ones fhorter. XVI. ONE BROTHERHOOD. Hufbands, like brothers, arife from one bafe. Stamens are united by their fi 'laments into one body. XVII. TWO BROTHERHOODS. Hufbands arife from two bales, as if from two mothers. Stamens are united by their f laments into two bodies. XVIII. MANY BROTHERHOODS. Hufbands arife from more than two mothers. Stamens are united by their filaments into three or more bodies. XIX. CONFEDERATE MALES. Hufbands joined together at the top. Stamens are connected by the anthers forming a cylbidar (feldom by the f laments.) XX. FEMININE MALES. Hufbands and wives growing together. Stamens are inferted on the pifliis, (not on the receptacle.) XXI. ONE HOUSE. Hufbands live with their wives in the fame houfe, but have different beds. Male flowers and female flowers are on the fame plant. XXII. TWO HOUSES. Hufbands and wives have different houfes. Male flowers and female flowers are on different plants. XXIII. POLYGAMIES. Hufbands live with wives and concubines. Hermaphrodite flowers, and male ones, or female ones in the fanu fpecies. XXIV. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. Nuptials are celebrated privately. Flowers concealed within the fruit, or info?ne irregular manner. ORDERS VEGETABLE KINGDOM. 25. ORDERS are taken from the Females or Piftils, as clafTes from the Males or Stamens; but in the clafs of Conne&ed Males the Orders differ from others, as in ONE FEMALE, Two Females, Three Females, &c. according to the number of Piftils. The number of the piflil is reckoned from the Safe ofthejiyle ; but if there is nojlyle, the calculation is made from the number of Stigmas. EQUAL POLYGAMY, confifts of many marriages with promif- cuous intercourfe. That is of many florets furnijhed zuithfla?nens andpiflils, The flowers of thefe are vulgarly called Flofculous. SPURIOUS POLYGAMY, where the beds of the married occupy the difk, and thofe of the concubines the circumference. That is, the hermaphrodite florets occupy the difk, and the female florets without flamens fur round the border ■, and that in three manners: f (a) SUPERFLUOUS POLYGAMY, when the married females are fertile, and thence the concubines fuperfluous. That is, when the hermaphrodite flovjers of the di/k are furnijhed with /ligmas, and produce feeds ; and the female flowers alfo, which conjlitue the circumference, produce feeds like-wife. (b) FRUSTRANEOUS POLYGAMY, when the married fe- males are fertile, and the Concubines barren. That is, ivhen the hermaphrodite fowers of the difk are furnijhed with ajligma, and produce feeds ; but the florets which conjlitute the circumference, having nofligma -produce no feeds. (c) NECESSARY POLYGAMY, when the married females are barren, and the concubines fertile. That is, when the hermaphrodite floivers from defecl ofthejligma of the piflil, produce no feed ; but the female flowers in the circumfe- rence produce perfect feeds. (e) SEPARATE POLYGAMY, when many beds are fo united that they conftitute one common bed. That is, when many flower-bearing calyxes are contained in one common calyx, fo as to conjlitute one flower. D G E- 26- Xs£3y£ GENERA of CLASSES. i. ONE MALE. ( Monandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogyn'ia. ) Canna Amomum C oil us Alpinia Maranta Curcuma K-itinpferia T halia Loerhaavia Salicornia Hippuris Kenealmia Myrofma TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. ) Corifpermum. Callitriche Blitum Cinna Mniarum I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 1350 3351 12 J3 14 15 1352 II. TWO MALES. ( Diandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogyn'ia. ) Ny&anthes 16 Jafminum Liguftrum Phillyrea Olea Syringa Dialium Eranthemum Circaea Veronica Paederota Julticia Dianthera Gratiola Schwenkia Calceolaria Pinguicula Utricularia Verbena Lycopus Amethyftea Cunila Ziziphora Monarda Rofmarinus Salvia Collinfonia Morina Globba Thouinia Anciftrum TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. J Anthoxanthum 42 THREE 17 18 *9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I233 1288 30 3* 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4o 4i 1287 J353 J354 GENERA OF CLASSES. 27. THREE FEMALES. ( Trigynia. ) Piper 43 III. THREE MALES. ( Triandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Axonogynia. ) Valeriana Olax Tamarindus Rumphia Cneorum Comocladia Melothria Rotala Ortega Loeflingia Willichia Polycnemum Hippocratea Crocus Ixia Gladiolus Antholyza Iris Morrea Wachendorfia Commelina Callifia Xyris Schoenus CyperuS Scirpus Eriophorum Nardus Lygeum Dilatris Kyllingia Fuirena Pommereulla 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1289 5i 52 *337 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 1355 *356 J357 1358 TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. ) Bobartia Cornucopia Saccharum Phalaris Pafpalum Panicum Phleum Alopecurus Milium Agroftis Aira Melica Poa Briza Uniola Daftylis Cynosurus Feftuca. Bromus Stipa Avena Lagurus Arundo Ariftida Lolium Elymus Secale Hordeum Triticum Anthiftiria Rottbollia THREE FEMALES ( Trigynia. ) Eriocaulon Montia Preferpinaca Triplaris 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 «3 84 85 86 87 88 89 9° 9* 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 1359 1360 Holofteum Koenigia Polycarpon Da 100 IOI 102 IO3 I04 1241 105 Mollu^o 28. GENERA OF CLASSES. Mollugo Minuartia Queria Lechea 1 06 107 108 109 IV. FOUR MALES. ( Tctrandr'ia, ) ONE FEMALE ( Monogynia, ) Protea II0. in Globularia 1 12 Cephalanthus 1 1 3 Dipfacus 114 Scabiofa 115 Knautia 116 Allionia 117 Hedyotis 118 Scabrita 1242 Spermacoce 119 Scherardia 120 Afperula 121 Diodia 122 Knoxia 12 -2 Houftonia 124 Galium 125 Crucianella 126 Rubia 127 Spihonanthus 129 Catefbcea 130 Ixora 131 Pavetta 132 Petefia 1 33 Mitchella 1 34 Manettia 1338 Callicarpa 135. 151 Aquartia 136 Polypremurn 137 Penaea 1 38 Blaeria 139 Buddleja 140 iEgiphHa Exacum Plantago Scoparia Rhacoma Centunculus Sanguiforba C ill us Epimedium Cornus Samara Fagara Ptelea Ludwigia Odenlandia Ammrmnia Ifnarda Trapa Dorftenia Cometes Elaeagnus Santalum Struthiola Sirium Acaena Crameria Rivina balvadora Camphorofma Alchemilla Hydrophyllax Bankfia Hartogia Embotbrium 129O 141 142 143 144 H5 146 147 184 149 1291 151 »53 154 155 156 J57 158 1243 J59 48 j 244 1292 1293 161 162 163 164 165 1361 1362 '363 *3&4 TWO FEMALES ( Digynia. ) Alphanes j 66 Crucita 167 Bufonia 168 Hamamelis 1 69 Cufcuta 170 Hype coon 171 Gomozia »365 FOUR GENERA OF CLASSES. 2g. FOUR FEMALES. ( Tetraginia. ) Ilex 172 Coldenia *73 Potamogeton 174 Ruppia 175 Sagina 176 Tillxa 177 Myginda 178 V. FIVE MALES. ( Pentandria. ; ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ; Heliotropium 179 Myofotis 180 Lithofpermum 181 Anchufa 182 Cynogloflum 183 Pulmonaria 184 Symphytum 185 Cerinthe 186 Onofma 187 Borago 188 Afperugo 189 Lycopfis 190 Echium 191 Meflerfchmidla "45 Tournefortia 192 Nolana , J93 Diapenfia 194 Aretia 195 Androface 196 Primula 197 Cortufa 198 Soldanella 199 Dodecatheon 200 Cyclamen 201 Menyanthes 202 Hottonia 203 Hydrophylum 204 Lyfimachia Anagallis Theophrafta Spigelia Ophiorrhiza Lifianthus Randia Azalea Plumbago I^igrina Phlox Convolvulus Impomoea Polemonium Campanula Roella ' Phyteuma Trachelium Samolus Nauclea Rondeletia Macrocnemum Bellonia Portlandia Cinchona Pfychotria Coftea Chiococca Hamellia Lonicera Triofteum Morinda Conocarpus Scaevola Kuhnia Erithalis Menais Muffaenda Genipa Matthiola Mirabilis Coris Broflaea Ellifia Verbafcum 205 206 207 209 210 124« 211 212 1246 214 2*5 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 23» 231 232 233 234 235 236 1294 237 238 239 241 240 242 243 1229 244 245 Datura 3°- GENERA OF CLASSES. Datura 246 Hyofcyamus 247 Nicotiana 248 Atropa 249 Phvfalis 250 Solarium 251 Capficum 252 Strychnos 253 Jacquinia 254 Chironia 255 Cordia 256 Patagontila 208 Ehretia 257 Varronia 258 Eaugeria 259 Brunsfelfia 260 Ceftrum 261 Lycium 262 Chryfophyllum 263 Sideroxylon 264 Rhamnus 265 Phyiica 266 Ceanothus 267 Arduina 1250 Buttneria 268 Myrfine 269 C da ft r us 270 Evonymus 271 Diofma 272, 273 Brunia 274 Cyrilla 1247 Itea 275 Galax 276 Cedrela 277 Mangifera 278 Hirtella 280 Ple£hronia 1249 Ribes 281 Aquilicia 1296 rGronovia 282 Hedera 283 Vitis 28.4 Log(£cia 285 Sauvagefia 286 Roridula »234 Heliconia 1297 Claytonia 287 Aqhyranthes 288 Celofia 289 Illecebrum 290 Glaux 291 Thefium 292 Rauwolfia 293 Pasderia 1252 Cariffa 1251 Cerbera 294 Gardenia 296 Allamanda 1295 V inca 295 N'erium 297 Plu.neria 298 Echites 299 Cameraria 300 Tabernaemontana 301 Ctropeyia 302 Vire&a 1366 Sheffieldia 1367 Retzia 1368 Epacris 1369 Ignatia *37° Tecktona J37r Efcallonia 1372 Corinocarpus ^373 Argophyllum 1374 TWO FEMALES ( Digynia. ) Pergularia 1253 Periploca 3°3 Cynanchum 3°4 Apocynum 3°5 Afclepias 306 Stapelia 3°7 Herniaria 308 Chenopodium 3°9 Beta 310 Salfola 311 Anabafis 312 Creffa 3X3 Steris GENERA OF CLASSES. 3*. Steris Gomphrena Bofea Ulmus Nama Hydrolea Porana Schrebera Heuchera Lincona Velezia Swertia Gentiana Phyllis Eryngium Hydrocotyle Sanicula Aftrantia Bupleurum Echinophora Tordylium Caucalis Artedia Daucus Ammi Bunium Conium Selinum Athamanta Peucedanum Crithmum Haflelquiftia Cachrys Ferula Laierpitium Heracleum Ligufricum. Angelica Sium Sifon Bubon Cuminum Oenanthe Phellandrium Cicuta 1254 3*4 3r5 316 317 318 3 3 39 3*9 320 1298 447 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 jEthufa 35S Coriandrum 356 Scandix 357 Chaerophyllum 35« Imperatoria 359 Sefeli 360 Thapfia 361 Paftinaca 362 Smyrnium 3^3 Anethum 364- Carum 365 Pimpinella 366 Apium 367 iEgopodium 368 Melodinus 1375 Ruirelia 1376 Coprofma 1377 CulTonia 1378 THREE FEMALES." ( Trigynia. ) Rhus 369 Viburnum 37^ Cafline 37* Sambucus 372 Spathelia 373 Staphylea 374 Xylophylla 1299 Tamarix 375 Turnera 37& Telephium 377 Corrigiola 37S Pharnaceum 379 Alfine 380 Drvpis 381 Bafella 382 Sarothra 383 Semecarpus '379 FOUR FEMALES (Ta tragynia. ) Parnaflia 384 Evolvulus 385 FIVE FEMALES. ( Pentagynia. ) Aralia 386 Staticc 388 Linum 32« GENERA OF CLASSES, Linum 389 Hypoxis 417 Aldrovanda 39° Grnithogalum 418 Drofera 391 Sci'la 419 Gifekia 1299 Cyanella 420 Craflula 392 Afphodelus 421 Mahernia 1255 Anthericum 422 Sibbaldia 393 Leontice 423 Commerfonia 1580 Afparagus 424 MANY FEMALES. Dracctna 1256 ( Polygyria. ) Tk Jt r Con vail aria Polianthes 425 426 Myofurus 394 Hyacinthus Aletris "Yucca 427 428 429 VI. Aloe Agave 43° 43 l SIX MALES. Al'trbmeria 432 ( Hexandria. ) Kemeroc His 433 ONE FEMALE. Acorus 434 ( Monogyriia. ) Orontium Calamus 435 435 Bromelia Tillandfia 395 396 . i uncus Achras 437 438 Burmannia 397 Richurdia 439 Tradefcantia 398 Burfera 440 Pontedera 399 Prinos 441 Haemanthus 400 Breberis 442 Galanthus 401 Capura 1302 Leucojum 402 Loranthus 443 Tulbagia 1300 Hillia 444 Narciflus *- 403 Canarina i3or Pancratium 404 Frankenia 445 Crinum 405 Peplis 446 Amaryllis 406 Maflbnia 1281 Bulbocodinm 407 Phormium 1382 Aphylanthes 408 Erharta 1383 Allium T "1 * 209 Puroia I3H .Linum Fritillaria Uvularia 210 211 412 TWO FEMALES ( Digynia. ) Gloriofa 413 Oryza 448 Erythronium 4H Atraphaxis 449 Tulipa 415 Fallcia 1385 Albuca 416 Gahnia 1386 THREE GENERA OF CLASSES. 33- 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia. ) Flagellaria Rumex Scheuchzeria Triglochin Melanthium Medeola Trillium Colchicum Helonias FOUR FEMALES. ( Tetragyma. ) Petiveria MANY FEMALES. ( Polygynia. ) Alifma 4^0 VII. SEVEN MALES. C Heptandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) Trientalis 46* /Efculus 46 2 Difandra J345 TWO FEMALES. C Dtgynia. ) Limeum 4^3 FOUR FEMALES. ( Tetragyma. ) Saururus 4^4 Aponogeton 1387 SEVEN FEMALES. ( Heptagyma. ) Septas 465 VIII. EIGHT MALES. ( Ottandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) Tropsolum 4^6 Ofbeckia 4^7 Rhexia 468 CEnothera 469 Gaura 47° Epilobium 47 * Antichorus 1257 Combretum 475 Griflea 474 Guarea J3°5 Allophyllus 476 Ximenia 477 Mimufops 478 Jambolifera 479 Melicocca 472 Amyris 473 Fuchfia 128 Memecylon 48 l Dodonaea I3°3 Chlora 1258 Lawfonia 482 Vaccinium 483 Erica 484 Ophira 1304 Daphne 485 Dirca 486 Gnidia 487 Stellea 488 Paflerina 489 Lachnrea 49° Bsckea 49 1 TWO FEMALES. ( D'igyma. ) Schmiedelia 1259 Galenia 492 Weinmannia 493 Moehringia 494 Codia 1388 THREE 34 GENERA OF CLASSES, THREE FEMALES. X. ( Trtgyriig. ) Polygonum Coccoloba TEN MALES. 495 496 ( Decandria. ) Paulhnia 497 ONE FEMALE. Cardiofpermum 498 ( Monogynia. ) Sapindus 499 Soph or a FOUR FEMALES. Anagyris ( Tetragynia. ) Cercis Paris 500 501 502 Bauhinia Adoxa Hymenaea Elatine Parkinfonia Haloragis 1389 Caflia Poinciana Caefalpinia Guilandina IX. Guajacum NINE MALES Cynometra ( Enneandria. ) Codon Di&amnus ONE FEMALE. Ruta ( Monogynia. ) Toluifera Laurus 503 Haematoxylon Tinus 5°4 Profopis Anacardlum 520 Chalcas Caflyta 505 Murraya THREE FEMALES Adenanthera ( Trigynia. ) Rheum 506 Turraea Trichilia Swietena Melia Zygophyllum Quaffia SIX FEMALES. ( Hexagynia. ) Butomus 507 Fagonia Tribulus Tryallis Limonia Monotropa Dionaea Juflieua Heifteria Quifqualis Dais 508 5°9 510 5" 5*2 513 515 516 517 518 519 1285 522 523 524 525 1260 1261 I34I 526 1306 528 521 527 53° 529 531 532 533 534 536 1307 538 535 539 540 Me- G EN ERA OF CLASSES. 35« Melaftoma 544 Kalmia 545 Ledum 646 Rhododendrum 548 Andromeda 549 Epig^ea 550 Gaultheria 551 Arbutus 552 Clethra 553 Pyrola 554 Styrax 546 Samyda 543 Copaifera 542 Bucida 541 Myroxylon 1390 Inocarpus '39i TWO FEMALES, ( Digynia. ) Royena 555 Hydrangea 557 Cunonia 556 Chryfoplenium 55B Saxifraga 559 Tiarella 560 Mitella 561 Trianthema 537 Scleranthus 562 Gvpfophiia 5^3 Saponaria 564 Dianthus ^ THREE FEMALES (Tt'igynia.) Cucubalus 566 Silene 567 Stellaria 568 Arenaria 5^9 Cherleria 57° Garidella 571 Malpighia 572 Banifteria 573 Triopteris 1308 Hinea 574 Erythroxylon 575 FIVE FEMALES, (Pentagynia.) Averrhoa 576 Spondias 577- Cotyledon 578 Sedum 579 Penthorum 580 Bergia 1309 Suriana 581 Grielum 1235 Oxalis 582 Agroftemma 583 Lychnis 584 Ceraftium 585 Spergula 589 Forskohlea 1262 TEN FEMALES. if. ecagynla.) Neurada 587 Phytolacca 588 E 1 2 XL 36. GENERA OF CLASSES. XI. TWELVE MALES. (£> decandria.) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) Af?rum 589 Bocco.iia 59* GtLhyllis 59° Baffia 1343 Rhizophora 59I Vatica 1311 Blakea 593 Befaria 1310 Garcinia 594 Halefia 595 Decumaria 597 Winterania 598 Cratreva 599 Triuinfetta 600 Peganum 601 Hudfonia 1263 Nitraria 602 Portulaca 603 Lythrum 604 Ginora 905 Dodecas 1392 TWO FEMALES ( Digynio. ) Heliocarpus 606 Agrimonia 607 THREE FEMALES ( Trigynia. ) Refeda 608 Euphorbia 609 Vifnea 1393 Tacca ' J 394 Pallafia 1395 FIVE FEMALES. " ( Pentagynia. ) Glinus 610 TWELVE FEMALES. (Dodecagynia.) Sempervivum 612 XII. TWENTY MALES. ( Icoja.idria. ) ONE FEMALE ( Monogynia. ) Cactus Philadelphus Pfidium Eugenia Myrtus Punica Amygdalus Prunus Chryfobalanus Plinia Sonne ratia TWO FEMALES ( Digynia. ) Crataegus THREE FEMALES. ( Trigynia. ) Sorbus Sefuvium FIVE FEMALES (Pentagynia.) Mefpilus Pyrus Tetragonia Mefembryanthemum Aizoon Spiraea MANY FEMALES. (Polygynia.) Rola 631 Rubus 632 Fragaria 633 Pontentilla 634 613 614 615 6 6 617 618 619 620 621 671 1396 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 7'ormentilla Geum 635 636 Dryas GENERA OF CL A S S E S. Dryas Comarum Calycanthus 637 638 639 XIII. MANY MALES. ( Polyandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) Marcgravia 640 Rliecdia 641 Capparis 643 Actaea 644 Sanguinaria 645 Podophyllum. 946 Chelidonium 647 Papr.ver 648 Anemone 649 Car.bogia 650 Muntir ;a 651 qjafdcenia 652 Nympaaea 653 Bixa 654 Sloanea 655 Trewia 1 239 M.mmea 656 Cxnna 657 Calophyllum 958 Grias 659 Tilia 660 Laetia 66 1 Trilix J313 Elaeocarpus » 663 Eecythis 664 Delima 672 Vateria 666 Lagerftrcemia 667 Thea 668 Caryophyllus 669 Mentzeha 670 Ciflus 673 Prockia 674 Corchorus 675 Seguieria 676 37; x397 1398 1399 1400 1401 Ternftromia Alftonia Myriftica Sparmmania Vallea TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. ) Paeonia 678 Curatella 679 Calligonum 680 Fothergilla 1 346 THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia.) Delphinium 68 1 Aconitum 682 FOUR FEMALES. ( Tetraginia. ) Cimicifuga Tetracera Caryocar FIVE 12S2 683 «3*4 FEMALES. (Pentagynia.) Aquilegia K igella Rceumuria Brathys SIX FEMALES. (Hexagynia.) Stratiotes MANY FEMALES. ( Polygyria. ) 684 685 686 1402 687 Dillenia Liriodenrum Magnolia Michelia. lllicium Uvaria Annona Anemone Atragene Clematis 688 689 690 691 611 692 693 694 695 696 Thali&rum 3§. GENERA OF CX.A S S E S. Tuali&rum Adonis Ranunculus Troliius 697 Ifophyrum 698 Heileborus 699 Caltha 700 Hydraitis XIV. TWO POWERS. 701 702 793 704 SEEDS NAKED, (Gymnofpermza.) Ajuga Teucrium Satureja Thymbra Hyflbpus Nepeta Lavandula Sideritis Mentha Penlla Glecoma Lamium Galeopfis Betcmica Stachys Ballota Marrubium Leonurus Phlomis Moluccella Clinopodium Origanum Thymus MeiifTa Dracocephalum Horminum Melittis Ocymum Trichoftema Scutellaria Prunella Cleonia Hrafium Phrvma ( Didynamia. ) SEEDS CLOATHED. 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 1236 7*4 716 717 718 7r9 720 721 722 7*3 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 73* 733 734- 735 736 737 738 (Angiojpennia.) Bartfia Rhinanthus Euphrafia Melampyrum Lathraea Schwalbea Tozzia Pedicularis Gerardia Chelone Gefnera Antirrhium Cymbaria Carniolaria Martynia Torenia Befleria Scrophularia Celha Digitalis Bignonia Citharexylon Halleria Crefcentia Gmelina Premna Petnea Lantana Cornutia Loefelia Capraria Selago Manuka 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 75S 759 761 760 762 763 1316 764 ■65 766 767 768 769 . 1264 Hebcn- GENERA OF CLASSES. Hebenftreitia Erinus Buchnera Brow^llia Linnaea Sibthorpia Limofella Vandellia Stemodia Lindernia Obolaria Orobanche Hyobanche Dodartia Lippia Sefamum Mimulus 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 1265 777 *3X5 778 779 i3J7 780 781 782 783 Ruellia Barleria Duranta Ovieda Volkameria Clerodendrum Vitex Bontia Columnea Acanthus Pedalium Melianthus Hemimeris Millingtonia Thunbergia Caftilleia Amafonia 39- 784 78s 786 787 788 789 790 79* 792 793 794 795 1405 1406 1407 1408 1409 XV. 40» GENEVA OF CLASSES. XV. FOUR POWERS. ( Tetr adynamia. ) WITH SILICLE. WITH SILIQUE, (Siliculofa.) (Siliquofa,) Myagrum 796 Ricotia 810 Vella 797 Dentaria 811 Anaftatica 798 Cardamine 812 Subularia 799 Sifymbrium 813 Draba 800 Eryfimum 814 Lepidium 801 Cheiranthus 815 Thlafpi 802 Heliophila 8r6 Cochlaeria 803 Hefperis S17 Iberis 804 Arabis 818 Alyflum 805 Turritis 819 Clypeola 807 Braffica 820 Peltaria. 806 Sinapis 821 Bifcutella 808 Raphanus 822 Lunaria 809 Bunias Ifatis Crambe Cleome 823 824 825 826 XVI- GENERA OF CLASSES. € XVI. ONE BROTHERHOOD. (Monadelphia . ) 4*« THREE MALES, (Triandria.) Aphyteia 1410 FIVE MALES, (JPentandria.) Lerchea 1 3 1 8 Waltheria 827 Hermannia 828 Melochia 829 Symphonia 1411 EIGHT MALES. (Oftandria.) Aytonia i^ift TEN MALES. (Decdndria.) Connarus 830 Hugonia 831 Geranium 832 ELEVEN MALES. (Endecandria.) Brownea 833 TWELVE MALES. (Dodecandria.) Pentapetes MANY MALES. (Polyandria.) Adanfonia Bombax Sida Malachra Althaea Alcea Malva Lavatera Malope Urena GofTypium Hi b ileus Steward a Gordonia Camellia Mefua Morifona Barringtonia Guflavia Ca-rolinea 834 FIVE MALES, (Pcntandria.) Monnieria SIX MALES, (Hexandria.) Saraca Fumaria EIGHT MALES. (Oftandria.) Polygala Securidaca Dalberjria 836 835 837 1266 839 840 841 842 ?43 844 845 846 847 J344 848 665 642 1413 1414 1415 XVII. TWO BROTHERHOODS. (Diadelphia.) TEN MALES, (Decandria.) 850 Niuolia #53 Pterocarpus 854 Ervthrina 855 1267 Pifcidia 856 849 Borbonia 857 Liparia *3r9 Spartium 858 -851 Genifta 859 852 Afpalathus 860 J416 Ulex 881 F Amorpha 42. Amorpha Crotalaria Ononis Anthyllis Arrxhis Ebenus Lupinus Fb eo'us polici os ( I c rce C i oria Piftrm Orohus LathyruS Vicia Ervum Cicer C'ytifus Geoftroya Robinia GENERA OF CLASSES. MANY 861 862 863 864 8-6 8q5 865 866 867 868 86q 870 871 872 8"3 87+ 875 877 878 879 Colutea Liparia Glycrryhiza Coronilla Ornithopus Hippocrepis Scorpiurus iEfchynomene Hedyfarum. Indigofera Galega Phaca AAragalus Biferrula Pforalea Trifolium Lotus Trigonella Medicago Mullera 880 J3J9 882 883 884 885 8?6 888 887 889 890 891 892 893 894 896 In 898 899 1417 FIVE MALES. (Pentandria.) Theobroma 900 Monfonia 1268 Ambroma 1418 TWENTY MALES. (Icofandria.) Citrus 901 XVIII. BROTHERHOODS. (Polyadelphia.) MANY MALES. (Polyandria.) Melaleuca Hopea Glabraria Munchhaufia Symplocos Hepericum Afcyrum GENERA OF CLASSES. 43. XIX. CONFEDERATE MALES. ( Syngenefia. ) Calea 941: Santolina 942 Athanafia 943 Barnadefia 2419 SUPERFLUOUS POLYGA- MY. [Poly garni a 'tuperflua.) Tanacetum EQUAL POLYGAMY. (Polygamia /fLaualh.) Geropogon 904 Tragopogon 905 Spacorzonera 906 Picris 907 Sonchus 908 Laclcica 909 Chondrilla 910 Prenanthes 911 Leontodon 912 Hieracium 9*3 Crepis 914 Andryala 915 Hyoferis 916 Seriola 917 Hypochaeris 918 Lapfana 919 Catananche 920 Cichorium 921 Scolymus 922 Arctium 923 berratulum 924 Carduus 925 Cnicus 926 Onopordon 927 Cynara 928 Carlina 929 Atradylis 930 Carthamus 93* Bidens 932 Cacalia. 933 Ethulia 934 Eupatoriuru 935 Ageratum 936 Pteronia 837 Sfcebelina 93s Chryfocoma 939 Tarchonanthus 940 F Artemfia Hippia Gnaphalium Xeranthemum Carpefium Baccharis Cony 2a Erigeron TulHlago Senecio After Solidago Cineraria Inula Arnica Doronicum Perdicium Helenium Bellis Bellium Tagetes Leyfera Zinnia Pedis Eclipta Chryfanthemum Matricaria Cotula Anacyclus Anthemis Achillea 944 945 1 3*4 94& 947 94« 949 95« 95* 952 953 954 955 957 956 958 259 960 96« 962 132a 9&4 963 974 965 132 1 966 967 96J4 969 9;o Xridav 44- GENERA OF CLASSES. Tridax 972 Calendula 990 AmelJus 978 Arclotis 901 Sigefbeckia. 973 Ofteofpermum 992 Verbefina 975 Othonna 293 Buph thai mum 977 Eriocephalus 994 Unxia 14.20 Filago 995 Mutifia 1421 Micropfus 996 FRUSTRANEOUS POLY- SEPERATE POLYGAr GAMY. (Polygamic* Segretata. ; (Polygamia : Frujtranca •} Elephantopus 997 Helianthus 979 Shaeranthus 998 Rudbeckia 980 Echinops 999 Coreopfis 981 Gundelia 1000 Ofmites 983 CEdera >325 Gorteria 982 Stoebc IOOI Zeegaea 1271 Jungia 1422 Centaurea 984- MONOGAMY. NECESSARY POLYGAMY, (Monogamia.) (Prfygamy- J\>:ceJJarta. ) Seriphium 1003 Miliaria 985 Strumpfia 1002 Baltimora 2323 Corymbiura 1004 Silphium 986 Jafione 1005 Polymnia 987 Lobelia 1 00b Chrjibgonum 988 Viola 1007 Melampodiura 989 Impatiens 1008 XX. • FEMININE MALES. (Gynandria.) TWO MALES. THREE MALES (Diandria.) (Triandria.) Orchis roog SirVrinchium 1017 Satirium I0IO Ferraria 1018 Ophrys ICf I Salacia 1326 Serapias ICI2 Stilago *273 JLimodorum IOIJ FOUR MALES. Arethufa 1014 (Tetrandria.) Cypripedium T0I5 Nepefttfces 1019 Epidendrum 1016 FIVE MALES. Gunnera X27T (Peniartdria.) Difa 1423 Ayenia 1020 Forftera I424 Gluta Paffiffora 1327 1021 SIX GENERA OF CLASSES. 45- SIX MALES. ( Hexandria.) Ariftolochia Piftia EIGHT MALFS. (Oflandria.) Scopolia TEN MALES. (Decandria.) Kleinhovia Jieli&eres 1022 1023 1425 J 024 1025 TWELVE MALES. (Dodecandria.) Cytinus 1232 MANY MALES. (Polyandria.) Xylopia 1027 Grewia 1026 Ambrofinia 1238 Arum 1028 Dracontium 1029 Calla 1030 Pothos 1031 Zoftera 1032 ONE MALE. (Monandria.) Zannichellia *034 Ceratocarpus I035 Cynomorium 1003 Chara 1203 Elaterium I03^ Artocarpus 1426 Phyllachne 1427 Cafuarina 1428 iEgopicron J429 TWO MALES. (Diandria.) Anguria 1037 Lemna I03& THREE MALES. (Triandria.) Typha 1040 Sparganium 1041 Zea 1042 Tripfacur» 1044 Coix 1043 Olyra % 1045 Carex 104b Axyiis 1047 XXI. ONE HOUSE. (Monoecia.) Omphalea Tragta Hernandia Phvllanthus FOUR MALES. (Tctrandria.) Centella Serpicula Littorella Cicca Betula Buxus Urtica Moms FIVE MALES. (Pentandria.) Nephelium Xanthium Ambrofia Parthenium Iva Clibadium Amaranth us Solandra Leea 1039 1048 1049 1050 1051 1274 1328 1275 1052 1 053 1054 1055 1277 1056 1057 1058 I059 J329 1060 1 061 1276 HEX- GENERA OF CLASSES. 46. SIX MALES. (Hexandria.) Zizanii Pharus SEVEN MALES. (Hepiandria.) Guettarda MANY MALLS. (Pjlyandria.) Ceratoph ilium Myricphillurn Sagittarla Theligonurn Potenum Begonia Que re us Juglans Fa°;us Carpinus Corylus Platanus ' Liquidambar ONE 1062 1063 io6a 1065 1066 1067 ic68 1069 1 156 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 Thuya CupreiTus Piuckne ia Detechampia Acalypha Croton Cupania Jat.opha Ricinus Sterculia Stillingia Hippomanc Hura Gnetum CONFEDERATE (Syngenefia.) Trichofanthes Momordica Cucurbita Cucumis Bryonia Sicyos 1978 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 279 1084 1085 1086 1279 1088 1087 1278 MALES. 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 Pinus BROTHERHOOD. (Monodelphia,) 1077 FEMININE MALES. (Gynandria.) Andrachne I095 Agyneja 133© XXII. TWO HOUSES. ONE MALE. (Monandria.) Najas Pandanus TWO MALES. (Diandric.) Vallifneria Cecropia Salix THREE MALES. (Tricmdria.) Empetrum (Dioecia.) 1096 1097 1099 1098 hog Ofyris Reftio Excoecaria Caturus Maba FOUR MALES. (Tetrandria.) Trophis Batis Vifcum Hippophac Myrica IIOI ^33* 1102 1280 M31 1103 1104 1 105 1 1 06 1 107 Montian GENERA OF CLASSES. 47 Montinia FIVE MALES. (Pentandria, ) Piftacia Zanthoxylum Aftronium Canarium Antidefma Ireiine Spinacia Acnida Cannabis Humulus Zanonia Fevilleea SIX MALES. (Hexandria* Tarn us Smilax Rajania Dicfcorea Populus Rhodiola EIGHT MALES. (Oflandria.) Margaritaria NINE MALES. (Enneandria.) Mercurialis Hydrocharis M32 nc8 1 109 mi 1281 11 10 1113 1112 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1 1 20 1121 1122 1123 1 1 24 H33 1125 1126 TEN MALES. (Decandria.) Carica 1127 Kiggelaria 1128 Schinus 1130 Coriaria 1129 TWELVE MALES , (Dodecandria.) Datifca 1 1 32 Menifpermum 1131 Euclea 1434 MANY MALES. (Polyandria.) ClifFortia "33 Hedrvcarya 1434 ONE BROTHERHOO (Monadelphia.) Juniperus "34 Taxus "35 Ephedra 1 136 CiiTampelos 1138 Adelia "37 Napoea 836 CONFEDERATE MALES. (Syngenejia.) Rufcus "39 FEMININE MALI ;S. (Gynandria.) Clutia 1 1 40 XXIII. POLYGAMIES. ONE HOUSE. (Monoecia.) Mufa Oph ioxylon Celtis Veratrum Andropogon Holcus Apluda (Polygamic.) Manifuris Ifchaemum Cenchrus iEgilops Spinifex Vala^tia Parietaria Hermas Atriplex Brabcjum 1 141 1142 "43 1 144 "45 1146 "47 1 334 1148 1149 1150 1 333 1151 1 1 52 1 6c Terminalia. GENERA OF CLASSES. Terminalia 1283 Stilbe 1363 Clufia "54 Anthcfpermurn 1 164 Acer 1155 Ar£tcpus 1 165 Govana 1157 Pifonia 1162 Mimofa 1158 Panax 1166 TWO HOUSES. Chryfitrix 1335 (Dioecia.) THREE HOUSES. Gleditfia "59 (Trie ecia*) Fraxinus 1160 Ceratonia 11^7 Diofpyrus 1161 Ficus 1168 Nyffa 1163 XXIV. CLANDESTINE MARRIAGES. (Cryptogamia.) FERNS, E qui fe turn Cycas Zamia Onoclea Ophiogloflum Ol'munda Acrofrichum Polypodium Hemionitis Afpknium Blechnum Lonchitis Pgtxis Adiantum Trichomane$ Marfilea Pilularia Ifoetes MOSSES. (Mufcn) Lycopodium Porella Sphangum Phafcum Splachnum Pol ytri chum Mnium Bryum 1 1 69 1222 1227 1170 1171 1172 "73 "79 1176 1178 1175 "77 1774 1180 1181 1182 1183 j 1 84 1185 1106 1187 1189 1191 1 1 92 1 193 1194 Hypnum "95 Fontinalis 1190 Euxbaumia 1188 Hedwigia I4?5 Pottia *436 Georgia 1437 Grimmia 143« Webera J439 Catharinea 1440 Weiffia I44I Andreaea FLAGS. (Alga.) 1442, Marchantia "98 Jungermania 1196 Targionia "97 Anthoceros 1201 Blafia "99 Riccia 1200 Lichen 1202 Byflus 1208 Tremella 12C4 UI'va 1206 Fucus 1205 Conferva 1207 FCJNGUSSE! (Fungi) Agaricus 1209 Bokms I2TO Kydnuoj GENERA OF CLASSES, Hydnum Phallus Clathrus Helvella 1211 1212 I2I3 I2I4 Peziza Clavaria Lycoperdon Mucor 49- 1215 1216 1217 1218 APPENDIX. PALMS. (palma.) Chamaerops Boraflus Corypha Cocos 1219 1220 1221 12Z3 Phoenix Elais Areca Elate Caryota Mauri tia 1224 1284 1225 1226 1228 1444 <* AD- ADVERTISEMENT. TH E Editors intend as foon as poflible, to publifh a tranflation of the GENERA, and SPECIES PLANTARUM, and have therefore only given the eflential characters, and fpecific diftinclions of plants in this work ; intending to put the references and obfervations into their proper places in the Species, and the natural characters from the Supplement into the Genera. The plants here introduced from the SUPPLLMENTUM PLANTARUM of the prefent Dodor Linneus aie diftinguifhed by S. after them ; the new Genera are placed at the end of the Orders to which they belong, for the greater eafe in turning to them; and the new Species inferted under their proper Genera. In the Clafles ONE HOUSE, TWO HOUSES, and POLYGAMY, $ denotes the male flower, and $ the female. CLASS ONE MALE 5u CLASS L ONE MALE. ( Monandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. J * Scitamineous, beneath: Fruit cell'd beneath. 2 Amomum. C9ri^-4bd. B.T^l. indica. 1. C. leaves egg'd pointed at both ends nervy. Indian, angujlifoliai. C. leaves lanced petioled nervy. narrow-leaved, glauca 3. C. leaves lanced petioled nervelefs. fea-green. 2. AMOMUM. Cor. 4- cleft : flrit diviiion expand- ing. Zingiber. I. A. fcape naked, fpike egg'd. Ginger. Zerumbet. 2. A. fcape naked, fpike oblong obtufe. Cardamo- 3. A. fcape very fimple, very fhort, bracr.es alternate loofe. mum. Cardamon. Granum 4. A. fcape branchy very fhort. Grains of Paradife. Paradifi. 3. COSTUS. Cor. interior part inflated, grinning: lower lip 3-cleft. ^ardbicus. 1. Cost us. arabian. 4. ALPINIA. Cor. 6-cleft, bellied.* three lobes expanding. racemofa. I. Alpikia. racemed. 5. MARANTA. Cor. grinning, 5-cleft : two alter- nate divifions expanding. arundina- I. M. culm branchy. reedy a cea. / Galanga %. M. culm fimple, leaves Jar.ced fubfeffiWy^r/riv/?» conopi 3. M. a tuft with leaflets reMeded. S. ^Clv^v-Yaokifted 6. CURCUMA. Stamens 4 barren, the fifth .fertile. - ' Ju/fmiric. rotunda. 1. C. leaves lance-egg'd ; lateral nerves very few. round. longa. 2. C. leaves lanced : lateral nerves very numerous. long. 7 KAEMFERIA. MONANDRIA monogynia. Kaempferia. $3. 7. KAEMPFERIA. Cor. 6-parted : 3 larger divifions expanded, one 2-parted. Stigma 2 -folded. Galanga. i. K. leaves egg'd feflile. -B.AT • rotunda. 2. K. leaves lanced petioled. Zfc/otri/ round ~%1*L. i. THALIA. Cor. 5-petal'd waved. Drupe with nucleus 2-cell'd. geniculata i. Thalia. knotted. 9. BOERHAAVIA. Cal o. Cor. i-petal'd, bell'd, plaited. Seed 1. naked beneath. [Stam 1 or 2.) srecla. i. B. ftem ere&, fmooth, flowers 2-male. herbaceous, fruticofa. 2. S. ftem erect fhrubby. Jhrubby. £,~J), virginica. 3. S. herbaceous erect branches very fimple. Virginian, arabica. 4. S. joints obtufe thicken'd at the bafe, fpikescgg'd.ar^W. arabica. S. leaves alternate (heath -like? obtufe gaping on one fide. S. aralian, cafpica. 5. S. fhrubby, joints cylindrical, fpikes thread-form, cafpian. foliata. 6. S. leaves linear alternate ftem clafping-decurrent. & leaved. 11. HIPPURIS Cal. o. Petals o. S//£«w fimple. iSm/ 1 . Marejlail. vulgaris. 1. H. leaves eightfold awl'd. S. Ciid-Jctit.Sj common, je.25. Utraphylla. 2. H. leaves fourfold oblong obtu-fe. S, four-leaved. 1350 RENE- 54- one male one female. Renealmia. 1350. RENEALMIA. Cor. 3 -cleft : Nettary oblong. Cal. 1 leav'd. Anther feffile oppofite to the ne&ary. Berry flefhy. sxaltc.ta. Renealmia. S. lofty. 1 35 1. MYROSMA. Cor. 5-parted, irregular. Cal. double: the exterior one 3 -leaved ; the inferior one 3 -parted. %^fuffnf/.odmt.,- xmrkefolia. Myrosma. S. canna-leaved* TWO FEMALES. ( Digyma, ) 12. CORISPERMUM. Cal. o. Petals 2. Seed 1. oval, naked. cTiekfeed. hyjjbpifol. I. C. flowers 1 teral. byjjop-leav^d. fquarrofumi. C. fpikes ragged, ragged. 13. CALLITRICHE. Cal. o. Petals 2. Capjule 2-celi'd, 4-feeded. Stargrafs. verna. I. C. upper leaves oval, flowers androgynous. vernal. «utumnalhi. C. all the leaves linear two-cleft at the t®p, flowers herr maphrodite. HJuk.pfn 9.5J autumnal. 14. BLITUM. Cal. 3-cleft. Petals o. Seed 1, calyx berried. Blite. tapltatum. I. B. headlets fpiked terminal. headed' R.fri.virgatum. 2. B. headlets fcatter'd lateral. twiggy, 15. CINNA. Cal. glume 2-valved, i-flower'd. Cor. glume 2-valved. Seedi. xrundinacca. ClNNA. reedy, 1352. MNIARUM. Cal. 4-parted? above. Cor, 0. Seed i . }if.orum, I. Mniarum. S* two- flower 'd. CLASS TWO MALES. 5J< CLASS Tl. TWO MALES, (Diandria.) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia ) * Flowers beneath^ one- 20 Olea. 21 Chionanthus. 19 Phillyrea. l8 LlGUSTRUM. 22 SyRINGA. Cor. Cor. 23 Eranthemum. C 17 Jasminum. 16 Nyctanthes. * * Floiuers beneath, 26 PiEDEROTA. 25 Veronica. 29 Gratiola. I233 ScHWENKIA. 27 JuSTICIA. 28 DlANTHERA. 1288 Calceolaria. 30 PlNGUICULA. 31 Utricula^ua, * * * Flcivers beneath, 32 Verbena. 33 Lycopus. 34 Amethystea. 36 ZlZIPHORA, Cor. Cor. ■petard, regular. Cor. 4-cleft. Drape. Cor. 4-cleft: diviftons very long. Cor. 4-cleft : Berry i-feeded. 4-cleft. Berry 4-feeded. 4-cleft : diviiions linear. Capfule two- cell'd. 5-cleft: diviftons inverfe-egg'd, flat, Capfule. 5-cleft. Berry 2-grain'd. 8-cleft. Berry 2-grain'd. I -petard, irregular, Fruit capfuled. Cor. 4-cleft. Cal. five-parted. Cor. border 4-parted : inferior divifion nar- rower. Cor. 4-cleft irregular. Stam. 4 : 2 barren. Cor. fubequal : mouth ftar-plaited, glandular. Stam. 3 barren. Cor. grinning. Capfule claw elaftic. Cor. grinning. Anthers 2 on each filament. Cor. grinning, inflated. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. grinning, fpur'd. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. grinning, fpur'd. Cal. 2-leaved. •f- Bignonia Catalpa. one-petaPd, irregular. Fruit feed-naked. Cor. fubequal. Cal. higheft divifion fhortcr. fubequal. Stam. diftant. fubequal : loweft divifion concave, grinning : helmet reflected. Cat. thread- form. 37 Mon \RDA Cor. Cor. Cor. 56. D I A N D R I A 37 Monarda, Cor. grinning : helmet linear infolding th» fructification. 38 Rosmarinus. tcr. grinning: helmet fielded. Stam. curved. 39 Salvia. Cor. grinning: Filaments tranfverfly pedicel'd. 35 Cunila Cor. grinning : helmet flat. Stam. 4 : 2. rudiments. 40 Collinsonia. Cor. almoft grinning: with lip capillary- many-cleft. * * * * Flowers beneath, four-petal' d. 5 353 Thouinia. Cal. 4-parted: Anthers fefliie. * * * * Flowers -beneath i fve-petaFd. 1240 Dialium. Cal. o. Petals 5. * * * * Flowers above. 41 Morina. Cal. of the fruit tooth-awn'd ; of the fower 2-cleft. 24 CiRCJfeA. Cal. 2-leaved. Cor. 2-petal'd,inverfe-hearted. 1287 Globba. Cal. 3-cleft. Cor. 3-cleft. Capfule 3-cell'd. 1354 Ancistrum. Cal. 4-awn'd. Cor. 5-cleft. -J- Valeriana Cornucopia. Boerhaavia 2-male, climbing, ered. TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. J 42 Anthoxanthum. Cal. Glume i-flower'd, oblong. Cor. Glume' awn'd. THREE FEMALES. ( ^rigynia. ) 4 1 PiPfR* Cal. 0. Cor, 0. Berry i-feeded. ONE two males, one female. Nyctanthes. 57. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) ' 16. NYCTANTHES. Corol 8-cleft. CaL 8-cIeff. Pericarp 2-grain'd.. ji/iq/t'l-MtM . /XsoL>f*s>, J?y^^., arbor trijlh. 1. N. fterri four-corner'd, haves egg'd pointed, pericarps membranous comprefs'd. forrowful tree. Sambac. 2. N. inferior leaves hearted obtufe, fuperior ones egg'd JJ-to. - acute. undulata. 3. N. leaves egg'd pointed waved} branches columnar. waved. hirfuta. 4. N. petioles and peduncles villous, O.i/woy. 32 8. Jhaggy. g.M. angu/lifolia. 5. N. leaves obtufe lanced and egg'd. narrow-leaved, elongata, 6. N. leaves hearted lanced acute elongated and /mailer, branches columnar. S. elongated. glauca. 7. N. ftem columnar, leaves lanced acute three-nerved peduncles three-cleft. S. fea-green. ij. JASMINUM. Cor. 5-cleft. Berry 2-grain'd. SeedariVd. Anthers within the Tube. yafmine. officinale. f. J. leaves oppoiite : leaflets did in&. officinal. ~J2.ML. grandifiorum.i. J. leaves oppohte featner'd : the outmoft leaflets con- fluent, great-flower d. axoricum. 3. J. leaves oppofite three'd. azorian. fruticans. 4. J. leaves alternate three'd and fimple, branches an- B.M.. glcd. Jhrubby. humile. 5. J. leaves alternate acutiih three'd and fea herd, branches angled. humble. odoratljji- 6. J. leaves alternate obtufe three'd and feathered, 75 jvi . mum. branches columnar. mojl fragrant. 18. LIGUSTRUM. Cor. 4-cleft. Berry feur-feeded. ■vulgare. i. Ligustrum. >//7ap/'. common. JZ.Jd. to. PHILLYREA. Cor. 4-cleft. Berry one-feeded. Privet. media. i. P. leaves egg-lanced verv intire. middle- fi%e* angudi folia. 2. P. leaves linear-lanced moft intire. narrow-leaved' latifolia. 3. P. leaves egg-hearted faw'd. broad leaved- /2 T. la{-ifolia.laeM.8auA/it'}<.^0,fr,ZQ OLEA. 58. TWO MALES. ONE FEMALE. Oka. 20. OLEA. Cor. 4-cleft : divifions nearly egg'd. Drupe one-feeded. Olive. europaea. I. O. leaves lanced. european. capenfis. 2. O. leaves egg'd. cape, americana. 3. O. leaves lance-elliptic. american. 21. CHIONANTHUS. Cor. 4-cleft : divifions very long^, Nuclqus of the Drupe ftriated. X>.JB- virginic. I. C. peduncles three-cleft three-flower d. Virginian, zey Ionic. i. C. peduncles panicled many flower 'd. ceylon. 22. SYRINGA. Cor. 4-cleft. Cap/. two-cell'd.Z,//^. B-.M. vulgaris. i. S. leaves egg-hearted. co?nmon. JB.M-- perfica. 2. S. leaves lanced. perfian. 1240. DIALIUM. Cor. 5-petal'd. C#/. none. 5/^- ///evzj- on the upper iide. indum. i. Dialium. vidian. 23. ERANTHEMUM. Cor. 5 -deft : tube thread- form. Anthers out of the tube. Stig- ma fimple. Fruit. &c*ii£-ffcw>~ capenfe. I. E. leaves lance-egg'd petioled. cape. angujiifol. E. leaves linear remote expuv led. narrow leaved' parvifolium. E. leaves egg-iine jr imbricated . jmall-leaved. Saifoloides. E. fnrubby, leaves fleftiy rouridifh linear very fmooih, racemes axillary and calyxes pubefcent, tube re- curved. S. Saifola-like. 24. CIRC^EA. Cor. two-pctal'd. Cal. 2-leaved, zbpypy Seed 1 . two-celi'd. SncLwhr-s ■*"■»» lutetiana. I. C. item -%-ect, racemes numerous, leaves e^'d. Ct d-.aa •' . ?&l . b-r -r -v 1 • r* parijian. ZJj. alpina. 2. C. item proftrate, raceme finde, leaves hearted. aU 0<* ';„.3v fpikes terminal, leaves oppolite lanced faw'd pointed. long-Itemed. fpikes terminal, leaves oppofite notch'd obtufe, (lem erect downy. hoary. fpike terminal, leaves oppofite notch'd obtufe, ftem afcending moft fimple. Oer{.ok*«*.s%. fpiked. fpikes terminal, leaves oppolite obtufely faw'd rug- ^ .„ ged, ftem erect. mule. fpike terminal, leaves linear tooth-feather'd, ftems proftrate. feathered. fpikes lateral peduncled, leaves oppofite, ftem pro- -« cumbent. Qed-dcm. 241C officinal. * * Corymbe -racemed. V. coiymbe terminal, fcape naked. leajlefs. V. corymbe terminal, ftem afcending two-leaved, leaves obtufe notch'd, calyxes fhaggy. daify-like. corymbe terminal, leaves Lmced obtunfh notch'd, £3 _ ftems fhrubbyifh. Oeo(.cSoi»>, S6A . Jhrubbyifh. corymbe terminal, leaves oppofite, calyxes hifpid. ft ihpf. cJoi/»s. fb. alpine. corymbe terminal, leaves oppofite fmoothifti, pe- ^g duncles furpafling the floral leaves. S. rock. V. raceme terminal fubfpiked, leaves egg'd fmooth ^, -p notch'd. 0td.o/oisf>s.4a(L . thyme-leaved. racemes lateral, leaves egg'd flat, ftem creeping. „ n Ort/.o/u*}/.5H- Brookliine. racemes lateral, leaves lanced faw'd, ftem erect. X. .#. racemes lateral alternate : pedicels pendulous, E ^ leaves linear moft intire.^W.,*^. 20 qjln eld-like. H :8. V. 6o. two males, one female. Veronica. Teucrium- 18. V, pilofa. 23. V, projl rata. ' 22. V. peclhiata. 35. V. montana. 21. V montana. V. Kamfcha' tic a. V. Cbamadrys. 23 V. r/u/lriaca, 19. V. multifield. 20. V. latifolia. 34. V* pan'iadata. 25. V. Uriicee- V. folia. agrejlis. 26. V. arvcnfis. 27. V. hedera- 28. V. tripbylhs. 2q. V. verna. 30. V. 1 romana. 31. V. actnjfolia. 32. V. . racemes Literal very long, leaves egg'd wrinkled tooth'd obtuflfh, ftems procumbent , racemes fubfpiked, leaves egg'd obtufe, plaited, ftem proftrate hairy. /w ry. . racemes lateral, leaves oblong-egg'd faw'd, ftems proftrate. piofirate. racemes lateral leafy, leaves oblong comb-faw'd, flems proftrate, comb-like. . racemeslaterai few flower'd, calyxes fliaggy, leaves egg'd wrinkled notch'd petioled, ftem weak, racemes lateral elongated thread-form, leaves egg'd petioled obtufe grofly faw'd, ftem and petioles fhaggy. S. mountain. fhaggy, raceme three-flower'd elongated lateral leafiefs, leaves egg'd or oblong faw'd fhaggy : with hairs jointed. S. Kamtj'chatka. racemes lateral, leaves egg'd feflile wrinkled tooth'd, ftem two-faced hairy. Ger?nander. racemes lateral, leaves linear-lanced, feather- tooth'd. aujirian. racemes lateral, leaves many-parted., jagged, ftems ereci. many-cUft. racemes lateral, leaves hearted wrinkled tooth d, ftem upright. broad-leaved. racemes lateral moft long, leaves lanced three- fold faw'd, ftem afcending. panicled. racemes lateral, leaves egg-lanced fhaggy fharpiy faw'd, ftem erect. S. nettle-leaved. * * * Peduncles one-flower \l. flowers folitary, leaves hearted gafhed fhorter than the peduncle. Oeo/.ofo.^ . 4^Q. wild. flowers folitary, leaves hearted gafh'd longer than the peduncle. fielcL flowers folitary, leaves hearted flat five-lobed. ivy-leaved. flowers folitary, leaves finger-parted, peduncles longer than the calyx. CtoiJo,»,.'-! 5 Z. three-leaved. flowers folitary, leaves finger-pai ted, peduncles fhorter than the calyx, vernal flowers folitary lubfeflile, leaves oblong fomewhat tooth'd, ftem erecl. roman. flowers folitary peduncled, leaves egg'd fmooth notch'd, ftem erect hairyifh. u:\nus-leaved. 33- v* DIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Veronica. 6l. 33- V. Bowers folitarv fefule, leaves lance-linear fmooth obtufe n oft intire, ftem erect, foreign, marilandica.!^. V. flowers iolitary leffile, leaves linear, ftems diffufe. maryiand. 26. PyEDEROTA. Cor, 4-cleft. Ccl. ^parted. Cnpf. two- cell d. Wy#f/ c/ol'^r. P. leaves feather'd. cape. P. leaves faw'd: the inferior ones alternate. P. leaves faw'd ODpo.'te. ccernlca. P. upper lip of Line eorols undivided. 5. blue, lutea. P. upper lip of the eorols two-cleft. S. yellozv. honafpei. Ageria. Bonarota. I. 2. 27. JUSTICIA. Cor. grinning: Cap/, two-ccll'd, burfling with an eluftic claw. Stamens with a fingular anther. Mhadota. 1. J. Ecbolium. 2. J. Betonica. 6. J- fcorpioides. 4- J picla. 5- J infundibidi- 0 J form. ■fpinofa. ft '/ofa, feffdts. hyjjhpifotia. 19. 20. 7- J- j. J. J. Pidcharrima. J. Tranqueba- J. renjis* arborefcent, leaves lance-egg'd, bra&es egg'd permanent, helmet of the eorols concave. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd, fpikes four-corncr'd, bracles egg'd fringed, helmet of the eorols re- flected. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd, bradles egg'd pointed vein-netted colour'd. Betony. fiirubby, leaves lance-egg'd fhaggy feffile, fpikes recurvated. fcorpipn-like. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd painted, eorols in- flated in the throat. pa'urted. fhrubby, leaves lance-egg'd fourfold, bractes lanced fringed. funnel-form. fhrubby, fpikes axillary, peduncles lateral, thorny. ihrubb\-, leaves elliptical, thyrfes terminal fajiuous. fhrubby, flowers axillary feilile. Affile. fhrubby, leaves lanced moft intire, peduncles three-^ilower'd two-edged, bracles fhorter than the calyx, byffop- leaved. fhrubby, leaves egg'd pointed at both ends peti- oled, fpikes terminal four-corner'd erect, bra&es egg'd. S. Very beautiful. . fhrubwOi, f:°m -columnar, leaves orbicular, fpikes terminal flowers folitary, bracles inverfe -heart- ed. S. Tranquebar. t 331 J3.M iM 62. TWO MALES. Orcbioides. ONE FEMALE. JllfUcia. J. fhrubby, leaves egg'd feflile, flowers axillary foli- tary peduncled. S. orchislikc Grandarufa. J. fhrubby, fmooth, leaves lanced elongated, fpikes verricil'd. S. * * Herbaceous. leaves lanced moft intire, fpikes terminal and late- ral alternate, bractes briftly, item procumbent. procumbent. diffufe,fpikes axillary feflile downy one-rank'd im- bricated on the back : bra£tes half-lanced, comb. leaves egg'd ibmewhat notch'd, fpikes terminal, bradles lanced, ftem creeping. creeping. herbaceous, leaves egg'd, flowers lateral, peduncles three flower'd, bractes oval. cbinefe. leaves lance-linear obtufe feflile, racemes afcending- one-rank'd, brakes briftiy. echium-like. leaves egg'd moil intire, bractes wedge-form, bran- ches fix-angled. Jix-angled. leaves lance-oval, flowers fpiked, bra£tes oblong- wedged, carthaginian. leaves egg'd moft intire, bracles awl'd, branches fix-corner'd. arifing. leaves lance-egg'd moft intire, peduncles two-fork'd . nofed. leaves lance-egg'd, peduncles fix-flower'd : lateral pedicels two-rlower'd, bractes egg'd parallel'd. iwo-valved. leaves egg'd dagger'd at both ends moft intire fmooth, ftem knotted) fpikes one-ranked, purple. leaves egg'd, mcemes Ample long, flowers alter- nate one rank'd, bractes obfcure. ganges. ftemlefs. S JiemJefs. herbaceous, leaves lanced, flowers oppofite feflile, bractes and calyxes briftly hilpiu longer than the flower. S. fringed. villous, leaves egg'd intire, flowers axillary verti- cifd feflile. i>. verticil V. procumbens* 8. J- peclinata. 9- J- repens. 10. J- cbinenfis. ii. J. echioides. 12. J. fexangulari. •*3- J- cartbagi- nenfis. ajfurgens. 21. 14- J. J. vafuta. 15- J- bivahis. i7- J- purpurea. 16. J- gangetica. 18 J. dcaulis. ciliaris. J. J. verticillaris. J. 28. DIAN- DiANDRiA. monogynia. Dianthera. 63. 28. DIANTHERA. Cor. grinning. Gapfuk two- cell d hurfting with an elafticclaw : each Stamen wjth two alternate an- thers. • n '* 4&* /h(t- emericana. i. D. fplkes folitary alternate, american comata. 2. D. fpikes thread-form verticil'd ; the inferior ones umbei'd. tufted, malabarica. D. flowers panicled, pedicel fvo-or three-cleft,flow- ers two-calycied : the dorfal divifion larger. S. ivalabar. 29. GRATIOLA. Cor. irregular, refupine. Sta- mens 2, barren. Cap/ule 2-cell'd. Cat. 7-leaved : the 2 exterior expan- ded. officinalis. I. G. leaves lanced faw'd, flower? pedunc'ed. officinal. 7/*oicj*.-7fijJ Alonnieria. 2. G. leaves oval-oblong, peduncles one-flower'd, ftem- ^ creeping. rotnndifclia. G. leaves egg'd tfcree-nerved. round-leaved. hyjfopioides. G. leaves lanced fome what faw'd fhorter than the ftem- joint, hyflbplike. virginica. 3. G. leaves lanced obtufe fome what tooth'd. Virginian. peruviana. 4. G. flowers fubfemie. puruvian. 1233. SCHWENKIA. Cor. fubequal, the throat plaited glandular. St am. 3 barren. Cap/. 2-cell'd, many feeded. americana. 1. Schwenkia. american. 1288. CALCEOLARIA. Cor. grinning, inflated. Cap/. 2-cell'd, 2-valved. Cal. 4- parted, equal. kMfi// -mm- cJ. dci7T.^^ri.aLpina. villofa. lufitanica. vulgaris. 1. P. ne£tary thicken'd at the top. portugal. 2. P. ne<5tary cylindrical the length of the petal, common. 3 P. nectary conical fhorter than the petal. alpine. 4. P. fcape fubvillous. villous. E.B. E.u. alpina. folio fa. vulgaris» minor, fubulata. gikba. bifida. ctcrulea. ftdlaris. UTRICULARIA. Cor. grinning, fpur'd. Cat. 2,-Jeaved, equal. Cap/', one-cell'd. I. U. nectary awl'd, leaves egg'd moft intire. alpine. 1. U. nectary conical, fruit bowing, roots without blad- ders. , , m lcafy' 3. U. nedtary conical, fcape few-flower'd^/^w.^/;/;/^;/. 4. U. nectary keel'd. 0ed.c4ci*,.i- ricr>e£ox.W. leaves oblong fcollop'd, calyxes thorny, bra£tes hearted dagger'd concave. thorny. leaves wrinkled hearted oblong villous faw'd, bractes colour 'd longer than the calyx concave pointed, leaves wrinkled feather-cleft woolly,higheft verti- cils barren. horn-leaved. leaves oblong gnaw'd woolly, verticils woolly, lip of the corol notch'd, bradtes recurvate thorny- ifh, Mtbiop. leaves lyre-feather'd feather'd. leaves oblong tooth-angled woolly, higheft verti- cils barren : bracles concave, filvery. leaves feather-cleft wrinkled villous, ftem panicled moft branch v. born-leaf-like. leaves lyre-ear d, ftem almoft leaflefs, helmet of the corol half two-cleft, leaves hearted gafh'd unequally at the bafe, ftem naked, fpikes bowing before florefcence. nodding. leaves heart-egg'd wrinkled gnaw'd, bractes moft intire fmooth. S. downy, leaves petioled moft wrinkled three-lobed : the intermediate lobe protruded oblong ; lateral ones egg'd obtufe. S. three-lobed. leaves hearted egg'd acute faw'd very foftly downy underneath, raceme terminal verticil'd. S.fcarlet. villous, leaves egg'd tooth'd ear'd, flowers verti- cil-fpiked. 8. ear'd rugged, leaves lyred tooth'd wrinkled, ftem pani- cled branchy. S. rugged. rugged, leaves runcinate-feather-cleft tooth'd, flowers fpiked verticil'd. S. runcinated. COLLINSONIA. Cor. unequal: under lip many-cleft, capillary. Seed 1 . perfect. canadinfiu i. Collinsonia. Canadian. 41. MORINA, DIANPRIA. MONOGYNIA. Morina. 69. 41. MORINA. Cor. unequal. Cal. of the fruit one- leaved, tooth'd. Cal. of the jlower two- cleft. Seed 1 . under the calyx of the flower. perjica* 1. Morina. pcrftaiu 1353. THOUINIA. Cor. beneath, four-petal'd, Cah' ' four-parted. Anthers feffile. nutans. 1. Thouinia. S. nodding* 1287. GLOBBA. Cor. equal, three-cleft. Cal. above three-cleft. Cap/, three-cell'd Seeds numerous. marant'ma. G. fpike terminal erect. ritaratim* nutans. G. fpike terminal pendulous. nodding, uviformisy G. fpike lateral. grape -form, 1354. ANCISTRUM. Cal. fbur-awn'd : awns ter- minated with crofs'd barbs. CV. 4- cleft. A^/gv/z^pencird. fanguiforbte. Ancistrum. lt*yv . edoratum. 1. A. fpike oblong egg'd,_ florets fubpeduncled longer ^jj. than the awn. < fyi///* gfl. in', seel/. ± 1 ■ odorous. inmciitA. 2. A. fpike linear, florets feffile fhorter than the awn. in- diaiu paniculat. 3. A. flowers panicled. panicled, aculeatum. A. fpikes fub-globular, involucre leafy fhort dagger'd. S- crinitum, A, panicle fpike-form cylindrical awn'd . the awns long expanding loofc, &. THREE JO. TWO MALES. THREE FEMALES. Piper. THREE FEMALES. ( cTrigynia. J 43. PIPER. nigrum. 1 . P. Beth. 2. P. Malamiris. 3. P. jf mala go. 6. P. Siriboa. 4. P. longum. 5. P. decumanum. 7. P. reticulatum, 8. P. aduncum. 9. P. pellucidum. 10. P. _B-M_. acuminatum. 11 P. cbiufifd. 12. P. rotund if. 13. P. maculofum. 14. P. pehatum. 15. P. dyflacbion. 16. P. umbeilatum.ij. P. trifolium. 18. P. quadrifol. 19. P. vertici/latumio. P. Cubeba. P. Capcnfc. retufum. reflexion. metbyfiian Cal. o. Cor. o. Berry one-feeded. leaves egg'd moftly feven-nerved fmooth, petioles fimplcir. /*/<7iv{-. leaves oblongifh pointed feven-nerved petioles two tooth'd. Zfc//*. leaves egg'd acutifh rugged underneath : five nerves elevated underneath. leaves lance-cgg'd five-nerved wrinkled. leaves unequally hearted moftly feven-nerved vein'd. leaves hearted pctioled and fertile, long. leaves hearted nine-nerved netted. large. leaves hearted five-nerved netted. netted. leaves egg-lanced ; nerves alternate fpik.es hook'd. book 'd. leaves hearted pctioled: flcm herbaceous, pclludl. leaves lance-egg'd nerved flefhy. pointed. leaves egg'd nervelefs. obtufe-leaved. leaves orbicular folitary flefhy. round-leaved. haves targetted egg'd. jpotted. leaves targetted orbicular-hearted obtufe fcollop'd, fpikes umbcll'd. targetted. leaves egg'd fpikes pair'd. twin-jjuLcd. leaves hearted roundifh acute vein'd, fpikes um- bcll'd. umbeWd. leaves three-fold roundifh. three-leaved. leaves fourfold wedgc-form fertile, four -leaved. leaves verticil'd egg'd three-nerved. verticiWd. leaves oblique-egg'd or oblong vein'd acute, fpikc folitarv peduncled oppofite-leavcd, fruit pedi- cel'd. S. leaves egg'd nerved pointed : nerves villous. S. Cape. leaves invei fe-egg'd retufe. S. retufc. leaves four-fold egg'd obtufe reflected, ftem fur- row'd. S. rejfleSfed. leaves hearted manv-ncrved petiolcd, fpikes axil- lary peduncled numerous. S. CLASS. CLASS III. THREE MALES. (T'riandria.) ONE FEMALE. f Monogynia ) * Flowers above. 44 Valeriana. Cor. 5-cleft, gibbous at the bafe. fcedfmgte. 50 Mf.lothria. Cor. 5-cleft, whecl'd. Berry 3-celTd. 55 Crocus. Cor. 6-petal-like, erect-expanded. Stigmas convolute colour'd. 59 Iris. Cor. 6-petal-like : alternate petals reflected. Stigma petal-like. 60 MorjEa. Cor. 6-pctal-likc: all the petals expanded. 58 ANTHOLYZA, Cor. 6-cleft tubular recurvate. 57 Gladiolus. Cor. 6-pctal-likc : 3 fuperior petals converg- ing- 56 Ixia. Cor. 6-pctal-likc, expanding. Stigmas 3 fim- pie. 1355 Dilatris, Cor. 6-petal'd, hairy, Stigma fimplc. Cal. none. * * Flowers beneath. 61 Wachendorfia.C£, £.B. Valerians differ exceedingly in the fructification : in the coral? r>eing regular or ir-egular. in the ftamens being i 2 3 or 4. the fruit one-feeded or two-iecded, naked, crewn'd, having a pappus, &c. K 76. three males, one female. Valeriana. fruit Ample. potherb. calyxes inflated : teeth 6 inflected ; involucel 5- elitoria. a. vificaria. b. coronata. c. difcoidea. d. dent at a. e. radiata. f. ■pumila. g- mixta. 17. V. echinata. 15. V. fupine. ~B.TA.. Jibirica. 19. V. 18. V. leaved 3-flower'd. bladder. fruit fix-tooth'd. crown'd. fruit twelve-tooth'd, falver-form with 12 points, hook'd backwards. difk-like. the crown of the feed three-tooth'd. tooth' 'd. the involucre encompafling the flowers. radiate. ftem two-fork'd, loweft leaves tooth'd : higheft linear many-cleft. dwarf. flowers three- male, ftem four-cleft, loweft leaves twice-feather-cleft, feed with pappus plumy. mix'd. flowers three-male regular, leaves tooth'd, fruit li- near three-tooth'd : the outermoft larger recur- vate. hedge-hog. flowers four-male, involucels fix-leaved three- flower'd, leaves intire. fupine. flowers four-male equal, leaves feather-cleft, feeds growing on the oval chaff". fibirian. 45. OLAX. Cal. intire. Cor. funnel-form, 3-cleft. with NeBary 4-leav'd. Zeylanica. 1. Olax. Ceylon. 46. TAMARINDUS. Cal. 4-parted. Petals 3. Nee- tary with 2 fhort briftles under the fi- laments. Legume pulpy, tamarind, indica. 1. Tamarindus. Indian. 47. RUMPHIA. Cal. 3-cleft. Petals 3. Drupe 3 cell'd. , amboinenfis. I. Rumphia. amboina. 48. CNEORUM. Cal. 3-tooth'd. Petals 3, equal. Berry 3-grain'd. tricoccon. j. Cneorum. three-grain 'd. 49. COMO- TR1ANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Comocladia JJ. 49. COMOCLADIA. Cal. 3-parted. Cor. 3-parted. Drupe oblong : with nucleus two-lobed iniegrifol. I. C. leaflets intire. intire-leaved. dentata. 2./C. leaflets thoi n-tooth'd. tootb'd. 1337. WILLICHIA. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. 4-cleft. Cap/. 2-ceird, many feeded. repens. I. Willichia. creeping. 50. MELOTHRIA. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. bell'd, 1- petal'd. Berry 3-cell'd, many-feeded. pendula. I. Melothria. pendulous. 1289. ROTALA. Cal. 3-tooth'd. Cor. o. Cap/. 3-cell'd, many-feeded. verticillar'is. i. Rot ala. verticil 'd. 51. ORTEGIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/. 1- cell'd. Seeds very numerous. hifpanica. I. O. flowers fubverticil'd, ftem fimple. fpanijh. dichotoma. O. flowers folitary axillary, ftem two fork'd. i-fork'd. 52. LOEFLINGIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petal'd, fmallefr.. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. hi/panic. J. Loeflingia. fpanijh. 53. POLYCNEMUM. Cal. 3-Ieaved. Petals 5, calyx-form. Seed 1, nakedifh. 7M^/-V*■ africana. pcntandra. 2. I. J. B.Al. chinenfis. 9- I. B^t. bulbifera. 4- I. n.n. Jlexuofa. 5- I. polyjiachia. 6. I. Cor. 6-petal'd, expanding, equal. Stig- mas 3, ere£tifh-expanded. fcape one-flowerrd leaflcl's fhorteft. rofe. fcape one-f)ower'd fhorteft, Item- leaves angular, ftigmas fixfold. fcape one-flower'd, leaves fword-form, fpathe torn. one-jlowerd. Scapes one-flower'd S. minute. fcape fimple, leaves linear hairy. S. hairy. ftem many-flower'd, floweis peduncled erect, leaves linear ere£t. S. capillary. ftem fimple, leaves linear, flowers imbricated. S. foxtail-like. ftem fimple, leaves fielded. S. fickled. ftem fimple, leaves linear convex ftriated. S. linear. ftem fimple, leaves egg-oblong cut out on the interior fide. S. cut. ftem fhrubby branchy. S. Jhrubby. flowers corymbed peduncled, ftem two-edg'd. corymbed. flowers yellow, petals glafiy on the fide with a yellow line in the middle of the bafe. S. gfofy- flowers headed, fpathes torn. african. flowers five-male, ftamens curved, leaves fword- form. S. jive-male. leaves fword-form, panicle two-fork'd, flowers peduncled. chinefe. leaves linear, axils bulb-bearing, flowers alter- nate, ftamens lateral. bulb-bearing. leaves linear, raceme winding many-flower'd. winding. leaves linear, fcape with fpikes numerous, many- J piked. 7. I, TRIANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Ixia. 79- Scillaris. J. maculata. 12. croc at a. I. I. 8. I. cr'ifpa, Pendula. I. I. cinnamomea. I. pladiata. I. Galaxia. I. fugacijjima» I. leaves fword-form ftriated, fpike elongated. Squil. ZJ.-M*"*- leaves fword-form, flowers alternate : with petals JSJtf- «.•». obfcure at the bafe. /potted. leaves fword-form, flowers alternate : with petals q -^ glafs-window'd at the bafe. faffron. leaves awl'd curl'd, fcape fpik'd. S. curl'd. leaves linear fword-form, ftem panicled, racemes many pendulous. S. pendulous. leaves lanced waved, fpike one-rank'd. S. cin- namon. Styles three, culm naked comprefs'd, fcalesofthe glumes awnlefs. S. [word. of the clafs one Brotherhood, fpathe radical, -n-iyt leaves egg'd flat nerv'd. S. Galaxy. of the clafs one brotherhood, fpathe radical, leaves awl'd channel'd recurvate. S. mojl jleeting. GLADIOLUS. Cor. 6-parted, grinning. Sta- mens afcending. $tf»//ia. G. leaves fword form, flowers dfiftznt Jy^'Z/i^xommcn. 12. At . G. leaves fword-form, flowers imbricated, imbrica- ted. G. leaves fword-form, lateral petals broadeff. qy \£ winged. G. leaves fword-form plaited villous, fcape lateral, corols regular. plaited. G. leaves linear-crofs'd, corols bell 'd. forrowfut.Ti-'M.lk G. leaves fword-form, petals fubequal lanced waved. j[?-Ai waved. 8. G. leaves fword-form, petals fubequal lanced recur- -^ «i vate. recurved. G. leaves linear, ftem fimpleft, flowers fpiked. jpiked. G. leaves line r, fpike two-rank'd imbricated, fox- \^*\i\^ tail-like. y. G. leaves linear, flowers diftant, tube of the corols j> ^j longer than the borders. narrow. 8. G. ftem branchy, leaves linear. branchy. 6. G. ftem branchy, heads pcdu.icled, root tuberous. -n •*. beaded. -° ^ G. leaves lanc'd notch'd waved, flowers onc-rank'd, fpikes two, tube thread-form long. S cur lea. ~* junceus, G. leaves broad lanced, culm branchy, flowers one- 57- communis, imbricatus. alatus. plicatus. trijlis. undulatus. recurvus. fpicatus. alopecu- r aides, angujlus. ramofus. capitatus. I. 2. 4- 5- 6. 7- 3- id. cri/pus rank'd, fyle fix parted. S. rvfny £M 8o. THREE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Gladiolus. miceps. j?."M gramineus. J£ «"M marginatum. montanus. falcatus. flexuofus. B-}t- longiflorus. Jj -M. tubiflorus. £%M , fpathaceus. fctifolius. G. leaves fword form wav'd, ftem branchy two-edg'd divaricated. S. tivo-edg'd. G. petals lanced briftle pointed. S. Sr<10- G. leayes cartilaginous-edged, fmooth many-nerved, fpike elongated, flowers alternate nodding. S. edged. G. leaves fword-form nerved fmooth, flowers fpiked. Corol grinning. S. mountain. G. ftem fimple, leaves fielded, flowers alternate, ftyle three-cleft. S. fickled. G. leaves linear, ftem fimple winding, flowers fpiked grinning, tube long . S. winding. G. ftem columnar, tube longeft, fpathes and leaves linear fmooth. S. long-flower d. G. ftem columnar tube very long, fpathes and leaves hairy. S. tube-flowering. G. ftem branchy, flowers fpike-imbricated, fpathes membranous awn'd, leaves plaited. S. fpathe* G. ftem branchy, corol grinning, loweft leaf thread- form-briftly S. brijUe-leav d. 3. hi. 3'M. \5.H\ ANTHOLYZA. Cor. tubular, irregular, recur- vate. Cap/, beneath. ///nc/Mue/. A. lips of the corol divaricated, throat comprefs'd. grinning. A. corols fubpapilionaceous : with two external lobes of the lip broader afcending. A. corols incurvate : with two alternate lobes of the five-parted lip expanded greater lanced, athiopian A. corols funnel-form, leaves fword-form. A. corols funnel-form, leaves linear.. A. flowers funnel-form downy without. A. leaves plaited, ftem branchy fhaggy, corol grinning fhorter than the ftamens. S. plaited. A. radical leaves with thread-form bafe broad awl'd furrow' d at top, ftem fimple leafy fpiked. S. nngens. i. Cunonia. 2. tscthiopica. 3. Meriana. 4. Merianella. Maura, plicata. ' 59. IRIS. Cor. 6-parted : with alternate Petals re- flected. Stigmas petal-form, $fa>3i e/*.*Juci * Bearded : with neflarics of 'reflected petals. 3}.to..fuflana. I. I. corols bearded, ftem longer than the leaves one- flower'd. 2. I. TK1ANDRIA. MONOGVNIA. Iris. Si. florentina. 2. I. germanica, 3. I. aphylla. 6. I. fambucina. 4. I. fqualens. 5. I. Variegate. . 7. I. hi for a. 8. I. pumila. 9. I. dicbotoma. I. tripetala. [. ali at a. I. tricufp'idtita. I. minuta. I. * * pfeud-Aio- 10. I. fcetidijfma. if. I. fbirica. 12. I. verf color. 13. I. virgtnkd. 14. I. corols bearded, ftem higher than the leaves moftly two-flower'd, flowers feflile. forentine. corols bearded, item higher than the leaves many- flower'd, the inferior flowers peduncled. german. corols bearded, fcape naked the length of the leaves many-flower'd. leaflefs. corols bearded, ftem higher than the leaves many- flower'd, the defte&ed petals flat ; the ere& ones end-nick'd. elder-like. corols bearded, ftem higher than the leaves many- flower'd, the deflected petals replaited the erect ones end-nick'd. fqualid. corols bearded, ftem fomewhat leafy the length of the leaves many-flower'd. Variegated. corols bearded, ftem fhorter than the leaves three - flower'd. corols bearded, ftem fhorter than the leaves, one- &ioiwex'd.-3Bc&'4../b-fb. &$. $4- dwarf. corol very thinly bearded, ftem columnar elongate panicled, branches alternate divaricated, two or four flower'd. S. two-fork" d. corols bearded, radical leaf Angle linear fword- form-channel'd, alternate petals awn'd. S. three- petal 'd. Corols bearded, leaves lanced waved fringed, alter- Ji.M. JBJ*. 6.M. AM. nate petals inverfe-egg'd, S. fringed. corols bearded, radical leaf fword-form, alternate petals three-cleft. S. three-piked. corols bearded, leaves lanced fmooth, alternate petals lanced. S. minute. Beardlefs : with petals deflected polifi'd, corols beardlefs, interior petals lefs than the ftigma, leaves fword-form. Ore/. c/a*?.4g4. faljie Acorus. corols beardlefs : interior petals moft expanded ; ftem one-angled, leaves fword-form. mojl fetid. corols beardlefs, germs three-corner'd, ftem colum- nar, leaves linear. fiberian. corols beardlefs, germs almoft three-corner'd, ftem columnar winding, leaves fword-form. colour- changing* corols beardlefs, germs three-corner'd, ftem two- edg'd. Virginian. 3M- XM E.B. AM. JB.M. L 15. I. $2. THREE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Ifis. martini- 1 5 cenfis. fpuria. Gchroleuca. lb. J3.M-. -3 J*. graminea. 17. *verna. 18. tuber ofa. 19. Xiphium. 20. perjica. 21. Sifyrin- 22. chium. tenuifolia. JJ.M . /r//?/V. _7?.A1; . pavonia. papilionacea, 7?Jvl vifcaria. S -31! • bitum'inofa. ramofijjima. fetifolia. jpathulata. corols beardkfs, germs three-corner'd, petals with glandular pits at the bafe. mart'inico. corols beardlefs, geims fix-angled, item columnar, leaves fublinear. fpurious. corols beardlefs, germ fix-angled, ftcm fubcolurri^ nar, leaves fword-form ftriated. pallid. corols beardlefs, germs fix-angled, ftem two-edged^ leaves linear. gra[[y- corols beardlefs, ftem one-flower'd fhorter than the leaves ; root fibrous. vsrnah corols beardlefs, leaves four-corner'd. tuberous. corols beardlefs, flowers twofold, leaves awl-chan- nel'd fhorter than the ftem. corol beardlefs, interior petals fhorteft moft expan- ded, perfian. corols beardlefs, leaves channel'd, bulbs double placed on each other. corol beardlefs, fpathe two-flower'd, leaflongeft thread-form, tube thread-form elongated. S. jlender-leaved. corols beardlefs, Item branchy fhaggy, leaves lon- ger fword-form fmooth. S. forrozvful. corols beardlefs, with radical leaf fword-form fmooth, ftem fimple. S. peacoci. fhaggy, corols beardlefs, leaves revolute. S. papilionaceous. corols beardlefs, leaves linear flat, petals expanding, ftem vifcous. S. vifcous. corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form fpiral, petals reflected, ftem vifcous. S. bituminous. corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form revolute curl'd, petals expanding. S. curl'd. corols beardlefs, with radical leaf fheathing the fcape linear channel'd very long, exterior lip of the ftigma intire. S. eatable. corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form flat, ftem pani- cled very branchy obtufely three corner'd. S. mojl branchy. corols beardlefs, leaf thread-form fmooth, ftem fim- ple, fpathes membranous. S. brijlle-leaved. corols beardlefs, leaves fword-form fmooth ftriated rigid, fpathes awl'd very long. S. Jpatulcd. 60. MORjERA. TRIAN 6o. MOR^EA v eg eta. juncea. I. n m M. M. iri diodes. ^* $• M. Polyanthus. M. fpathacea. M. lugcns, M. fpiralis. M. aphylla. M. fliformis. M. fexitofa. M. Iriopetala. M. juncea. a. v eg eta. ' b. dria monogynia. Moraea. 83. \A 3. At ."AM.. . Cor. fix-petal'd ; 3 interior petals expanding ; the reft like Iris. leaves channel'd. vcgete. leaves awl'd. rujhy» leaves f word-form. iris-like. ftem very branchy, leaves awl'd fmooth, alternate petals lefs, ftigmas two-cleft. S. jnany-fower' 'd. fcape columnar, leaves columnar expanding long, flowers aggregate headed, S. /pat he. ftem two-edged one-or-two-flower'd, leaves fword- form : the loweft ones almoft fickled, flowers terminal. S. mourning. ftem comprefs'd jointed many-flower'd, leaves fword-form eredt, flowers axillary. S. fpiral. fcape comprefs'd naked very fmooth, fpathe very long awl'd, flowers headed. S. Jeaflefs, fcape and leaves thread-form, flowers terminal fo- litary. S. thread-form. ftem columnar jointed branchy, leaves flat loofe revolute, fpike winding. S. tvinding. leaves grafTy, three greater petals bearded. £. Iris-petal 'd. the fcales of the bulb diftincl at the bafe. S. rujhy. £ :M the fcales of the bulb connected at the bafe. $. vegeic. 61. WACHENDORFIA. Cor. fix-petal'd, unequal, beneath. Cap/, three-cell'd above. W. fcape Ample, ihyrfe-foivering. W. fcape many-fpiked, panic! ed. W. umbel two-cieft racemed. umbel 'd. W. Item many-fpiked fhaggy, leaves fword-form chan- nel'd fmooth. S. grafs-leaved. ihyrjiflora.. 1, paniculate, i . umhellata. graminifolia. 62. COMMELINA. Cor. ' 6-petal'd. Nettaries 3, crofs'd, inierted on appropriated fila- ments, * Two-petal V/, from two petals being larger. .«o*.tg.y.iA. daggered. culm three-fided naked, umbel decompounded fpikes of the fork fefTile. two-fork' 'd. culm three-fided naked, umbel fimple, fpikes egg'd. hedge-hog 'd. culm three-fided, umbel fimple, florets of the fpikes retrofradted. retr of railed. culm three-fided nakedifh, involucres the length of the panicle fringed. iron. culm three-fided naked, umbel nakedifh, fpikes oblong feflile and terminal. fpadix. EG. lacujlris. 9. S. 2.B. Holofchoe- nus. io. S. aujlralis. S. romanus. ii. s. jfetaceus. Jfupinus. 12. S. TO C 13. y. autumnalis s. capillaris. 14. S. iriflachyos. S. globiferus. s. * * * iriqueter. 28. s. mucronatus .15. s. dichoiomus* 16. s. tchinatus. 17. s. retrofrac- tus. iS. s. ferrugineu. .19. s. fpadicsus. 20. S. irifpicatus. groffus. TP.IANDRIA. S. MONOGYNIA. SdrpUS. 89. S. 7/iiliaceus. 22. S. cyperoides. S. maritimus. 21. lunula. 23. fylvaticus. 24. s. fquarrofus. :ntr:catus. S, bctteniottuir S. antarflicus, cephahtes. 27. S. ■J2JB. culm angled naked, fpikes terminal three'd feflile naked. 5. tbree-f piked. culm three-fided naked, umbel fuper-decom- pounded, fpikes pedicel'd, involucre three- leav'd lance-awl'd longeft. S. green-fig* With Culm three-fided^ Panicle leafy. culm three -Tided naked, umbel fuper -decom- pounded with intermediate fpikes feflile, invo- lucre briftly. millet. culm three-fided naked, umbel fimple, fpikelets oblong, florets awl'd one-flower'd reflected. cyperm-like. S, culm three-fided, panicle conglobulate leafy, fcales of the fpikelets three-cleft : with the interme- diate one awl'd .'Bau/iA/iijt,, /J. ^ero>rM . fea. culm three-fided naked, umbel leafy proliferous, fpikelets sroundifh. culm three-fided leafy, umbel leafy, peduncles jrj$, naked fuper -decompounded, fpikes crowded. Oeo<. oh.^. <3op- wood. ccrymbofus. 25. S. culm three-fided leafy, corymbes lateral fimple ; with a terminal one proliferous, fpikes awl'd. corymbed. culmcolumnar naked briftly, fpikes threefold feflile egg'^ ragge^* ragged* culm three-fided naked, umbel leafy fimple, calyx-fcales awl'd recurved. intricate, michclianus, 26. S. culm three-fided, head globular, involucre many- leav'd long. michelian, ciliaris. S. culm three-fided leafy, umbels fcattered, calyx- fcales with awns fringed. fringed^ * * * ** With Culm three-fided* head terminal. culm three-fided leafy, head globular, calyx-fcales lanced fhaggy. hotUittot* culm three-fided naked, head globular, involucre one-leav'd. antarclic. culm three-fided naked, head egg'd ragged, involu- cre three-leav'd lonp-. ear-headed, 68. ERIOPHORUM. Glumes chaffy, imbricated on all fides. Cor. o. Seed I. girt with longeft wool. Cotton-rujh* yagtnatum. I.E. culms fheath'd columnar, fpike parch' J. fheath'd- £-£ M F 90. THREE MALES. ONE FEMALE. EriophofUm. X B polyftachion. 2. E. culms columnar, leaves flat, {pikes pednncled» many-fpiked. virginicum. 3. E. culms leafy columnar, leaves flat, fpilce erect* •Virginia?:. cypcrinum. 4. E. culms columnar leafy, panicle fuper-decompounded proliferous, fpikelets moftly threefold, cyperine. ~E.B. alpinum< 5. E. culms naked three-fided, fpike fhorter than the pappus. alpine. 69. NARDUS. Cal. o. Cor. 2-valved. Nard-), ?.//>?<.."/>/ cv.culiatum. I. C. fpike awnlefs, cowl notch'd. cowl'd. alopecuror %. C. fpike awn'd, receiv'd in an hemifpherical cowl. ides* foxtail-like. j^. SACCHARUM. Cal wool long on the outfide of the calyx. Cor, 2-valved. Sugar- Can e. fpontaneum. S. flowers panicled, leaves convolute, fpontaneom. officinarwn. i. S. flowers panicled, leaves flat. officinal. Ravenna. S. panicle loofe with rachis wool'd, flowers awn'd. Ravenna. Mcafyim. 1. S, flowers fpiked, leaves waved. [piked. M 2 S* 02. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Saccliarum. Tenerlffas . S . fpontaneum. S. leaves awl'd fiat, flowers panicled awnlefs, no hairy involucre, calyx very villous. S. Tenerlff". leaves convolute, panicle effufe : with fpikes ca- pillary fimple, flowers remote involucred doub- led : with one ped uncled. S. fpontaneous. 74. PHALARIS. CaL 2-valved, keel'd, equal in length, including the coroL^^y r/^Jj. Ph. panicle fomewhat egg'd fpike-form, glumes keel'd- 2.B . wnarienfis. canary. htdbofa. 2. Ph. panicle cylindric, glumes keel'd. bulbcus. ■lodoj'a. Ph. panicle oblong, leaves fHffening. knotted. Sqitatica. 3. Ph. panicle fpike-form egg-oblong, glumes keel'd lanced. aquatic. S-3. Phhoides. 5. Ph. panicle cylindric fpike-form fmooth occafionally viviparous. < ec/. (/o> »,. :>;?/. &L euclvfJ^hlcum-like. Utrichlata. 4. Ph. panicle fpiked, petals with a jointed awn, fheath of the higheft leaf fpathe-form. bladder' d. paraaoxd. - P. fpike one-rank'd fomewhat egg'd, florets obtufe, conglomerate, P. fpikes- finger'd knotted on the interior tafe, florets double awnlefs, fheathes of the leaves dotted. 0*d.x/o*>/W. I body. -hrljon. 14. P. fpjkes finger'd expanding : villous -On the interior bafe : flowers folitary, Garments creeping, fin- $tr9J. cohnum. I 0. brizoides.. 12 dimidiatum. hirtellum. conglomera- ium. fanguinale. j'3 P. P. P. E.3. E.B. HJi. EJ. £.£. j$< 94« THREE MALES. TWO FEMALE. Panlcum. fliforme. 15. P. xneare. 16. P. ui/lachion% P. flatus. P. compojitum. 11. P. holvoium. P. (ilcboto- 17. P. mum. ramofum. iq. P. color atunu 30. P. re pens. 27. P. >r.'diaceum. 23. P. cap} II are. 20. P. grojfarium. 18. P. latifolium. 24. P. clandejli- 1 9. P. num. arborefcens. 26. P. curvatum. P. virgatum. 28. P. fat ens* 21. P. h-evifalium .2$. P. fpilces fomcwhat fingcr'd approximated creel: linear, rachis winding : with teeth two-flowcr'd, one feffile. thread- form. fpikes fingcr'd moitly fourfold linear, florets folitary one-rank'd awnlcis. linear. fpikes double one-rank'd polifh'd. iwo-fpiked. fpike compound, fpikclets oblong fcatter'd np- prefs'd, florets crowded, calyxes dagger-awn'd, 8. talL fpikc compound, fpikclets linear one-rank'd, florets remote, calyxes awn'd. compound. fpike round, involucel one-flower'd fafcicle-brif- tled, feeds nerved. * * pamcled. panicles fimple, culm branchy two-fork'd* two- forked. panicle with fimple branches, flowers moftly three- fold, the lower one fubfellile, culm branchy? branchy. panicle expanding, ftamens and pifiils colour'd, culm branchy. colour ,L panicle twiggy, leaves divaricated. creeping. panicle loofc flaccid, fheaths of the leaves fliaggy, glumes daggef'd nerved. /nil/et. panicle capillary ei eel: expanding, fheaths of the leaves fhaggy. capillary. panicle with Ample branches, flowers doubre: one pedicel fhorteft : the other the length of the ftower. panicle with racemes lateral fimple, leaves egg- lanced hairy at the neck. broad-leaved. racemes hidden amidft the fheaths of the leaves. ckmdcjfnu . panicled moft branchy, leave segg-oblong pointed arborcfecni. panicle racemed, glumes curved obtufe nerved. curved. panicle twiggy, glumes pointed polifh.\l : the out- moft gaping. t'i'jiggy. panicle oblong winding capillaryexpanding, calyxes two-ftower'd, leaves linear-lanced, <;ii)in root- in^", expanding. panicled,. fheaths of the leaves longitudinally fringed. Jhort-leavccL 22. P. uivanca- tum. TRIANDRIA. 22. 1 digvnja. F hie urn, « alpine. E.B. 2\ P. fpike cylindricj culm afcendingj leaved oblique, root bulbous. fl*fc *A»i»:^Se^^»'rei 96&A. af^&UQtted. /.■".r.rt/4 4. P. fpike egg'd fringed, culm branchy. fandy. s.B- 5. P. fpikes egg'd obvolute, leaves morteft dagger 'd ftem-clafping. Schoenus-like. 78. indicuSi hdbofus. pratenfts. agrejlis. geniculatns. ALOPfiCLfRUS. CaL 2-valved. Cor. i-valved. Foxtail. A. fpike columnar, irivolucels briflly fafcicled two-flow- er'd, peduncles villous. indiar* A. culm erec~t, fpike cylindric, root bulbous, bulbous A. culm fpiked erecl:, glumes villous, corols awnleis. JrA, ueU-.-trJo»» ^if .tBauA .s>in.4./j>, /r. ic. meadoZV . A. culm fpiked erect^ glumes ploim'd.Mr^„ ^i'?/^. A. culm fpiked infracted, corols awnlefs. knotted. J<-<7:d: * awn'd. fpicaventl. I. A. exterior petal with awn upright ftraight longeft, panicle expanded. weather-cock. interrupta. 5. A. exterior petal awn'd, panicle attenuated contracted interrupted. interrupted, miliacea. 2. A. exterior petal with awn terminal ftraight ftriated middlefize. millet, hromoides. 16. A. panicle Ample narrow'd, corol pubefcent : with awn ftraight longer than the calyx. bromus-like, aujlralis. 17. A. panicle fubfpiked, feeds egg'd pubefcent: awn the length of the calyx. fouthern. arundinacea. 3. A. panicle oblong, exterior petal villous at the bafe, . and with awn twilled longer than the calyx. reedy. CalamagroJlis.\.A. panicle thicken'd, the whole exterior petal woolly awn'd at the top, culm branchy. ScAauc/,:u,„n,,Ao ferotina, 18. A. panicle with florets oblong dagger'd, culm 'cover'd with fhortefl leaves. late. rubra. 6. A. flowering part of the panicle moft expanding, ex- terior petal fmooth : with awn terminal twifted recurved.. Tu./. a W 2 £ . :jA red. Matrella. A. flowers racemed, exterior valvelet of the calyx in- curved, the tcp only of the keel gaping. tanina. 7. tS. calyxes elongated, dorfal awn of the petals recur- ved, culms proftrate rather branchy. dog's. fbicdzfortms, A. panicle fpike-form, florecs two-awn'd : one awn inferred on the receptacle longer, the other beneath the top of the corol upright, corol £ fhag°;y. S. fpike-forme. r.lrfuta. A. panicle fubfpiked. ftem and leaves fhaggy, corol- glumes awn'd on the back two-cleft at top. 5. poggy, * * azvnh'fs. flohnifera. 8. A. branchlcts of panicle expanding awnlefs, culm creeping, calyxes equal. Jhle~bearing. 9. A capillaris. fylvatica. alba. pumlla. minima, virginica» mexicana. indica. cruciata. radiata. tcnacijfvna TR1ANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Agroftis. 07, . .,. 9. A. panicle capillary expanding, calyxes awl'd equate*' .''« . /6, hifpidifh colour'd, florets awnlefs. capillary. 16. A. panicle condenfed awnlefs, calyxes equal : the virgin ones fhorter than the corol, the fecun- dated one twice as long. wood, 10. A. panicle loofe, calyxes awnlefs equal, culm creep- E_B ing. Rtief. D"»gf. 2 j. white. 19. A. panicle awnlefs one-rank'd, culms fafcicled erect. dwarf. 11. A. panicle awnlefs thread-form. leajl. HJB. 12. A, panicle contracted awnlefs, leaves involute- wing- like ri'jid ftanding out. Virginian, A. panicle oblcng collected, calyxes and corols poin- ted fubequal awnlefs. mexican. A. panicle contracted awnlefs, racemes lateral erect alternate. indian. A. fpikes fourfold crofs'd fmooth at the bafc, valvelets petal-like awn'd. crofs'd. A. fpikes moftly fivefold crofs'd villous at the bafe, valvelets petal-like awn'd. radiate. A. panicle contracted thread-form, flowers awnlefs linear, valvelets parallel. S. mofl tenacious. 20. 15- 14. 81. AIRA. Cal. 2-valved, 2-flower'd. F/orefs with- out an interpofed rudiment. w**t-w**J* * azvnltfs. crundindcea. 4. A. panicle oblong one-rank'd awnlefs imbricated, leaves flat. reedy. ininuta. 5. A. panicle loofe almoft level-top'd remoteft florets awnlefs. minute. aquatica. 6. A. panicle expanding, flowers awnlefs polifh'd longer U.j&t than the calyx, leaves flat. aquatic. capcnfis. A. culm branchy, flowers racemed, corols hairy. S. cape» * * azvn'd. fubfpicata. 7. A. leaves flat, panicle fpiked, florets awn'd on the cliS middle; awn reflected look. 0>c/. ?*»*,. aitrfubjpi fad. caefpitofa. 8. A. leaves flat, panicle expanding, petals villous and XJ3 awn'd at the bafe : awn firaight fnort. turfy.-)*0'- >•'?■<» - flexuofa. 9. A. leaves briftly, culms nakediih, panicle diva- ricated, peduncles winding. <7«s4Va n /^.winding. -**• "• montana. 10. A. leaves briftly, panicle narrow'd, florets hairy at the bafe awn'd: awn twifted longer. mountain. ihf/in ft: 4- 7h.fi. c.r,,/. <3<7..W',>„ Msearfy. earyotkyllea.iL. A. leaves briftly, panicle divaricated, flowers awn <1 diftant.& ''.'■'-.: -:■.:- .^.^..■-v>v 352 . . dove, villofa. A. leaves awl'd, panicle elongated narrow'd, florets one and hall "fhaggy awn'd : awn ftraight fhort. S. villous. ej £.H KB 82. MELICA. Cat, 2-valvcd, 2-floWer'd. Rudiment ol* a flower amongit. the florets. ///.//■ ciliata. 1. M. exterior petal of me lower floret fringed, fringed nutans. 2. M. petals beardlefs, panicle nodding firriple. nodding. mniuta. 5. M. enlin branchy, leaves britfly, petals beardlefs. minute. 'ea. M. panicle condenfed, flowers cylindric. < '.,/,/,>/, vtJ>lue. papilionacea. 4. M. inferior valvelet of the calyx largcft colour'd, exterior petal fomewhat fringed, papilionaceus* altijjima. 3. M. petals beardlefs, panicle molt branchy. talleft. Falx. M. fpike one-rank'd comprefs'd imbricated, S. Sidle. 83. POA. aquatica. 1 . £..!} (ilpi)hi. ^. XB triviau's. 4. ■ (fti folia. 5. EJ3 • pratenfis. C. annuel. 7. ♦ fiava. 8. 9. Ceil. 2-valved, many-fiowcr'd. S pikelets egg'd ; valvelets parch'd at the margin aeutith. iovt/tria y+»fi* P. panicle dffFufe, (pikelets fix-flower'd linear, aquatic. P. panicle diffufe mod branchy, fpikelets fix-flower'd hearted. alpine. P. panicle diffufe, (pikelets thtee-flower'd pubefcent at the bafe, culm erect columnar. trivial. P. panicle diffufe, fpikelets four-flower'd pubefcent, culm erect columnar. narrow-leaved. P. panicle diffufe. fpikelets five-flower 'd fmooth, culm ereel columnar. meadow. P. panicle diffufe with right angles, fpikelets obtufe, culm oblique comprels'd. S±ilfit,p t- /. anuual. P. panicle diffufe, fpikelets egg-oblong glofly. yellciv. P. panicle expanding upright : the primary ramifica- tions hairv. hairy. 2 P. TRIANDRIA DIGVNIA. Poll. 99- puhijhis. 2. P. punctata. P. amabilis. 10. P. Eragrojih. 1 1 . P. capillar Is. 12. P. nudabarica. 13. P. cbinenfis. 14. P. tenella. 25. P. rlgida. 16. P. compreJJ'a. 17. P. amboincnf.s. P. tumoralis. 18. P. bullcfa. lij, P. fpicata. 11. P. diflans. 23. P. crijiffta. 11. P. ciliarts, 2D. P. Brizoidc'i. P. /9; panicle diffufe, (pikelets moftly thrcc-flowcr'd pu- befcent, leaves rugged underneath. ntarfb. panicle ditrufe, fpikelets twelve flower'd : flower tranfparcnt polifh'd with a brown (pot within. panicle expanding, fpikelets eighteen-flower'd li- near, amiable, panicle expanding, pedicels winding, fpikelets faw'd tcn-flower'd, glumes three-nerved. .w„ u .-/. *>» » panicle loofe moil expanding capillary, leaves hairy culm mod branchy. capillary. branches of the panicle fimplefr, flowers fcflile, feeds diftant, culm creeping. malabar. branches of the panicle iimpkft, flowers feffile, feeds imbricated, culm creel, chinefe, panicle oblong capillary fubverticil'd, flowers fijt- flower'd minuteft nodding. tender. panicle lanced thinly branch'd onc-rank'd : alternate branchlets one-rank'd. rigid. panicle condenlld one-rank'd, culm oblique com- prefs'd. comprefd. panicle condenfed one-rank'd, culm columnar. amboina. panicle attenuated, fpikelets moftly two-flower'd _E.ii> dagger'd rugged, culm incurved. -grove, panicle one-rank'd rather expanding, fpikelets four-flower'd. panicle fpiked, flowers awi'd, florets £ B. E.£. U bulbous. remote. fpiked, panjele with branches fubJividcd, flowers five- flower'd : florets diftant obtufe. diflani. panicle fpiked, calyxes fomewhat hairy moflly j/ /;. four-flower'd longer than the peduncle, petals awn'd. crejhd. panicle contracted, interior valvclets of the glumes hair-fringed. fringed. panicle racemed, fpikelets egg'd comprefs'd eight or nine-flower'd, culm comprefs'd. S. Brizahfo. 84. BRIZA. Cat. 2-valved, m.inv-flower'd. Spike- lets two-rarik'd with valvelets hearted, obtufe: the interior one minute. Qcii rubra. 5. F. -amethyjihia- 6. F. reptatrix. 2. F. dur'iufcula. 3. F. dumetorum. 4. F. nyurus. 8. F. fpadicea. F. pbcsniccides. 16. F. fufca, 7. F. decumbent, 12. F, A. Cal. 2-valvcd. S pikelets oblong, roundifh, glume pointed. Fefcue. * panicle one-ranFd. panicle one-rank'd : fpikelets erect, one valvelet of the calyx intire, one pointed. bromus-like. panicle one-rank'd condenfed awn'd, culm four- corner'd nakedifh, leaves br\{[]y,s/;//,„jts. Jhceps. panicle one-ranked rugged, fpikelets nx-flower'J awn'd : lad floret avvnlefs, culm femi-columnar. red. panicle winding, fpikelets one-rank'd inclined fomewhat awn'd, leaves briflly. amtthyfi. branches of the panicle fimple, fpikelets fubfeffile. creeper* panicle one-rank'd oblong, fpikelets oblong po- lifh'd, leaves briftly. /'.r„x./„„. 6. hardijh. panicle fpike-form pubefcent, leaves thread-form. bufi.. panicle fpiked, calyxes minuteft awnlefs, flow- ers rugged : awns long. mmfetaJb panicle one-rank'd, calyxes five-flower' d : the laft floret barren, leaves polifh,'d..v/. <..-/. i/^.fpadix. raceme undivided, fpikelets alternate fubfeffile columnar, leaves involute dagger-pungent. phaittx^Hks. * * panicle equal. panicle erect branchy, fpikelets feffile keel'd. awn- lefs. brown. panicle erect, fpikelets rather egg'd awnlefs, calv:c greater than the florets3 culm decumbent, de* ppof.v/o,^ ff'z. cumbent. Z.B. £.£. t} '',: E-S 13- F. 102. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Feftuca. E.13. elatior. 13. F. panicle one-rank'dered~t,fpikeletsfbmewhat awn'd: the exterior ones columnar. SekeutL 1 < ■ taller. fluitans. 14. F. panicle branchy erect, fpikelets fubfeffile columnar - '.: awnlefs..V' ///„-. ■< • .-... ^.v. /,>,.* ^ . floating. crijiata. 15. F. panicle fpiked lobed, fpikelets egg'd broad fix- flower'd fhaggy. crrjled. calycina. 11. F. panicle contracted, fpikelets linear, calyx longer than the florets, leaves bearded at the bafe. calyx, fpinofa. F. (hrubby, branches and branchlets thorny, pedicels prickly. S. thorny. 89. BROMUS. CaL 2-valved. Spikelets oblong co~ lumnar two-rank'd :. awn beneath the E£ jecalinus. 1. B. panicle expanding, fpikelet egg*d : awns ftraight feeds diftindt. JS.&. EE. E£ 72 .B mollis, fquarrofus. furgans. afper. inermis. ncmoralis. fillet us. JleriTis. E.B. . '. V. ',„.!<) i.arvcnjis. gcniculatus. 72.B. t eel or urn. giganteus. ibens. fcop 2. 12. IC. anus. 1 1 . B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. B. 'j' B. panicle erect ifh, fpikelets egg'd pubefcent : ; vxt$ ftraight, leaves moft foftly villous, fo .', panicle nodding, fpikes egg'd: awns divaricat d. tagga L panicle nodding curled, leaves naked on br-th .Ides : (heaths hairy, glumes villous. purgative. panicle nodding rough, fpikelets villous awn'd, leaves rugged. S. rough. panicle erect, fpikelets fubcolumnar awld n-ked almott awnlefs. unarm' d. B. panicle nodding rugged, fpikelets villous awn'd leaves rugged. grove. panicle nodding, leaves and fheaths hairyilh on both fides, glumes fringed. fringed. panicle expanded, fpikelets oblong two-rank'd, glumes awl-awn'd. Jlerile. panicle nodding, fpikelets egg-oblong. field. panicle creel, florets diftant, peduncles angled, culm with a procumbent knee. knotted. panicle nodding, fpikelets linear. wall. panicle nodding, fpikelets four-flower'd : awns fhorter. gigantic. panicle fafcicled, fpikelets fubfejme villous : awns erect. blujhing. panicle fafcicled, fpikelets fubfemle fmooch : awns expanded. km/I). |8. B, TRIANDRIA. DlGYNlA. BrOlTlUS. IO3. E=3. jR&. X3 figens. 18. B. panicle fpiked : fpikelets. fubfefftle ere£r. pubefcent chiefly four-flower'd. fiijfening. racemofus. 13. B. raceme moftfimple, peduncles one-flower'd, Row- ers fix-flower'd polifh'd awn'd. racemed. triflorus. 16. B. panicle expanding, flowers chiefly three-flower'd. Oeei. ofp>^ . **/■ ■< ? '■/■ ■■■>, •■.■■:/. ». a. branchy. pihnatUs. 14. B. culm undivided, fpikelets alternate fubfeifile co- lumnar fomewhat awn'd. (v.y.v,>.,,. i6a ■ feather* d.Vdia y,/^. crifiatus. 15. B. fpikelets two-rankwife imbricated feflile deprefs'd. -p ~R crejied. * "° dijlachyos. 17. B. fpikes two erecl: alternate, tivo-fpiked. flipoides, B. panicle eredtifh, peduncles fword-form. flipa- like. 90. STIPA. pennata. 1. S. juncea. 3. S. capillata. 1. S. Ar'ijlella. S. f pic at a. S. tenacijjima. 4. S. avenacca. 5. S. membranacea.b. S, argnens. 7. S. fpinifex. 8. S. Cal. 2-valved, one-flower'd. Cor. exte- rior valve with a terminal awn : bafe jointed. Jfeo //,<..?■ -i/>- a/*;. . awns woolly. feathered. awn naked ftraight, calyxes longer than the feed polifh'd within. rnjl). awns naked curvated, calyxes longer than the iced, leaves pubefcent within. hairy» awns naked ftraight fcarccly twice as long as the calyx. . aivnlet. awns half-naked, flowers fpiked. S. fpiked. awnshairy atthe bafe, panicle fpiked, leaves thread- form, moji ienaceous. awns naked, calyxes equalling the feed. oat. pedicels dilated membranous, membranous. awns naked, bra6r.es bearded at the bafe, florets feflile-fafcicled. creeking. florets awnlefs, bracles of the heads fafcicled great- eft dagger'd. thorn-making. EX. 91 AVKNA 104* THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Avena. 91. AVENA. Cal. 2-valved, many-flower'd : awn dorfal contorted. Oat. Jtllrica. ITJB. elatior. JL.Z- B&- £.£. rmis. 15. penfyhanica. 3. loejiingiana. 4. A fatlva. nuda. fatua. fifqiiitertia. pubefcens. jrerilis. Jlavefcens. fragills. 1. A. panicled, calyxes one-flower'd, feeds fhaggy, awn thrice as long as the calyx. fwerian. 2. A. panicled, calyxes two-flo.vcr'd, the hermaphrodite floret almoft awnlefs, the male one awn'd. 0Ycf.£»^Xib5'. taller. A. panicled, calyxes two-flower'd, awns twice as long as the feed, culm b.anchy. ftipe-fcrn. A. panicle attenuated, calyxes two-flower'd, feeds villous, awns twice as long as the calyx, pen- Jylvhman. panicle contracted, florets two fold, one pedunclcd, both two-awn'd at top, awn un the back reflect- ed . loeftingi.tn. A. panicled, calyxes two-feeded, feeds polith'd one awn'd. cultivated. A. panicled, calyxes three-flower'd, receptacle ex- ceeding the calyx, petals awn'd on the back : the third floret awnlefs. naked. A. panicled, calyxes three- flower' d, all the florets awn'd and hairy at the bale. fools* A. panicled, calyxes chiefly three-flower'd, all the florets awn'd, receptacles bearded. fefquitertian. A. fubfpiked, calyxes chiefly three-flower'd hairy at the bafe, leaves flat pubefcent. puhejeent. A. panicled, calyxes five-flower'd : the exterior flo- rets and awns hairy at the bafe, the interior awnlefs. Jlerite. A. panicle loofe, calyxes three-flower'd fhort, all the florets awn'd. yellowijh. A. fpilced, calyxes four-flower'd longer than the 5- 6. 7- *3- 10. floret. fra£} 11. A. fubfpiked, calyxes five-flowcr'd. meadow. 12. A. fpiked, calyxes fix-ftower'd longer : the exterior petal awn'd and fork'd at top. fpiked. bromoldes. 14. A. fubfpiked, fpikeletstwo'd : one peduncled,withawr> divaricated, calyxes eight-flower'd. bromus-likc. calyxes three-flower'd hairy. S. bifpid. panicle condenfed, calyxes two-flower'd awl'd, corol pubefcent, intermediate awn twilled cur- ved. S. cape. A. panicle condenfed, calyxes three-flower'd egg'd, corols villous : exterior glume two-cleft, awn terminal inflected. S. purple. A. pratenfis. Jpicata. bifpida. capenfn. purpurea. A. A. TRIANDRIA. DIGYN1A. Avena, 10$. lutea. A. panicle expanding, calyxes two-flower'd awl'd, corols naked three-awn'd : intermediate awn winding. S. yellow. Icefl'mgiana. A. panicle condenfed, florets two-fold fhaggy : one peduncled two-awn'd at top, intermediate awn longer. S. laflingian. tupulina. A. panicle condenfed egg'd, calyxes three -flower'd lanced, corols villous, exterior glume twice- awl'd, intermediate awn reflected. S. tupuline, 92. LAGURUS. CaL 2-valved : awn villous. Cor, exterior petal with two terminal awns : the third dorfal one retorted. HareftaiL ovatus. I. L. fpike egg'd awn'd. eg£d. E-B, cylindricus» 2. L. fpike cyhndric awnlefs. cylindric, 93. ARUNDO. CaL 2-valved. Florets colle&ed, girt with wool. Reed. Bambos, 1. A. cajyxes many-flower'd, fpikes threefold feffile. Bambo. Donax. 2. A. calyxes five-flower'd, panicle diffufe, culm fnrub- phragmitis. 3. A. calyxes five-flower'd, panicle loofe. hedge,, T..R. epigeios. 4. A. calyxes one-flower'd, panicle erect, leaves fmooth £.B. underneath. land. Calomagrqfth.5. A. calyxes one-flower'd pqlifh'd, corols woolly, culm -E.B- branchy. Vy. e/a*>. i9&. arenarla. 6. A. calyxes one-flower'd, leaves involute dagger-pun- H.B. gent. /and. 94. ARISTIDA. CaL 2-valved, Cor, one-valved : awns three terminal. adfcenfionis. I. A. panicle branchy, fpikes fcatter'd. afcenjion. americana, 2. A. branches of the panicle fimpleft, fpikes alternate. a meric an. plumofa. 3. A. panicled, intermediate awn longer woolly, culms villous. plumy, arundinacea* A. panicled, intermediate awn longer polifh'd. reed, gigantea* A, panicle elongated effufe one-r.mk'd, calyxes one- flower'd, corol-awns fubequJ ftraight. 5. giant. O ' A, IC6. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Ariftida. Hyfirix. A. panicle divaricated moft expanded, florets fimpleft fmooth, awns ftraight divaricated. S. porcupine. 95. LOLIUM. Cal. 1 -leaved, fi^d^any-flower'd. T-B. perenne. 1. A. fpike awnlefs, fpikelets comprefs'd many-flower'd. perennial. tenue. 2. L. fpike awnlefs columnar : fpikelets three-flower 'd. r fiender. ±..5. temulenhm. 3. L. fpike awn'd, fpikelets comprefs'd many-flower'd. Qfot.ofa^. ffo. drunken. dijiachon. L. fpike two'd, calyxes one-flower'd, corols woolly. ituo-fpiked. 96. ELYMUS. Cal. lateral, 2-valved, aggregate many-flower'd. Vy^c-^'/- 3S-JB. arenarius. 1. E. fpike erecl: clofe, calyxes downy longer than the florets. [and. fibiricus. 3. E. fpike pendulous clofe, fpikelets two'd, longer than the calyx. fiberian. philadel- 2. E. fpikes pendulous expanded, fpikelets fix-flower'd : phicus. interior ones three'd. philadelphian. canadenfis. 4. E. fpike nodding expanded, inferior fpikelets three'd : fuperior ones two'd. Canadian. !■'. B can'mus. 8. E. fpike nodding clofe, fpikelets ftraight without an involucre : the loweft double. dog's. virginicus. 5. E. fpike erect, fpikelets three-flower'd, involucre ftri- ated. virginian. £.71. europaus. 9. E. fpike ere£r. : fpikelets two-flower'd, equalling the involucre. european. caput madujce.b. E. fpikelets two-flower'd, involucres briflly moft ex- panding, medufa's bead. Hyjtrix. 7. E. fpike ereft, fpikelets deftitute of an involucre moft expanding. porcupine, tener. E. fpike pendulous florets double. S. tender. 97. SECALE. Cal. oppofite, 2-valved, 2-rlower'd, folitarvi Rye. cerealc. 1. S. fringes of the glumes rugged. harvejl. villofw;:. 2. S. fringes of the glumes villous, calyx-fcales wedge- form, villous. orUntalc. 3. S. glumes fhaggy, calyx-fcales awl'd. eajlern. n . di>. 99. TRITICUM. Cat. 2-valved, folitary, moftly three- rlower'd. Flower obtufifh, acute. Wheat. * annual. tejlivum. I. T. calyxes four-flower'd bellied fmooth imbricated awn'd. fummer. hybernum. 2. T. calyxes four-flower'd bellied polifh'd imbricated almoft awnlefs. winter. compofitutn. 3. T. calyx four-flower'd bellied, fpike compound, com- pound. .. turgidum. 3. T. calyxes four-flower'd bellied villous imbricated obtufe. turgid, polonicum. 4. T. calyxes two-flower'd naked, florets with longeft awns, teeth of the rachis bearded. polijh. Spelta. 5. T. calyxes four-flower'd lop'd, florets awn'd herma- phrodite ; the intermediate one neutral. monococcum. 6. T, calyxes moftly three-flower'd ; the firft awn'd, the intermediate one fterile. one-grain, projlratum. T. calyxes many-flower'd, fpike two rank'd egg'd, florets imbricated awn-dagger'd. S, pro/lrate% compojitwn. T. fpike compound, fpikelets crowded awn'd. S. compound. pumilum, T. fpike egg'd, glumes fomewhat awn'd ; calyx ones two-furrow'd. S, divarf. O 2 * * peren- Io8. THREE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Triticurri, * * perennial. junceum. 8. T. calyxes five-flower'd lop'd, leaves involute, rujh. repetis. 9. T. calyxes four-flower'd awl'd pointed, leaves flat. creeping. maritimum.iQ. T. calyxes many-flower'd, florets dagger'd, fpike branchv. fea. tenellum. 7. T. calyxes moftlv four-flower'd, florets awnlefs acute* leaves bnftly. tender. tmilaterale.il. T. calyxes one-fided alternate awnlefs. one-Jided, 1359. ANTHISTIRIA. Cal. equally cleft to the bafe into four equal divifions. S. ciliata. Anthistiria. St fringed, 1360. ROTTBOELLIA, Rachls jointed, roundim, in many thread- form. Calyx egg- lanced, flat, fimple or 2-parted. Florets alternate on the winding rachis. S. R. fpike columnar awl'dj calyx-glume awi'd apprefs'd 2-parted. S. vicurvated. R. fpike comprefs'd awl'd, calyx-glume lanced flat undivided; comprefs'd. R. fpike halved comprefs'd linear : exterior fide aggre- gate floretted, interior one fmooth naked. S. halved» R. fpike columnar thread-form floretted, on all fides, glumes egg'd obtufe, {heaths hair-dotted. S. exalted. R. fpikes aggregate lateral thread-form, florets two- faced expanding, leaves fringed at the bafe. S» corymbed» ~£.Jc> incurvata. comprejja. dimidiata» . ' exaltata> cor ymbofa. THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia.) I do. ERIOCAULON. Cal. common, head imbri- cated. Petals 3, equal. Stamens above the germ. M«f-«/iiM ■ trlangulare. I. E. culm triangular, leaves fword-form, head egg'd. triangular. 2. E, TRIANDRIA. TRICYNIA. Eriocaillon. 109. quinquang : 1. E. culm five-angled, leaves fword-form. five-angled. fexangulaYe. 3. E. culm fix-angied, leaves fword-form. fix-angled» fetaceum. 4. E. culm fix-angled, leaves briftly. brijily. decangulare. 5. E. culm ten-angled, leaves fword-form. ten-angled. 101. MONTIA. CaL 2-leavecL Cor. i-petal'd irre- gular. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. /$/£,/», fontana. 1. Monti a. - fountain* ■£.& Co/, etc,*,.*. IQl. 102. PROSERPINACA. Cal. 3 -parted, above. Cor. o. Seed 1, three-cell'd. palujlris. I. Proserpinaca. marfh. 103. TRIPLARIS. Cal. greateft, three-parted. Cor. 0. Anthers linear. Nut 3-iided within the egg'd bafe of the calyx, Americana. 1. Triplaris. american. 104. HOLOSTEUM. Cal. 5-leaved, Petals 5. Cap/. i-cell'd, fubcylindric, gaping at top. fl//-6or>*s. cor datum-, 1. H. leaves inverfe-hearted. hearted, fucculentum. 2. H. leaves elliptic flefhy. fucculenU hirfutum. 3. H. leaves orbicular fhaggy. flaggy, ztmbellatum. 4. H. leaves umbei'd. umbel>d. i- B. 1241. KOENIGIA. CaL 3-leav'ed. Cor. none. Seed 1, egg'd, naked. ijlandica* I. Koenigia. Iceland. 105. POLYCARPON. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, very fmall, egg'd. Cap/. i-celi;d,j-valved. magellam- 2. ftems very fimple, leaves linear fcatter d imbricated. cum. S. mag el Ian. tetrapbyllum. I . ftem branchy proftrate, leaves fourfold. S. four-leaved. T..B. 106. MOLLUGO. CaL 5-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/ 3-Cell'd, 3-Valved. x/1. 4 -tooth' d. Berry 2-cell'd, many ii-edcd. 130 Catesbaea. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4 tooth'd. Berry one-. cell'd manv-feeded. 134 Mitchella. Cor. 2, tubular. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Berry 4- feeded, tw( -flowcT'd, two -cleft. 118 Hediotis. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-parted. Capf. twins, many-feeded gaping at top. 154 Oldenlandia. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-parted. Capf. twins, many-feeded gaping between the teeth. 1338 Mannettia. Cor. tubular. Cal. 8-leaved. Capf 2-cell'd. 146 Sanguisorba. Cor. flat. Cal. 2-ieaved. Capf. 4-corner'd, between the calyx and corol. * Coffea oceidentalis. * Peplis tetrandra. Flowers one-petal' d^ two-grain'd^ beneath. j 24 HousTONiA. Cor. tubular. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Capf. 2-cell'd, 2-valved. 1242 Scabrita» Cor. tubular. Cal. tubular lop'd. Seeds com- prefs'd, end-nick'd. Fhwcn- TETRANDRIA. Flowers one-petaPd, two-grain' d, above. Star'd. "3- 127, 125 121 120 II9 123 122 Rubia. Cor. bell'd. Fruit berried. Galium. Cor. flat. Fruit fubglobular. Asperula. Cor. tubular. Fruit fubglobular. Scherardia. Cor. tubular. Fr. crown'd. Seeds 3-tooth'd. Spermacoce. Cor. tubular. Fr. crown'd. Seeds 2-tooth'd. Knoxia. Cor. tubular. Fr. two-partible, furrow'd. Diodia. Cor. tubular. Fr. 4-corner'd, crown'dj 2- valved. 126 Crucianella. Cor. tubular, awn'd. Fr. naked. Seeds linear. Flowers one-petal' d, four-grain' V/, beneath. 129 Siphonanthus. Cor. tubular. Cal. 5-parted. Berries 4, one- feeded. Flowers four-petal 'd, beneath. 148 Epimedium. Petals nectaries 4 incumbent. Cal. 4-Ieaved. Silique one-cell'd. 144 RhaComa, Pet. edged. Cal. 4-cleft. Capf. one-feeded. 152 PtElea. Pet. leathery. Cal. 4-parted. Drupe juice- lefs, comprefs'd. I29I Samara. Pet. a pit at the bafe. Cal. 4-parted * Drupe roundifh. Stigma funnel-form 150 Fagara. Pet. fhortcr than the ftamens. Cal. 4-cleft. Capf. 2-valved, i-feeded. 255 Ammania. Pet. very feldom prefent. Cal. tubular, 8- tooth'd. Capf. 4-cell'd. 1362 Banksia. Pet. claws linear, borders covering. Cal. ament. 1363 Har.togia. Pet. expanding. Cal. 5-cleft. Drupe egg' d, * Cardamine hirfuta. * Euonymus europesus. Flowers four-petard above. Trapa. Cal. 4-parted. Nut arm'd with conical oppo- fite thorns. Cissus. Cal. furrounding the germ. Berry one- feeded. Cornus. Cal. 4-tooth, deciduous. Drupe with nu- cleus 2-cell'd. Ludwigia. Cal. 4-parted. Capf. 4-cell'd, 4-corner'-d. Santalum. Cor. 4-petal'd growing on the calyx. Berry one-feeded. 7.364 Embothrium. Cah o. Follicle one-cell'd. P Flowers *S7 H7 149 153 480 114« Four males. Flowers incomplete, beneath. Cor. 4-cleft. Berry i-feeded, dry. Neclary with 8 glands. Cor. 4-petal'd. Berry dry, i-feeded, hedge- hog'd. Cor. 4-petal'd. Berry one-feeded. Seed rug- ged. Cal. 4-cleft. Berry one-feeded. Seed aril'd. 164 Camphorosma. Cal. 4-cleft. Cap/, one-feeded. 165 Alchemilla. Cal. 8-cleft. Seed 1, included in the calyx. Cal. receptacle flat, flefhy, common. Umbel 4- leaved, 3-flower'd. Cap/. 3-grain'd. * Corchorus Coreta. * Ammannia. * Convallaria bifolia. Floivers incomplete, above. Cal. belPd. Berry 3-cell'd. NeSlary 4- leaved. Cal. 4-leaved. Berry hedge -hog'd, i-feeded. Cal. bell'd, permanent. Cap/. 4-cell'd. Cal. bell'd, deciduous. Drupe. * The/turn alpinum. 1244 Struthiola. 161 Crameria. 162 RlVINA. 163 Salvadora. I58 DoRSTENIA. I243 COMETES. 1292 SlRIUM. 1293 ACAENA. I56 IsNARDIA. I59 ELJEAGNUS; TWO FEMALES. 168 BUFONIA. 171. Hypecoum. 169 Hamamelis. i7o cuscuta. 166 Aphanes. 167 Cruzita. i365 gomozia. ( Digynia. J Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Cap/. I-cell'd, 2-valved, 2-feeded. Cor. 4-petalM, unequal. Cal. 2-leaved. Silique. Cor. 4-petal'd, longeft. Cal. double. Nut 2-ceIl'd, 2-horn'd. Cor. 4-cleft, egg'd. Cal. 4-cleft. Cap/. 2- cell'd, circumcifed. Cor. o. Cal. 8-cleft. Seeds 2. Cor. o. Cal. 4-leaved: exterior one 3-Ieaved. Seed 1. Cor. 4-cleft. Cal. 0. Berry 2-cell'd. * Herniaria fruticofa. * Gent i ana. * Swertia, FOUR TETRANDRIA. 115. FOUR FEMALES. ( T'efragyma. J 172 Ilex. Cor. i-petal'd. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Berry 4- feeded. 173 Coldenia. Cor. i-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Seeds 2, two- cell'd. 176 Sagina. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Cap/. 4-ceU'd, many-feeded. 177 TiLL-ffiA. Cor. 3 or 4-petal'd. Cal. 3 or 4-leaved. Cap/. 3 or 4, many-feeded. 178 Myginda. Cor. 4-petal'd. CW. 4-parted. Drupe I -feeded. 174 Potamogeton. Cor. 0, Cal. 4-leaved. Seeds 4, feflile. 175 Ruppia. Cor. o, Cal. 0. Seeds 4, pedicel'd, P 2 ONE Il6. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Protea. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) i io, in. PROTEA. Cor. 4-cleft or 4-parted. Anthers linear, inferted beneath the top of the petals. Cal. proper ', o. Seed 1, above. /A^r/ fm . P. flowers fimple raceme-fpiked fmooth, leaves linear. pine-leaved. P. flowers fimple racemed downy, leaves linear, ra- cemed. P. flowers fpiked, leaves many-cleft. /piked. P. flowers corymbed, leaves many-cleft, glomerate. P. flowers collected, leaves many-cleft. P. flowers folitary woolly, calyx fhaggy, leaves many- cleft, cyanus-like. P. flowers folitary woolly, calyx polifh'd without, leaves many- cleft. fpbere-headed. P. flowers lateral fertile, leave one-callous at top. faggy» P. flowers lateral feflile, leaves three-callous at top. cowl'd. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx colour'd ex- panding, leaves awl'd. rofe. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx lanced upright refinous, leaves lanced. creeping. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx lanced up- right, leaves fuborbicular petioled. artichoke- like. P. flowers folitary : radius of the calyx fpatuled beard- ed, leaves lanced. P. flowers almoft double, piftils headed, corols long- eft diftant, leaves fmooth. P. flowers folitary, piftils club'd, leaves three-callous. pinifolia. racemofa. fpicata. glomerata. Serraria. i 5, cyanoides. 13. fphoeroce- phala. hirta. 9. cucullata. 10. rofacea. repens. 5. 33^1.. cynaroides. 8. 3. JM~ ■ Lepidocarpo- 4. dendron. totta. Hypophyllo- 11, carpodendrum. pubera. Jlrobilina. conifera. P. flowers twofold or threefold, piftils club'd, leaves elliptic-lanced. mature. P. flowers imbricate -egg'd involucred chaffy fmooth, leaves fpatuled polifh'd. Jlrobiline. P. flowers imbricate-egg'd involucred chaffy downy- ifh, leaves narrow-lanced, cone-bearing. P. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Protea. XI7' pollens. faligna. argentea. Levifanus. divaricata. purpurea. Sceptrutn Gujlavianum. imbricata. procumbens. Bruniades. criniflora. obliqua. fericea. ambellata. braReata. prolifera. tomentofa* P. P. P. P. parvi flora. P. P. flowers egg'd involucred chafflefs polifh'd, leaves linear. pale. flowers egg'd involucred chafflefs, leaves lanced fubpubefcent oblique. willow. flowers egg'd involucred chafflefs downy, leaves lanced villous mining, filver. flowers hemifperical fubinvolucred chafflefs villous, leaves- fpatuh d. flowers level-top'd, leaves oval. divaricated. flowers level-top'd, leaves thread-form undivided. purple. flowers panicled, florets nearly tenfold, leaves fub- 1 anced . /mall-flower' d. inferior leaves of the branches decompound, fupe- rior ones undivided wedge-form fmootheft, fpike terminal conical. S. Scepter of Gujlavus. leaves imbricated lanced, heads terminal. S. imbri- cated. leaves three-cleft linear, Hem procumbent, heads compounded of fmaller ones moftly three-flow- er'd folitary. S. procumbent. leaves awl'd, heads globular terminal. S. P. flowers fub folitary, piftils long headed, calyxes with fcales lanced pointed, leaves three-callous. S. bair- flower' d. P. flowers folitary, calyx imbricated fubpubefcent, leaves linear-lanced. S. oblique. pancle branchy, leaves lanced filk-filver'd, flowers headed downy. S. fllky. leaves tongue-form linear fmooth, branches um- bel'd level-top'd. S. umbefd. leaves linear- awl'd femicolumnar fmooth, flowers headed, brakes many-cleft. S. bracled. flem proliferous, leaves awl'd, fpike leafy. S. prolife- rous. P. down hoary, leaves linear three-tooth'd callous at top. S. downy. P. P. P. P. P. P. P. ii2. GLO- 1 1 8. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Globularia. 112. GLOBULARIA. Cal. common imbricated ; pro- per tubulated, beneath. Corollet upper lip 2-parted: inferior one 3-parted. Recept. chaffy. tf&s*Jm**fi\Kw&'-J*ity Alypum. 1. G. ftem fhrubby, leaves lanced three-tooth'd and in- tire. Mfnagarica. 2. G. ftem fhrubby, root-leaves wedge -form retufe, ftem- leaves lanced. kijnagarian. £.1>T vulgaris. 3. G. ftem herbaceous, root-leaves three-tooth'd j ftein- leaves lanced. common, fpinofa. 4. G. root-leaves notch-prickled, ftem-leaves raoft intire d agger 'd. thorny, uordlfdia. 5. G. ftem almoft naked, leaves wedge-form three-piked: the intermediate one very fmall. heart-leaved, ■midicaulis. 6 G. ftem naked, leaves moft intire lanced. Jlem-naked. arientalis. 6. G. ftem almoft naked, heads alternate feflile, leaves lance-egg'd intire. oriental. 113. CEPHALANTHUS. Cal. common c : proper above, funnel-form. Recept. globular, naked. Seed I, woolly, .(v/^^w. cccidentalis. 1. C. leaves oppofite and three'd. occidental. 114. DIPSACUS. Cal. common many-leaved; pro- per above. Recept. chaffy. Tea/el. E.B.ct fullonum. 1. D. leaves feflile faw'd. fullers. laciniatas. 2. D. leaves conjoin'd finuous. jogged. EJ3- ftlofus. 3. D. leaves petioled appendaged. hairy. 115. SCABIOSA. Cal. common many-leaved -, proper double above. Recept. chaffy or naked. 1 roiho-nvi. ^cotfxiSrr * Corollets four-cleft. elpina. 1. S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated, flowers bowing, leaves feather'd : leaflets lanced faw'd. alpine, rigida. 5. S. corollets four-cleft fubradiate, calyxes imbricated obtufe, leaves lanced faw'd ear'd. rigid. panfylvanica>2. S. corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes and chaff awn'd ; root-leaves lyrcd -3 ftem-leaves feather-cut. iranfylvanian. 3. S. TETRAN Jyrlaca. 3- S. leu cant ha. 4- S. Succifa. 6. S. integrifolla, • 7- S. amplexicaulis. S. tartarica. 9- S. arvenfls. 10. S. fylvatica. 8. s. fcabra. s. attenuata. s. gramontia. ii. s. columbaria, . 12. s. ficula. s. mark i ma. *3- s. Jlellata. 15« s. prolifera. 16. s. atropur* purea. argentea. *7- 18. s. s. dria. monogynia. Scabiofa. 1 19^ corollets four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated and chaff awn'd, ftem two-fork'd, leaves lanced. fyrian. corollets four-cleft fubequal, calyx-fcales egg'd. imbricated, leaves feather-cut. zvbite- flower W. corollets four-cleft equal, ftem fimple, branches approximated, leaves lance-egg'd. . < /../,„ ;-v corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves undivided : root- leaves egg'd faw'd, branch-leaves lanced ; fterft herbaceous. intire-leaved. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves ftem-clafping lanced moft intire j root-leaves three-clelt notch'd. Jlem-clafping. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves lanced feather- cut : lobes fubimbricated, ftem hifpid. tar- iariah. corollets four-cleft radiate, leaves feather-cut gafh'd, ^E. u ftem hifpid. ^.«^«t^.^4%, field. corollets four-cleft radiate, leave6 all undivided egg-oblong faw'd, ftem hifpid. xvood. corols four-cleft equal, calyxes imbricated obtufe, leaves almoft twice-feather'd tugged rigidim EJB. S. corols four-cleft equal, three-cleft. S. rugged. leaves linear intire and attenuated. * * Corollets five-cleft. corollets five-cleft, calyxes fhorteft, ftem-leaves twice-feather'd thread-form.^^/ a* gramontian* corollets five- cleft radiate, root-leaves egg'd E._B notch'd, ftem-leaves feather'd briftly. dove. Oecf.cto,*,. .v, corollets five-cleft equal fhorter than the calyx, leaves lyre- feather-cut. ficilian. corollets five-cleft radiate fhorter than the calyx, leaves feather'd : the higheft linear moft intire. fea. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves diflected, recep- tacles of the flower roundifli. . . Jlar. corollets five-cleft radiate, flowers fubfeffile, ftem proliferous, leaves undivided. proliferciu. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves diflected, recep- jjj\±^ tacles of the flowers awl'd. black-purple, corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves feather-cut : divifions linear, peduncles longeft, ftem co- lumnar, jilver. S. 120. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Scabiofa. indurata. S. africana. ig. S. pumila. S. cretica. 20. S. graminifol. 21. S. palajlina. 25. S. ifetenfis. 26. S. ucrania. 14. S. achroleuca. 23. S. pappofa. S . pterocephala. 22. S corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves egg-lanced, gnaw'd, tooth'd at the bafe, ftem ftifF. indura- ted. corollets five-cleft equal, leaves fimple gafh'd, ftem fhrubby. african. corollets five-cleft radiate, almoft ftemlefs, leaves moft hairy ; root-leaves lyred, ftem-leaves feather-gafh'd. dwarf. corollets five-cleft, leaves lanced very intire, ftem fhrubby. cretan. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves linear-lanced moft intire, ftem herbaceous. grafs-leaved. corollets five-cleft radiate : all the divifions three- cleft, leaves undivided, fomewhat faw'd : the higheft feather-cut at the bafe. pahjiine. corollets five-cleft radiate longer than the calyx, leaves twice-feather'd linear. corollets five-cleft radiate, root-leaves feather-cut: ftem-leaves fringed at the bafe. ukraine. corollets five-cleft radiate, leaves twice-feather'd, linear. pale-white, corollets five-cleft unequal, ftem herbaceus erect, leaves feather-cut, feeds awn'd and feather- pappus'd. pappous. corollets five-cleft, ftem fhrubby procumbent, leaves jagg'd ftiaggy, pappus feathery, wing- headed. 1 116. KNAUTIA. Cal. common oblong, fimple, five- , flower'd -, proper fimple, above. Corol- lets irregular. Recept. naked. K. leaves gafh'd, corollets five-fold longer than the calyx. oriental. K. fuperior leaves lanced moft intire, corollets tenfold equal with the calyx. propontic. K. leaves intire, calyxes fix-leaved, feeds pappus'd. pahjiine. K. fuperior leaves leaves feather'd, calyxes ten-leaved, feeds pappus'd. feathery. orient a lis. propontica palcejlina. plumofa. IIJ. ALLIONA. TRTRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Allionia. 121« 117. ALLIONIA. Cal. common oblong, fimple, thrce- flower'd ; proper obfcure, above. Corol- lets irregular. Recept. naked. •violacea. A. A. leaves hearted, calyxes five-cleft. violet, incarnata. b. A. leaves obliquely egg'd, calyxes three-leaved, in- • carnate. 118. HEDYOTIS. Cor. i -petal,- funnel-form. Cap/. 2-cell'd, many-feeded, beneath. i^W*/-£i-- odorous. aroenjis. 2. A. leaves fixfold, flowers feiTile terminal aggregate. field, taurina. 3. A. leaves fourfold egg-lanced^ flowers fafcicled ter- minal, bulk crajfifolia. 7. A. leaves fourfold oblong lateral revolute obtufifh pu- befcent. thick-leaved, tincloria, 4. A. leaves linear : the inferior ones fixfold ; the inter- mediate ones fourfold, ftem flaccid, flowers for the moft part three-cleft. dyers, fyrenaica.. 5. A. leaves four-fold lance-linear, ftem erect, flowers oftener three-cleft. pyreneant T"I25, cyyianchica. 6. A. leaves fourfold linear: the fuperior ones oppofite, ftem erect, flowers four -cleft. cynancum. lavigata. 8. A. leaves fourfold elliptic nervelefs fmoothifh, pedun- cles divaricated three-fork'd, feeds rugged. polijb'd. calabrica. A. leaves fourfold oblong obtufe polifn'd. S. calabrlan. crijlata. A. leaves linear fomewhat flefhy : the inferior ones fourfold, flowers almoft threefold awn'd. iS". crejled. 122. DIODIA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form. Capfule 2-cell'd, 2 -feeded. virginica. 1. Diodia. virginian. 123. KNOXIA TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. KnOXia, I23 123. KNOXIA. Cor. 1 -petal, funnel-form. Seeds it furrow'd : the fingle leaf of the calyx larger. zeylanica. 1. Knoxia. ceylon- 124.. HOUSTONIA. Cor. 1 -petal, funnel-form, ■ Cap/. 2-cell'd, 2-feeded, above. Ccvrulca. 1. H. root-leaves egg'd, ftera compound, the firft pe- IB 31 duncles two-flowcr'd. blue. purpurea. 2. H. leaves egg-lanced, corymbes terminal, flowers above. purple. 125. GALIUM. Cor. i-petal, flat. Seeds 2, round-, ifh. Bedjiraw. foowe ofr»/0> * Fruit fmooth. leaves fourfold lance-egg'd equal rugged under-' neath, ft em ere£t, fruit fmooth. madder-like. G. leaves four-fold inverfe-egg'd unequal, ftems dif- fufe. marjh. G, leaves fourfold linear, ftem procumbent rugged, corols three-cleft. Oeo/.c/a*>. J-&- three-cleft. leaves moftiy fourfold linear pcli-li'd, item feeble rugged, feeds fmooth. mountain* ftem- leaves linear fixfold ; thofe of the branches fourfold, ftem ftaccid, peduncles moftiy two- fiower'd, fruit fmooth. dyers. G. leaves fixfold lanced fiw-prickled backwards dag- ger'd rigid, corols larger than the fruit. ouzy. leaves fixfold lanced keel'd rugged prickled back- ward, knots fimple, fruit fmooth. 'Jpurious. leaves fixfold inverfe-egg'd obtufe, ftem moft branchy procumbent. rock. leaves eightfold lanced daggcr'd faw- prickled fmooth incurved, fruit reflected. minute. leaves eightfold hifpid linear pointed fubimbricated, peduncles two-fork'd. puny. leaves eightfold linear funow'd, branches flower- bearing fhort. true. leaves eightfold egg-linear fomewh.it faw'd molt expanding dagger'd, ftem flaccid, branches ex- panding. Otof. c/ca, . 4*6 q.2 n g» rubioides. 2. G. palujlre. 0 5' G. trijidum. 5- G, ?nentanum. *5- G. tincloriian. 6. G. uhinofum. G. fpurium. 8. G. faxatile. 9- G. viinutum, IC. G. pujillum. 11. G. verian. 12. G. Moling» * 14. G. I.B. E.3. S3. TE.B. 124« FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Galium. fylvaticum. 13. G. leaves eightfold polifh'd rugged underneath | floral leaves twofold, peduncles capillary, ftem polifh'd. wood. arijl'atum. I. G. leaves eightfold lanced polifb/d, panicle capillary, petals awn'd, feeds Imooth. awn'd. bierofolymi-iS. G. leaves tenfold lance-linear, umbels level-top'd, tanum fruit fmooth. jerufalem. glaucum. 16. G. leaves verticil'd linear, peduncles two-fork'd, ftem polifh'd. jea-green. purpureum*!']. G. leaves verticil'd linear-briftled, peduncies capillary longer than the leaf. purple, rubrum. ig. G. leaves verticil'd linear expanded, peduncles fhorleft. > red. pyrenaicum. G. leaves fix-fold, flowers lateral oppofite fubfeilile lolitary. S. foreman, * * Fruit hifpid. _L.33. horeak. 20. G. leaves fourfold lanced three-nerved fmooth, ftem erect, ieeds hifpid. northern. maritimum.i\. G. leaves fourfold hifpid, peduncles one-flower'd, fruit villous. fea. bermndia- 4. G. leaves fourfold linear obtufe, branches moft bran- pum chy. bermudian. grczcum. 25. G. fhaggy, leaves moftly fix-fold linear-lanced, ftem woody. greek. J^J^' Aparine. 22. G. leaves eightfold lanced with keels rugged prickled backward, knots villous, fruit hifpid. \ parifienfe. 23. G. leaves verticil'd linear, peduncles two-flowcr'd, fruit hifpid. parifian. 126. CRUCIANELLA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form, tube thread-form ; border claw'd. Cal. 2-leaved. Seeds 2, linear. \/fWf*»»ttort anguJIifoL t. C. erect, leaves fixfold linear, flowers fpiked. nar- row-leaved, latifolia. 2. C. procumbent, leaves fourfold lanced, flowers fpiked, broad-leaved, agyptlaca. 6. C. leaves fourfold fublinear, flowers fpiked five-cleft. agyptian. patula. 3. C. diffufe, leaves fixfold, flowers fcater'd. expanded. maritima. 4, C. procumbent, fhrubbyifh, leaves four-fold dagger'd, flowers oppofite nvc-cleft. fea. 5. C TETRANDRiA. MNNocYNiA. Crucianella. 125. monfpciiaca. 5. C. procumbent, leaves acute : thofe of the ftem four- fold egg'd ; branch-leaves linear, flowers fpiked. montpelier. 119. RUBIA. Cor. i -petal, bell'd. Berries 2, one- feeded. Madder. tintlorum. 1. R. leaves annual, ftem prickly. dyers, peregrina. 2. R. leaves perennial linear polifh'd above. foreign. JEJB. lucicla. R. leaves perennial fixfold elliptic lucid, Item polifli'd. lucid. angvJilfoUa. R. leaves perennial linear rugged above, narrow- leaved, cordifolia. R. leaves perennial fourfold hearted. heart-leaved. 129. SIPHONANTHUS. CV. i -petal, funnel-form, j longeft, beneath. Berries 4, i-feeded. U*t< /n*»* hidica. I. Siphon an thus. Indian, 130. C ATESBiE A. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form, long- eft, above. Stamens within the throat. Berry many-feeded. y/jy- /hcrr»s. fpinofa. 1. Catesbjea. thorn\\ ii.TVt . 131. IXORA. Cor. 1 -petal, funnel-form, long, above. Stamens above the throat. Berry 4- feeded. coccinea. 1. I. leaves oval haif-ftem-clafping, flowers fafcicled. ^B.TVl. J car let. alba. 2. I. leaves lance-egg'd, flowers fafcicled. white americana. A. I. leaves three-fold lance-egg'd, flowers thvrfe-like. american. 132. PAVETTA. Cor. i -petal, funnel-form, above. Stigma curved. Berry 2-feeded. cajfra. P. leaves egg'd moft intire, heads terminal feflile, calyxes biiftly the length of the tube. S. caffran. tndica. P. leaves oblong pointed at both ends, umbels termi- nal fafcicled, calyx Ihort acute. S. Indian, 133. PETESIA, 126. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Petelia. 133. PETESIA. Cor. 1 -petal, funnel-form. Stigma two-cleft. Berry many-feeded. Jiipularis. A. P. leaves lance-egg'd downy underneath, thyrfes la- teral . Jiipuled. Lygijium. A. P. leaves egg'd naked lined, ftern winding. 134. MITCHELL A. Corals. 1 -petal, above, two- fold on the fame germ. Stigmas 4. Berry two- cleft, 4-feeded. vepens. J. Mitchella. creeping* S35. CALLICARPA. Cal 4-cleft. Cor. 4-clcft. Berry 4-feeded. Qm» /wl*7 ctmericana. C. leaves faw'd downy underneath. american. tomentofa. C. leaves moll intire woolly. downy. 136. AQUARTIA. Cal. bell'd. Cor. wheel'd, di- vifions linear. Berry many-feeded. Qcadeaia. I. A quart I A. prickley. X37. POLYPREMUM. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-cleft, wheel'd: lobes inverfe hearted. Capf. comprefs'dj end-nic^'d, 2-cell'd. procumbent. 1. Polypremum. procumbent. 138. PENiEA. Cal. 2-leaved. Cor. bell'd. Style 4- angled. Capf. four-corner'd, 4-cell'd, 8-feeded. SarcocoIIci. 1. P. leaves egg'd flat, calvxes fringed larger than the leaf. ■mucroncta. 2. P. leaves hearted pointed. dagger' d, marginata. P. leaves hearted margin'd, flowers lateral, margin'd. furcata. P. leaves rhomb-egg'd, bra£tes wedged acute colour'd. forked, faucnmfa. 3. P. leaves rhomb-wedge-form flefhy. fcaty, fruticulofa. P. leaves oblongifh obtufe, bra£tes orbicular acute, S. Jhrubbyijh. P, TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Pensea. 127, myrtoides. P. leaves lanced. S. myrtle-like^ lateriflora. P. leaves egg'd, flowers lateral feflile. S. fide-flower» ing> 139. BL/EFJA. Cal. 4-parted. Cor. 4 -cleft. Sta- mens inferted on the receptacle. Cap/ 4-cell'd, many-feeded. ■ericoides. I. B. flowers headed, corols bell'd. heath-like* articulata. B. ftamens protruded two-hearted, corols cylindric* jointed» pufilla. 2. B. flowers fcatter'd, corols funnel-form. feeble, ciliaris. B. flowers headed, calyxes fringed. S. fringed. purpurea. B. ftamens inclufive two-parted, corols oblong ftraight, flowers terminal aggregate peduncled ereit. S» purple» 140. BUDDLEJA. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. 4-cleft. Sta- mens from the gaflies. Cap/. 2-furrow'd, 2-cell'd, many-feeded. leaves egg'd. american. leaves lanced» occidental. leaves linear-oblong obtufe intire, racemes termi- nal, branches twiggy erect. S. ftviggy. incompta. B. leaves fafcicled egg'd hoary, branches winding rigid, racemes terminal. S. uncomb'd. 141. EXACUM. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-cleft : tube globular. Cap/. 2-furrow'd, 2-cell'd many-feeded, gaping at top. feflile. I. E. flowers fertile, feffik* pedunculata. 2. E. flowers peduncled. - peduncled. a/bens. E. leaves fubdecurrent, ftamens protruded. S. white. aureum. E. leaves feflile, ilamens protruded. S. golden. cordatum. E. flowers five-cleft, leaflets of the calyx hearted flriated. S. hearted, bwclatum, E. leaves mofr. fhortly petioled oblong three-nerved dotted, ftamens protruded. S. dotted- 14-2. PLANTAGO. americana. i. B. eccidentalis. 2. B. virgata. B. 128. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Planta^O. ;£.:b. media, virginica. altijjima. hnceolata. Lagopus. 6. P. 7- P. 142. PLANTAGO. Cal. 4-clcft. Cor. 4-cleft : border reflected. Stamens longeft. Capf. 2-cell'd, circumcifed. M^/^in^ * Scape naked. %.!*> major. I. P. leaves egg'd fmooth, fcape columnar, fpike with iwHiffii^O florets imbricated. «. , 6/. greater, afiatica. 2. P. leaves egg'd fmooth, fcape angled, fpike with flo- rets diflindt.. aftatic. 3. P. leaves egg-lanced pubefcent, fpike cylindrical, fcape columnar. Oeo/.ofa.n j^f. middle. 4. P. leaves lance-egg'd pubefcent fomewhat toothletted, fpikes with flowers remote, fcape columnar. Virginian. 5. P. leaves lanced five-nerved tooth'd fmooth, fpike oblong cylindrical, fcape fubangular. tallefl. leaves lanced, fpike fomewhat egg'd naked, fcape angled. PecJ.c/oi,n /4 dj. lanced. leaves lanced fomewhat toothletted, fpike egg'd fhaggy, fcape columnar, leaves broad-lanced three-nerved fomewhat tooth'd fomewhat hairy, fpike oblong fhaggy, fcape angled. portugal.. albicans. 8. P. leaves lanced oblique villous, fpike cylindrical erect, fcape columnar. white. 9. P. leaves .linear flat, fcape columnar fhaggy, fpike oblong erect. alpine. 18. P. leaves linear, fcape columnar fhorteft woolly, fpike roundifh nodding. Cretan. JE.I?. maritime, n. P. leaves femicylindrical mod intire woolly at the bafe, fcape columnar. Oec^.Jo,n. Q.4.3. Jca. fubulata. 12. P. leaves awl'd three-fided ftriatcd rugged, fcape co- lumnar, aiul'd. Serraria. 13. P. leaves lanced five-nerved tooth -faw'd, fcape co- ' lumnar. -23-B* coronopifol. 14. P. leaves linear tooth'd, fcape columnar, coronopu*- Ocof. rfo» ■ 'ly 1 . leaved. LoefiingiL 15. P. leaves linear fomewhat tooth'd, fcape columnar, fpike egg'd, bra£tes keel'd membranous. Of Loeflingius. * * Steffi branchy. Pfyllium. 17. P. ftem branchy herbaceous, leaves fomewhat tooth'd recurvate, heads leaflefs* 18. P. lufitanica. 17. P. alp in a. cretica. TETRANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PlantagO. 129. indica. 18. P. ftera branchy herbaceous, leaves moft intire, re- flected fringed, heads leafy. Indian. cynops. 19. P. ftem branchy mrubbyifh, leaves moft intire thread- form upright, heads fomewhat leaved. afra. 20. P. ftem branchy fhrubby, leaves lanced tooth'd heads leaflefs. african. pumila, P. ftem brr.nchy herbaceous, leaves moft intire flefhy, branches polifh'd. S. dwarf. 143. SCOPARIA. Cat. 4-parted. Cor. 4-parted, wheel'd. Cap/, i-cell'd, 2-valved, many-feeded. didcis. 1. S. leaves three-fold, flowers peduncled. Jweet. procumbent. 2- S. leaves fourfold, flowers feflile. procumbent arborea. S. leaves lanced alternate moft intire, corymbe fuper- decompounded three-fork'd. S. arbor ef cent. 144. RHACOMA. Cal. 4-parted. Cor. 4-parted. Cap/, one-cell'd, one-feeded. Croffiopetalum. i. Rhacoma. 145. CENTUNCULUS. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. 4-cleft, expanding. Stamens fhort- Cap/. 1- cell'di circmucifed. Xv/^r/a/w. minimus. i. Centunculus. lea/}. 3?.I>. 146. SANGUISORBA. Cal. 2-leaved. Germ be- tween the calyx and corol. Burnet. officinalis. I. S. fpikes egg'd. <, . gy. officinal. media. 2. S. fpikes cylindrical. middle. . . canadenjis. 3. S. fpikes longeft, Canada. 147. CISSUS. Berry i-feeded encompafs'd by the calyx and corol four-parted. vitiginea. 1. C. leaves hearted moftly five»lobed downy. xvinc. cordifolia. 2. C. leaves hearted moft intire. heart-leaved. Sicyoides. 3. C. leaves moftly hearted naked, briftle-faw'c' branch- lets columnar. Sicyos-Uke. R 6. C. I3O. FOUK MALES. ONE FEMALE. CilTuS. quadrangu- 6. C. leaves hearted flefhy faw-tooth'd, flem four-cor- laris ner'd tumidifh. quadrangular, acida. 4. C. leaves three'd inverfe-egg'd fmooth flefhy gafh'd. acid. tr'ifoliata. 5. C. leaves three'd roundifh fhaggy fomewhat tooth'd, branches membranous-angled. three-leaved* 148. EPIMEDIUM. Neclaries 4, cup-form, in- cumbent on the petals. Cor. 4-petal'cL Cal. falling off. Silique. '$*^tmi*«** TvB. alpinum. 1. Epim£dium. alpine. 149. CORNUS. Involucre oftener 4-leaved. Petals Ooc/icoo^ ■ a°ove 4. Drupe with nucleus 2-cell'd. _ix3f» jlorida. I. C. arborefcent, involucre largeft : leaflets inverfe- h_arted. flowering. JJ.JVT. mafcula. i. C. arborefcent, umbels equalling the involucre, male. JlJS. fanguinea. 3. C. arborefcent, cymes naked, branches ftraight. Oeof.c(6(*,.4&i. bloody. alba. 6. C. arborefcent, cymes naked, branches recurvate. ^ white. fericea. J C. arborefcent, cymes naked, leaves filky underneath. fllky. ~E.B. fvecica. 4. C. herbaceous, branches two-fold. Ooot ■c/c"»;6.fwedijh. JBJVL. canadenfis. 5. C. herbaceous branches none. Canadian. alternifolia. C. leaves alternate. S. alternate-leaved. 1192. SAMARA. Cal. 4-parted. Cor. 4-petal'd. Stam. immerfed in the bafe of the petal. Stigma funnel-form. Iceta. Samara. pleafatit, 150. FAGARA. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. 4-petal'd. Caff. two-valved one-feeded. Pterota. I. F. leaflets end-nick'd. Piperita. 3. F. leaflets notch'd. Tragodes. 2. F. joints of the feathers prickly underneath. Oclandria. 4. F. leaflets downy. eight-male. TETRANDRIA. MONQGYNIA. Fagara. 131. Enodia. F. leaves fimple lanced elongate oppofite, racemes branchy axillary folitary. S. 1290. iEGIPHILA. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Cor. 4-cleft. Style half-two-cleft. Berry 4-feeded. ^*//£^9 martinicenfis. /Egiphila. martinico. I J2. PTELEA. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-parted, be- neath. Fruit with membrane roundifh, one-feeded in the centre »/>C/-//y£Z. tr'ifoliata. 1. P. leaves three'd. three-leaved, pinnata. 2. P. leaves abruptly feather 'd. S. feathered. 1292. SIRIUM. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. o. Neclary 4- leaved inclofing the calyx. Germ be- neath. Stigma 3 -cleft. Berry 3-cell'd. &*<**$ myrtijohum. oirium. myrtle-leaved. 153. LUDWIGIA. Cor. four-petal'd. Ca/. 4- parted, above. C^/C 4-corner'd', 4-ceil'd, beneath, many-feeded. aliernifol'ia. i. L. leaves alternate lanced, ftem erect, alternate leaved. "_ cppofitifolia . 2. Ij. leaves oppofite lanced, ftem difFufe. oppofite-leaved. erigata. 3. L. leaves oppofite lanced, ftem erect, watery. 154. OLDENLANDIA, CV. four-petal'd. Cal. 4-parted, above. Cap/. 2-cell'd, be- neath, many-feeded. 'uerticillata. 6. O. flowers verticil'd feffile, ftipule briftle-bearing. verticil'd. repens. 7. O. capf. feflile hifoid, leaves lanced. creeping. unijHora. i. O. peduncles fimpleft lateral, fruit fhaggy, leaves fomewhat egg'd acute. one-fmue^d. biflora. 2. O. peduncles two-flower'd longer than the petiole, leaves lanced. tuuo-Jiotuerd. tynbcllata. 3. O. umbels naked lateral alternate, leaves linear, urn-, bel'd, R 2 4. O 132. four males, one female. Oldenlandia. corymbofa. 4. O. peduncles many-flower'd, leaves linear-lanced. corymbed paniculate. 5. O. peduncles panicled terminal, leaves oval-lanced. panicled. Jlricla. O. peduncles racemed terminal, leaves linear, ftem erecl: crofs-arm'd. upright. capenfis. O. peduncles axillary one-flower'd, leaves linear acute. S. cape. hirfuta. O. umbels axillary, ftem and calyxes hirpid, leayjcs egg'd acute. S. fi>ai^' 155. AMMANNIA. Cor. 4-petal'd, inferted in the calyx, or none. Cal. 1 -leaved, plaited, 8-tooth'd, beneath. Capf. 4-cell'd. Iatifolia. I. A. leaves half- ftem- clafping, ftem four - corner'd, branches ere£L broad-leaved. ramofwr. 2. A. leaves half - ftem - clafping, ftem four-corner'd, branches nioft expanded. more-branchy. bpccifer. 3. A. leaves fubpetioled, capfules greater than the calyx colour'd. berry-bearing. oclandra. A. flowers petal-like eight-male. S. eight-male. pinnatafda. A. ftems procumbent rooting comprefs'd, leaves li- near feather-cleft. S. feather-cleft. j 56. ISNARDIA. Cor. none. Cal. 4-cleft. Capf. 4-cell'd, encompafs'd by the calyx. palujlris. 1. Isnardia. marjh. ij7i\TRAPA. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-parted. Nut encompafs'd by 4 oppolite thorns, which were the leaves of the calyx. natans. 1. Trapa. fwimming. bicornis. T. nuts two-horn'd. S. two-horn' d. naians. "T. nuts four-horn'd : thorns expanding. S. fuuim- v ming. 158. DORSTENIA. tetrandria. monogynia. Dorftenia. 133. 158. DORSTENIA. Receptacle common 1 -leaved, flefhy, in which the folitary jeeds are nidulant. Houjloni. 3. D. fcapes rooted, leaves hearted angled acute, recep- tacles quadrangular. Houjlon's. Contrajerva. i. D. fcapes rooted, leaves feather-cleft-handed faw'd, receptacles quadrangular. Drakena. 2. D. fcapes rooted, leaves feather- cleft-handed moftin- tire, receptacles oval. caidefcens. 4. D. peduncles on the ftem. Jlem* 1243. COMETES. Involucre 4-leaved, 3-flower'd. Gal. 4-leaved. Cap/. 3-grain'd. ^Wc/. alterniflora. 1. Cometes. alternate-jlower' d. 159. EL^GANUS. Cor. none. Cat. 4-cleft, bell'd, above. Drupe under the bell'd calyx. angiiflifolia. 1. E. leaves lanced. narrow-leaved, orientalis. 4. E. leaves oblong egg'd opake. oriental, fpinofa. 2. E. leaves elliptic. thorny, latifolia. 3. E. leaves egg'd. broad-leaved. 480. SANTALUM. Cor. 4-petal'd : the petals growing on the calyx, betide 4 Glands. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Berry beneath one- feeded. album. 1. S ant alum. jvU.-H. -^ci^ m/tAi * white. 1244. STRUTHIOLA. Cor. none. Cal. tubular: with 8 Glands in the mouth. Berry dry, one-feeded. s//?**rou>rff; •virgata. I. S. pubefcent. twiggy. ereEla. 2. S, imooth. ere£i. TBJM^- nana. S. leaves linear obtufe hairy, flowers terminal fafci- cled downy. S. dwarf. 136. WILLICHTA. 134« FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Willichia. j36. WILLICHIA. Cal 8-leaved. Cor. 4-cleft. Cap/, beneath, two-valved, one-cell'd. Seed imbricated, orbicular with a cen- tral feedlet. repens. Willichia. creeping. 166. CRAMERIA. Cal. o. Cor. 4-pettd'd : the fu- perior Nectary 3 -parted ; the inferior one 2-leaved. Berry dry, hedgehog'd, i-feeded. Ixina. 1. Cr AMELIA. . 1293. AC/ENA. Cat. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-petal'd. Ber- ry dry, beneath, i-feeded, hedgehog'd backwards. ehngaia. Acjexa. elongated. 362. RIVINA. Cor. 4-petal'd, permanent. Gal. none. Berry 1 -feeded : with a lens- form feed. lum'rfis. 1. R. racemes frmple, flowers four-male, leaves pubef- cent. humble. lavis. 4. R. racemes Ample., flowers four-male, leaves fmooth. polijh'd. eclandra. 2. R. racemes fimple, flowers eight-male or twelve-male. eight-male, paniculata. 3. R. racemes of the panicle compound and oppofite. panicled. 163. SALVADORA. Cal. 4-cleft. Cor. o. Berry i-feeded. Seed cloathed with an aril. ferfua. 1, Salvador a. perfian. 164. CAMPHOROSMA. tetrandria. monogynia. Camphorofma. 135 164. CAMPHOROSMA. CaL pitcher'd : with 2 teeth oppofite, and alternate, fmallelt» Cor. none. Capf. i-feeded. tho-w^htn-ot/auy mohfpelienfis . I. C. leaves fliaggy linear. montpelier. acuta. 2. C. leaves awi'd rigid fmooth. acute, glabra. 3. C. leaves moftly three-fided fmooth unarm'd. fmooth. Pteranthus. 4. C. moll branchy, peduncles fword-form dilated, bractes crefted. palcacea. C. fhrubby, branches fpike-form, chaffy, hairy. S. chaffy. 168. ALCHEMILLA. CaL $-cMt.,Cor. o. Seed r. ■vulgaris. I4 A. leaves Jobed. common. £.B. alpina. 2. A. leaves finger'd faw'd. /nr „. 4g- alpine. ~KJ}. pentaphyllea. 3. A. leaves fived many-cleft fmooth. five-leaved, aphanoides. A. leaves many-parted, ftem eredl. S. aphanes-like. 1 36 1. HYDROPHYLLAX. Cor. funnel-form. CaL 4-parted. Fruit two-edged, one-feeded. S. /f^ /tP- ~ C/ (* Ot Y of . maritima. Hydrophyllax. S. fea. 1362. BANKSIA. Ament fcaly. Cor. 4-petal'd. An- thers in the cavity of the Folds, feffile. Capf. 2-valved. Seed two-partible. S. ferrata. B. leaves linear attenuated into a petiole equally faw'd lop'd at the top with a dagger. S. faiv'd. integrifolia. B. leaves wedge-form moft intire white-dovvn'd under- __ neath. S. intirc-leaved, -^-^1 ericafolia. B. leaves approximated chaffy lop-end-nick'd fmooth. jj>i. S. heath-leaved. dentata. B. leaves oblong attenuated into a petiole curved winding tooth'd : with teeth ending in a thorn- let j white underneath. S. tooth' d 1363. HARTOGIA. Petals 4 expanding. CaL 5-'* cleft. Drupe egg'd, two-feeded. S. capenfis. Hartogia. cafe. 1364. EM- I36. FOUR MALES. ONE FEMALE. Embothrium, 1364. EMBOTHRTUM. Cor. 4-petal'd. Anthers feffile fitting on the tops of the petals. Follicle columnar. S. umbellatum. E. umbels axillary fimplefl peduncled, leaves oblong veinlefs, anthers feffile. S. umbel' d. coccinewn. E. thyrfes terminal feffile, anthers pedicel'd, leaves inverfe-egg'd vein'd. S. fcarlet. TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. J 1 66. APHANES. CaL 4-cleft. Cor. o. Seeds 2. naked. 9*0**61/*/^. jP3. arvenfis. 1. Aphanes. field. 167. CRUZITA. CaL 4-leaved: the exterior one . .., 3-leaved. Cor. o. Seed 1. hifpanica. A. Cruzita. fpanijk. 168. BUFONIA. CaL 4-leaved. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cap/, i-cell'd, 2-feeded. 2£3 • tenulfolia. I. Bufonia. thin-leaved. 166. HAMAMELTS. Involure 3-leaved. CaL proper one 4-leaved. Fetch 4. Nut 2-horn'd, 2-cell'd. )r;ULryP. virginica. i. Hamamelis. Virginian. -170. CUSCUTA. C*/. 4-cleft. CV. 1 -petal'd. Cap/. 2-Cell'd. Qjoofetpt. ~£}B europaea. I. C. flowers feffile. Ce of- of a/», iqq. european. •ot-ott*£Depitbymum. C. flowers feffile five-cleft fortify'd with bractes. 4 . 22 Qy. grajfy. marinum. 11. P. leaves linear alternate diftincl: fheathing below. Oect- 0/0. *> *%(>■ marine. li/B. tufillum. 12. P. leaves linear oppoftte and alternate diftincl: expands ing at the bafe, Item columnar. feeble. 175. RUPPIA. Cat. o. Cor. o. Seeds 4, pedicd'd. T..B. mariiima. 1. Ruppia. fia* 176. SAGINA. Cal. 4-leaved. Petals 4. Cap/. 1- cell'd, 4-valved, maay-feeded. 3 H.Ji. procumbent. I. S. branches procumbent. procumbent %.~B- epetala. S. ftem ereclifh pubefcent, flower's alternate petalefs. petalefs. ~E.B. erecla. 2. S. ftemerecl: moftly one-flower'd. eretl. virginica. 3. S. ftem erect flowers oppoftte. Virginian. 177. TILLiEA. Cal. 3~or-4-parted. Petals 3 or 4, equal. Cap/. 3 or 4, many-feeded. aquatica. I. T. eredf. two-fork'd, leaves acute, flowers four-cleft. aquatic. E.B. mufcofa. 3. T. procumbent, flowers three-cleft. mo/Jy. perfoliata. T. leaves leaf-pierced egg'd, coryrhbes terminal flow- ers four-cleft. S. leaf-pierced, capenjis. T. leaves oblongifh, flowers four-cleft. S. cape. 178. MYGINDA. Cal. 4-parted. Petals 4. Drupe globular. uragoga. Mygikba. CLASS CLASS K FIVE MALES. (Pentandria. ) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) * Flowers one-petal"1 d, beneath, one-feeded. 242 Mirabilis. Nutlet beneath the corol ! Cor. funnel-form» Stigma globular. 213 Plumbago. Seed 1. Stam. inferted in the valves. Cor, funnel-form. Stigma 5-deft. * Flowers one-petaFd, beneath, two-feeded. Rough-leaved. 186 Cerinthe. Car. throat naked, bellied. Seeds 2, bony, 2-cell'd. 1245 Messerschmidia. Cor. throat naked, funnel-form. Seeds 2, corky 2-feeded. * Floivers one-peta? d, beneath, four -[ceded. Rough-leaved. 191 Echium. Cor. throat nak'-'d, irregular ! bell'd. 179 Heliotropium. Corf throat naked, falver-form? with lobes divided by a tooth. 184 Pulmonaria. Cor. throat naked, funnel-form; Cal. prif- matic. 181 Lithospermum. Cor. throat naked, funnel-form, Cal. 5- parted. 187 Onosma. Cor. throat naked, bellied. Seeds 4. 185 Symphytum. Cor. throat tooth'd, bellied. 188 Borrago, Cor. throat tooth'd, wheePd. 190 Lycopsis. Cor. throat vaulted, funnel-form, with tube curved ! 189 Asperugo. Cor. throat vaulted, funnel-form. Fruit comprefs'd. 183 Cynoglossum. Cor. throat vaulted, funnel-form. Seeds de- prefs'd, fix'd by the fide. S 2 182 AnchsusAi 14°' FIVE MALES. 182 Anchsusa. Cor. throat vaulted, funnel-form, with tube prifmatic at the bafe. 180 Myosotis. Cor. throat vaulted falver-form, with lobes end-nick'd. * Flowers cne-petal'd, beneath, five-feeded. 193 Nolana. Cor. one-petal'd. Seeds 5, berried, 2 or 4- cell'd. * Flowers one-petal'd, beneath, feed cover 'd. 243 Coris. Cap/, i-cell'd, 5-valved. Cor. irregular I Stigma headed. 204 HydrophylluM. Cap/, i-ccll'd, 2-valved. Cor. furrow'd witji 5 nectaries. Stigma 2-cleft. 276 Galax. Capf. i-cell'd, 2-valved. Cor. falver-form. Stigma roundifh. 198 Cortusa. Cap/, i-cell'd, oblong. Cor. wheel'd. Stigma fomewhat headed. 206 Anagallis. Cap/, i-cell'd, circumcifed. Cor. wheel'd. Stig?na headed. 285 Lysimachia. Cap/ i-cell'd, 10-valved. Cor. wheel'd. Stig- ma obtufe. 201 Cyclamen. Cap/. 1 cell'd pulpy within. Cor. reflected. Stigma acute. 200 Dodecatheon. Cap/ i-cell'd, oblong. Cor. reflected-. Stig- ma obtufe. 199 Soldanella. Cap/ i-cell'd. Ccr. torn. Stigma fimple. 197 Primula. Cap/ i-cell'd. Cor. funnel-form, with throat pervious. Stig?na globular. 196 AndRosace. Capf. i-cell'd. Cor. falver-form with throat contracted. Stigma globular. 195. Aretia. Cap/ i-cell'd? Cor. falver-form. Stigma head-deprefs'd. 203 Hottonia. Cap/, i-cell'd. Cor. tube beneath the ftamens. Stigma globular. 202 Menyanthes. Cap/ i-cell'd. Cor. villous. Stigma 2-cleft. 1295 Allamanda. Cap/ i-cell'd, lens-form, two-valved with valvelets boat-form. Seeds imbricated. 207 Theophrasta. Cap/ i-cell'd, largefl ! Cor. bell'd. Stigma acute. 1367 Sheffieldia. Cap/ i-cell'd, 5-valved. Cor. bell'd. Fila- ments ten : alternate ones barren. 209 Spigelia. Cap/ 2-cell'd, double ! Cor. funnel-form. Stigma fimple. 210 Ophiorhiza. Cap/ 2-cell'd, 2-parted ! Cor. funnel-form. Stigma 2-cleft. 215 Convolvulus, PENTANDRIA. J^f. 215 Convolvulus. Cap/. 2-cell'd, 2-feeded. Cor. bell'd. Stigma 2- cleft. 1248 Lisianthus. Capf. 2-cell'd, many-feeded. Cor. funnel- form bellied. Style permanent. 103 Pathagonula. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Cor. wheePd. Style two- fork'd. 1246 Nigrina. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Cor. funnel-form. Cal. in- flated. 246 Datura. Cap/. 2-cell'd, 4-valved ! Cor. funnel-form. Cal. deciduous. 247 Hyoscyamus. Cap/. 2-cell'd, cover'd ! Cor. funnel-form. Stigma headed. 248 Nicotiana. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma end- nick'd. 245 Verbascum. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Cor. wheel'd. Stigma obtufe. Staincus declined. 255 Chironia. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Cor. with tube pitcher'd. An- thers deflower'd fpiral. 1368 Retria. Cap/, two-cell'd. Cor. cylindric, villous without. Stigma 2-cleft. 194 Diapensia. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Cor. falver-form. Cal. 8- leaved. 214 Phlox. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Cor. falver-form with tube curved. Stigma 3-cleft. 217 Polemonium. pap/. 3-cell'd. Cor. 5-parted. Stamens placed on the yalves. 216 Ipomoea. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma headed. 1229 Brossjea. Cap/. 5-cell'd. Cor. lop'd. Cal. flefhy. 2r2 Azalea. Cap/. 5-cell'd. Cor. bell'd. Stigma obtufe. 1369 Epacris. Cap/. 5-cell'd, 5-valved. Cor. funnel-form, villous, nectariferous. Scales growing on the germ. 302 Ceropegia, Follicles 1. Cor. with border converging. Seeds pappus'd. 297 Nerium. Follic. 2, erect. Cor. with throat crown'd. Seeds pappus'd. 299 Echites. Follic. 2, ftraight. Cor. funnel-form with throat naked. Seeds pappus'd. 1253 Pergularia. Follic. 2. Cor. falver-form. Neclaries 5, half- arrow'd. 298 Plumieria. Follic. 2, refracted. Cor. funnel-form. Scejs wing'd. 300 Cameraria, Follic. 2, lobed. Cor. ialver-form. Seeds wing'd„ ?oi Taber- j I42. FIVE MALES. , 301 Tabern^mon- Foll'ic. 2, pulpy. Cor. falver-form. Seeds fim- tana. pie. 295 Vinca. Follic. 2, erecl:. Cor. falvcr-form. Seeds am- ple. 1 25 1 Carissa. Berries 2, many-feeded. 254 Iacquinia. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 10-cleft : with necta- ry 5-leaved. 259 Laugieria. Berry i-feeded. Nut 5-cell'd. Stigma headed. 1252 PiEDERiA. Berry 2-feeded, inflated, fragile. 258 Varronia. Berry i-feeded. Nut 4-cell'd ! Stigma four- fold. 256 Cordea. Berry i-feeded. Nut 4-cell'd. Stigma two- fork'd. Calyx growing on the berry. 257 Ehretia. Berry 4-feedcd. Nuts 2-ceil'd. Stigma end- nick'd. 192 TouRNEFORTiA.^rrj 4-feedcd perforated at top ! Seeds 2- cell'd. 293 Rauwolfia. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds hearted. 294 Cerbera. Berry 2-feeded. Nuts comprefa'd retufe. 1250 Arduina. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds oblong. Coral curvatc. Stigma 2-cleft. 269 Myrsine. Berry 1 -feeded. Stigma villous. 261 Cestrum. Berry 1 -cell 'd. Filaments iTark'd with a tooth. 260 Brunfelsi a. Berry i-cell'd. Cor. longeft. 211 Randia. Berry i-cell'd, bajrky. Cal. lop'd. 253 Strychnwos. Berry 2-ce!l'd : Stigma headed. 252 Capsicum. Berry 2-cell'd, juicelefs. Anthers converging. 251 Solanum. Berry 2-cell'd. Anthers twice-perforated ! 250 Physalis. Berry 2-cell'd with calyx inflated. Anthers approximated. 249 Atropa. Berry 2-cell'd. Stamens diftant, incurvate. 244 Ellisia. Berry 2-cell'd. Seeds 2 : with one higher. 262 Lycium. Berry 2-cell'd. Stamens clofing with hair at the bafe. 234 Menais. Berry 4-cell'd. Cal. 3-leaved. Stigmas two. 264 Sideroxilon. ^erry 5-feeded. Cor. ic-cleft, with the in- terior divifions converging. 263 Chrysophyl- Berry ic-feeded. Cor. 10-cleft, with the ex- i.um. terior divifions moft expanded. 1370 Ignatia. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Cor. longeft. Drupe I-cell'd many-feeded. 1 37 1 X EK.TONA. Stigm. tooth'd : Drupe dry, fpongy, within the inflated calyx. Nucleus 3-ccll'd. * Flowers PENTANDRIA. * Flowers one-petaVd, above. H2- 222 SAMOLUS. 226 Bellonia. I366 VlRECTA. Cap/, i-cell'd, 5-valved at top. Cor. falver- form. Stigma headed. Cap/. i-ceH'd,with navel beak'd. Cor. wheel'd Stigma acute. Cap/. 1 -cell' d. Cor. funnel- form. Stigma 2- parted. Cal. 5-leaved : with teeth in- terpofed. S. 225 Macrocnemum. Capf. 2-cell'd top-like. Cor. bell'd. Stigma two-lobed. Seeds imbricated. 224 Rondeletia. Capf. 2-cell'd, fubglobular. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma oh t uie. 228 Cinchona. Cap/. 2-cell'd gaping within ! Cor. fhaggy. Stigma limple. 227 Pqrtlandia. Capf. 2-cell'd, crovvn'd. Cor. bellied. Stig- ma fimple. Seeds imbricated. 219 Roella. Ctff 2-cell'd, crovvn'd, Cor. wheel'd. Stigma 2-cleft. 220 Phyteuma. Capf. 2-or-3-cell'd, perforated. Cor. 5-parted. Stigma 2-or~3-cleft. 218 Campanula. Capf. 3-or-5-cell'd, perforated. Cor. bell'd. Stigma 3-cleft. 1294 Scjevola. Drupe i-feeded. Cor. irregular fan-form: with a longitudinal fuTure. 221 Trachelium. Capf. 3-cell'd perforated. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma headed. Berry i-feeded. Cor. funnel-form, undivi- ded. Stig?na obtufe. Berry i-feeded, aggregate. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma 2-cleft. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds furrow d. Cor. funnel- form. Stigma end-nick'd. Berry 2-feeded. Seeds aril'd ! Cor. falver- form. Stigma 2-parted. Berry 2-feeded. Cor. funnel-form. Stig?na fimple. Berry 2-cell'd, nuny-feeded. Cor. funnel- form. Cal. with divifions fword-form vertical. contorted^ Berry beneath, two or four-cell'd many-feeded. S. Berry 2-cell'd roundifh. Cur. wheel'd. Stig- ma club'd. 231 Matthiola. 235 Morinda. 229 Psycothria. 230 COFFEA. 231 Chiococca. 296 Gardenia. Gardenia. 24O GjENIPA. 233 Lonicera. 144- 233 lonicera. 234 Triosteum. 24I MuSSVENDA. 232 Hamellia. 238 Erithalis. FIVE MALES. Berry 2-cell'd roundifh. Cor. unequal. Stig- ma headed. Berry 3-cell'd leathery. Cor. unequal. Stig- ma oblong. Berry 4-cell'd, oblong. Cor. funnel- form. Stigma 2 -parted. Berry 5-celPd many feeded. Cor. with tube long. Stigma linear. Berry 10-celFd ; fubglobular. Cor. wheel'd, Stigma acute. * Rubia. * Crucianella. * Prinos. * Flowers five-petal' dy beneath. Berry i-feeded. Style lateral. Stamens perma- nent, fpiral. Berry 3-cell'd, round. Cal. tubular corol- bcaring. Scales of the mouth 5, con- verging. Berry 3-grain'd. Cal. tubular corol-bearing. Petals vaulted. Berry 3-grain'd. Cal. flat. Seeds aril'd. Berry capfular, lobed. Cal. expanding. Seeds berry aril'd. Berry 5-iceded. Cor. with ne&ary pitcber'd. Berry 5-feeded Cor. often ihrivel-conjoin'd. Style none. Drupe kidney-form. Cor. with petals lanced. Nucleus woolly. J373 Corynocarpus. Nut club'd, Ncilartes five petal-form, alter- nating with petals, gland-bearing at thebafe. S. Cap/. 5-cell'd, gaping at the bafe ! Cor. united to the receptacle. Seed wing'd. Cap/. 5-grain'd. Cal. ear'd with petals. Sta- mens annex 'd to the nedtary. Cap/. 5-fold. Neflary crowning the germ. Seeds aril'd 1374 Argophyllum. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Ncclary pyramidal, five-angled, the length of thecorol. S. 287 ClaytoniA. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. Cal. 2-valved. Stigma 3-cleft. 280 Hirtella. 265 Rhamnus. 267 CeANOTHUS. 270 Celastrus. 27i euonymus. 1296 Aquilicia. 284 VlTIS. 278 Mangifera. 277 Cedrela. 268 buttnera. 272 DlOSMA. I234 RORIDULA. PENTANDRIA. 14^ 1234 RoRiDULA. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. Nettary of the an- ther bag-form. 275 Itea. Cap/. i-celFd, 2-valved. Cal. corol-bearing. Stigma obtufe. 286 Sauvagesia. Cap/, i-celi'd. Neclary 5-leaved ! Petals fringed. 274 Brunia. Seed I, villous. Common Receptacle villous. Sta?nens inferted on the claws of the petals. 237 Kuhnia. Seed 1, pappus'd. Common Receptacle naked. 223 Nauclea. Seed 1, two-cell'd. Common Receptacle naked. * Cafalpinia pentandra. * Bombax pentandrum. * Ga/Jia niclitans. * Violets. * Flowers five-petal' 'd above. 281 Ribes. Berry many-feeded. Cal. corol-bearing. Style 2- cleft. 283 Hedera. 1 Berry 5-feeded. Cal. encompafllng the fruit. Stigma fimple. 1249 PlectRonia. Berry 2-feeded. Cal. clofed with claws. An- thers included, doubled. 1372 EscaLlonia. Fruit 2-cell'd, mariy-feeded. Petals diftant, tongued. Stigma headed. 266 Phylica. Berry 3-grainM. Cal. tubular corol-bearing with 5 converging fcales. 282 Gronovia. Cap/, i-feeded colour'd. Cal. colour'd. Petals minute. 1297 Heliconia. Cap/. 3-grain'd. Cor. irregular. Cal. O. 1247 CyRilla: Cap/ 2-cell'd, many-feeded. Style two-cleft. Petals pointed. 285 LAGOEcrA. Seeds 2, naked. Cal. feather-comb'd. Petals 2-horn'd. 236 Conocarpus. Seed j, deprefs'd. Receptacle aggregating. Pe- tals converging. Flowers incomplete, beneath. 288 Achyranthes. Seed 1, oblong. Cal. exterior 3-leaved, na- ked. 289 Celosia. Cap/ 3-feeded. Cal. exterior 3-leaved, co- lour'd. 290 Illecebrum. Cap/ i-feeded 5-valved. Cal. fimple, rude. 2qi Glaux, Cap/ 5-feeded 5-valved. Cal. fimple, ruder, bell'd. * Polygonum H6 F I * Polyc "i, lapaihifolv. i * C , above* Thesis i, crown 'd. Cal. ftamen-bearingo * Lor a ma. 307 3*3 3'« .'339 2254 *37S T W O F E M ALE ^ Digyhia, J * Flozwrs one-pet StapelIA. FoMrcks 2, Cor. wheei'd: Nechries ftar'do Cynancum. 2. Car. wheei'd : Nectary cylindric. Periploca, Fsllkks 1. Cor. wheei'd ; Nectaries 5, thread- Apocynum, Follicles 2-. Cor. bell'd : with 5 glandular Nectaries with 5 briftles. Cor. reflected, with 5 Nectaries ear-form clawletted. Cap/. j-celPd, 2-valved. Cor, wheei'd, with 5 nectar-bearing pores. 2-valved. Cor. tubular inde- terminate,, Cap/. I-feeded, 2-vaived. Cor. falver-form : • rder reflected. liMj 2-valved. Cor. wheei'd. ralved. Calyx enlarged in the fruit, 'Style elongated, half-two-cleft. 2-cell'd. Cor. funnel-form, a Scale of the Neclcry growing on each filament. Berry many-feeded; Cor. wheei'd. contorted. Berry tvvo-celi'd, many-feeded. Throat of the coral crown'd. Flowers five-petard, above. Cat. 5-leaved. Petals 5, above. Cap/, i-celi'd;, y-feeded. * Flowers five-petal' d> beneath. Veiezia. '. i-cell'd, i-valved. Cor. 5-petal'd. tubular. Linconia. Cap/. 2-cell'd. a pit in the Petals. Cal. 4- leaved, .NamAc 'Cap/, r-cell'd, 2-valved. Cor. 5-petal'd, lefs. 3.20 Heuchera, 306 ASCLEPJAS'. [A. 322 Gent i ana.. Gressa. LEA. PoRA SCH] Steris. Me'lodikus. - • X776 RUSSELIA. ^17 320 He uc I E N aceum. -leaved. Capf. 3-cellM. Xylophylla. Cc?/. 5-pr,rt:d. &*£/! 3-grain'd : with two 374 S'TAPHY 375 M?« 381 ' TtjRNERA. 383 Sarothra- 380 Al.S; 377 Telefhiiim. 378 GoRRIGIOLA, 5ELLA. -\ none. Cal. 6-cIeft. Seed i? globular^ with calyx berried. hamnus Paliurus. * Celaji .. FOUR F E M ALES Parnassia. Evolvulus. :.tal'd. Capf. 4-cell'd Capf 4-valyed. Nefiariet 5« glandular-fringed. -LI A. ■ 392 Crassula F I V E F E M A L E S. \iatJ rs above. Cor. 5-petal'd. Berry 5~fceded. orpl -bearing. Petals 5. Nic- i. Capf 3-cdl'd, h hcg"d. 'ozuers beneath. •ted- Capf- 5* rnary 2340 G T A N t> R - 34O GlSEICIA,- 389 LlNUM. 390 AlsrovandA;, 391 DRosera. 1255 Maher] 393 SlBBALDIA. 388 -Statice Ccr. c. Cal. 5 -leaved. Cdpf, t3 round. 5- feeded. 5-petal ic-celFd, 2-feeded. i-cell'd, io-feeded, Cor. 5-petaI'd. Cap/, i-cell'd, gaping at Cor. 5-petaI'd. Caff. 5-cell'd, Cor: 5-petaPd. Seeds 5, Cal. 10-cleft. Cof\ 5-parted. Seed 1, cloath'd with a fun- nel-form cal aftium pentsndr.Um* P Spergula pentandra. .-male Geranii MANY FEMALES. (Polygyria J DSURUS. ' Cal 5 -leaved, Nselariss 5, tongue JUS. i lanunculus hederaceuu - 152. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. HeliotropiuiTl- ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.J 179. HELIOTROPIUM. Cor. falver-form, 5-cleft/ with teeth interpofed : the throat clofed with vaults, &t»* ~'&r»*»9. JB.-M-* feruviavum. I. H. leaves lance-egg'd, ftem fhrubby, Jpikes nume- rous aggregate-corymbed. peruvian. 3. 3L. indicum. 2. H. leaves heatt-egg'd acute ruggedifh, fpikes folitary, fruit two-cleft. vidian, parvijlorum. H. leaves egg'd wrinkled rugged oppofite alternate, fpikes pair'd- fynall-floiver'd. europeeum. 3. H. leaves egg'd moft intire downy wrinkled, fpikes pair'd. european. jupinum. 4. H. leaves egg'd moft intire downy plaited, fpikes fo- litary. fupine. Jruticofum. 5. H. leaves linear-lanced hairy, fpikes folitary feffile. Jhrubby. J3-JVf . curaffavicum. 6. H. leaves lance-linear fmooth veinlefs, fpikes pair'd. curajfoa. erientate. 7. H. leaves linear fmooth veinlefs, flowers fcatter'd la- teral, oriental, gnaphalodes. 8. H. leaves linear obtufe downy, peduncles two-fork'd, flowers of the fpikes fourfold) item fhrubby. gnaplmlium-lik: . 180. MYOSOTIS. Cor. falver-form, 5-cleft, end- t nick'd : the throat clofed with vaults. Moufe-ear. K.B. fcorpioides* I. M. feeds polifh'd, tops of the leaves callous, fcorpicn- Opc/.c/ci#>.<$2. like, fruticofa. M. feeds polifh'd, ftem fhrubby polifh'd. Jhrubby. virginiana. 2. M. feeds barb prikled, leaves egg-oblong, branches divaricated. Virginian. Lappula. 3. M. feeds with prickles with barbs, leaves lanced hairy. apula. 4. M. feeds naked, leaves hifpid, racemes leafy. 1 8 1. LITHOSPERMUM. Cor. funnel-form with throat perforated, naked. Cat. 5-parted. ,/W? c - y/reof ■ it n * m u) 0 if. ■ £-£»• officinale. I. L. feeds polifh'd j/corols fcarce furpaffing the calyx, leaves lanced. officinal, ' 2. L. pentandria. monogynia. Lithofpermum 153. arvenfe. 2. L. feeds wrinkled, corols fcarce furpafling the calyx, j? Q Oec*. t/a/» ■ .* 0 v ■ field. virginicum. 3. L. leaves fuboval nervy, eorols pointed. Virginian. orientale. 7. L. branches flower-bearing lateral, bracles hearted flem-clafping, oriental. JB..M. purpura- 4. L. feeds polifh'd, corols very frequently furpafling the £. 8 coerulum. calyx. purple-blue. fruticcfum. 5. L. fhrubby, leaves linear hifpid, flamens equalling the corol. Jhrubby. difper?num. 6. L. feeds two, calyxes expanding. two-feeded. tenuijlorum. L. leaves linear-lanced lance-briflled, corols thread- form. S. flendcr -flowered. 182. ANCHUSA. Cor. funnel-form, the throat clofed with vaults. Seeds engraved at the bafe. •^y/>/<'. officinalis. 1. A. leaves lanced fpilces imbricated one-rank'd. officii fi_]$. OeoL- ofom . $p"Z ■ ' nal% anguflifolia. 2. A. racemes nakedifh pair'd. narrow-leaved. TSJ^E - undulata. 3. A. lance-briftled, leaves linear tooth'd, pedicels lefs ~J& .JVL. than the bradle, calyxes fruit-bearing inflated. •waved, tincloria. 7. A. downy, leaves lanced obtufe, flamens fhorter than the corol. (yfj-.cm.i- dyers, virginica. 5. A. flowers fcatter'd, flem fmooth. Virginian. lanata, 6. A.' leaves villous, calyxes fhaggy, flamens longer than the corol . • woolly. Jempervirens.%. A. peduncles two-leaved headed. ever-green. JT.i?. 183. CYNOGLOSSUM. Cor. funnel-form, the throat clofed with vaults. Seeds de- prefs'd, affix'd to the ftyle on the in- terior fide only. Houndjiongue . officinale. 1. C. flamens fhorter than the corol, leaves broad-lanced jpjj^ downy feffile. officinal. F. v. y virginicum.. 2. C. leaves fpatule-lanced lucid three-nerved at the bafe, bracfe of the peduncles ilem-claiping. Virginian. cheiri folium. 3. C. corols twice as long as the calyx, leaves lanced. cheiri- leaved, appeninum. 4. C. flamens equalling the coroL appenine. U C. 154- FIVE males, one female. CynoglofTum. • Icevlgatwn. C. leaves Iance-egg'd fmoothifh, calyx downy, feeds poliih'd. polijh'd. lufttanicum. 6. C. leaves linear-lanced fmooth. portugal. linifolium. 5. C. leaves linear-lanced rugged. flax-leaved. ~BJ*..- - Omphalodes. 8. C. creeping, radical leaves hearted. navel' d. Kinder a. C. arils fmooth, ftetn erect, leaves elliptic foft. S. 184. PULMONARIA. Cor. funnel-form, with throat pervious. Cal. prifmatic-5-cor- ner'd. Lungwort. * Perianth the length of the tube of the coral. aui.fit'm.^tp.angujlifoUa. 1. P. radical leaves lanced. Oeof .a/a*». j.f • major. I. C. leaves ftem-clafping, corols obtufifh expanded. greater. miuor. 3,. C. leaves ftem-clafping intire, corols acute clofed. lefs. 187. ONOSMA. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Onofma. 1 55, 187. ONOSMA. Cor. bell'd : with throat pervious. Seeds 4 . flfi *<*« »6 ■ fimplicijjima. I. O. leaves crowded lance-linear hairy. funpiejl. orientalis. 2. Q. leaves lanced hifpid, fruit pendulous. oriental, echioides. 3. O. leaves lanced hifpid, fruit ere ,.^. procumbens. 1. A. calyxes ef the fruit comprefs'd. Cec/.o/c,,..$5ipvt;umbent TZ.B. agyptiaca. 2- A. calyxes cf the fruit bellied, tegyti&n. 190. LYCOPSIS. Core! with tube curvated. M&'-/*e*s vejicaria. 1. L. leaves mod intire, Ifem proilrate, c.lyx fructeicent inflated pendulous. bladder. < * pulla. 2. L. leaves molt intire, ftem erect, calyxes fructel" inflated pendulous'. dark. variegata. 3. L. leaves fcollop'd tooth'd callous, ftem decumbent, corols bowing, ftr/. c/c „ . ass. 'variegated, arvenfis. 4. L. leaves lanced hifpid, calyxes florefcentere&. field: -EJ3. orientalis. c. L. leaves esVd moil intire ru^ced, calyxes ereit. orl- enial. virginica. 6. L. leaves linear- lanced crowded downy foft, item erect. Virginian. J91. ECHIUM. Cor. irregular, with throat naked. A/^'-w fruticofum. 1. E. ftem fhrubby, bunches ^:id leaves hairy. Jbrubby. *\ U 2 E. I56. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Echium. TLB. candicans. glganteum. J} r 1 Slum. argenteum. capitaium. i plantagineum. Icevigatum. it ali cum. fpicatum. vulgare. violaceum. creticum. crientale. lufitankum. E. fhrubby fhaggy white, leaves lanced pointed at both ends vein-nerved, panicle terminal, pedicels fpiked. S. hoary. E. fhrubby, branches hoary finooth, leaves linear- lanced ruggedifh feflile, thvrfe terminal : with fpikes fimpleft. S. giant. E. fhrubby, leaves petioled elliptic hifpid rugged, ftem reverfely hifpid, peduncles axillary, fpike headed. S. upright. E. leaves linear white-fhagg'd expanded at top. filver. . E. ftem hairy, flowers head-corymbed equai, ftamens longer than :he corol, leaves hifpid. headed. E. radical leaves egg'd lined petioled. plaintain. 2. C. ftem polifh'd, leaves lanced naked rugged on the margin and top, equal to the corol. polijh'd. 3. E. ftem erecl: hairy, fpikes fhaggy, corols fubequal, ftamens longeft. italian E. ftems afcending fimpleft, flowers fpiked. S. fpiked. 4. E. ftem tubercle -hifpid, ftem-leaves lanced hifpid, flowers fpiked lateral. Otcf. of a ».//4 5 - common. 9. E. corols equalling the ftamens, with tube fhorter than the calyx. violet. 5. E. ftem procumbent, calyxes fru&efcent diflant. cre~ tan. 6. E. ftem branchy, ftem-leaves egg'd, flowers folitary lateral. oriental. 7. E. corols longer than the ftamen. portugal. 1245. MESSERSCHMIDIA. Cor. funnel-form with throat naked. Berry corky, two-parti- ble : with each two-feeded. fruticofa, M. ftem branchy, leaves petioled corols falver-form. S. Jhrubby. A-guzia. M. ftem herbaceous, leaves feflile, corols funnel-form. S. 192. TOURNEFORTIA. Berry two-cell'd, two- feeded, above, perforated with two pores at top. /errata. t. T. leaves egg'd faw'd, petioles thorn-becoming, fpikes terminal recurved. faw'd* 2. T. PENTANDRiA. MONOGYN.iA. Tournefortia. J 57. hirfuti{jlma. 2. T. leaves egg'd petioled, ftem fhaggy, fpikes mofl i« .. branchy, terminal. mojl-jloaggy. •volubilis. 3. T. leaues Egg'd pointed fmooth, petioles reflected flem •#...'' twining. twining, argentca. T. leaves egg'd obtufe down-filky, fpikes terminal compound. S. fiher* fcetidijjima . 4. T. leaves egg-lanced fhaggy, peduncles branchy, fpikes pendulous. mojl-fcetid. humilis. 5. T. leaves lanced fefiile, fpikes fimple recurved lateral. humble, tymofe. 3. T. leaves egg'd mod intire naked, fpikes cymed. cymed. '.jfruticofa. 8. T. leaves fublanced hoary, ftem fhrubbyifh. jhnibbyifo. 193. NO LAN A. Cor. bell'd. Style between the germs. Seeds 5, berried, two-celFd. proflrata. i. Nolan a. pro/irate. 2J.-M. 194. DIAPENSIA. Cor. falver-form. Cal. 5-leaved, imbricated with three leaflets. Stamens placed on the tube of the corol. Cap/, 3-cell'd. lapponica. I. D. flowers peduncled. Oeof. o/c n .Aj. lapland. _2?.JV£. '195. ARETIA. Cor. falver-form 5 -cleft : with tube egg'd. Stigma head-deprefs'd. Cap/. i-ceird, globular moftly five-feedcd. helvetica. A. imbricated, flowers fubfefflle. Jwifs. alpina. 1. A. leaves linear expanding, flowers peduncled. al- pine. Vitaliana. A. leaves linear recurvate, flowers fubfefflle. Viialian. j 96. ANDROSACE. Involucre of the umbellet. Tube of the Corol egg'd : with mouth glandular. Cap/, i-cell'd, globular. maxima. i. A. perianths of the fruit la rgeft. Icrgejl. elongata, 7. A. leaves fomewhat tooth'd, pedicels longeft, corols Shorter than the calyx^ elongate. z. A. I5&. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. AndrofaCC. "B M feptentrio. 1. A. leaves lanced tooth'd fmooth, perianths angled nalis. (horter than the corol . Occ/. dc**> 7- northern. .25.31 villofa. 3. A. leaves hairy perianth (haggy. villous laclea. 4. A. leaves lanced fmooth, umbel many times longer than the involucres. milky, earnea. 5. A. leaves awi'd fmooth, umbel equalling the invo- lucre, fiefoy. JB.M. 197. PRIMULA. Involucre of the umbellet. Tube of Corol cylindric : with mouth expan- ded. Primrofc, \JxHMM-to,*, Lcw far ins/a. Auricula, minima. cortuj aides integrifcha. 8 gTutinofa. 198. CGRTUSA. CWwheel'd: with a ring eleva- ted in the throat. Calif, i-cell'd, oval, with top 5-valved. _B-A4.- Matthioli. i. C. calyxes fliorter than the corol. of Matthiohs. Gmelini. '1. C. calvxes exceeding the corol. ofGmclin, 199, 3.K- alp in a. SOLDANELLA. Corol bell'd, torn-many- cleft. Capf. i-cell'dj many- tooth'd at top. I . SoLDANELLA. alpine. B.X 200. DODECATHEON. Cor, wheel 'd, renewed, Stum, ftandins: on the tube.'. Capf. i~ cell'd, oblon?. Gkftvt-e/iat/ni/ftJ» , m <««/;*■ Meadia r. Dodecatheon', ct*».fc.m 6w^. 201. CY- pentandria. monogynia. Cyclamen. 159- 201. CYCLAMEN. Cor. wheel'd, reflected, with tube moreft : the throat prominent. Berry cover'd with the capfule. Sow- bread. europaan. I. C. corol retrofle&ed. european. £.B. indicum. 2. C. corol with border nodding. indian. 202. MENYANTHES. Corol (baggy. Stigma two- cleft. Cap/, i-cell'd. Bogbean. /?h^oi,Q/r(/^I Nymphcides. 1. M. leaves hearted molt intire, corols fringed. Nymphe- X£. 0t>c/.o/or>. 33p. like, indica. 2. M. leaves hearted fomewhat notch'd, petioles flower- JjSL bearing, corols internally hairy. Indian, trifoliata. 3. M. leaves three'd. Oec/.c/o"» 6A.1. tbree-leaved* E.B. ovata. M. leaves egg'd petioled, ftera panicled. S. eggd. JSJsl. 203. HOTTONIA. Corol falver-form. Stamens placed on the tube of the corol. Capf. JJNIA. Corol ialver-iorm. stamens placed on the tube of the corol. Capf. palujirh. 1. H. peduncles verticil-many-flower'd. Osof-cS** marjh. KB. indica. a. H.? peduncles axillary one-flower'd. ''indian. 204. HYDROPHYLLUM. Cor. bell'd, with 5 honey- bearing longitudinal ftrias on the iniide. Stigma 2-cleft. Capf. globular 2-valved. Water-leaf. virginicum. i. H. leaves feather-cut. virglnian. canadenfc. 2. H. leaves lobe-angled. Canadian, 224. ELLISIA. Cor. funnel-form, narrow. Berry dry, two-cell'd, two- valve J. Seeds 2, dotted : with one upon the other. Njcleka. i- Exlisia. 205. LV- i6o. five males, one female. Lyfimachla. 205. LYSIMACHIA. Cor. wheel'd. Caff, globular, dagger'd, 10-valved. Looje-ftrife. * With peduncles many-flower* d. ~E3. vulgaris. 1. L. panicled : with racemes terminal. common' B-M ■ Ephemerum. 2. L. racemes fimple terminal, petals obtufe, ftamens fhorter than the corol. atropurpurca. 3. L. fpikes terminal, petals lanced, ftamens longer than the corol. black-purple. M E-B- thyrfiflora. 4. L. racemes lateral pcdnncltd. ^^.^otn.s/^hy^fe-flovje^d. * * With peduncles one-flower' 'd. quadrlfolia. 5. L. leaves four-fold fringed to the petiole, peduncles four-fold one-nower'd. four-leaved, punclaia. 6. L. leaves moftly four-fold fubfeilile, peduncles verti- cil'd one-flower'd. dotted. Linumflel- 8. L. calyxes furpaffing the corol, ftem ere£r, moft bran- latum. chy. Jlar-flax. E3. nemorum. 9. L. leaves egg'd acute, fiowers folitary, ftem procum- bent. Oeci- 1 /a n . /?/+ . grove. ESR. nummula- 10. L. leaves nearly hearted flowers folitary, ftem cre.p- rla. ing. Ooot.otc» h . 4Q3- money-tvort. 206. ANAGALLIS. Cor. wheel'd. Cap/, circum- cifed - v/ tr» fr d-> & h E.B. arvenfis. 1. A. leaves undivided, ftem procumbent. Occf.Ja^.'itfield. B.pi- inonelli. 2. A. leaves undivided ftem ere£r.. -n-frljatifolia. 3. A. leaves hearted ftem-claping, ftem comprefs'd. broad-leaved. VinifoUa. 4, A. leaves linear, ftem erected. flax-leaved. X.B. tenella. A. leaves egg'd acutifh, ftem creeping. tender. 207. THEOPHRASTA. Cor. bell'd, with the di- vifions and gafhes obtufe. Cap/ 1 -cell'd, globular, largeft, many-feeded. amcricana. 1. Theqphrasta, american. 209. SPI- PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Spigelia. l6l. 209. SPIGELIA. Cor. funnel-form. Cap/, twin'd, 2- cell'd, many-feeded. ^Mn^a^a^. Anthelmia. I. S. ftem herbaceous, higheft leaves fourfold. Worm, marilandka. S. ftem four-corner'd, all the leaves oppofite. mary- 3. >t. &Tie4iovt> .T'unAs land. 210. OPHIORRHIZA. Cor. funnel-form. Germ 2- cleft. Stigmas 2, Fruit 2-lobed. ^^e>/-^^< Mungos. 1. O. leaves lance-egg'd. Mitreola. 2. O. leave egg'd. 1248. LISIANTHUS. Cor. tube bellied with divi- sions recurvate. Cal. keel'd. Stigma 2- lobed. Cap/. 2-cell'd, oblong. */*»ootf -front* hng'ifol'ius. I. L. leaves lanced. long-leaved. cordifolius. 2. L. leaves hearted. heart-leaved chelonoides. L. fmooth, leaves oppofite fubconjoin'd oblong, pani- cle terminal two-fork'd racemed. S. chclone- like. glaber. L. fmooth, leaves egg'd petioled, corymbes terminal. S. ftnootb. 211. RANDIA. Cal. i -leaved. Cor. falver-form. Berry i-cell'd with bark capfular. rn'itis. 1. R. nearly unarm'd. mild. aculeata. 2. R. branches two-thorn'd, prickly. Ztf3Vf,- 212. AZALEA. Cor. bell'd. Stamens inferted on the, receptacle. Cap/. 5-cell'd. J/f> PLUM- l62. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Plumbago. 213. PLUMBAGO. Cor. funnel-form. Stamens in- ferted in fcales clofing the bafe of the corol. Stigma 5-cleft. Seed 1, oblong, coated. ^soo,J-ta'nJr. europaa. I. P* leaves ftem-clafping lanced rugged, european. Zeylanica. 2. P. leaves petioled egg'd fmooth, ftems thread-form. Ceylon. rofea. 3. P. leaves petioled egg'd fmooth fomewhat toothlet- ted, knots on the ftem gibbous. rofe. fcandens, 4. P. leaves petioled egg'd fmooth, ftem winding-climb- ing, climbing. 1246. NIGRINA. Cor. funnel-form. CaL inflated. Stigma obtufe. Caff, f two-cell'd. vifcofa, I. Nigrina. vifa VI cons. 214. PHLOX. Cor, Salver-form. Filaments unequal. Stigma 3 -cleft. CaL prifmatic. Caff, 3-celi'd, i-feeded. &«¥***) w*"»\f. O V" iff* n 1 t/cOL — . paniculata. I. P. leaves lanced rugged on the £dge, corymbes pani- cled. panicled, maculata. 2. P. leaves lanced polifh'd, raceme oppofitely co- rymbed. [potted. _B t>\-> pilofa. 3. P. leaves lanced villous, ftem erect, corymbe termi- nal, hairy. Jjt Jbi~> Carolina. 4. P. leaves lanced polifh'd, ftem rugged, corymbe nearly level-top'd. Carolina. glaberrima. 5. P. leaves linear-lanced fmooth, ftem erect, corymbe terminal. fmootbeji. B.M.. divaricata, 6. P. leaves broad-lanced i the fuperior ones alternate, ftem two- cleft, peduncles double, divaricated. J>*™- cvata. 7. P. leaves egg'd, flowers folitary. eggd. ■8*$"v. fubulata. 8. P. leaves awl'd fhaggy, flowers oppoilte. awl'd. fibirica. 9. P. leaves linear villous, peduncles threefold, fiberian. TJ.M-- fetacea. 10. P. leaves briftly fmooth, flowers folitary, brijlly. 1339. POR- PENTANDRIA. MONOGYGIA. Porana. 163. 1339. PORANA. Cor. bell'd. Cal. 5-cleft, greater in the Fruit. Style half-two-cleft, lon- ger, permanent. Stigmas globular. Per. two-valved. volubilis. Porana. twining. 215. CONVOLVULUS. Cor. bell'd, plaited. Stig- mas 2. Capf. 2-cell'd : with cells two- feeded. \'/0t**v4todoe* ■ * JFith Jlem twining. • - arvenfis. r. C. leaves arraw'd acute at both ends, peduncles moftly U.Jy. one-fiower'd. 0ec/.c/a/n.4- raceme terminal, peduncles moftly three- flower'd. S. fcoparia. fhrubby erect, leaves lanced filky, branchlets flower-bearing thorny. S. thorny. fhrubby erect, leaves linear hoary, peduncles ax- illary folitary erect one-flower'd bracked, calyxes lanced fmooth. S. Oenoth era-like. With Jlem projlrate^ or not twining. leaves heart-egg'd, peduncles one-flower'd: brakes lanced, flowers feflile. ficilian. leaves lanced obtufe naked lined, branches declined, flowers folitary half-five-cleft, jive-petal-like. leaves lanced filky lined petioled, peduncles two- flower'd, calyxes filky fomewhat leafy. lined. leaves lanced downy, flowers umbel'd, calyxes fhaggy, ftem erect, leaves linear-lanced acute, ftem branchy erectifh, calyxes hairy, peduncles moftly two-flower'd. Cantabrian. leaves fublinear filky, ftem fhrubbyifh panicled, calyxes nakedifh obtufe. leaves hearted, peduncles umbel'd, ftem creeping» corymbed. leaves hearted pubefcent, ftem ftraight, peduncles one-flower'd fix-inch. leaves oval downy, peduncles one flower'd. perfian. leaves lance-egg'd fmooth, ftem declined, flowers folitary. three-colour' 'd. leaves arrow'd obtufe behind, ftem creeping, pe- duncles one-flower'd. creeping. leaves halbert-lanccd : the ears rounded, ftem creeping, peduncles one-flower'd. trailing. leaves hearted and almoft halberted villous, ftem and petioles hairy, peduncles many- flower'd. ( flaggy. leaves kidney-form., peduncles one-flower'd. * * ficulus. 26. C. pentapetaloides. c. line at us. 29. c. Cneorum. 30. c. Cantabrica.%i. c. Dorycnium. 28. c. corymb of us. 33. c. fpithamaus. 32. c. prrficus. 34. C. tricolor. 35. C. rep ens. 36. C. reptans. 37. C. hirtus. 38. C, SuldaneUa. 39. C. B-M 3.M- K.B 4c. C. l66. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALES. Convolvulus. Pes capra. 40. C. leaves two-lobed, peduncles one-fiower'd. Goats- foot. brajiiienjis. 41. C. leaves end-nick'd two-glanded at the bafe, pedun- cles three- flower'd. brazil. littoralis. 42. C. leaves oblong lobe-handed, peduncles one-flower'd, ftem creeping. Jlrand. fublobatus. C. procumbent, upper-leaves tooth-fcollop'd at top, flowers headed. S. fublobed. Roridus. C. fhrubby proftrate hoary, leaves linear -lanced fmooth, thyrfe terminal pyramidal compound. S. for id. B.M. 216. IPOMOEA. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma globe- headed. Cap/. 3-cell'd. * JVith flowers dijlincl. Quamoclit. 1. I. leaves feather-cleft linear, flowers fubfolitary. rubra. I. leaves feather-cleft linear, flowers racemed pendu- lous, red. umbellata. 2. I. leaves nnger'd fevenfold, peduncles umbel'd fhort- eft. umbel' d. Carolina. 3. I. leaves finger'd : leaflets petioled, pedurv:!es one- fiower'd. corolina. coccinea. 6. I. leaves hearted pointed angled at the bafe, pedun- cles many-flower'd. fcarlet. lacunofa. j. I. leaves hearted pointed dimpled angled at the bafe, /peduncles one-flower'd fhorter than the flower. pitted. II. 1. leaves hearted acute mod intire flowers folitary. Jolanum-leaved. 4. I. leaver handed : lobes fevenfold lanced acute, moft intire, peduncles three-flower'd. tuberous. 5. I. leaves handed : lobes fevenfold lanced obtufe, pe- duncles three-flower'd. finger'd» 9. I. leaves • hearted acute mod intire, from prickly, flowers threefold, corcls undivided, good-night. leaves hearted, peduncles many-flower'd, the exte- rior perianth orbicular, corols bell'd lobed. beWd. violacea. 10. I. leaves hearted moft intire, flowers crowded, corols undivided. violet. eamea. 18. I. leaves hearted fmooth, peduncles many-flower'd, flefcy. 19,!. 5.-M fclanifcl tuberofa. digitata. JsJ^ *•% bona nox. campanulata . 8. corols edged. PENTANDRIA. M0N0G YxN I A. Ipomea. 1 67. repanda. 19. I. leaves hearted oblong fcollop'd, peduncles branchy cymed. fcollop'd. hajiata. I. leaves arrow-halberted, peduncles two-flower'd. halberted,- glaucifolia. 12. I. leaves arrow'd lop'd behind, peduncles two- flower'd. fea-green-leaved. triloba. 13. I. leaves three -lobed hearted, peduncles three- flower'd. three-lobed. hederifolia. 14. I. leaves three-lobed hearted, peduncles many- flower'd racemed. ivy-leaved. * * With Flowers aggregate, hepatici- 15. I. leaves three-lobed, flowers aggregate, hepatica- folia. leaved, tamnifolia. 16. I. leaves hearted pointed hairy; flowers aggregate. tamnus-leaved. Pestigridis.ij. I. leaves handed, flowers aggregate. tiger-foot. 21 j. POLEMONIUM. Cor. 5-parted, the bottom clofed with ftamen - bearing valves. Stigma 3-cleft. Caff. 3-cell'd, above, faoz (Jab ceeruleum. i. P. leaves feather'd, flowers erect, calyxes longer than JH 3, the tube of the corol. blue, reptans. i. P. leaves feather'd fevenfold, flowers terminal nod- 33X- ding. creeping. dubium. 4. P. inferior leaves halberted, fuperior ones lanced, du- bious. Roelloides. P. erect, item thread-form, leaves lanced fringed, paniclefew-flower'd peduncled naked. S. Roella- like. Campanula- P. erect fmooth, leaves linear-lanced intire erect, ides flowers terminal folitary. S. campanula-like. 218, CAMPANULA. Cor. bell'd, the bottom clofed with ftamen - bearing valves. Stigma 3-cleft. Caff beneath, gaping with lateral pores. Bell-flower. * With Leaves more polijh'd narroiver. cenifia. 41. C. Item one-flower'd, leaves egg'd fmooth moft in- tire fomewhat fringed, uniflora, 1» C. item one-flower'd, calyx equalling the corol. one- flozver'd. %. C i68. five males, one female. Campanula. _E~M. pulta. 2. C. ~E JS. rotiindifolia. 3. C. JRMumdfl.) ~EM. patula* 4. C. E3. Jlapuntiulus. 5. C. U'.M-. perficifolia. 6. C. pyramidalis. 7. C. amer'icana. 8. C. iili folia. 9. rbo??iboidea. 10. ttnidenia. cinerea. paniculata. capillacea. linearis. lobelioides. 3.M-. Carpatica. poroja. c c c c. c. c. c. c. c c. c. ftemlets one-flower'd, ftem leaves egg'd notch'd, calyxes bowing. . orbicular, fpicata. 4. P. fpike oblong, capfules two-cell'd, radical leaves njsc. hearted. Otd. ofa/h . 3&z. /piked, pinnata. 6. P. flowers fcatter'd, leaves feather'd. feathered. 221. TRACHELIUM. Cor. funnel-form. Stigma globular. Cap/, three-cell'd, beneath, ^hroatwort. diffu/um* T. moft branchy difFufe, branches, divaricated recurved, leaves awl'd. S. diffuse. Y 2 " T. 172. five males, one female. "TracheliutrL ienuifoUum. T. erectim, leaves linear fringed hifpid. S. /lender* leaved* cceruhum. T. branchy erecl:, leaves egg'd faw'd flat. blue. 222. SAMOLUS. Cor. falver-form. Stamens fortified with the fcalelets of the corol. Cap/. i-cell'd, beneath. /■&/9f. 2T..2. Vakrandi. 1. Samolus. 223. NAUCLEA. Cor. funnel-form. Seed i, be- neath, two-cell'd. Common Receptacle giobular. erientalis, I. Nauclea, oriental. 224. RONDELETIA. Cor. funnel-form. Cap/. 2- cell'd, beneath, many-feeded, round- ifh, crown'd. americana. I. R. leaves fefiile, panicle two-fork'd. amer'ican. afiatica. 2. R. leaves petioled oblong acute. ajtatic, cdorata. 4. R. leaves petioled fome what egg'd obtufe. odorous, irifoliata. 3. R. leaves threefold. three-leaved. 225. MACROCNEUM. Cor. bell'd. Cap/, beneath, 2-cell'd. Seeds imbricated. Va^./^. iamaicenfe. I. Macrocneum. Jamaica. 226. BELLONIA. Cor. wheel'd. Cap/, i-cell'd, beneath, many-feeded, calyx beak'd. ajpera. I. Bellonia. rough. 227. PORTLANDIA. Cor. club-funnel-form. An- thers longitudinal. Cap/, five-corner'd, retufe, two-cell'd, many-feeded,crown'd with a 5-leaved calyx. B.M • grandifiora. I. P. flowers, five-male. great-fower'd. hexandra. 2. P. flowers fix-male. Jix-male. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Portlandia. 173. teirandra. P. fiowers four-male, leaves oblong obtufe ftlpules broad. S. four-male. 1294. SCi^VOLA. Cor. one-petal'd : tube flit lon- gitudinally. Border 5-cleft, lateral. Drupe beneath, one-feeded. Nucleus two-cell'd. Lobelia. SciEVOLA. 228. CINCHONA. Cor. funnel-form woolly at top. Cap/, beneath, 2-cell'd, with the par- tition parallel. \/A* \^o,//?,. eorymbifera. C. leaves oblong lanced, corymbes axillary. S. co- rymbe -bearing. officinalis. C. leaves elliptic pubefcent underneath, border of the corol woolly. S. officinal, 229. PSYCHOTRIA. Cal. 5-tooth'd, crowning. Cor. tubular. Berry globular. Seeds two hemifpherical, furrow'd. &»*Jeol. afiatica. 1. P. ftipules end-nick'd, leaves lance-egg'd. afiatic. Jerpens. P. item fubherbaceous creeping, leaves egg'd acute at both ends. creeping, herbacea. 2. P. ftem herbaceous creeping, leaves hearted petioled. herbaceous. emetic. P. herbaceous procumbent, leaves lanced fmooth, fti- pules behind the leaf awl'd, heads axillary pe- « duncled few-flower'd. S. emetic. 230. COFFEA. Salver-form. Stamens above the Tube. Berry beneath, two - feeded. Seeds aril'd. Coffee. arabica. 1. C. flowers five-cleft two-feeded. arabian. J3-M occidentalism 2» C. flowers four- cleft, berries many-feeded. occidental. 231, CHIOCOCCA 174* FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. ChlOCOCCa. 231. CHIOCOCCA. Cor. funnel -form, equal. Berry i-cell'd, two-feeded, beneath. paniculata. C. erect, with leaves egg'd, flowers terminal panicled, with two ft i pule -teeth. S. panicled. racemofa. C. climbing, with leaves broad -lanced, flowers lateral panicle-racemed, with one ftipule-tooth. racemed. 232. HAMELLIA. Cor. 5-cleft. Berry 5-cell'd, beneath, many-feeded. U.M. patens. I. H. racemes expanding. expanding. 233. LONICERA. Cor. one - petal'd, irregular. Berry many -. feeded, two - cell'd, be- neath. Honey -fuckle. * Periclymena with a twining flem, L. flowers verticil'd, terminal feffile, the higheft leaves conjoin-leaf-pierced. L. verticils leaftefs terminal, the higheft leaves con- join-leaf-pierced. evergreen. L. verticils leaflefs terminal, leaves all conjoin-leaf- pierced. two-houje. L. heads egg'd imbricated terminal, leaves all dif- tinct. Chamseccrafa with peduncles two-flwuer^d. L. peduncles two-fiawer'd, berries diftinct, leaves eliptic mod intire. black. L. peduncles two-flower'd, berries diftinct, leaves hearted obtufe. tartarian. L. peduncles two-flower'd, berries diftinct, leaves moft intire pubefcent. L. peduncles two-flower'd berries diftinct, leaves ob- iong fmooth. pyrenean. L. peduncles two-flower'd, berries coadjoin'd twin'd, leaves oval-lanced. alpine. L. peduncles two-flower'd, berries coadjoin'd globu- lar, ft vies undivided. blue. * * Stem ercc7, peduncles many-flowr.'d L. -heads lateral peduncled, leaves petioled. 3L.1S. Capri folium. I. Ur*L. fempervirens. 2. dioica. 1 4. E3. Periclymen- 3. urn. * * nigra. ■ 4. tartaric a. 5. £.B. Xyhjleum. 6. pyrenaica. 7. a'pigena. 8. ccerulea. 9. $M Symphori- ir. carpus 12. L, PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Lonicefa. I 75' Diervilla. 12.- L. racemes terminal, leaves faw'd. B.M corymbofa. 13. L. corymbes terminal, leaves egg'd acute, corymb* d. biibal'ina. L. heads terminal peduncled, leaves oblong moft in- tire fmooth. S. ox. B M\ 234. TRIOSTEUM. Cor. one-petal'd, .fubequal. Cal. the length of the corol. Berry 3-cell'd, one-feeded, beneath. <&*»oc $ar>3-«occt '. perfoliatum. 1. T. flowers verticil 'd feflile. leaf-pierced, angujlifol, 2. T. flowers oppofite peduncled. narrow-leaved. 235. MORINDA. Flowers aggregate, one-petal'd. Stigma 2-cleft. Drupes aggregate. umbellata. 1. M. erec~r., leaves lance-egg'd, peduncles crowded. umbel'd. atrifolia. 2. M. arborefcent, peduncles folitary. citron-leaved. Royoc. 3. M. procumbent procumbent* 336. CONOCARPUS. Cor. 5-petal'd or none. Seeds naked, folitary, beneath. Flowers aggregate. y/es-c*>jrfk * Perennial. fomnifera. I. P. ftem fhrubby, branches ftraight, flowers crowded. fonwiferous. Jlexuofa. 2. P. ftem fhrubby, branches winding, flowers crowded. winding. arborefcens. 3. P. ftem fhrubby, leaves egg'd hairy, flowers folitary, corols revolute. arborefcent. curajfavica. 4. P. ftem fhrubby, leaves egg'd downy. Curajfoa. vijeofa. 5. P. leaves double fc olio; ed obtufe fomewhat downy, -ji^si^ ftem herbaceous panicled above. vifcous. penfylva- 11. P. leaves egg'd fomewhat (collop'd obtufe nakedifh, nica. flowers double, ftem herbaceous, penfylvanian. Alkekengi. 6. P. leaves double intire acute, ftem herbaceous fome- what branchy below. peruviana. 12. P. pubefcent, leaves hearted mod intire. peruvian. * * Annual. angulata. 7. P. moft branchy, branches angled fmooth, leaves egg'd tooth'd. angled. pubefcens. 8. P. moft branchy, leaves villous-vifcous, flowers pen- jy f±2 dulous. pubefcent. minima. 9. P. moft branchy, peduncles fruit-bearing longer than the villous leaf. leajl. pruinofa. 10. P. moft branchy, leaves fubvillous, peduncles up- right, fro/led. 251. SOLANUM. Cor. wheel'd. Anthers fub- coalefcent, gaping at top with a double pore. Berry 2-cell'd. rf/'tfw *fic/,*9 , o#4 ''/dtoi/r, ft' ltr ^ Verbafcifo- I. S. ftem unarm'd fhrubby, leaves egg'd downy molt Hum. intire, umbels compound. Verbafcum-leavcd. Z 2 %. S. l8o. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Solanum. Pfeudo-Cap- 3. S. ftem unarm'd fhrubby, leaves lanced fcollop'd. ficum. umbels feffile. Falfe-cap/icumy diphyllum. 4. S. ftem unarm'd fhrubby, leaves double : one lefs, flowers cymed. two-leaved. EB- Dulcamara. 5. S. ftem unarm'd fhrub- growing winding, fuperior leaves halberted, racemes cymed. bitter -fiveet. quercifolium. 6. S. ftem unarm'd fubherbaceous angled winding rug- ged, leaves feather-cleft, racemes cymed. Oak- leaved, radicans. 7. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous polifh'd roundifh prof- trate rooting, leaves feather-cleft, racemes cy- med. rooting, havanenfe. 32. S. ftem unarm'd fhrub -growing, leaves lanced gloffy moft intire, peduncles moftly two flower'd. havannah. racemofwn. 33. S. ftem unarm'd fhrub-growing, leaves lanced fcol- lop'd waved, racemes long ftraight. racemed. honarienfe, S. ftem nearly unarm'd fhrubby, leaves egg-oblong finuous -fcollop'd rugged. Bologna. macrocarpon.%. S. ftem unarm'd fhrubbyifh, leaves wedged fcollop'd fmooth. long-fruited. 7cJi~loe^ tuberosum. 10. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous, leaves feather'd moft intire, peduncles fubdivided. tuberous. pimpinelli- 12. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous, leaves feather'd moft in- rr -fry folium. tire, racemes fimple. pimpinella-leaved. yJov* Lycoperfi- 11. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous, leaves feather'd gafh'd, ci/~t-?*—"tum. racemes fimple. peruvia- 13. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous, leaves feather'd gafh'd, num. downy, racemes two-parted leafy, berries hairy. peruvian. ~B.~M1- wontanum. 14. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous, fomewhat hearted fcol- lop'd. mountain, rubrum. 31. S. ftem unarm'd fubperennial, leaves double egg'd moft intire, peduncles fubumbel'd. red. Ooc/.d a/», nigrum. 15. S. ftem unarm'd herbaceous, leaves egg'd tooth-an- A ° ' ' gled, racemes two-rank'd nodding, black. -^ ~ - — - enmuan. 1. C. ftem herbaceous, peduncles fblitarv. annual, baccatum. 3. C. ftem fhrubby polifh'd, peduncles double, berried, groflum. 4. C. ftem fhrubb, ifh, fruit thicken'd various. grofs. frutejeens. 2. C. ftem ihrubby ruggedifh, peduncles folitary. ftirub. Cj t^lri < pt /, Uf/i^L- growing- 253. STRYCHNOS. Cor. 5 -cleft. Berry i-cell'd with a woody bark. Nuxvomica. 1. S. leaves egg'd, ftem unarm'd. vomiting nut. colubrina. 2. S. leaves egg'd acute, tendrils ample. jnake. potatorum. S. unarm'd, leaves oppofite egg'd petioled acute, pa- nicles verticil'd. S. drunkards. 1370. IGNATIA. Calyx five-tooth'd. Corol longeft. Drupe one-cell'd, many feeded. S„ amara. S. Ignatia. S. bitter. 240. GENIPA. Cor. wheel'd. Stigma clur/d. Berry 2-cell'd. Seeds nidulant, hearted. Americana. Gekipa. American. 261. CESTRUM. Cor. funnel-form. Stamens with toothlet in the middle. Berry i-cell'd, many-feeded. $»h*-jci*»»i*>*s noclurnum. 1. C. flowers peduncled, leaves fomevvhat heart-egg;d. night. c. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Ceftrum. 183. vefpertinum. C. flowers fubfpiked lateral, leaves elliptic. evening. diurnum 2. C. flowers feflile. day» tomentofum. C. flowers crowded feflile terminal, branches leaves and calyxes downy. S. downy. 262. LYCIUM. Cor. tubular, the throat clofed with the beard of the filaments. Berry 2-cell'd, many-feeded. \fo*«n*'/>e ftno, iSox/ho-m . afrum. 1. L. leaves linear. african. barbarum. 2. L leaves lanced, calyxes nearly two-cleft, barbarous, jy JJ. europaum. 3. L. leaves oblique, branches winding columnar, eu- ropean. eapfulare. L. leaves lanced flender fmooth, peduncles and ca- lyxes pubcfcent, pericarps capfular. capsular, inerme. L. unarm'd, fmooth, leaves oblong fmooth, flowers aggregate peduncled, ftipules bearded. S. un- armed, foetidwn. L. leaves oppofite egg-lanced, ftipules within the .., -j. leaves briftle-thorny, flowers axillary feffile. S. fetid, tetrandrum. L. thorny, leaves egg'd obtufe flefhy, branches angled fmooth, corols four-cleft four-male. S. four- male. Boerhavice- L. thorny, leaves egg'd mofi intire acute fea-green, folium. flowers panicled. S. Boerhavia- leaved, 254. JACQUINIA. Cor. 10-cleft. Stamens in- ferted in the receptacle. Berry 1 -feeded. cr miliar is. 2. I. leaves obtufe with a point. bracelet, rujcifolia. 1. I. leaves lanced pointed. Rufeus-leaved. linearis. 3. I. leaves linear pointed. linear. 255. CHIRONIA. Cor. wheel'd. Tifiil declin- ed. Stamens fitting on the tube of the corol. Anthers at lail fpiral. Peri- carp 2-cell'd. irinervia. j. C. herbaceous, calyx-leaflets membrane-kecl'd. three- nerved, jafminoides. 3. C. herbaceous, leaves lanced, flem four-cornered. Jafmine-like. lychnoides. C. flem Ample, leaves linear-lanced. Lychnis-like. 184. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Chironia. campanulata.4.. C. herbaceous, leaves fublinear, calyxes the length of the corol. beWd. 5, C. herbaceous, item acute-angled, leaves egg'd ftem- clafping. angular. 2. C. herbaceous, leaves linear. Flax-like. 7. C. fhrub-growing, berry-bearing. berry- bearing. 8. C. fhrub-growing, leaves lanced fomewhat downy, calyxes bell'd. fhrub-growing. C. fhrubby, leaves egg'd three-nerved obtufifh calyx- leaflets obtufifh keel'd. S. four-corner* d. C. herbaceous, leaves oblong obtufifh, items moftly two-leaved fimpleft one-flower'd calyx-teeth briftly. S. naked-Jlem, 1 37 1. TEKTONA. Stigma toothed. Drupe dry, fpungy, within the inflated calyx. Nu- cleus three-cell'd. S. ££/f ^,t grandis. Tectona. S. grand. angularis. JJJSL linoides. T5.JVL. baccifera. J}M.. frutefcens. tetragona. nudicaulis. 256. CORDIA. Cor. funnel-form. Style two- fork'd. Drupe with nucleufes two- cell'd. Myxa. I. C. leaves egg'd fmooth above, corymbes lateral, ca- lyxes ten-ftriated. fpincfccns. C. leaves egg'd acute faw'd rugged, petioles fome- what thorn-growing. thorn-groiving. C. leaves oblong-egg'd fcollop'd rugged. C. leaves lance-egg'd rugged, panicle terminal," ca- lyxes ten-ftriated. C. leaves egg'd villous foot-and-half. long-leaved. C. leaves heart-egg'd moft intire, flowers corymbed, calyxes internally downy. Sebe/lena. 3. Gerajcan- 4. thus. 7nacrophylla. 4. C a Hoc coca. 5. 208. PATAGONULA. Cor. wheel'd. Style two- fork'd. CaL fruit-bearing largeft. Americana. 1. Patagonula. imerican. 257. EHRETIA. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Ehretia. 185. 257. EHRETIA. Berry 2-cell'd. Seeds folitary, two-cell'd. Stigmas end-nick'd. tinifolia. I. E. leaves oblong-egg'd moft intire fmooth, flowers panicled, tinus-leaved. *t fpinofa. 2. E. thorny. thorny. Bourreria. 3. E. leaves egg'd moftly intire polifh'd, flowers fubco- rymbed, calyxes fmooth. exfucca. 4. E. leaves wedge-form-lanced reflected at the margin. juicelefs. 258. VARRONIA. Cor. 5-cleft. Drupe with nucleus 4-cell'd. lineata. i. V. leaves lanced lined, lateral peduncles growing to the petiole, fpikes globular. lined. bullata. 2. V. leaves egg'd vein-wrinkled, fpikes globular. Jlud- ded. Martini- 6. V. leaves egg'd pointed, fpikes oblong. Martinico. cenfis. globofa. 3. V. leaves lance-oblong, ftem two-forked, peduncles axillary elongate naked, fpikes globular, globular» curajfavica. 4. V. leaves lanced, fpikes oblong. curajfao. alba. 5. V. leaves hearted, flowers cymed. white. 259. LAUGERIA. Cor. 5-cleft. Drupe with nucleus 5-cell'd. odorata. I. Laugeria. odorous» 260. BRUNSFELSIA. Cor. funnel-form longeft. Berry i-cell'd, many feeded. americana. Brunsfelsia. omerican. jd.m 263. CHRYSOPHYLLUM. Cor. bell'd, 10-cleft : the alternate divifions expanded. Ber- ry 10 -feeded. ff/>w 19. R. Chri/li. circianfciffus. R. unarm'd, flowers hermaphrodite, capfules three- cell'd, leaves wrinkled moft intire downy. Cuba. unarm'd, flowers one-female hermaphrodite ere£t, capfules three - grained, petioles iron - downy. fnake. unarm'd, flowers two-houfe,leaves double-notch'd. alpine. unarm'd creeping, flowers hermaphrodite, leaves faw'd. dwarf. unarm'd, flowers one-female hermaphrodite, leaves moft intire Oeo/.o/a*. 27 #r unarm'd, flowers hermaphrodite, leaves egg'd lin- ed fcollop'd netted underneath. lined. unarm'd, flowers two-houfe, ftigma three-fold, leaves faw'd. unarm'd, ftem twining, leaves moft intire egg'd ftriated. S. twining. unarm'd, leaves egg'd intire fmooth feffile, branches four-corner'd. S. four-corner d. * * * Prickly. prickles doubled : the inferior one reflected, flow- ers three-female. prickles doubled : one recurved, leaves egg-oblong. prickles doubled : one expanding, racemes axil- lary one-houfe, leaves naked. faggifo- prickles moftly doubled recurved, peduncles co- rymbed, flowers half-two-female, leaves fawed polifh'd on both fides. prickles folitary recurved, peduncles aggregate, flowers half-two-female, leaves retufe downy underneath. prickles folitary recurved, peduncles aggregate fubfeffile, leaves half-hearted downy underneath. prickles doubled : one recurved, flowers two-fe- male, leaves egg-oblong. prickles doubled ftraight, leaves egg'd. thorn of Chri/l. prickly, leaves oppofite two-faced inverfe-hearted prickles oppofke-leav'd. S. circumcifed. Z.3. IBM. a 2 266. PHY i er i co ides, bicolor. ■plum of a. vnberbis. /lipuiaris. dloka. bux'ifolia. racemofa. par v't flora. p'zmfolia. cattofa. fpicata. mens. v 'ft I tfS (» t ' Ct/I leaves linear verticil'd.. 1 88* FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Phylica. 266. PHYLICA. Perianth 5-parted, top-like. Pe- tals o. Scales 5, fortifying the fla- s three-grain'd, beneath. Heath-like. P. leaves linear pubefcent, common calyxes fhorter than the corol. two-coloured. P. leaves linear-awl'd : the higheft fhaggy. feathery. P. leaves linear obtufe rugged,, flowers terminal pu- befcent. beardlcf. P. leaves linear ftipuled, flowers five-horned, liipuled. P. leaves hearted. ' two-houfe. P. leaves egg'd fcatter'd and three-fold downy un- derneath. Box-leaved. P. leaves egg'd fmooth, flowers funple pani.cle-ra- cemed. racemed. P. leaves awl'd acute rugged fomewhat hairy, bran- ches panicle-many-flower'd. fnall-jHowerd. P. leaves awny flat on both fides fmootheft, flowers panicle-racemed. S. pine-leaved. P. leaves hearted lanced downv underneath papillous above pungent at top, flowers headed villous. S. callous. P. leaves heart-arrow'd lanced downy underneath fmootheft above pointed pungent, fpikes woollv. S. fpike'd. B. 3- 267. americana afiaticus. africanus. I250. bifpinofa. CEANOTHUS. Petals 5, bag'd, vaulted. Berry dry, 3-ceird^Med. 1. C. leaves three-nerved/ / american. 2. C. leaves egg'd nervelefs. afiau. 3. C. leaves lanced nervelefs, ftipules roundifh. african. ARDUINA. Cor. i-petal'd. Stigma 2- cleft. Perry 2-cell'd. Seeds iblitary. Arduina. Hvo-thorned. 268. fcabra. microphjlla. BUTTNERIA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Filaments growing at top to the petals. Caps. 5-grain'd, murex'd. B. leaves rib and petioles prickled. rugged. B. branches winding polifh'd, leaves unarm'd. Jmall- leaved. 269. MYRSINE. 1. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Myffine. 1 89. 269* • MYRSINE. Cor. half-5-cleft, converging. Germ, filling the corol. Berry 1- feeded, with nucleus 5-celiy. ttfnro» ,/soa fifricana. i. Myrsj^je. , african. G /> 270. lullatus. fcandcns. myrtifolius buxif alius. ■ pyracanthus. lucidus. linearis, procumbent, filiformis. acuminatus. ophyllas. CELASTRUS. Cor. 5-petal'd expanding. Caff. 3-angled, 3-celTd. Seeds ca- lyptred. «w^^ 1. C. unarm'd, leaves egg'd raoft intire. Jhidded. 2. C. unarm'd, ftem twining. climbing. 3. C. unarm'd, leaves egg'd fine-faw'd, flowers racemed, ftem creel:. my t tie- leaved. 4. C. thorns leafy, branches angled, leaves oblong. box~ leaved* C. thorns naked, branches columnar, leaves acute. C. leaves oval glofly moft intire margined. lucid. C. thorny, thorns leafy, leaves linear intire. S. linear* C. unarm'd, procumbent, leaves egg'd faw'd, flow- ers axillary fubfolitary. 5. procumbent. C. unarm'd, leaves lanced intire, branches thread- form, peduncles axillary one - flower'd. S, threadform. C. unarm'd, leaves egg'd pointed faw'd, peduncles axillary one-ftower'd, ftem erect loofe. S. pointed. C. unarm'd, leaves egg'd obtufe intire, cymes termi- nal two-fork'd. S. fmall-leaved, 271. EUONYMUS. Cor. 5-petard. Cap/. 5-cor- ner'd, 5-cell'd, c-valved, colour'd. Seeds calyptred* *yyi\*to/fv /ro&. flowers moftly four-cleft, leaves feflile. european. flowers all five-cleft, leaves feflile. american. flowers all four-cleft, leaves petioled oval obtufe. europcEus. amcriccmus. Colpoon. Japonicus. E. E. E. E. flowers ibur-cleft, leaves elliptic-cgg'd faw'd moft obtufe. S. 7aP( 272. DIOSMA. igo. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Diofma. KM. 272. DIOSMA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Neffaries 5, a- bove the Germ. Cap/. 3 or 5 united. Seeds calyptred. ^ra*1*- yff"'a'°-' eppojitifolia. i. D. leaves awl'd acute oppofite. oppofite-leaved. hhjiita. 2. D. leaves linear fhaggy. • fiaggy- rubra. 3. D. leaves linear dagger'd fmooth keel'd, dotted under- neath both ways. red. ericoides. 4. D. leaves linear-lanced, convex under, imbricated two ways. Heath-like. capenfis- D. leaves linear three-fided dotted underneath. cape. capitata. D. leaves linear imbricated rugged fringed, flowers fpilce-headed. headed. cuprejjina. 10. D. leaves egg'd three-fided imbricated, flowers foli- tary terminal feflile. cyprcfs. Imbricaia. D. leaves egg'd dagger'd imbricated fringed, imbri- cated. lanceolata. 6. D. leaves elliptic obtufe fmooth. lanced. ciliata. 5. D. leaves lanced fringed wrinkled. fringed. crenata. 8. D. leaves lance-ovai oppofite glandular-notch'd, flow- ers folitarv. notched. tinijiora. 7. D. leaves egg-oblong, flowers folitary terminal, one- flower d. pulchella. 9. D. leaves egg'd obtufe glandular-notched, flowers double axillary. preity. latifolia. D. leaves egg'd notch'd, peduncles axillary folitary, Item villous. S. broad- leaved. miicapfularis. D. capfules one-cell 'd. 5. one-capfided. viarginata. D. leaves heart-attenuated membrane-margined. S. margined. D. leaves hearted ftem-clafping, petals bearded. S. beard- bearing. D. leaves hearted retufe complicate-keel'd fringed, branches one-flower'd. S. four --corner 'd. barb igera a, 274. nodi flora. paleacea. BRUNIA. Flowers inferted in the Stigma 2 -cleft. aggregate. Filaments claws of the petals. Seeds folitary, two- cell'd. B. leaves imbricated three- fided acute, knot-flowering. B. leaves five-ways imbricated apprcfled, corymbe terminal, chafF of the heads protruded, chaffy. 2. B. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Brunia. 191. lmiig'mo[a. 2. B. leaves linear expanded, callous at top. woolly, abrotanoida. 4. B. leaves linear-lanced expanding three-fided callous at top. abrotanum-likc. ciliata. 3. B. leaves egg'd pointed fringed. fringed, radiata. B. leaves linear three-fided, calyx radiate with the internal leaflets colour'd. radiate, glutinofa. B. leaves linear three-fided, calyx radiate : all the leaflets coloured. glutinous, verticillata. B. leaves three-fided obtufe fmooth, branchlets verti- cil'd level-top'd, heads terminal fmooth. S. verticil' 'd. 1372. ESCALLONIA. Fruit two-cell'd, many feeded. Petals diftant, tongued. Stig- ma headed. Myrtilloides. Escallonia. S. Myrtle-like. 1373. CORYNOCARPUS. Nut club'd. Necta- ries five, petalform, alternating with the petals, gland-bearing at the bafe. S. (,/n'bJruii. laevigata. Corynocarpus. S. * polijh'd. ♦ , 1374. ARGOPHYLLUM. Capfule three-celled. NeBary pyramidal, five-angled, the length of the corol. S. Mjz &*/ nttldum. Argophyllum. S. glojfy. 1247. CYRILLA. Petals acute, inferted in the re- ceptacle. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Styles two- cleft, permanent. racemifiora. I. Cyrilla. raceme-flowered. JB.T&.- 275. ITEA. Petals long, inferted in the calyx. Cap/, i-cell'd, 2-valved. vlrginica. I. Itea 'Virginian. JK&: 276. GALAX. 192. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Galax. 276. GALAX. Cor. falver-form. Cal. 10-leaved. Cap/, i-cell'd, 2-valved, elaftic. At. apbylla. I. Galax. kaficjs. / 277. CEDRELA. Cal. withering. Cor. 5 - pe- tal'd, funnel-form, growing at the bafe to one-third of the receptacle. Cap/, woody, 5-ceird, 5-valved. Seeds imbricated downwards, with a mem- branous wing. odorata. A C. flowers panicled. odorous. / 278. MANGIFERA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Drupe kid- ney-form . 'TlkiM «"* * Ribefia unarmed. Courants. fu.V>. ruhrum. 1. R. unarm'd, racemes fmooth pendulous, flowers fiat- tifh. red. 2. R. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. RibeS. 193. alpinum. 2. R. unarm'd, racemes erect : with bractes longer thaa £. /j. the flower. alpine, nigrum. 3. R. unarm'd, racemes hairy, flowers oblong. black. JJ-B * * Grofiularix prickly. Goofeberrics. reclinata. 4. R. branches fomewhat prickly reclined, peduncles with a three-leaved bracte. reclined. GroJJ'ularia. 5. R. branches prickly, fringes of the petioles hairy, 2 P berries fhaggy. Una crifpa. 7. R. branches prickly, berries fmooth, pedicels with _-, -», a one-leaved bracte. Ceo/. . expanded. ftem fhrubby diffufe proftrate, fpikes interrupted, lateral florets on both fides in a hook'd fafcicle ofbriftles. S. hurry. jj.-m: A. ftem fhrubby erect, calyxes reflected apprefTed to the fpike. rough. A. ftem fhrubby diffufe, proftrate with interrupted fpikes, the lateral florets on both fides with a hooked fafcicle of briftles. burry. A. ftem fhrubby expanding, leaves alternate, flowers fpiked remote egg'd, calyxes ragged, murex'd. A. leaves fourfold linear, panicle two-fork-corymbed. corymbed. A. ftem fhrubbyifh, fpikes oppofite linear flat acute, cyme two-fork'd. two-fork' d. A ftems proftrate fhrubby, fpikes oblong : florets with a hooked fafcicle on both fides. pro/Irate. A. ftem erect, flowers in fubglobular hedgehogs. S- alternate-leaved. ftem fhrubby expanded pubefcent, flowers in or- 289. CELOSIA. Cal. 3-leaved. Cords 5 petal'd in appearance. Stamens conjoined at the bafe to the plaited nectary. Cap/. gaping horizontally, foc/l/. co™£s~ argentea. I. C. leaves lanced, ft tpules fomewhat fickled, peduncles angled, fpikes parched. filver. B b 2. C. I96. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Celofia. jnargarita- 2. C. leaves egg'd, ftipules fickled, peduncles angled, tea. fpikes parched. pearl. crijlata. 3. C. leaves oblong-egg'd, peduncles columnar fubftri- ated, fpikes oblong. crejied. panicukta. 6. C. leaves egg-oblong, ftem rifing panicled ; fpikes • - alternate terminal remote. panicled. coccinea. 5. C. leaves egg'd upright earlefs, ftem furrow'd, fpikes manvfold crefled. fcarlet. cpjlrer.fu. 4. C. leaves lance-egg'd lined moft pointed, ftipules fickled, fpikes crefted. camp. trigyna. C. leaves egg-oblong, raceme loofe, piftil three-cleft. three-female. lanata. 7. C. leaves lanced downy obtufe, fpikes crowded, fla- me ns woolly. woolly. nodiflora. 8. C. leaves wedge-form acutifh, fpikes globular lateral. hiot-tioweriiig. Gnaphabidcs. C. fhrubby woolly, leaves oppofite egg'd white un- dearneath, head globular peduncled. S. Gnap- halium-Uke. 290. ILLECEBRUM. Cal 5-leaved, cartilaginous. Cor. none. Stigma inn pie. . Cap/. 5-valved, one-feeded. Woi*nbi>» **n«fjtc,fi brachiatum. I. ftem erect herbaceous crofs-arm'd, leaves oppofite polifh'd. crofs-ar?nd. fanguinolen- I. {hrub-growing, leaves oppofite, fpikes compound turn collected. bloody. lanata. . I. ftem fubherbaceous erect) flowers lateral, leaves alternate. woolly. javanica. I. ftem herbaceous erect white downy, leaves alter- nate Java. verticillatum.i. I. flowers verticil 'd naked, ftems procumbent, ver- ticil'd. Tuffruticofwn.%. I. flowers lateral folitary, ftems fhrubbyifh. jhrubbyijh. cymofum\ 3. I. fpikes cymed one-rank'd, ftem difFufe. cymed. Paronychia. 4. I. flowers bracked gloffy fenced, ftems procumbent, leaves polifhed. iGpitatum. 5. I. flowers bracked glofly concealing the terminal heads, ftems erectifh, leaves fringed villous underneath. headed. benghalenjis. I. ftem erect herbaceous, leaves alternate and oppo- fite lanced pubefcent. Benghal. II. I. PENTAND ar ab'i aim. n. I. Achyrantha. 6. I. polygonoides. 7. I. ficoideam. 8. I. fej/ile. 9. I. vermicida- 10. I. turn, alfinefolium.il. I. Monfonice. I. Canarienj'e. I. ria. MONOGYNiA. Illecebrum. 197. flowers fcatter'd collected, bradres glofly equal, ftems procumbent. arabian. ftems creeping hairy, leaves e°:g'd dagger'd the op- pofite one lefs, heads fubglobuiar fomewhat thorny. ftems creeping ftiaggy, leaves broad-lanced petioled, heads orbicular naked. polygonum- 1 ike* ftems creeping fmooth, leaves broad-lanced peti- oled, heads orbicular pubefcent. jig-like. ftems creeping downy two-ways, leaves lanced lub- lefTile, heads oblong fmooth. feffilc. ftems creeping fmooth, leaves fub-columnar flefhy, heads oblong fmooth terminal. luorm. ftems difFufe, leaves egg'd, flowers collected brac- ted glofly. chickweed- leaved. fpikes terminal, ftems proftrate, leaves awl'd. S. fhrubby, leaves elliptic acute, ftipules and bradles egg'd ihorter, panicles terminal two-fork'd. S. Canary. 29I GLAUX. Cal. 1 -leaved. Cor. none. Capf. i-ceird, 5-valved, 5-feeded. »/dc* y. Oleander. I. N. leaves linear-lanced threefold, corols crown'd. zeylanicum. 4. N. leaves lanced oppofite, branches ftraight. Ceylon, divaricatum. 2. N. leaves lance-egg'd, branches divaricated, divari- cated, antidyfente- 3. N. leaves egg'd pointed petioled. antidyfenteric. ricum. 299, ECHITES. Contorted. Follicles 2, long, ftraight. Seeds pappus'd. Cor. fun- nel-form, throat naked. bi flora. $-angularis. %Jsl.f"berecla. 3. a«dutinata. 8. torulofa. umbellata. trifida. corymbofa. fpicata. caudaia. fcbolaris. annularis, •fiphilitica. fuccnlenta. 4- 5- 6. 7; 9 ic 11 E. peduncles two-flower'd. two-flower'' d. E. peduncles racemed, leaves egg'd pointed. five- angled. E. peduncles racemed, leaves fomewhat egg*d obtufe dagger'd. fiber eel. E. peduncles racemed, leaves egg'd end-nick'd po i nted . agglutinated. E. peduncles fubracemed, leaves lanced pointed. wreatk'd. E. peduncles umbel'd, leaves egg'd obtufe dagger'd, item twining. umbel'd. E. peduncles three-cleft many flower'd, leaves egg- oblong pointed. three-cleft. E. racemes corymbed, ftamens eminent, leaves lance- egg'd. corymbed. E. fpikes axillary fhort, ftamens eminent, leaves fomewhat egg'd. fpiked. E. corols funnel-form : with tops linear moll long. tail'd. E. leaves fubverticil'd oblong, follicles thread-form longefr, umbels compound. fchool. E. ftem twining, corols falver-form, with an elevated ring in the tube. S. ring. E. leaves egg'd fubpetiolcd fmootheft ribbed, panicles two-fork'd, flowers fpilced. S. fiphilitic. E. prickles twofold behind the leaves, leaves linear downy underneath, corols funnel-form, fuccu- lent. E. PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. EchiteS. 201. bifpinofa. E. prickles twofold behind the leaves, leaves lanced fmooth, corols falver-form. S. two-tborn'd. 298. PLUMERIA. Contorted. Follicles 2, re- flected. Seeds infer ted on a proper membrane. rubra. I. P. leaves egg-oblong, petioles two-glanded. red» 3J.M. alba. 2. P. leaves lanced revolute, peduncles tuberous above. white. obtuja. 3. P. leaves lanced petioled obtufe. obtufe. pudica. P. flowers clofed at the border. modeji. 300. CAMERARIA. Contorted. Follicles 2, ho- rizontal. Seeds inferted on a pro- per membrane. latifolia. 1. C. leaves egg'd acute at both ends ftriated tranfverfly. broad-leaved, angujllfolia. 2. C. leaves linear. narrow-leaved, 301. TABERNjEMONTANA. Contorted. Fol- licles two, horizontal. Seeds immerfed in pulp. citrifolia, 1. T. leaves oppofite egg'd, flowers lateral glomerate- umbel'd. citron-leaved, lauri folia. 2. T. leaves oppofite oval obtufifh. bay-leaved» grandifiora. 5. T. leaves oppofite, ftem two-fork'd, calyxes unequal moft flexible. great -flowered. cymofa. 6. T. leaves oppofite, flowers cymed. cymed. alter nif alia. 3. T. leaves alternate, ftem arborefcent. alternate- leaved, Amfonia, 4. T. leaves alternate, ftems fubherbaceous. 302. CEROPEGIA. Contorted. Follicles 2, eretf:. Seeds feathery. Border of the Corol converging. candelabrum.l. C. umbels pendulous, flowers erect, candlejlich: bifiora. 2. C. peduncles two-flower'd. two-fewer* d, C c C. 202. FIVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Cei'Opegia. fagittata. C. umbels feflile, leaves arrow'd. arrow' d. tenuifolia. C. leaves linear-lanced. thin-leaved. 1366. VIRECTA. Cap/, one-cell'd. Cor. fun- nel-form. Stig?na 2-parted. Cal. 5- leaved : with teeth interpofed. S. b'tflora. Virecta. S. two-flower 'd. 1367. SHEFFIELDIA. Cap/, i-cell'd, five-valved. Cor. bell'd. Filaments ten : the alter- nate ones barren. S. repens. S. creeping. S. creeping. 1368. RETZIA. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Cor. cylindrical, villous without, Stigma 2-cleft. S. fpicata* Retzia. /piked. 1369. EPACRIS. Cap/. 5-cell'd, 5-valved. Cor. funnel-form, villous. Scales nedtar- bearing, growing on the germ. S. longifolia. E. arborefcent, leaves awl'd fheathing, racemes ere£t, flowers oppofite. S. long-leaved. junipcrina. E. arborefcent, leaves fcattered linear acute expand- ing feflile, racemes bowing, flowers alternate. S. juniper. pumila. E. herbaceous, leaves egg-oblong imbricated, flowers feflile fubfolitary. S. dwarf. 1370. IGNATIA. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Cor. longeft. Drupe i-cell'd, many-feeded. S. amara. Ignatia. bitter. 1371. TEK- PENTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Tektona. 203. 1371. TEKTONA. Stigma tooth'd : Drupe dry, fpongy, within an inflated calyx, nu- cleus 3-cell'd. aS*. grandis. Tektona, great. 1372. ESCALLONIA. Fruit 2-cell'd, many- feeded. Petals diftant, tongued. Stig- ma headed. S. myrtilloides. Escallonia. ?nyrtk-like. 1373. CORYNOCARPUS. Nut club'd. Necta- ries five, petal-form, alternating with the petals, gland-bearing at the bafe. S. lavigata. Corynocarpus, polijhed. 1374. AGROPHYLLUM. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Nec- tary pyramidal, five-angled, the length of the corol. S. nitidum. Argophyllum. ghjjy* TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. J 1253. PERGULARIA. Contorted. Neclary fur- rounding the Fructification with 5-ar- row'd pikes. Cor. falver-form. glabra. i. P. leaves egg'd fmooth. fmooth, tomentofa. 2. P. leaves hearted downy. downy» C c 2 303. PE- 204- FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. PeHploca. 303. PERIPLOCA. Contorted. NeSfary fur- rounding the Fructification, protrud- ing 5 filaments. Des&/**p*> tfJO/. 1. P. flowers internally fhaggy terminal. greek. P. flowers internally fhaggy panicled, leaves lance- elliptic. 2. P. fpikes imbricated. Indian. 3. P. Item fhaggy. african. P. fmooth, leaves linear-awl'd, racemes elongate Am- ple, flowers naked within. S. efculent. graca. Secamone. indie a. africana. efculenta. CYNANCHUM. Contorted. NeBary cy- lindrical, 5-tooth'd. 3°4 viminale. C. ftem twining perennial leaflefs. ofier. acutum. 1. C. ftem twining herbaceous, leaves heart -oblong fmooth. acute. planifolium. 6. C. ftem twining, leaves hearted fmooth downy under- neath, peduncles fubracemed. fat-leaved. racemofum. 7. C. ftem twining, leaves hearted fmooth acute, race- mes fimple. racemed. maritimum. 8. C. ftem twining, leaves hearted fhaggy downy under- neath, peduncles aggregate. fea. fuberofum. 2. C. ftem twining corky beneath flit, leaves hearted pointed. corky. hirtum. 3. C. ftem twining fhrubby corky beneath flit, leaves egg-hearted. flaggy- monfpelia- 4. C. ftem twining herbaceous, leaves kidneyform- cum. hearted acute. montpelier. undulatum. 9. C. ftem twining, leaves lance-egg'd fmooth, umbels globular. zvaved. ereclum. 5. C. ftem ere& divaricated, leaves hearted fmooth. erecl. capenfe. C. ftem twining every way uniform, leaves nearly heart-egg'd, peduncles many - fiower'd. A'. cape. tenellum. C. ftem herbaceous fomewhat twining, leaves egg- oblong. S. tender. fiiiforme, C. ftem erecl moft fimple, leaves linear, flowers ver- ticil'd axillary. S. thread-jorm. C. pentandria. DiGYNiA. Cynanchum. 205. obtujifolium. C. Item twining herbaceous, leaves oblong rounded at the. top with a point, umbels lateral. S. obtufe-leaved. ' 305. APOCYNUM. Cor. bell'd. Filaments 5, alternate with the ftamens. GW*. {*..„* androfamifo- i. A. ftem ftraightifti herbaceous, leaves egg'd fmooth on Hum. both fides, cymes terminal, androfemiun-leaved. cannabinum. 2. A. ftem ftraightifh herbaceous, leaves oblong, panicles terminal. hemp* venetum. 3. A. ftem ftraightifh herbaceous, leaves egg-lanced. Venice. frutefcens. 4. A. ftem erect fhrub-growing, leaves lance-oval, co- rols acute : villous in the throat. Jhrub-grow- Jrig. reticulatum. 5. A. ftem twining perennial, leaves egg'd veined» netted, minutum. A. leaves halberted. S. minute, fliforme. A. ftem proftrate herbaceous, leaves thread-form, flowers umbel'd. S. thread-form, lineare. A. ftem twining herbaceous, leaves linear flat, um- bels axillary compound. S. linear, irijlorum. A. ftem twining herbaceous, leaves lanced, umbels axillary two or three-flower'd. three-flower' 'd. 306. ASCLEPIAS. Contorted. Nettaries 5, egg'd, concave, protruding a hornlet. j*»a-flo**- * With leaves oppofoeflat. unduhia. I. A. leaves feflile oblong lanced waved fmooth, petals fringed, waved, crifpa. A. leaves lanced curl'd fhaggy, petals villous without. G . fa/i f-jy. curN. pubefcens. A. leaves egg'd vein'd naked, ftem flirubby and pe- duncles villous. pubefcent. gigantea. 2. A. leaves ftem-ehfping oblong-oval hairy at the bafe. plant, fyriaca. 4. A. leaves oval downy underneath, ftem fimpleft, um- bels nodding. fyrian. amcena. 6. A, leaves egg'd hairyifh underneath, ftem Ample, um- bels and nectaries erecl. pleafing. 5. A. &.H. a 206. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. AfclepiaS. purpurafcens.$. 3- curaffavica. g. JB M variezata. Ji"M:. T3- A. leaves egg'd villous underneath, ftem fimple, um- bels erect, nectaries refupine. purple. A. leaves egg'd wrinkled naked, ftem fimple, umbels fubfemle : with downy pedicels. variegated. A. leaves lanced fmooth glofly, ftem fimple, umbels ere£t folitary lateral. curaffoa. nlvea. 7. A. leaves egg-lanced fmoothifh, ftem fimple, umbels erecl: lateral folitary. fnowy. incarnata. 8. A. leaves lanced, ftem divided above, umbels erect double. incarnate. decumbens. io. A. leaves villous, ftem decumbent. decumbent. \aclifera. u. A. leaves egg'd, ftem erect-, umbels proliferous fhorteft. milk-bearing. 12. A. leaves egg'd bearded at the bafe, ftem eredt, umbels proliferous. A. leaves egg'd bearded at the bafe, ftem fomewhat twining upwards. black. A. arborefcent, twining, leaves oppofite flat egg'd moft intire pointed, umbels ere£t. S. twining. A. leaves heart-lanced waved rugged oppofite, umbel terminal. 5. curl'd. A. fhrubby twining ftiaggy, leaves oppofite petioled heart-egg'd fmooth above moft intire, umbels few-flower'd. S. ajlhmatic, * * With leaves lateral revolute. A. leaves revolute egg'd, ftem fhrubby fubvillous. arborefcent. 14. A. leaves revolute linear-lanced, ftem fhrubby. Jhrubby. 19. A. leaves revolute-fcollop'd hairy. cor**n.?oi. -tjwaved. 15. A. leaves revolute linear-lanced oppofite and three- fold, ftem decumbent. fiberian. I§. A. leaves revolute linear verticil'd, ftem erecl. ver- ticil'd. ftem erect, leaves thread-form, umbels lateral elongate-peduncled. S. thread-form. leaves petioled oblong hairy, ftem fimple fhaggy ere£t, flowers axillary peduncled. S. great- flower d. leaves egg'd fleihy moft fmooth. S. flefiy. * * * With leaves alternate. leaves alternate egg'd, many umbels from the fame common peduncle. red. 18. A. y//*4r.t» C Vincetoxi *><*w cum. ~B.M-. nigra. volubilis. crifpa. qflhmatica. arbor efc ens. fruticofa. undulata. fibirica. verticilata. fliformisy grandiflora. cam of a. rubra. A. A. A. PENTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. AfclepiaS. 207. tuber oh. 18. A. leaves alternate lanced, ftem divaricated, hairy. tuberous, 307. STAPELI^. Contorted. Ncttary with a dou- ble ftarlet covering the fructification. variegata. 1. S. toothlets of the branches expanding, variegated. j=>?^\., birfuta. 2. S. too hlets of the branches erect, faggy- mammillarls. S. toothlets of the branches obtufe dagger'd. mam- miliary, pilifcra. S. ftem columnar pap-tubercled : the paplets hair- bearing at the top. S. bair-bearing. incarnata. S. quadrangular, teeth horizontal-lop'd callous. S. incarnate. 1208. LICONIA. Petals 5: inlaid in the pit of the Nectary at its bafe. Capfule feed- bearing two-cell'd. alopecuroidea. Liconia. ahpecurus-like. 308. HERNIARIA. Cat. 5-parted. Cor. o. Stamens 5 barren. Cap/, i-feeded. M^M^o-^a-a glabra. I. H. fmooth. £W Vj> n. J -Q fmooth. E.P>. birfuta. 2. H. fhaggy. ftaggy* 2T-JR- fruticofa. 3. H. ftems fhrubby, flowers four-cleft. Jlnubby. lenticulata. 4. H. fhrubbyifh, leaves egg-oblong hairy. lens. 309. CHENOPOD1UM. Cal. 5-leaved, 5-cor- ner'd. Cor. o. Seed 1, lenticular above. * Leaves angular. yoog& /ovi . yfft/J ' 0/re,c/i . Bonus Hen- i. C. leaves triangular arrow'd moft. intire, fpikes com- ._.„ ricus. pound leaflefs axillary. c^y.V^* dig, urbicum. 2. C. leaves triangular fomewhat tooth'd, racemes crowd- g ^ ed moft upright approximated to the ftem longeft. city, rubrum, 3. C. leaves heart-triangular obtufifh tooth'd, raceme-: £ j$ < erect compound leafy ifh fhortcr than the ftem. red. murale. 4. C. leaves egg'd glofly tooth'd acute, racemes branchy JZJB. naked. wall. 5. C. 2o8. five males. Ttvo females. Chenopodium. ferotinum. 5. C. leaves delta-like finuous-tooth'd wrinkled fmooth uniform, racemes terminal. late. K.~B. album, 6. C. leaves rhomb-like-triangular gnaw'd intire behind : the higheft ones oblong, racemes erect, white. tiiridc. 7. C. leaves rhomb-like tooth-finuous, racemes branchy leafyifh. green. E.J5. hybridum. 8. C. leaves hearted angle-pointed, racemes branchy naked. mule. Botrys. 9. C. leaves oblong finuous, racemes naked many-cleft. ambrojioi- 10. C. leaves lanced tooth'd, racemes leafy Ample, am- des. brofia-like. multijidum.11. C. leaves many-cleft : with linear fegments, flowers axillary fefiile. many- deft, anthelmln- 12. C. leaves egg-oblong tooth'd. racemes leaflefs. an- iicum t he/mint ic. TIT? . glaucum. 13. C. leaves egg-oblong fcollop'd, racemes naked Am- ple glomerate. fea-green. Atriplicis, C. ftem erect, leaves delta-like coloured underneath. S. Atriplex. * * With leaves intire. 7%. 73 Vuharia. 14. C. leaves moft intire rhomb-like-egg'd, flowers con- glomerate axillary, j/i. poly/per- 15. C. leaves moft intire egg'd, ftem decumbent, cymes mum. two-fork'd leaflefs axillary. many-feeded. Scoparia. 16. C leaves linear-lanced flat moft intire. JZ.fi. maritimum.lj. C. leaves awl'd femicylindric. ()jo/-^/r>. A8$* fea- arijlatum. 18. C. leaves lanced fomewhat*fleihy moft intire, corymbes two-fork'd : with axillary awns. awned. cppofitifolium. C. leaves oppofite lance-awl'd fliorteft. S. cppofite- leaved. 310. BETA. Cat. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Seed kid- ney-form, within the fubftance of the bafe of the calyx. Beet. ? ^Plf vulgaris. 2. B. flowers collected. common. 'c" Cida. 3. B. leaves three-fold. )?"£>■ maritima. 1. B. flowers double. fea. 311. SA- PENTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Salfola. 209. 311. SALSOLA. CaL 5-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/. i-feeded. Seed (htlYd. ^y^^o-,/. Kali. 1. S. herbaceous decumbent, leaves awl'd thorny rugged, E B. calyxes edged axillary. Tragus. 2. S. herbaceous erect, leaves awl'd thorny polifhed, calyxes egg'd. rofacea. 3. S. herbaceous leaves awl'd dagger'd, calyxes flatten'd. rofe. Soda. 6. S. herbaceous expanded, leaves unarm'd. fat ha. 7. S. herbaceous diffufe, leaves columnar fmooth, flow- ers conglomerate. cultivated, altijjima. 10. S. herbaceous erect moft branchy, leaves thread-form acutifh peduncle-bearing at the bafe. highejl. falfa. 9. S. herbaceous erectifh, leaves linear fomewhat flefhy awnlels, calyxes fucculent diaphanous. fait, hirfuta. 8. S. herbaceous diffufe, leaves columnar obtufe downy. . O^o(. c/ot/yi. i&y. Jhaggy. polyclonos. 1 2. S. fomewhat woody diffufe, leaves oblong, calyxes edged glomerate coloured. projlrata. 3. S. fhrub-growing, leaves linear hairy unarmed, prof- tratc. vermiculata. 4. S. fhrub-growing, leaves egg'd acute flefhy. worm, fruticofa. 11. S. fhrubby erecl, thread-form obtuifh. Jhrubby. Is. B tnuricata. 13. S. fhrubby expanded, branchlets fhaggy, calyxes thorny. murex'd. lanifiora. S. leaves obtufe flefhy, anthers cclour'd. £. wool- flowering, arborefcens. S. fhrub-growing, leaves femicylindric : the inferior ones pair'd. S. arbor efcent%. aphylla. S. fhrubby, nearly leaflefs, branches covered with the rudiment of the florets. S. leaflefs. 312. ANABASIS. CaL 3-leaved. Cor. 5-petal'd. Berry 1 - feeded, furrounded by the CaJyX. I'otnnq odoi/ri/^o/ u rc< /3 - 1 &r> r- aphylla. I. A. leaflefs, joints end-nick'd. leaflefs. foliofa. 1. A. leaves fomewhat club'd. leafy. ta?narifcifo- I. A. leaves awl'd, pericarps juicelefs. tamarifk-leaved. lia. fpinoflffima. A, fhrub-growing, branches naked moft thorny. S. mo A thorny. D d 313. CRESS Af 210. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. CrefTa. 313. CRESSA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. falver-form. Filaments growing on the tube. Cap/. 2-valved, i-feeded. cretica. 1. Cress a. cretan. 1254. STERIS. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. wheel'd. Berry i-celFd, many-ieeded. javana. 1« Steris. java. 314. GOMPHRENA. Cal. colour'd : the ex- terior 3-leaved : leaflets 2, converging keel'd. Petals rude villous, Neffary cylindric, 5-tooth'd. „ Style half-two- cleft. >l G. leaves lanced, heads two-leaved, florets diftinct in their proper perianth. perennial. hifpida. 3. G. ftem erect, heads two-leaved, leaves notch'd. hifpid. braf.llenfis. 4. G. leaves egg-oblong, ftem erect, heads peduncled globular leaflefs. brazil. ferrata. 5. G. ftem erect croft-arm'd, heads folitary terminal feffil, calyxes faw'd. faiv'd. inter rupta. 6. G. ftem erect, fpike interrupted. interrupted. jlava. 7. G. peduncles oppofite two-cleft, three-headed, the intermediate head feffile. yellow. arborefcens. G. arborefcent hairy fomewhat twining. S. arborc- fcent. 315. BOSEA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Berry 1- feeded. ycrirtem. ./oof /«is. Yervamora. I. Bosea. 316. ULMUS. PENTANDRIA. DIGYNlA. UlmuS. 211. 316. ULMUS. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. o. Berry juicelefs flat-membraned. Elm. campejlris. 1. U. leaves double-faw'd : unequal at the bafe. field. K.7J. cwiericana. 2. U. leaves equally faw'd : unequal at the bafe. ame- rican. pumlla. 3. U. leaves equally faw'd : equal at the bafe. dwarf» 31 7. NAM A. Cal. 5 - leaved. Cor. 5 - parted. Capf. i-ceil'd, 2-valved. zeylanica. i. N. item erect fmooth, leaves linear, flowers ra- cemed. ceylon. jamaicenfis. i. N. Item decumbent, leaves egg'd, flowers folitary. Jamaica» 318. HYDROLEA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. wheel'd. Filaments hearted at the bafe. Capf. 2-cell'd, 2-valved. fpinofa, I. Hydrolea. thorny. ' ° 319. SCHREBERA. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. fun- nel-form. Filafnents in the throat of the corols with as many fcales at the bafe, Uhinoides I. Schrebera. fcbinus-Ukc, 320. HEUCHERA. Petals 5. Capf 2-beak'd, 2-cell'd. americana. i. Heuchera. american, 447. VELEZIA. ' Cor. 5-petal'd, fmall. Cal thread-form, 5-tooth'd. Capf 1- cell'd. Seeds very numerous in a fim- ple feries. rigida, J. Velezia. rigid. D d 2 321. SWER- 212. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Swertia. 321. SWERTIA. Cor. wheel'd. Netiar- bearing pores at the bafe of the divifions of the corol. Caff, i-cell'd, 2-valved. E.B . perennis. I. S. corols five-cleft, radical leaves oval. perennial, difformis. 2. S. corols five-cleft : the terminal one fex-cleft, pe- duncles longeft leaves linear. mijhapen rotata. 3. S. corols five-cleft, leaves lance-linear. zuheel'd. corniculata. 4. S. corols four-cleft four-horn'd. horrid, dichototna. 5. S. corols four-cleft horn-lefs. two-fork'd. 322. GENTIANA. Cor. one-petal'd. Caff. 2- valved, one-cell'd. Receptacles 2, lon- gitudinal. Gentian. ^/'sC/o^.MoS^m^ * Cprols five-cleft nearly bell-form. lutea. 1. G. corols moftly five-cleft wheel'd verticil'd, calyxes fpathy. yellow. purpurea. 2. G. corols moftly five-cleft bell'd verticil'd, calyxes lop'd. fljd.v/ot/» . JO- purple. punclata. 3. G. corols moftly five-cleft belPd dotted, calyxes five- tooth'd. dotted. Ja>1. cfclepiadea. 4. G. corols five-cleft bell'd oppofite feflile, leaves ftem- clafping. afclcpias. TZS. Pneumonan- 5. G. corols five-cleft bell'd oppofite peduncled, leaves the. linear, d o> fen - m ci o9Tco en h. 1. H. leaves targetted, umbel nve-flower'd. common. 2. H. leaves targetted, umbel many-flower'd. umbel 'd. 'vulgaris. umbellata. americana.. aflat ica. chinenfis. villofa. glabrata. virgata. 3. H. leaves kidney-form fublobed notch'd. amcrican. 4. H. leaves kidney-form tooth-notch'd. afiatic. 5. H. leaves linear, umbel many-flower'd. china. H. downy, leaves hearted moil intire downy or vil- lous. S. villous. H. fmootheft, leaves inverfe egg'd or lanced acute three-nerv'd fmootheft. S. fmoothed. H. fmootheft, leaves half-columnar linear plough'd with a furrow with longer joints. S. twiggy. H- pentandria. DiGVNiA. Hydrocotyle. 215. linifolia. H. hoary, leaves linear-fubfpatuled with fhorter joints. S. Jlax-leaved. H. downy, leaves wedge-form egg'd retufe feven- tooth'd. S. H. downy, leaves linear-wedge-form three -tooth'd at top. S. three-tooth' 'd. H. leaves five-parted gafh'd. S. ranunculus-like. H. leaves hearted notch'd, fcapes few-flower'd the length of the petioles. S. erett, SANICULA. Umbels crouded, fomewhat heaped. Fruit rugged. Flowers of the difk abortive. i/o,^'.cPa- Solandra. tridentata. ranunculoi- des. ereiia. 326. %.B. europea. I. S. radical leaves fimple, florets all feflile. europcan. <7^*V*-*.2s- canadenfis. 2. S. radical leaves compound, leaflets egg'd. Canada, marilandica. 3. S. male florets peduncled, hermaphrodite ones feffile. mar Hand. 327. ASTRANTIA partial Involucres lanced, ex- panding equal, longer, colour'd. Many Flowers abortive. ,??&cA /TPw/cn -^^/. major, minor, ciliaris. Epipaclis. 1. A. leaves five-lobed : lobes three-cleft. greater. 2. A. leaves finger'd faw'd. lej's. A. leaves lanced law-fringed. S. fringed. A. leaves five-parted obtufe faw'd. S. 328. BUPLEURUM. Involucres of the umbellet greater, 5-leaved. Petals involute. Fruit roundifh, comprefs'd, ftriated. .*. tj. , $(>m^ egg'djagg'd. officinal. ' peregrinum. 8. T. feeds furrow'd wrinkled plaited, univerfal involu- cre one-leaved nearly three-cleft. foreign. apulum. 3. T. umbels remote, leaves feather'd : feathers roundifh jagg'd apidian. maximum. 4. T. umbels crouded radiated, leaflets lanced gaih- ]?<£> faw'd. greateft* Anthrifcus. 6. T. umbels crouded, leaflets egg-lanced feather-cleft. X J?. nodofum. 7. T. umbels fimple feffile, exteriour feeds hifpid. knotty. E.S. 331. CAUCALIS. Cor. radiated; males in the difk. Petals infiex-end-nick'd. Fruit hifpid with briftles, Involucres intire. grandijlora. 1. C. each involucrer five-leaved : one leaflet twice as ] arge . great-jlowerd. daiuoide-s. 2. C. umbels three-cleft leaflefs, umbellets three-feeded ~g.B, three-leaved. carrot-like. latifolia. 7. C. univerfal umbel three-cleft : partial ones five-feed- £./}, • ed, leaves feather'd faw'd. broad-leaved. mauritanica. 3. C. univerfal involucre one-leaved; partial ones three- leaved, mauritanian. orientalis. 5. C. umbels expanding, partial leaflets fuperdecom- pound jagg'd : j aglets linear. oriental. E e 6. C. 2l8. FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. CaiTCallS. leptophylla. 6. C. univerfal involucre almoft none, umbel two- cleft, involucels five-leaved. fmall-lenved. 332. ARTEDIA. Involucres feather-cleft. Flo- rets of the diilt male. Fruit hilpid with fcales. fquamata. I. A. feeds fcaled. fcakd. 333. DAUCUS. Carols fubradiated, all herma- phrodite. Fruit hifpid with hairs. Carot. pn Carota. 1. D. feeds hifpid, petioles nerved underneath. Carot. mauritani- 2. D. feeds hilpid, central floret barren flefhy, common cus. receptacle hemifpherical. manritanian. Vijnaga. 3. D. feeds polifh'd, univerfal umbel conjoin'd at the bafe. Ginv'idium. 4. D. rays of the involucre flat : divifions recurved. muricatus. 5. D. feeds three-barb-prickly. ?nurex,d. lucidus. D. leaves lucid, ftem fhaggy, petioles polifh'd. S. lucid. 334. AMMI. Involucres feather - cleft. Carols radiated: all hermaphrodite. Fruit polifh'd. uhtiSfiofij-KMOot/. majus. 1. A. inferior leaves feather'd lanced faw'd j fuperior many-cleft linear. greater. copticum. 3. A. leaves fuperdecompound linear, feeds murex'd. coptic. glancifolium. 2. A. fubdivifions of all the leaves lanced, feagreen- leaved. 335. BUNIUM. Corol uniform. Umbel croud ed. Fruit eggd. Pignut. Scxntf^u/- Bulhocajla- 1. BimiUM. man. Qjo( . o/c inaculatum. 1. C. feeds ftriated. fpotted. rigens. 4. C. feeds fubmurex'd, peduncles furrow'd, leaflets channel'd obtufe. Jliff. africanum. 2. C. feeds murex'd, petioles peduncles polifh'd. african. Royeni. 3. C. feeds radiate-thorny. of Royen. T..B. 337- (ylvejlre. SELINUM. Fruit oval-oblong, flat-com- prefs'd, flriated in the middle. Invo- lucre reflex. Petals hearted equal. 4/?M palu/lre. Carvifolia. Seguieri. Monnleru I. 2. 3- S. root fpindle -form manifold (ftyles erect, corolets unfolded. S.) wild. S. fomewhat milky, root fingle. marjh. S. ftem furrow'd acute-angled, univerfal involucre evanefcent, piftils of the fruit reflex, (ftyles erecli petals converging. S. ) Carui leaved. S. partial leaves decuffated, univerfal involucre none, ('piftils moft divaricated. S. ) of Beguier. S. umbel crouued, univerfal involucre reflex, feeds with five membranous ribs. of Maimer . 7 ^.B. 838. ATHAMANTA. Fruit egg-oblong, flria- ted. Petals inflected, end-nick'd. -J/ttj***? Libanotis. I. A. leaves twice-feather'd flat, umbejs hemifpherical, E.5. feeds fhaggy. Cervaria. 3. A. leaves feather'd decuflateJ gafh-angled, feeds naked. fibirka. A. leaves feather'd gam-angled, fiberian. condenfata. 2. A. leaves moftly twice-feather'd : leaflets imbricated downwards, umbel lens-form, condcnled. Oreofelinum. 4. A. leaflets divaricated. ficula. 5. A. inferior leaves glofly, primary umbels fubfeffile, feeds hairy. ficilian. cretenfu. 6. A. leaflets linear flat fhaggy, petals two-parted, feeds oblong fhaggy. Cretan, annua. 7. A. leaves many-parted.; divifions linear Rne col umn'd pointed. annual. E e 2 8. A. 220. five males, two females. Athamanta. chinenfts. 8. A. feeds membrane-ftriated, leaves fuperdecompound polifh'd many-cleft. chinefe. 339. PEUCEDANUM. Fruit egg'd, ftriated on both fides, girt with a wing. Invo- lucres fhorteft. $#<>-/0xi FERULA. PENTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Ferula. 221. 343. FERULA. Fruit oval, flat-comprefs'd, with three ftrias on each fide. Mtm*,90.$t'oL»x£> communis. 1. F. leaflets linear lon_;eft fimple. common, glc.uca. 1. F. leaves fuperdecompound : leaflets lance -linear flat. fea-green. tingitana. 3. F. leaflets jagg'd : the jaglets three-tooth'd unequal glofty. tangier, Ferulago. 4. F. leaves feather-cleft : feathers linear flat three-cleft. orientalis. 5. F. feathers of the leaves naked at the bafe, leaflets briftly. oriental» meoides. 6. F. feathers of the leaves appendaged on both fides; leaflets briftly. meum-like. modiflora. 7. F. leaflets appendaged ; umbels feflile. hiot-jlovuering. canadenjis. 8. F. lucid Canadian. Canada. Ajja fatida. 9. F. leaves alternately finuous obtufe. B.'MT 344. LASER PITIUM. Fruit oblong : with eight membranous angles. Petals inflected, end-nick'd, expanding. tooiA I at i folium. 1. L tritobum. 2. L galli cum. 3- L anguRifoli- 4- L um. prutenicum. 5- L. pencedonoi- 7- L des. Siler. 6. L. Chironium. 7- h erulaceum. 8. L leaflets hearted gafh-faw'd. leaflets three-lobed gafh'd. leaflets wedge-form fork'd. leaflets lanced moft intire feflile. broad-leaved. three-lobcd. gallic. narrow -leaved. leaflets lanced moft intire : the outmoft ones coad- join'd. prujjian. leaflets linear-lanced vein-ftriated diftinft. pence- dbnum-ake. leaflets oval-lanced moft intire petioled. 7?* /6~i. leaflets obliquely hearted, petioles fhaggy. leaflets linear. [implex. 10. L, fcape naked leaflefs fimple, leaves feather'd many- cleft acute linear, umbel femiglobular. fimple. Aciphylla. L. ftem fheath'd, petioles of the leaves dilated, leaves finger'd linear elongated dagger'd. acus-leaved. 345- HE" 222. five males, two females. Heracleum. 345- HERACLEUM. Fruit elliptic, end-nick'd, comprefs'd, ftriated, margin'd. Corol mifshapen, inrlex-end-nick'd. Involucre falling. o£)- Sphondyllum.i . angujlifoli- 6. um. fibiricum 2. Panaces. aujlriacum. alpinum. " 0' H. leaflets feather-cleft polifh'd, flowers uniform. H. leaves crofs-feather'd : leaflets linear, corols flof- culent. narrow-leaved. H. leaves feather'd : leaflets five-fold ; the intermedi- ate ones feilile, corolets uniform. Jiberian. H. leaves feather'd : leaflets five-fold : the intermedi- ate ones feflile, flowers radiated. H. leaves feather'd wrinkled on both fides rugged, flowers fubradiated. au/lrian. H. leaves fimple, flowers radiated. alpine, KB. -R.&. 346. LIGUSTICUM. Fruit oblong, five-fur- rovv'd on both fides. Corols equal. With Petals involute, intire. Jit Levi/licum. fcoticum. pehponenfe. aujlriacum. cornubienfe. ■peregrinum. balearicum. 1. L. leaves manifold : leaflets gafh'd above. 2. L. leaves thrice three'd. Ojc/.J/u,r>'c leaves faw'd feather'd ; branch-leaves three'd.^ leaves feather'd ; leaflets lanced very intire. Jiiffer. leaflets linear decurrent conjoin'd. leaves all twice-feather'd. greek. radical leaves three'd ; ftem ones twice feather'd. Jicilien. ftem creeping, leaflets roundifh, tooth-ang'ed. S. /: ft creeping* > . 349' SISON. Fruit egg'd, moftly 4-leaved. ■V'ofi/Q f//-i Amomutn. I. S. fegetum. canadenfe. Ammi, 2. 3- 4- s. s. s. inundatum. 5- s. verticillatum .6. s. falfum. s. llriated. Involucr-e *~> S. leaves feather'd, umbels erec}. leaves feather'd, umbels bowing. corn. leaves three'd. Canada. leaves thrice feather'd . radical ones linear ; ftem ones briftlv ; flipules longer. creeping, umbels two-cleft. 63t/:C(u» .go. flooded. leaflets verticil'd capillary. verticil'd. radical leaves compound : leaflets fomewhat verti- ticil-fafcicled lanced, ftem leaflefs, branches umbel -bearing two-fork'd. S. fait. JE.B. E.&. E.B. 350. BUBON. Fruit eggd, ilriated, villous. #fc,^^»/«* macedonicum.i. B. leaflets rhomb-egg'd notched, umbels moft nu- // Afierous. macedonian. 2. B. 224- FIVE MALES. TWO FEMALES. Bubon. 3?>£' Galbanum, 2. B. leaflets rhombic tooth'd ftriated fmooth, umbels few. gummiferum.2- B. leaflets fmooth ; inferior ones rhombic faw'd ; fu- perior ones feather-cleft three-tooth'd. gum- bearing. rigidius. 4. B. leaflets linear. Jliffir* 351. CUMINUM. Fruit egg'd, ftriated. Umbel- lets 4. Involucres 4-cleft. Cumine. Cymimtm. 1. Cuminum. 352. OENANTHE. Florets mifshapen : in the difk fefiiie,' ' barren. Fruit crown'd with calyx and piftil. JVa/n-Qro/ru/otf- E B. fjhtlofa. 1. CE. ftole bearing, ftem-leaves feather'd thread-form pip'd. fijlulous. .£.$. crocota. 2. CE. leaves all many-cleft obtufe fubequal. fafforn. ■prollfcra. 3. CE. peduncles of the umbels marginal longer branchy male. proliferous* globuhfa. 4. CE. fruit globular. globular. 2Z/J5. pimpinclloi- 5. CE. radical leaflets wedg'd cleft ; ftem-ones intire li- des. near longeft fnnple. pimpinella-like. 353. PHELLANDRIUM. Florets of the diiklefs. Fruit egg'd, polilh'd, crown'd with perianth and piftil. J?. 3. aquaticum. 1. P. ramifications of the leaves divaricated. aquatic. Muiellina. 2. P. ftern nakedifh, leaves feather'd. 354. CICUTA. Fruit fomewhat egg'd,* furrow'd. K.~B. virofa. 1. C. umbels oppofitc-leaved, petioles margin'd obtufe. 0** L r Anthrifcus. 4. S. feeds egg'd hiipid, corols uniform, ftem polifh'd. Chervil. £-B. aujlralh. 5. S. feeds awl'd hifpid, flowers radiated, items polifh'd. fouthem. nodofa. 6. S. feeds fubcylindric hifpid, ftem hifpid : joints fwelled. knotty. tricofperma. 9. S. feeds moft rhaggy with hairs twice as long as the feed. hair- feed. infejia. S. exterior feed hifpid, umbellets moft crouded he- JgL'B. mi fpherical. troublefome. grandiflora. 7. S. feeds fhorter than the villous peduncle. great- Jlozuer'd. procumbent. 8. S. feeds glofly egg-awl'd, leaves decompound, pro- cumbent. * f 358. CHA£- 226. five mAles. two females. Chaerophyllum. 358. CHAEROPHYLLUM. Involucre reflected, concave. Petals inflex-hearted. Fruit oblong, polifh'd. Chervil. Pc I a<;e. datum. 12. S. ftem elongated with callous knots, leaves twice •. feather'd ; feathers linear diflant. lofty. 361. THAPSIA. Fruit oblong, girt with a mem- brane. ^cofo/Zy ra*/r/~ villofa. 1. T. leaflets too h'd villous coadjoin'd at the bafe. villous. fceiida. 2. T. leaflets many-cleft narrow'd at the bafe. fetid. Afclepium. 3v.T. leaves flnger'd . leaflets twice-feather'd briflle- many-cleft. garganica. 5. T. leaves feather'd : leaflets many-cleft : divifions lanced. garganic. trifoliata. 4. T. leaves three'd egg'd. three-leaved. 362. PASTINACi*. Fruit elliptic, flat-comprefs'd. Petals involute, intire. Parjhep. lucida. 3. P. leaves fimple hearted lobed lucid acutely notch'd. lucid, fativa. 1. P. leaves Amply wing'd. /(.*■>«/»- cultivated. JZ..B. Opoponax. 2. P: leaves feather'd, leaflets gafh'd at the anterior bale. 363. SMYRNIUM. Fruit oblong, ftriated. Petals pointed, keel'd. Alexanders. perfoliatum. I. S. ftem-leaves fimple {tem-clafping. Jlem-pierced. agyptiacum. 2. S. floral leaves two foid fimple hearted moil intire. egyptian. Olufatrum. 1. S. ftem-leave^. three'd petioled faw'd. _ - - - = 3H. &,*" aureum. 4. o. leaves feather d law d : the poitenor ones three d : i 11 the florets feflile. golden. integerri- 5. S. ftem-leaves thiice-threed moft intire. mojl intire. mum* F f 2 364,- AN" 228. five males, two females. Anthemum. 364. ANTHEMUM. Fruit fomewhat egg'd, com- prefs'd, ftriated. .Petals involute intire. Lfpy-r-f man X/'P/W/ff VK *3>>Pc graveolens. I. A. fruit comprefs'd. Jlrong-fcented. fegetum. A. ftem-leaves three, fruit oval. T^^./oi^uy./jf-yS. corn. Isr^^tr^ Fcsnkulum. 1. A. fruit egg'd. Fennel. 365. CARUM. Fruit egg-oblong, ftriated. In- volucre one-leaved. Petals keel'd, in- flex-end-nick'd. oa/ryo, u>ou 22 B. Caru'i, I. Carum. Carul. 366. .PIMPINELLA. Fruit egg-oblong. Petals inrlecled. Stigma hibglobular. S3- Saxifraga. 1. P. leaves feather'd : radical leaflets roundifh ; upper ones linear. Saxifrage. £-£. magna. P. leaflets all lobed : with the third lobe unequal. &cvu,A/•"-* <*-^.//«/»»i<»<-<4 ftem. pubefcent, leaves three'd: leaflets feflile egg'd intire pubefcent-villous. S. villous. leaves three'd : leaflets feilile wedge -form gafh- feather-cleft downy underneath veiny, calyxes downy. S. gajFd. cuneifolium. R. paucifiorum. R. lanceum. R. cirrhifolium. R. trident atum. R. digltatum. PENTANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Rhus. 231. R. leaves three'd : leaflets feflile wedgeform moft fmooth feven tooth' d : teeth da&crer'd. S. Wedge-leaved. leaves feather'd * leaflets alternate decurrent wedge-form faw'd at the point, panicle feffile few-flower'd. S. few-fiower d. leaves three'd : leaflets lance-awl'd elongated moft fmooth on each fide. S. lance. climbing, leaves three'd : leaflets moft intire fmooth. S. . tendril-leaved. climbing, leaves three'd ; leaflets hoarv faw'd ; the faw-teeth from three to five. S. three- tootb'd. climbing, leaves feather'd : leaflets oblong moft intire moft fmooth. finger d. R 37°' Tn VIBURNUM. 5-cleft. nudum. prunifolium, dent atum. Lantana. acerifolium. Opuhis. Lentago. Cfljfinoides. Tinq/des. fcandens. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. 7- 8. 9- Cal. 5 -par ted, above. Cor. Berry i-feeded. H^/f^n ,. V. leaves moft intire egg'd ; ramificatians of the veins on the under fide vilious-glanduLir. V. leaves moft intire lance-egg'd. naked. V. leaves roundifh notch-faw'd fmooth. plum-leaz • V. leaves egg'd tooth-faw'd plaited. tootb'd. V. leaves hearted faw'd vein'd downy underneath. - leaves lobed, petioles polifh'd. maple-leaved.. leaves lobed, petioles glandular. - - leaves egg'd {lightly faw'd pointed fmooth, petioles margin'd waved. V. leaves egg'd notch'd fmooth, petioles keel'd gland- lefs. Cajfine-hke. V. leaves elliptic fmooth moft intire, branches and cymes columnar fhaggy. S. Tinus-like. V. fhrubby, climbing, leaves oblong faw'd, cymes terminal : with rags terminating in a very large flower. climbinp. V. V. V. //>0£ o/eut n^- /n: J.MJ J). 33. J>73, 371 capenfis. CASSINE. Cal. 5 -parted. Petals 5. Bacca 3 - feed ed . %//^> /> C. leaves petioled faw'd egg'd obtufe, branchlets four fides. caPv' c. 232. FIVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Caffine. Peragua. I. C. leaves petioled faw'd elliptic fharpifh branchlets two-edged. larba. C. leaves feflile faw-tooth'd heart-oblong, branchlets quadrangular. Maurocenia. 2. C. leaves feflile mod intire fomewhat-egg'd leathery. Capenjis. C. branchlets four-fided, leaves petioled egg-oblong retufe notch'd. iS". cape. 372. SAMBUCUS. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. 5-cleft Berry 3-feeded. Elder. £2». Ebulus. 1. S. cymes three-parted, ftipules leafy, ftem her- baceous. Elder, canadenfis. 2. S. cymes five-parted, leaves almoft five-feather'd, ftem fhrub-growing. canada. .£.23. nigra. 3. S. cymes five-parted, ftem tree-like. 0 ooio1c4.n.5^black. racemofa. 5. S. racemes compound egg'd, ftem tree-like, branch. 373. SPATHELTA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Cap/. 3-feeded, 3-cell'd. Seed fo- litary. /implex. Spathelia. fimple. 374. STAPHYLEA. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5. Capfules inflated coadjoin'd. Seeds 2, globular with a fear. Bladder-nut. JL.B. p'mnata. I. S. leaves feather'd. feathered, trifolia. 2. S. leaves three-fold. three-leaved. 375. TAMARIX. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5. Cap/. 3-cell'd 3-valyed. t Seed pappous. £.B. gallica. 1. T. flowers five-male. french. gcrmanha^ 2. T. flowers ten-male. 0 Jo/, ofa/n. £04. german. 1299. XYLO- PENTANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Xylophylla. 233. 1299. XYLOPHYLLA. Cal. 5-parted, colour'd. Cor. o. Stigma torn. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Seeds double, //fm/jj, - /$yf longifolia. X. leaves linear, branches four-corner'd. long-leaved, latifolia. X. leaves lanced, branches columnar. broad-leaved. 376. TURNERA. Cal. 5-cleft, funnel-form, the exterior one 2-leaved. Petals 5, in- ferted on the Calyx. Stigma many- cleft. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. uhmfol'ia. I. T. flowers feffile petioled, leaves two-glanded at the bafe. elm-leaved. Pumilea. 2. T. flowers feffile petioled, leaves glandlefs. Jidoides. 4. T. peduncles axillary two-briftled, leaves egg-wedged fa wed. fida-like. c'Jioides. 3. T. peduncles axillary leaflefs, leaves fawed at top. c'rftus-like. ^yj. TELEPHIUM. Cal 5-leaved. Petals 5, inferted on the receptacle. Cap/. 1- cell'd, 3 valved. Orpine. imperati. 1. T. leaves alternate. Imperatus*S< 2t^»J0X«f» oppofttifolia. 2. T. leaves oppofite. oppofite-leaved. 378. CORRIGIOLA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Seed 1, three-fided. litoralis. i. Corrigiola. Jlrand,- JE B. 379. PHARNACEUM. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/. 3-cell'd, many-feeded. Cervlana. i. P. peduncles fubumbel'd lateral, equalling the linear leaves. Mulhigo. 3. P. peduncles one flower'd lateral, flowers the length of the leaves, Item depreffed. G k P. 234« FIVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. PhamacCUin. deprejfum. P. peduncles one flower'd lateral, leaves lanced pu- befcent. deprejfed. J*>.2*L. incanum. 2. P. common peduncles longed, leaves linear. hoary. dijlichum. P. racemes two-parted winding, leaves iublinear pu- befcent. two-rank'd. cordifolium. 4. P. racemes two-parted terminal, leaves in verfe- heart- ed, heart-leaved. lineare. P. umbels unequal, leaves linear, oppofitions re- mote. S. linear. glomeratum. P. flowers glomerated, ftem winding, leaves linear. 5. glomerated. quadrangu- P. fhrubbyifh, leaves linear four-faced imbricated. lare. S. quadrangular. microphyl- P. downy, peduncles umbel'd, leaves egg'd colum- lum. narifh obtufe interwoven with wool. S. [mall- leaved. dichotomum. P. peduncles axillary elongated two-fork'd, leaves vertieil'd linear. S. two-fork'd. alhens. P. common peduncles moll long, leaves linear ex- ftipuled. S. white incanum. P. common peduncles moft long, leaves linear, ftipules hairy. S. hoary. ferpyllifolium. P. peduncles one flower'd, leaves egg'd. thyme- leaved. 380. ALSINE. CaL 5-leaved. Petals 5, equal. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved. Chickweed. I. A. petals two-parted, leaves egg-hearted. middle. fegetalis. 2. A. petals intire, leaves fomewhat awl'd. corn, mucronata. 3. A. petals intire fliort, leaves briftly, calyxes awl'd. dagger d. 381. DRYPIS. CaL 5-tooth'd. Petals 5. Cap/. circumcifed, i-feeded. JR.Al . fpinofa. i. Drypis. thorny. 382. BASELLA. PENTANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Bafella. 235, 382. BASELLA. CaL o. Cor. 7-cleft : with the two oppofite divifions broader, at laft berried. Seed 1. MoJ&ia^ /77,cXhf0c/& rubra. i. B. leaves flat, peduncles fimple. red. alba. 2. B. leaves waved egg'd, peduncles fimple longer than the leaf. white. lucidu. 3. B. fomewhat hearted, peduncles crowded branchy. lucid. 383, SAROTHRA. CaL 5-parted. Cor. 5-pe- tal'd. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved, co- loiir'd. JJ'cft/c £i»s-, * Shrub-growing. coccinea. I. C. leaves egg'd flat griftle-fringed conjoin-fheathing at the bafe. fcarlet. cymofa. C. leaves linear griftle-fringed fheathing, ftem ihrub- by, cyme terminal. cymed. flava. 19. C. leaves flat conjoin-leaf-pierced polifh'd, flowers corymbe-panicled. yelloiv. 20. C. 240. FIVE MALES. FIVE FEMALES. CrafTllla. pruinofa. 20. C. leaves awl'd froft-rugged, flowers corymbed, fterrf fhrubby. froJty- fabra. 11. C. leaves oppofite expanding conjoin'd rugged fringed, ftem rugged backwards. rugged, perfoliata. 2. C. leaves lance-awl'd feflile conjoin'd channel' d : convex underneath. leaf-pierced, frutiofa. 20. C. leaves oppofite awl'd acute expanding fubrecurvate, ftem fhrubby. jhrubby. tetragona. 4. C. leaves awl'd fubinciirved obfcurely four-corner'd expanding, ftem ereit arborefcent rooting, four- corner'd. obvellata. 21. C. leaves oppofite fublanced knive'd approximated. fortified, cultrata. 9. C. leaves oppofite fhrubby egg'd moft iritire fomewhat knive'd oblique : the pairs conjoin'd remote. knive'd. dichotoma. C. leaves conjoin'd column-awl'd intire remote, ftem fhrubby eredt, branchy, corymbe compound. S. two-fork'd. pinnata. C. leaves feather'd, ftem arborefcent. S. feathered» * * Herbaceous. ftinofa. C. ftem moft fimple, leaves dagger'd, flowers fefillc lateral. thorny. ccntauroides. 5. C. ftem herbaceous crofs-arm'd, leaves hearted, feffile peduncles one-flower'd. centaury-!/ ke. dichotoma. 6. C. ftem herbaceous two-fork'd, leaves egg-lanced, pe- duncles one-ftower'd. two-fork d. ghmcrata. 11. C. ftem herbaceous two-fork'd rugged, leaves lanced, the ultimate flowers fafcicled. ghmerated. Jlrigofa. 7. C. ftem herbaceous ere£f. two-fork'd, leaves inverfe- egg'd lance-prickled, peduncles one-flower'd. lance-prickled. jnufcofa. 8. C. ftem herbaceous proftrate, leaves oppofite egg'd gibbous imbricated, flowers fertile folitary. cihata. 10. C. leaves oppofite oval flattifh diftinCr. fringed, co- rymbes terminal. fringed. punctata. 14. C. leaves oppofite egg'd dotted fringed : the inferiour ones long. dotted. fubulaia. 3. C. leaves awl'd columnar expanding, ftem herbaceous. aiul'd. altern'folia. 12. C. leaves fa w-tooth'd flat alternate, ftem moft fimple, flowers pendulous. alternate-leaved. 18. C PEN rubens. verticillata. nudicaulis. orbicularis. pellucida. barbata. dickotoma. argentea. vejlita. corallina. retrofiexa. deltoidea. cordata. montana. mollis. crenulata. alpejlris. pyramidalis. fpicata. turrita. rupeftrh TANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. CrafTula 241 C. leaves fpindle-form fubdeprefs'd, cyme four- cleft A Ananas. 1. B. leaves fringe-thorn'd dagger'd, fpike tufted. Pinguin. 2. B. leaves fringe-thorn'd dagger'd, raceme terminal. Karatas. 3. B. leaves erecl:, flowers ftemlefs feffile aggregate. lingulata. 4. B. leaves faw-thom'J obtufe, fpik.es alternate, tongued. nudicaulis . 5. B. radical leaves tooth-thorn'd ; ftcm leaves moil in- tire. nahd-Jlem. bumilis. 6. B. nearly ftemlefs, flowers aggregate feflile, axils ftole-b.earing. humble. Acanga. 7. B.' panicle 'diffufc, leaves fringe-thorn'd dagger'd re- curved. .'■ 396. TILLANDSIA. Cal. 3-cleft, permanent. Cor. 3-cieft, bell'd. Cap/, i-cell'd. • Seed pappus'd. 1. 2. 3- T. culm panicled. bladder'd. T. leaves faw-thorn'd above, fpike tufted. faw'd. T. leaves lance-tongued moft intire bellied at the bafe. tongued, 4. T. leaves thread-form moft intire, fpike Ample loole. (lender-leaved, 5. T. radical leaves moft fhort, fiera nakediih, branches fubdivided afcending. panicled. 6. T. culm with: fpikes intricated lateral. many-fpiked. 7. T. leaves linear channel'd reclin'd, column fimple imbricated, fpike fimple. one-fpiked. 8. T. leaves awl'd rugged reclin'd, cukns one -flower'd, glume two-ffower'd. recurvate. ufneoides. q. T. thread-form branchy writhed rugged. ujnea-like. utriculata. f errata, lingulata. tenuifolia. panic ulata. polyjlachya. ?nonoJlacbya recurvata. X.M ■ V BUR- 250. six males, one female. Burmannia. 397. BURMANNIA. Cal. prifmatic, colour'd, 3- cleft : with membranous angles. Pe- tals 3. Cap/. 3-ceird, ftraight. Seeds minute. dijlicha. 1. B. fpike double. two-rank: 'd. biflora. 2. B. flower double. two -/lower' d. 398. TRADESCANTIA. Cal. 3-leaved. Petals 3. Filaments with jointed hairs. Cap/. 'J-Cell'd. i' &w//wjs _B.M ccccineus, l. H. leaves tongue-form flat polifh'd. fcarlet. cilians. 1. H. leaves tongue-form fringed. fringed. 3.H. hexandria. monogynia. Haemanthus. 251. puniceus, 3. H. leaves lance-egg'd waved erecl. red. J3 ~M^ carinatus. 4. H. leaves linear keel'd. keeled, pubefcens. H. leaves tongue-form villous. S. pubefcent. 401. GALANTHUS. Petals 3, concave. Ne&a- ry from three fmall, end-nicked petals. Stigma fimple. Snowdrop. 'nivalis. I. Galanthus. frmvy. E.B. 402. LEUCOJUM. Cor. bell - form, 6 - parted, thicken'd at the tops. §tigmq fimple* vernum. I. L. fpathe one-flower'd, ftyles club'd. vernal, aejiivum. A. L. fpathe many-ftower'd, ftyle ciub'd. Jummer. autumnale. 2. L. fpathe many-flower'd, ftyle thread-form, autum- nal. 1300. TULBAGIA. Cor. funnel-form. Border 6-cleft. Neclary crowning the throat, 3-leaved with leaflets two-cleft the fize of the border. Caff, above. aliacea. T. leaves nearly threadform. S. garlick. Sj^l • cepacea. T, leaves lance-linear. S. onion. 403. NARCISSUS. Petals 6, equal : Neclary fun- nel-form, 1 -leaved. Stamens within the Neclary. Qfarffe/.'f, J^^ul/ . po'eticus, 1. N. fpathe one-flower'd, neclary wheel'd fhorteft £j_ parch'd fine-notch'd. poetic. Pfeudo-Nar-2. N. fpathe one-flower'd, neclary bell'd erecl curl'd j; ~g cijjus. equalling the petals egg'd. falfe-narcijfus bicolor. 3. N. fpathe one-flower'd, nectary bell'd, margin ex- ^, y. panded curl'd equalling the petals, two-colour' d. minor. 4. N. fpathe one-flower'd, nectary inverfe-conic eredl -n -ka curl'd fix-cleft, equalling the lanced petals, lefs. mofchatus. 5. N,? fpathe one-flower'd, neclary cylindric lop'd fome- -p ■** what fcollop'd, equalling the oblong petals. mufk. I i 2 9. N. 252. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. NarciffuS. B.M. triandrus. crientalis. N N 3.JA.. trilobus. 10. N B.M.- odor us. -B.M • cahthinus. jBtt. Tazetta. 3M- . Bulbocodi- um. ferotinus. 3 M- . "Jonquilla. 7- 12 N. 11. N fpathe moftly one flower'd, nectary bell'd notch'd fhorter by half than the petals, ftamens three- fold. , . three-male. fpathe moftly two-flower'd, nectary bell d three- cleft end-nick'd three times fhorter than the pe- tals, oriental. fpathe moftly manv-fiower'd, nectary bell'd fome- . what three-cleft mod intire fhorter by half than the petals. three-lobed. N. fpathe moitly two-ftower'd, nectary bell'd fix-cleft polinYd fhorter by half than the petals, leaves femicyiindric. odorous. fpathe many-flower'd, nectary bell'd fubequaling the petals, leaves fiat. baftcetted. fpathe many-flower'd, nectary bell'd pVited lop'd three times fhorter than the petals, leaves flat. N. fpathe one- flower'd, neitary top- fhape larger than the petals, fructification declined. fpathe one-flower'd, nectary fix- parted fhorteft leaves awl'd. late. fpathe many-flower'd, nectary bell'd fhort, leaves awl'd. "Jonquil. N N 404. PANCRATIUIM. Petals 6. cleft. Stamens placed tary. */«<» QjoMJif. NeBary 12- on the Nec- X,Ms JJ.-M. zeylanicum, mexicanum. caribaeum. maritimwn. I. 2. 3- 4- P. fpathe one-flower'd, petals reflected. ceylon. P. fpathe two-flower'd. mexican. P. fpathe many-flower'd, leaves lanced. caribean. P. fpathe many-flower'd, petals flat, leaves tongued. fea. carolinianum.^. P. fpathe many-flower'd, leaves linear, ftamens the length of the nectary. Carolina, illyricum. 6. P. fpathe many-flower'd, leaves fword-form, ftamens longer than the nectarv. illyrian. 35.M. amboinenfe. 7. P. fpathe many-flower'd, leaves egg'd nerved pctioled. amboina. 405. CRINUM. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Crinum. 253- 405. CRINUM. Cor. funnel-form, one-petal'd, 6-parted : the three alternate divifions hook'd. Germ cover'd with the bottom of the corol. Stamens diftant. ff*/bfac/t/„*6/L C. leaves egg-lanced pointed feflile flat, broad-leaved. C. leaves keei'd. afiatic. C. leaves tooth-rugged, fcape fomewhat comprefs'd. ceylon. C tops of the cords hook'd inwards, american. C. leaves iubJanced fl.it, corols obtufe. african. C. fpathe many-flower 'd, corols equal, leaves thread- form. S. tender. C. leaves lanced oblique, divifions of the corol alter- nate glandular without. S. oblique. C. leaves fword-form, corols bell'd : the three alternate diviiions callous-claw'd. S. fpecious. C. leaves linear, corols bell'd : with two divifions narrower. S. linear. C. leaves linear obtufe, corols cylindric : the alternate divifions interglanded. S. narrow-leaved. latifoliiu.i. afiaticnm. zeytamcum. a:nericemiun africdhum. ti nellum. cbliquum. fpeciojimi. linear e. angujlifo- lium. 1. 2. 4. 3- 4- "B.M - X. >1. .JlM. 406. AM capenfn. 1 . lutea. 2. Atamafeo. 3. foruiofijfima. 4. Belladonna. 6. regina. 5. undulata. farnienjis. 7 . longifclia. 9. ARYLLIS. Cor. 6-petal'd, bell'd. £/£- mm 3 -cleft. «^% QkX^'/; A. fpathe one-flovver'd remoteft, corol equal, ftamens and piltil ftraight. ctfp*. A. fpathe one-flovver'd, corol equal, ftamens upright. yellow. A. fpathe one-flower'd, corol equal, piitil declined. A. fpathe one-flower'd, corol unequal, three petals and the fructification declined. mojl beautiful. A. fpathe many-flower'd, corols bell'd equal reflected JS-IM with a claw, fructification declined. A. fpathe many-flower'd, corols bell'd equal waved : fructification declined. queens, C. fpathe many-flower'd, corols expanded, petals waved dagger'd dilated at the bafe. waved. A. fpathe many-flower'd, corols revolutc, fructifica- tion erec-t. guernfy. A. fpathe many-flower'd, corols bell'd equal, fructi- 3.M iiM. B.M. B.M, fication declined, of the umbel. fcape comprefs'd the length long-leaved. 10. A. 'BM. EM- 3.U. 254« SIX males, one female. Amaryllis. 331 . orientalis. io. A. fpathe many - flower'd, corols unequal, leaves tongue-form. oriental. guttata. II. A. fpathe many-flower'd, leaves fringed. /potted. 23 3£. dijlichs. A. fpathe many-flower'd, corols equal bell'd, leaves two-rank'd incumbent-expanding. S. two- rank' d. ciliaris. A. fpathe many-flower'd, corol fix-parted refkaed, M leaves fringed. S. fringed. . , 407. BULBOCODIUM. Cor. funnel-form, fix- petard: with claws narrow ftamen- bearing. Caff, above. #*/X^ "B-M. vernum. 1. B. leaves lanced. vernal. 408. APHYLLANTHES. Cor. fix-petal'd. Fi- laments inferted in the throat of the corol. Caff above. Glumes of the calyx one- valved imbricated. ^saJftfv.fTou'Jt-. -B>C. monfpelicnfis. I. Aphyllanthf.s. montpelier. 409. ALLIUM. Cor. 6-parted, expanding. Spat be many-flower'd. Umbel collected. Caff. above . Gar lick. On '<(»> , o/ce A . ** •& Jmpelopra fum. Per rum. * Stem-leaves fiat. Umbel capfule-bearing. 1. A. ftcm flat-leaved umbel-bearing, umbel globular, ftamens three-piked, petals rugged on the keel. 2. A. ftem flat-leaved umbel -bearing, ftamens three- piked, root coated. Leek. 3. A. ftem flat-leaved umbel-bearing, umbel globular, ftamens three -piked longer by half than the corol. linear. 4. A. ftem flat-leaved umbel-bearing, ftamens three- piked, umbel fubglobular, flowers lateral nod- .,. . .. ding- round. J)JA^ulortah^ 5- A. ftem flat-leaved umbel-bearing, umbel rounded, ftamens lanced longer than the corol, leaves elliptic . imeare. rotundum. 6. A. HEXANDRIA. MONOGVNIA. Allium. *S5- fubbirfutum. 6 magicum. 7 obliquum. 8 A. ftcm flat-leaved umbel-bearing, the inferior leave9 fhaggy, ftamens awl'd .0.,» v °y G't/C'i Scorodopra-n. A. ftem flat-leaved bulb-bearing, leaves notchletted ; /urn. with fheaths two-edged, ftamens three-piked. f&tt* tnUot^ , arenarium. 12, A. ftem flat-leaved bulb-bearing, fheaths columnar, ;& jj. fpathe awnlefs, ftamens three-piked. fandA *"■< '^» & carinatum. 13. A. ftem flat-leaved bulb-bearing, ftamens awl'd. j&>j? hel'd. * * * Stem-leaves columar. Umbels capfule-bearing. fphoeroce- 14. A. ftem columnar-leaved umbelliferous, leaves femi- phalon. columnar, ftamens three-piked longer than the corols. jphcre-headed. parvifio- 15. A. ftem columnarifh -leaved umbelliferous, umbel rum. globular, ftamens fimple longer than the corol, fpathe awl'd. fmall-fiotverd. 16. A. ftem columnarifh-leaved umbelliferous, exteriour peduncles fhorter, ftamens three-piked, defcend- 33.M defcendens. mofchatum, fiavum. BM. 17- 19. A. ing. ftem columnar-leaved umbelliferous, umbel level- top'd moftly fix-flower'd, petals acute, ftamens fimple, leaves briftly. mujk. A. ftem columnar-leaved umbelliferous, flowers pen- dulous, petals egg'd, ftaruens longer than the corol. vellotv. JIM- x8. A. 2§6. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. Allium. ft AC pollens. i8. A. ftera columnarifh-leaved umbelliferous, flowers pendulous lon'd, ftamens fimple equalling .he . ,, corol. &&vh-f>**i-j$r yaie. 7? tl particular 20. A. ftem columnariih-leaved umbelliferous, p.duncl-s turn. capillary lpread out, ftamens awl'd, fpathe molt long. paniclcd. XJ*>- vineale. 21. A, ftem columnar-leaved bulb-bearing ftamens,three- piked. vine. :E.T>. sleraceum. 22. A. ftem columnar-leaved bulb-bearing, leaves rugged femicolumnar ftirrow'd underneath, ftamens fimple. pot. * * * Leaves radical. Scape naked. J33VL . nutans. 23. A. fcape naked two-edged, leaves linear flat, ftamens three-piked. nodding. \ckuJfet- afcalonicum.24.. A. fcape naked columnar, leaves awl'd, umbel ebbu- br, ftamens three-piked. afcalonian. IB.IVL- fenefcens. 25. A. fcape naked two-edged, leaves linear convex be- neath polifh'd, umbel roundifh, ftamens awl'd. withering* odorum. 28. A. fcape naked columnarifh, leaves linear channell t- ted angular underneath, umbel level -top'd. odorous. B.'M-. angulorum. 27. A. fcape naked two-edged, leaves linear channelletted fomewhat angular beneath, umbel level-top'd. angular, nigrum. 26. A. fcape naked columnar, leaves linear, umbel hemi- spherical, petals erecl, •fpathe dagger'd two- cleft, black. canadenfe. 28. A. fcape naked columnar, leaves linear, head bulb- bearing, canada. j%.B. urfmum. 29. A. fcape naked three-fided, leaves lanced petioled, umbel level-top'd. bears, iriquetrum. 30. A. fcape naked, and leaves three -fuled ftamens fim- pie. three-fided. JilM-'fi Cepa. 31. A. fcape naked below bellied longer than the colum- nar leaves. onion. J$JA-- Moly. 32. A. fcape naked fubcylindric, leaves lanced femle, um- bel level-top'd. 2Z.M-, fijlukfum. 34.. A. fcape naked equalling the columnar bellied leaves. pipe. .£.73. Schoenopra-^S- A. fcape naked equalling the columnar awl-thread- BJ/il3lfum' form leaves. A. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Allium. 2S7 ftbiricum. A. fcape naked, columnar, leaves femicylindric, fta- mens awl'd. , fiberian. tenuiJJimum.Tfi- A. fcape naked columnar empty, leaves awl'd thread- form heads loofe few-flower'd. moji jlender. chamce- 37. A. fcape naked almoft none, capfules bowing, leaves _g jyt Moly. flat fringed. -with a 410. LILIUM. CV\ 6 petal'd, bell/d : N&&Klon- . . gitudinal nectar-bearing.^ Cap/, valve- lets connected with a cfe&nfrel Hi hair. Lily. Tdtticed candidum. 1. L. leaves fcatter'd, corols bell'd : fmooth within. -% j^ white, bulbiferum. 2. L. leaves fcatter'd, corols bell'd creel: : rugged within. 3?.7A . bulb-bearing. Jiflcfi. pomponium. 3. L. leaves fcatter'd awl'd, flowers reflected, corols re- p _, volute. pompony. chalcedoni- 4. L. leaves fcatter'd lanced, flowers reflected, corols re- 3 M « cum. volute. chalcedoni an. fuperbum. 5. L. leaves fcatter'd lanced, flowers reflected branch- -n j^r pyramidal, corols revolute. fitperb. Martagon. 6. L. leaves verticil'd, flowers reflected, corols revolute. 3 .~M . canadenfe. 7. L. leaves verticil'd, flowers reflected, corols revolute- ' „ , bell'd. > canada. *M^' camfchat- 9. L. leaves verticil'd, flower erect, corol bell'd, petals cenfe. feflile. camfchatfea. Philadelphia 8. L. leaves verticil'd, flowers erect, corol bell'd, petals -fi.ivf cum. claw'd. philadclphian . 411. FRITILL ARIA. Cal. ,^-petal'd bell'd, dftyft: t^/^J^^W^nectar- bearing cavity J)hove flh Stain, of the length of the corol. clws . hnperialis. 1. F. raceme tufted naked below, leaves molt intire. ,>,„, imperial. *#■;&) regia. 2. F. raceme tufted naked below, leaves notch'd. royal. f nana. F. raceme tufted, leaves two-faced ftem-clafping lanced. dwarf. perfica* 3. F, raceme nakedifh, leaves oblique, perftan. J&JAfylfl Kk 4. F. 258- six males, one female. Fritillaria. ^Y Py^enaica. 4. F. loweft leaves oppofite, with fome flowers fcat- 1 "■ ter'd umongft the leaves. fyrenean. E-B. Mekagris. 5. F. leaves all alternate, ftem one-ftower'd. 412. UVULARIA. Cor. 6-petal'd, ereft : with the hole of the NeBary at the bafe of tfye petal. Filaments moil fhort. smfl?x\ folia* 1. V. feaves ftem-clafping. leaf-clafping. -B.M. perjuic.ta. 2. V. leaves ftem-pierced. leaf-pierced. JBM. feffdifblia. 3. V. leaves feilile. ffj'de-leavcd. 413. GLORIOSA. CV. 6-petal'd, waved, re- jected. Style oblique. v/u/>e*i J'i'Af ■ fuperba. I. G. leaves tendril-bearing. fuperb. junplex. 2. G. leaves pointed. fimple. •0 414. ERYTHRONIUM. ■ C * * Alternate Jiament end-nick'' d. O. flowers corvmbed, peduncles lower than the fcapc, filaments fomewhat end-nick'd. arabian. O. flowers ccrymbed, peduncles taller than the fcape, filaments dilated at the bafe. umbel 'd. flowers one-rank'd pendulous, ftamen-ne£tary bell- form . nodding. O. leaves heart-egg'd. cape. From the Supplement. O. leaves oblong obtufe fringed, flowers racemed erect. S. not chic tted. O. leaves thread - form flefhy, fcape few-flower'd. S. rock. O. leaves egg'd acute fringed, flowers racemed. S. fringed. O. leaves oblong obtufe fmooth, raceme four feet. S, tallejl. O. leaves linear-fword-form fringed, flowers racem- ed, peduncles incurved. S. hairy. O. white-becoming with fhaggy hair, leaves linear recurved channel'd : radical leaf folitary ; ftem- leaves three, Item three or four-flower'd. S. rounded. O. bulbs axillary, ftem many-leav'd one-flower'd. S. bulb-bearing. 419. SCILLA. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Scilla. 261. 419. SCILLA. Cor. 6-petal'd, expanding, deci- duous.^Filaments thread-form. Squill. flower-naked, bractes refracted. fea. root fcaly. Lily '-hyacinth. ?nanii?na. 1. Lilio-hyacin-7.. thus. italic a. 3. S. s. s. peruviana. 4. s. a man a. 5. s. hi folia. 6. lufitanica. q. hyadnth oi- 10. des. autumnalis. 7. s. s. s. s. unifolia. 8. s. tetraphylla. s. hyacinthoid.es. s. 2.M. 5-Ai. raceme conic oblong. it alt an. corymbe crouded conic. peruvian. S. flowers lateral alternate fomewhat nodding, fcape j, v^ angled. pleafant. ~ ' flowers ereciifh fewer. Ot&Pt/em fibK-tvjo-fmvcr'd. IE. £."B>/ raceme oblong conic, petals lined. '£<-,« A.^pcrtugal. jb-TU^. raceme moft long, with flowers ihorter than the colour'd peduncle. hyacinth-like. S. leaves thread-form linear, flowers corymbed, pe- T _ -a~K/i duncles naked afcending of the length of the * flowers. autumnal. leaf columnarilh fubfpiked on the fide. one- leaved: ftemlefs, flowers fafcicled, leaves fourfold egg- lanced. S. four-leaved. raceme moft long, flowers fubverticil'd, peduncles expanding. S. hyacinth-like. IB.M 420. CYANELLA. Cor. 6-petal'd; with the 3 inferiour petals hanging forward. capenfs. I. C. leaves waved, branches moft expanding. lutea. C. leaves fword-form, branches eredt. S. alba. C. leaves linear-thread-form. S. cape. yellow. ivhite. JBJVC 421. ASPHODELUS. Cor. 6-parted. NeBary from the fix valvelets covering the Germ. ^^fiAoo/^f. luteus. 1. A. ftem leafy, leaves three-fided ftriated. yellow. V>tt ramofus. 3. A. ftem naked, leaves fword-form keel'd polifh'd. -n-** branchy, fijlulofus. 2. A. ftem naked, leaves upright awl'd ftriated fome- 3 j\£ what piped, piped. 422. AN- 262. six males, one female. Anthericum. 422. ANTHERICUM. Cor. 6-petaI'd, expand- ing. Cap/, egg'd. nfyiofnuxhA . * Pbalangium with leaves channel' d. Filaments oftner fmooth. T.B. ferotinum. 1. A. leaves flattifh, fcape one-flower'd. late. gra.cum. 2. A. leaves flat, fcape fimpie, flowers corymbed, fila- ments woolly. greek, planifolium. A. leaves flat, fcape and filaments woolly- Jlat-leavcd. -3.34-. revolutum. 3. A. leaves three-corner'd rugged, fcape branchy, corols revolute. revolute . ramofum. 4. A. leaves flat, fcape branchy, corols flat, piltil ftraight. branchy. 3fM- Liliago. 5. A. leaves flat, fcape mod fimpie, corols flat, piftil declined. 3.M-. Liliqftrum. 6. A. leaves flat, fcape very fimpie, corols beli'd, fta- mens declined. fpirale. A. fcape fpiral. MreL * * Bulbine with leaves fiejhy. Filaments bearded. I'.hl frutcjeens. 7. A. leaves flefhv columnar, ftem fhrubby. J3.M • alooides. 8. A. leaves flefhy awl'd flatti£b. AfphodeU 9. A. leaves flefhy awl'd femicolumnar 1^ oides. J?.-7^-. annunm. 10. A. leaves flefhy awl'd columnanih, fcape iubra- cemed. anuat, hifpidum. 11. A. leaves flefhy comprefi>'d hifpid. kifpid. -jp -n * * * Narthecium w iih leaves fword-form. ecWc<».$G. caiyculatum. 9. A. leaves fword-form, perianths'' three-] obed, fila- £-B' ments fmooth, flowers three-female. calycled. From the Supplement. pxifolium. A. leaves awl'd fmooth, winding ftem branchy, leaf- S- bent. r. ., muricatum. A. leaves flefhy comprefs'd murex'd ftriated. S. murex'd. • J latifollum. A. leaves flefhy broad-fword-form fmooth, raceme ?; • m moftlong, ftem fimpie. S. broad-leaved. cauda fells. A. leaves channel -fword -form, fcape fimpie, raceme oblong. S. cattail. trzjuetrum. A. leaves thread- form three-fided fhorter than the Ample fcape, raceme egg'd. S. three-fided. A. hexandria. monogynia. Anthericum. 263. clliatum. A. leaves fword-form flefhy-rather-three-fided fringed, fcape fimple, raceme moll long. S. fringed, falcatum. A. leaves fkfhy fword-form fielded fmooth, ftem branchy racemed. S. fickled. contorted. A. leaves flat fword-form, ftem branchy, flowers moft remote. contorted, fcabrwn. A. leaves three-fided fine-faw'd, ftem branchy rugged, peduncles fruit-bearing recurved. rugged, fquameum. A. fcape imbricated with membranous tumid fcales. fcrdy. 423. LEONTICE. Cor. 6-petal'd. Neftary 6- leaved fitting upon the claws of. the corol, expanding on the border. Cal. 6- leaved deciduous iV/^J/o/Sp., Chryfogonum.i. L. leaves feather'd : with a common fimple petiole. Leontopeta- 2. L. leaves decompound : with a common petiole three- lum. cleft. Tbaliclroides.^. L. ftem-leaf three-times thrice-three'd, floral -!e?.f thrice- three'd. Tbalictrum-like. : * Leontopetal- 4. L. leaves fimple three-part-many-cleft, corol one- eid.es. petal'd calycled. Leontepetalum-like. 424. ASPARAGUS. Cor. 6-parted, ered : the 3 interiour petals reflected at top. Berry 3-cell'd, 2-feeded. ^^^ A. ftem herbaceous columnar erect, leaves briftly, -p ■» / ftipules in pairs. officinal. A. ftem unarm' d columnar, branches declined, leaves briftly. declined. A. prickles folitary reverfed, branches columnar, leaves fword-form fickled. Jickled. A. prickles folitary, branches columnar reflected and retrofradted, leaves briftly fafcicled. retrofracled. A. prickles folitary reverfed, branches angled, leaves linear. ethiopian. A. prickles folitary, ftem erect, branches thread-form, leaves fafcicled briftly. afiatic. A. prickles folitary, branches angled winding, leaves fafcicled three-fided awnlefs deciduous, white. 7. A, officinalis. 1. dedinatui. I. falcatus. 3- retrofraclus .4. cethiopicus. 11. afiaticus. 5- albus. 6. 264. SIX MALES. ONE FEMALE. AfparagUS. acutifolius. 7. A. ftem unarm'd angled fhrubby, leaves needle- form, ftiffifh perennial daggcr'd equal, acute- leaved. horridus. A. leaflefs fhrubby five-corner'd,prickles four-cot ner'd comprefs'd ftriated. S. horrid. aphyllus. 8. A. ftem unarmed angled fhrubby, leaves awl'd ftriated unequal diverging. leajlefs. capenfis. 9. A. thorns fourfold, branches aggregate columnar, leaves briftly. capem farmento- 10. A. leaves foHtary linear-lanced, ftem winding, pric- fus. kles recurved. farmentousi verticillata.il. A. leaves verticill'd. vcriiciWd. 1256. DRACAENA. Cor. 6-parted, erect Fi- laments, fomewhat thicker in the mid- dle. Berry 3-ceird, i-feeded. Draco. I. D. arborefcent, leaves fomewhat flefhy thorny at top. ferrea. 1. D. arborefcent, leaves lanced acute. O/v^Voy.44-- iron. J} .M . fer7ninalis. 3. D. herbaceous item-growing leaves lanced, terminal. S3.7^T. enfifolia. 4. D. herbaceous fomewhat ftem-growing, leaves fword- form. fword-leaved. graminifolia. 5. D. herbaceous ftemlefs, leaves linear, grajs-leaved. undidata. D. herbaceous ftem-growing erecT:, leaves egg'd acute many-nerved, flowers axillary peduncled. S. waved. Medeohides D. herbaceous twining, leaves egg'd nerved. S. Medeola-like. erecla. D. herbaceous ftem-growing erect, leaves lanced awl'd feffile. S. ercil. Jlriata. D. fhrub-becoming ftem-growing ere£t, leaves lanced obliquely fickled ftriated, ftem winding. S. Jlriated. volubilis. D. herbaceous twining, leaves lanced. S. twining. 425. CONVALLARIA. Cor. 6-ckft. Berry fpot- ted, 3-cell'd. ^'PfcM>Vc$!% * Lily of the Valley T. with cor oh befid. F4.B~ majalU. I. C. fcape naked. hog. * * Solomon s hexandria. monogynia. Convallaria. 265, * * Solomon's Seal T. with Corols funnel form. vertic'illata. 1. C. leaves verticilM. Oectc/t**, SO. - rrticiPd. -^-» Polygonatum.^. Q, alternate leaves ftem-clafping, ftera two-edged, E.B. peduncles axillary moftly one-flower'd. Solomon's On/, it a».. 37;- Seal. multi flora. 4. C. alternate leaves flem-cbfping, flem columnar, pe- jj _g duncles axillary many-flower'd. many- flower 'd*0***^*-*/./* * * * Smilaces T. with Corols zv.beel'd. racemofa. 5. C. leaves feflile, raceme Lerminal compound, racemed. 3JL3MT. Jleliata. 6. C. leaves ftem-clafping verv numermous. Jlar. 33.34.. trifolia. 7. C. leaves ftem-clafping tnree-fold, raceme terminal fimple. three-leaved. bifolia. 8. C. leaves hearted, flowers four-male. two-leaved. _B.7Vt, Japonica. C. fcape naked two-edged, flowers racemed one- ~n -%i rank'd, leaves linear three times longer than the fcape. S. Japan. 426. POLIANTHES. Cor. funnel-form, incurved, equal. Filaments inferted in the throat of the corol. Germ in the bottom of the corol. $i*S *' fcrlbed. cernuus. 2. H. corols beli'd fix-parted, raceme bowing, bowing. . ferotinus. 3. H. the exteriour petals lubdiftincl, the interiour ones coadjoined. late. viridis. 4. H. the exteriour divifions of the corols awl'd longeft. green. amethyjlinus.$. H. corols beli'd half- fix-cleft : cylindric at the bafe. qm.. cmeihyflinc. orientalis. 6. H. corols funnel-form half-fix-cleft : bellied at the -, bafe. oriental. comofus. H. corols funnel -form corymbed erecl:, fcape fhoiter than the leaves. tufted. romanust H. corols beli'd half- fix-cleft racemed, ftamens mem- 3.JvL, branous. T?^<*/,. />i» 42. . roman. L 1 7. H, 266. six males, one female. Hyacinthus. 32."Ml Mufcari. 7. H. corols egg'd . all equal. monjlrofus. 8. H. corols fomewhat egg'd. monjirous. B.-M,- comofus. 9. H. corols angular-cylindric : the higefl barren pedi- cel'd longer. bufiy. j^.. hotryoides. 10. H. corols globular uniform, leaves channel-cylinuric upright. botrytis-like. £ -g jy£. racemojus. II. H. corols egg'd : the higheft feflile, leaves loofe, ra- ce?ned. Jj.T^lr orchioides. 12. H. corols fix-parted : the three exterior petals fhorter. orchis-like, lanatus. 13. H. corols woolly, ftem branchy. woolly. Convallari- H. corols pendulous egg'd, fcape capillary. S. Con- oides vallaria-like. revolutus. H. corols fix-parted bell'd revolute, leaves oblong wayed. S. revolute. 428. ALETRIS. Cor. funnel-form wrinkled. Sta- mens inferted on the bafe of the divi- fions. Cap/. 3-cell'd. 3h£ && - 3.M.. capenfu. 2. A. ftemlefs, leaves lanced waved, fpike egg'd, flowers nodding. cape. J331. hyacinthoides.^. A. ftemlefs, leaves lanced flefhy, flowers doubled. -jr, ^ hyacinth-like. T7KA ' fra&rans' 4* A- ftem-growing, leaves lanced loofe. fragrant. BM. ■ JJvaria. A. ftemlefs, leaves fword-form channel'd keel'd. jS.M". 429. YUCCA. Cor. bell-expanding. Style none. Cap/. 3-Cell'd. (Jto(*n,l fltotffe B.7A. Gkriofa. 1. Y. leaves moft intire. ^.ULaloifolia. 2. Y. leaves fine-no tch'd upright. aloe-leaved. draconis. 3. Y. leaves notch'd nodding. drain's. ~J>J4L. filamentofa. 4. Y. leaves faw-thread-bearing. f lamented. 430. ALOE. Cor. erect, with mouth expanded, bottom nectar- bearing. Filaments in- ferted on the receptacle. 13,>t- perfoliate. I. A. flowers with peduncles bowing corymbed fubcylin- dric leaf-pierced. 2. A. HEXAN varlegata, 2. A. dijlkha. 3- A. fpiralis. 4. A. retufa. 5. A. vlfcofa. 6. A. pumlla. 7. A. fplcata. A. linguezformls . A. die bo to ma. A. DRIA. MONOGYNIA. Aloe. 267. flowers racemed bowing fubcylindric, mouth ex- panded equal. variegated. flowers peduncled pendulous, egg-cylindric curved. two-rank 'd. flowers fpiked egg'd murex'd notch'd : the interi- our fegements converging. fplraL flowers fpiked three-fided two-lip'd : the inferiour lip revolute. retufe. flowers fpiked funnel-form two-lip'd : with five divifions revolute : the higheft erect, vlfcous. flowers fpiked two-lip'd : the fuperiour lip more erect ; the inferiour one recurvate. dwarf, flowers fpiked horizontal bell'd, ftem-leaves flat ftem-clafping tooth'd. S. fpiked. flowers racemed erect, corols cylindric, leaves tongue-form two-rank-cxpanded. tongue-form. branchy, branches two-fork'd, leaves fword- form faw'd. two-fork V. 5. M. B. M. r. hi 3.M. 431. AGAVE. Cor. erect, above. Filaments lon- ger than the corol, erect. ^WW cUoS , americana. vivlpara. vlrginlca. fcetida. 1. A. leaves tooth-thorn'd, fcape branchy. amerlcan. 2. A. leaves tooth'd, ftamens equalling the corol. vivl- parous, . 3. A. leaves tooth-thorn'd, fcape moft fimple. virglnian. 33..M. 4. A. leaves moft intire. fetid. U.jML 432. ALSTROEMERIA. Cor. 6-petal'd, nearly two-lip'd : with the two inferiour tu- bular at the bafe. Stamens declining. pelegina. Ligta. Salfilla. pulcbella. 5-M 1. A. ftem erecl:. Italian. 2. A. ftem afcending. (erect, leaves fpatule-oblong, pe- duncles of the umbel longer than the involucre, corol two-lip'd. S. ) 3. A. ftem twining, (leaves petioled lanced pointed, urn- r>-]\f bel branchy, peduncles longer than the involu- cre, bractes loofe. S.) A. ftem erect, carols reflex - expanding all acute, -n -**- leaves feflile, pedicels fhorter than the involu- cre. S. , pretty. L 1 2 A, . B.W-- fiava. I ■ZjA.-fuha. 268. six males, one female. Alftroemeria. 7nultiJlora. A. ftem twining, leaves petioled lanced pointed, um- bel fimple, peduncles ihorter than the brakes, alternate petals lop'd. S. many-jlrucer'd. 433. HEMEROCALLIS. Cor. bell'd : the tube cylindric. Stamens declining. 1. H. corols yellow. # yellow; 2. H. corols tawny. tawny. 434. ACORUS. Spadix cylindric, cover'd with florets. Cor. 6-petal'd, naked. Style none. Cap/. 3-cell'd, iw^a i#e*vA. £.B. Calamus. 1. Acorus. 435. ORONTIUM. Spadix cylindric, cover'd with florets. Cor. 6-petal'd, naked. Style none. Follicles i-feeded. fquaticum. 1. Orontium. , aquatic. 436. CALAMUS. Cal. 6-leaved. Cor. o. Ber- ry very -dry, i-feeded, imbricated back- wards. ^,,',ffs. 'l.ro»tjiked. I. annual, culm branchy panicled, flowers folitary feffile, petals egg-oblong, capfule fubglobu- lar. S. I. leaves fword-form flat faw'd hoary underneath, fheaths of the panicle awl'd leaf-pierced. S. faivd. I. leaf columnar, culm one-flower'd, flower erect Angular naked. S. great-flower' d. Z.J3 K.B. E.B. 439. RI- 270. six males, one female. Richardia. 439. RICHARDIA. Cal. 6-parted. Cor. i-pe- tal'd, fubcylindric. Seeds. 3. fcabra. 1. Richardia. rugged. 438. ACHRAS. Cal. 6-leaved. Cor. egg'd, 6~ cleft: with j lift fo many alternate m- teriour fcales. Pome 10-cell'd. Seeds folitary, with a marginal hiie and claw'd top. mammofa. 1. A. flowers folitary, leaves wedge-form-lanced, nip- pled. Sapota. 2. A. flowers folitary, leaves lance-egg'd. falicifolia. 3. A. flowers crowded, leaves lance-egg'd. willow- leaved, diffefta. A. flowers folitary, leaves wedge-form end-nick-re- tufe. S. differed. 441. PRINOS. Cal. 6-cleft. Cor. i-petal'd, wheel'd. Berry 6-feeded. /C/* /- it** JJ.J3. verticillatus. I. P. leaves longitudinally faw'd. verticWd. -D.B. glaber. 2. P. leaves faw'd at top. /mooth. 440. BURSERA. CW. 3-leaved. CV. 3-petal'd. Cap/, flefliy, 3-valved, i-feeded. gumm'ifera. I. Bursera. gum-bearing. 442. BERBERIS. Cal. 6-leaved. Petals 6 : with two glands at the claws. Style o. j&rry two-feed ed. OS****™*- E.35. vulgaris. I. B. peduncles racemed. common. cretin;. 2. B. peduncles one-flower'd. cretan. Hicifjlia. B. leaves inverfe-egg'd, faw-thorn'd, pedicels elongate cymed, thorns finger-thorny. Ilex-leaved. 1302. CA- HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. LoranthuS. 2JI. 1302. CAPURA. Germ above. Cal. o. Cor. 6- cleft. Stamens within the tube. *SYzg"- #/# globular. Berry. purpurata. Capura. purple. 443. LORANTHUS. Germ beneath. CaL o. Cor. 6-cleft, revolute. Stamens at the tops of the petals. Berry 1- feeded. Jsc/Li //01*^ Scurrula. 1. L. peduncles one-flower'd collected. uniforus. 6. L. racemes moft fimple. one-fower'd. europceus. 7. L. racemes fimple terminal, flowers two-houfe. euro- pean. americanus. 2. L. racemes rather branchy equal, leaves egg'd. amc- rican. occidentalis. 3. L. racemes fimple, flowers irregular. occidental, loniceroides. 4. L. flowers aggregate-headed. lonicera-like. Stelis. tj. L. racemes three-fork'd, peduncles three-corner'd, flowers equal. pentandrus. 8. L. racemes fimple, flowers five-cleft, alternate leaves petioled. five- male, fpicatus. g. L. fpikes quadrangular. fpiked. tetrapetalus. L. flowers at four joints verticiPd four-petal'd, leaves oblong opposite fubfeffile. S. four-petard, falcatus. L. racemes few-flower'd axillary, leaves linear obtuie laterally fickled fea- green. S. fichled. 444. HTLLIA. Cal. 6-leaved. Cor. 6-cleft, ve- ry long. Berry beneath, 2-cell'd, ma- - ny-feeded. parafitica. I. Hillia. par af tic. 3.M- 1-301. CANARINA. Cal. 6-leavU Cor. 6-ctefr, - bell'd. Stigma 6. Cap/, beneath, 6- cell'd, many-feeded, campanula. Canarin'a, bell. 3 M. 445. FRAN- 2J2. six males, one female. Frankenia. 445. FRANKENIA. Cal. 5-cleft, funnel-form» Petals 5. Stigma 6-parted. Cap/. 1- cell'd, 3-valved. J? J5. lavis. I. F. leaves linear crouded fringed at the bafe. polijhed. birfuta. 2. F. ftems fhaggy, flowers fafcicled terminal. foaggy. JE.-B. pulverulenta.-^. F. leaves inverfe-egg'd retufe dufty underneath. ^a//y. 446. PEPLIS. Perianth bell'd : with mouth 12- cleft. Petals 6, inferted on the calyx. Capf. 2-cell'd. if&fa^jtwiBi.fi*»^ X.B. Portida. 1. P. flowers petallefs. Ooof.ofoi/h. 6.4- tetrandra. i. P. flawers four-male one-petal'd. four-male. 1 38 1. MASSONIA. Nettary beneath. Cor. 6- petal'd, inferted on the Nectary. S. -& *-' latifolia. M. leaves orbicular fmooth. S. broad-leav'd. .B.M. angujiifol'ia. M. leaves lance-oblong fmooth. S. narroiv-leav'd. echinata. M. leaves egg'd murex'd hairy. S. bedge-bogd. 590. GETHYLLIS. Cor. above, 6-parted. Cal. o. Berry club'd, radical i-cell'd. S. vlllofa. G. leaves thread-form fpiral villous, divifions of the border egg-oblong. S. villous. ciliaris. G. leaves linear fpiral fringed, the divifions of the bor- der egg-oblong, S. fringed. J3.M- fpiralis. G. leaves linear fpiral fmooth, the divifions of the border oblong. S. fpiral. lanceolata. G. leaves lanced flat, the divifions of the border lanced. S. lanced. 1382. PHOR- B.M. HEXANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Phormium. 273. 1382. PHORMIUM. Cor. 6-petal'd : the three exteriour petals fhorter. S. tenax. P. leaves very numerous, inflorefcence branchy. S. tenacious. Hyacinth- P. leaves radical twofold fpotted at the bafe, fcape ra- eides. cemed fimple, corols bell-expanding. S. Hy- -jG.AI, acinth-like. Abides. P. leaves twofold radical brown-fpotted above, fcape racemed fimple, flowers nodding cylindric-fun- nel-form. S. Aloe -like. 1383. EHRHARTA. Cal. glume 2-valved, ab- breviated, one-flower'd. Cor. Glume double : each two-valved : the exteri- our one comprefs'd, fcymitar - form, tranfverfly wrinkled, gafh'd at the bafe. Stamens fix, three on each fide the piftil, in a parallel line. Stigma fim- ple, comprefs'd, four-tufted, torn at top. S. Mnemaieia. 1. Ehrharta. 1384. DUROIA. Cal. above, cylindric, lop'd. Border 6-parted. Filaments none. Pome hifpid. S, Eriopila. 1 . D u R o 1 a . M m T W O 274* SIX males, two females. Oryza. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) 448. ORYZA. Cal. glume 2-valved, i-flower'd. Cor. 2-valved, fubequal, growing on the feed. Rice. fativa. I. Oryza. cultivated. 449. ATRAPHAXIS. Cal. 2-leaved. Petals 2, finuous. Stigma s headed, Seed 1. JD.J3.. fpinofa. 1. A. branches thorny. thorny, undulata. 2. A. unarm'd. waved. 1385. FALKIA. Cal. one-leaved. Cor. one-pe- tal'd, Seeds four. S. repens, Falkia. creeping. 1386. GAHNIA. Stamens fix. Stigma two-fork'd. S. procera. Ghania. tall. THREE FEMALES. fTrigynia.) 451. RUMEX. Cat 3-leaved. Petals 3, con- verging. Seed 1, three-iided. Dock. * Hermaphrodites : the valvelets marked with a grainlet. Patitntia, 1. R. flowers hermaphrodite: the valvelets moft intire : one grain-bearing, leaves egg-lanced. Patience. 2. R. HEXANPRIA. TRIGYNIA. RumeX. 275. fanguineus. 2. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets moft intire : one XJ3. grain-bearing, leaves heart-lanced. bloody. veriicillata. 4. R. flowers hermaphiodite : valvelets moft intire: all grain-bearing, leaves lanced : fheathes cylin- dric. verticil 'd. Britannica. 5. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets moft intire : all grain-bearing, leaves lanced : fheathes obfrure. Britijh. crifpus, 3. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets intire grain-bear- £.25. ing, leaves lanced waved acute. curl'd. pe-y'icariodes.S. R. flowers hermaphrodite: vaivalets tooth'd : all grain- bearing, leaves lanced. perficaria-like. agyptius. 7. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets three-clefc brid- led : one grain-bearing. Egyptian. dentatus. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd all grain- bearing, kaves lanced. tooth'd. maritimus. 9. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd grain- x.S. bearing, leaves linear. fea. divaricatus. 10. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets tooth'd grain- bearing, leaves heart-oblong obtufe pubefcent. divaricated. acutus. 11. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets tooth'd grain- ,f) %^>- bearing, leaves he irt-oblone pointed. acute."*c' /J'n ebhijifolius . 12. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valveiets tooth'd grain- jr-n bearing, leaves heart-oblong obtufifh fine- notch 'd. obtufe-leaved. pulcher. 6. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets tooth'd : moftly j^jg one grain-bearing, radical leaves violin-form. beautiful. Nemolapa- R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets linear obtufe tbwn. moft intire grain-bearing, verticils remote, branches expanding, inferiour leaves heart- lanced, fuperior ones lanced. S. * * Hermaphrodites : zvith valvelets dejlitute of a grainlet or naked. lucephalo- 13. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvets naked, pedicels flat phorus. reflected thicken'd. cx-head. aquaticus. 14. R. flowers hermaphrodite : valvelets mod; intire nak- ed, leaves hearted fmooth acute. aquatic. Lunaria. 15. R. flowers hermaphrodite: valvelets polifh'd, item ar- borefcent, leaves hearted. vejicarius. 16. R. flowers hermaphrodite doubled : valvelets all moft: large membraneous reflected, leaves undivided. bladder. M m 2 19. R. E3 276. r of ens. SIX MALES. THREE FEMALES. RumeX. fcutatus. d.Mi*u Ik- digynus. Arifolius. ig. R. flowers hermaphrodite diftinft : the wing of one valvelet moft large membranous netted, leaves gnaw'd. rofe. tingkanus. 17. R. flowers hermaphrodite diftinct : valveiets hearted obcufe moil inthe, leaves halbert-egg'J. tan- giers. 18. R. flowers hermaphrodite, leaves heart-halberted, ftem columnar. foield. 19. R. flowers hermaphrodite two-female. two- female. R. ftem polifh'd lbmewhat fhiub-growing 'eaves heart-halberted fine-faw'd acute, val> k d moft inire. S. ... leaved. Gipinus. 22. fpinofus. 22. tuber of us. 23. multijidus. 26. E.B. Acefofa. 24. JS/B. Acetofella. 25. aculeata. 27. luxurtans. 2S. bipinnatus. luxurious. * * * IVith flowers declined. R. flowers hermaphrodite barren and female : valveiets moft intire naked, leaves hearted obtufe wrink- led. alpine. R. flowers androgynous: feminine calyxes one-leaved: the exteriour valveiets reflex-hook'd. thorny. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves lance-arrow'd, branches expanding. tuberous. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves halberted with earlets halberted. many-cleft. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves oblong arrow'd. Sorrel. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves lance-balberted. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves lanced petioled, fruit re- flected : valves fringed. prickly. R. flowers - - - leaves heart-halberted, ftem de- cumbent angled. luxuriant. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves twice-feather'd. S. twice- feathered. R. flowers two-houfe, leaves heart-halberted, ftems angled difYufe : the exteriour valveiets awl'd : the interiour ones orbicular. iS. luxuriant. i'Sp. FLAGELLARIA. Cal 6-parted. Cor. o. Berry i-feeded. ///y< FlAOELLARI.V ineUt 452. SCHEUCH- HEXANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. Scheuchzem. 2JJi 452. SCHEUCHZERIA. Cat. 6-parted. Cor. o. Styles o. Cap/. 3, inflated, i-feeded. palujlris. 1. Scheuchzeria. * ' (/ marjh. **«p- 453. TRIGLOCHIN. Cat: 3 -leaved. Petals 3, calyx-form. «Sty/t? none. Cap/, gap- ing at the bafe. CX/ir/ota-yaeiJ* palujlre. I. T. eapfules three-cell'd fublinear. marjb. X3. bulbofum. T. roots bulbous cover'd with fibres. bulbous. JBjy(. maritimum. 1, T. capiules fix-cell'd egg'd. t. Jtbiricum. 2. M. petals feflile. jiberian. capenfe. 3. M. petals dotted, leaves cowl'd. cape, indicum. M. petals linear-lanced, leaves linear. S. Indian.' viridc. M. peduncles one-flower'd bowing. S. green. J3,M". clliatum. M. petals claw'd, leaves cowl'd at the bafe fword- form griille - fringed, flowers fpiked. S. fringed, triquetrum. M. leaves three-fided fmooth longer than the Hem, flowers fpiked. S. three- fided. monopetalum. M. corol one-petal'd, leaves cowl'd lanced. S. one- -p -k*~ petal'd. 455. MEDEOLA. Gal. o. Cor. 6-parted, re- volute. Berry 3-feeded. Cn'-mii/h* ^/ic^am^ virginiewn. 2. M. leaves verticil'd, branches unarm'd. virginian' S74_. a/par agiides.%. M. leaves feather'd: leaflets alternate. afparagus- like. 456. TRIL- ZJ%. SIX MALES. THREE FEMALES. Trillium. 456. TRILLIUM. Cal. 3-leaved, Cor. 3-petal'd. Berry 3-cell'd. vM*&-rooo oftk»/>c. 3J^' cernuum. "B-J*-- ereclum. p 5Tk- Mile- 1. X. flower peduncled bowing. 2. T. flower peduncled erecl:. 3. T. flower feflile eredt. bowing. ereft. fejfile. 457. COLCHICUM. Spathe. Cor. 6-parted : with a radicated tube. Capjules 3, connec- ted, inflated. )p8co/cto x/cM-cm-. 33. B. autumnale. I. C. leaves flat lanced erect, autumnal. montanum. 2. C. leaves linear moft expanding. mountain. .25 IM-- variegatum. 3. C. leaves waved expanding. variegated. O. 458. HELONIAS. Cor. 6-petal'd. Cal. Capjules 3-cell'd. jBJd- bidlata. 1. H. leaves lanced nerved. Jludded. 33yM < afphodeloides.2. H. ftein-leaves briftly. afphodel-like. minuta. H. leaves linear, fcapes branchy. minute. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragynia.) 459- PETIVERIA. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. o. Seed 1 : with reflected awns at top. Mti IT* 00"- r>Jy> UTOGol ■ alliacea. 1. P. frowers fix-male. garlick. cclandra. 2. P. flowers eight-male. tight-male. MANY HEXANDRIA. POLYGYNIA. Alifma, 279. MANY FEMALES. (Polygynia.) 460. ALISMA. Cal. 3-leaved. Petals 3. Seeds numerous, fflxfa *;ran/oi.vn . Plantago. 1. A. leaves egg'd acute, fruit obtufely three-corner'd. Plantain, jiava. 2. A. leaves egg'd acute, peduncles umbel'd, fruit S.M. globular. yellow» Damafoni- 3. A. leaves heart-oblong, flowers fix-female, capfules jj» urn. awl'd. cordifolia. 4. A. leaves hearted obtufe, flowers twelve-male, fruit hook-dagger'd. heart-leaved, natans. 5. A. leaves egg'd obtufe, peduncles folitary. fwimming. KB. ranuncul- 6. A. leaves linear-lanced, fruit globe-ragged. ra- j>-n oides Oeaf^ofe.»!. /n. numulus-like. fubulata. 7. A. leaves awl'd. awl'd. parnajfifolla. A. leaves hearted acute, petioles jointed. parnajfta- leaved. CLASS 4'&4>$>&&&4>fy*$fy$&&4>&&4>4'&Jfr'&'&4' %"& «$••$••$••§• CLASS VII. SEVEN MALES. ^ (Heptandria.) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) 461 Trientalis. DlSANDRA. 462 iEsCULUS. Cal. 7-leaved. Cor. 7-parted, flat. Berry i-cell'd, dry. Cal. nearly feven-parted, Cor. wheel'd nearly feven- parted Cap/. 2-cell'd many- feeded. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Cor. 5-petal'd, unequal. Cap/. 3-cell'd, 2-feeded. * Gerania Jfricana. TWO FEMALES. ( Digynia. J 463 LlMEUM. Cal, 5-leavcd. Cor. 5-petal'd, equal. CapJ. 2-cell'd, many-feeded. FO UR HEPTANDRIA. 281. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragynia.J 464 Saururus. Cal. ament. Cor. none. Pi/ills 4. Berries 4, many-feeded. 1387 Aponogeton. Ament. Cor. none. Cap/. 3-feeded. S. SEVEN FEMALES. (Heptagynia.) 465 Septas. Cal. 7-parted. Cor. 7-petaPd. Germs 7. Cap/. 7, many-feeded. N n ONE 282. SEVEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Trieiltalis. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynta.) 461. TRIENTALIS. Cal. 7-leaved. Cor. 7- parted, equal, flat. Berry juicelefs. E.B. eurotea. I. T. leaves larfced moft intire. Oooi.cftn»i\ %a european. 1345. DISANDRA. Cal. 7-leaved, Cor. 7-par- ted flat. Caff. 2-cell'd. S. 73 .M. proftrata. Pisandra. pro/Irate. 462. jESCULUS. Cal. 1 -leaved, 5-tooth'd, bel- lied. Cor. 5-petal'd, unequally co- lour'd, inferted on the calyx. Cap/. 3-ceird. igftowii't. Hippo-Caf- 1. IE. flowers feven male. Horfe-Chefnut. tanum. 3^.35 . Pavia. 2. IE. flowers eight male. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.J 464. LIMEUM. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, equal. Cap/, globular, 2-cell'd. africanum. L. leaves oblong petioled. S. afrhan. aphylium. L. leaves egg'd. S. leafiefs. FOUR HEPTANDRIA. DIGYNIA. SaururUS. 283. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragynia.) 463. SAURURUS. Cal. ament, with fcales, i-flow- er'd. Cor. o. Germs 4. Berries 4, many-feeded. Ji^are/lf ££//. cernuus. 1. S. ftem leafy many-fpiked. bowing. natans. S. ftemlefs, fcape one fpiked. fwirmning. 1387. APONOGETON. Ament. Cor. none. Capfules three-feeded. S. monojiachyon. A. fpike fimple, leaves heart-oval. S. one-fpiked. di/iachyon. A. fpike two-partible, leaves ellipfe-lanced. S. two- -y? -^ fpiked. SEVEN FEMALES. (Heptagynia.) 465. SEPTAS. Cal. 7-parted. Petals 7. Germs 7. Capfules 7, many-feeded. capenfis. Sept as. cape. N n 2 CLASS CLASS VIII. EIGHT MALES. ( Ociandria. ) ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) * Flowers complete. 478 MiMUSops, Cor. 8-petal'd. Cal. 8-leaved, beneath, Drupe. 466 Tropjeolum. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-cleft, beneath, fpur'd. Berries 3, i-feeded. 491 Bjeckia. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-cleft above. Cap/. 4-cell'd. 481 Memecylon. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. mod intire, above. 475 Combretum. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 5-tooth'd, above. Seeds 4- 1304 Ophira. Cor. 4-petal'd, above. Cal. O. Involucre 2-valved, three-flower'd. Berry 1- cell'd. 471 Epilobium. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved, above. Cap/. 4-cell'd, Seeds pappus'd. 470 Gaura. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 5-cleft, above. Nut 4-feeded. 469 QEnothera. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-cleft, above. Cap/. 4-cell'd, Anthers linear. 4.68 Rhexia. OCTANDRIA. 285. 468 RiiEXiA. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-cleft, middle. Cap/. 4-cel I'd . Anthers arch'd . 467 Osbeckia. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-cleft, middle. Cap/. 4-cc-ll'd. Anthers beak'd. 474 Grislea. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-tooth'd beneath. Cap/, l-cell'd. 1305 Guarea. Cor. 4-pctai'd with neclary cylindric. Cal. 4-tooth'd, beneath. Cap/ 4-cell'd, 4-valved. Seeds folitary. 1257 Anticorus. Cor. 4-pet.d'd. Cal. 4-leaved, beneath. Cap/ 4-cell'd, 4-valved, many-feeded. 476 Allophyllus. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved, beneath. Style two-cleft. 479 Jambolifera. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal 4-tooth'd beneath. Fi- laments flattifh. 482 Lawsonia. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-cleft, beneath. Berry 4-cell'd. 472 Melicocca. - Cor. 4-petal'd, refracted. Cal. 4-parted. Drupe barky. Stigma targetted two- edged. 473 Amyris Cor. 4-petal'd, Cal, 4-tooth'd, beneath. Berry i-feeded. 128 Fuchsia. Cor. 8-cleft. Cal. o. above. Berry 4-cell'd many-feeded. 1258 Chlora. Cor. 8-cleft. Cal. 8-leaved, beneath. Cap/ i-cell'd, 2-vaived, many-feeded. 483 Vaccinium. Cor. i-petal'd. Cal. 4-tooth'd, above. Fi- laments on the receptacle. Berry. 484 Erica. Cor. r-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved, beneath. Ft laments on the receptacle. Cap/ule. M/culus Paiza. Monotropha Hypopithis. * Dais eight-male. Ruta Jlrong-Jcenttd. * Fagara eight-male. yu/ftetta ereely /jrub-groiving. * Melajloma eight- male. Portnlaca /our- cleft. Elais /awyd. * * Flowers incomplete 487 Gnidia. Cal. 4-cleft coralinc. Petals fmall. Stamens protruded. 490 Lachnjea. 286. E I 490 Lachn^ea 486 Dirca: 485 Daphne. 489 Passerina. 488 Stellera. I3O3 DoDONJEA. G H T MALES. Cal. 4-cleft, coroline, unequal. Stamens protruded. Cal. borderlefs, coroline, unequal. Stamens protruded. Cal. 4-cleft, coroline, equal. Stamens in- cluded. Berry pulpy. Cal. 4-cleft, coroline, equal. Stamens above the corol. Cal. 4-cleft, coroline, equal. Stamens in- cluded. Seed fingle. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. q. Cap/. 3-cell'd, Seeds two-fold. * Rro'ina ehht-male. TWO FEMALES. 293 Weinmannia. 494 Moehringia. 1259 Schmiedelia. 492 Galenia. I388 CODIA. (~Digynia.) Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Cap/. 2- cell'd, 2-beak'd. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Cap/ 1- cell'd. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 2-leaved. Pericarps 2, pedicel'd. Cor. .0. Cal. 4-cleft. Cap/. 2-cell'd, 2- feeded. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-kaved common Recep- tacle involucred. S. * Chry/oplen'ium. THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia.) 497 Paullikia. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved. Cap/. 3- cell'd, i-feeded. 498 Cardiosper- Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Cap/ 3- mum. cell'd, i-feedcd. 449 Sapindus. N D A. 287. 449 Sapindus. Cor. 4-petaPd. Cal. 4-leaved. Berry 3- grain'd, i-feeded. 496 Coccoloba. Cor. o. Cal. 5-parted. Berry calycine, 1- feeded. 495 Polygonum. Cor. o. Cal. 5-parted. Seed 1, naked. FOUR FEMALES. 501 Adoxa. 202 Elatine. 500 Paris. 1389 Haloragis. fTetragynia.J Cor. 4 or 5-cleft, above. Cal. 2-leaved. Berry 4 or 5-feeded. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Cap/. 4- cell'd. Cor. 4- petal 'd, awl'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Berry 4-cell'd. Cor. 4-petal'd. C^/.4-clert, above. Drupe dry. Nut 4-cell'd. S. * Cotyledon jagg'd. * Petiveria eigbt-male. ONE 288. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. TrOpCEolum. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) 466. TROPOEOLUM. Cal. 1 -leaved, fpur'd. Pe- "YC ' BlA, minus. I. T. leaves targetted fcollop'd, petals point-briftled. lefs. • 2.M- majus. 2. T. leaves targetted nearly five-lobed petals obtufe. )■■ greater. hybridum. 4. T. leaves fomewhat targetted five-lobed moft intire, petals varying. mule. ~$.T£. acute-angled, raceme peduncled. Jhrubby. pumila. n. CE. laeaves lanced obtufe fmooth fubpetioled, ftems -p jyr proftrate, capfules acute-angled. dwarf. 470. GAURA. Cal. 4-cleft, tubular. Cor. 4- petal'd, afcending toward the upper iide. Nut beneath, i-feeded, 4-an- oled. /ff/Stf//rtievn //'riS& . biennis. J. Gaura. biennial. B.l^t . 471. EPILOBIUM. Cal. 4-cleft. Petals 4. Cap/. oblong, beneath. Seeds pappus'd. /#/W-#*V * Stamens declining. m angujli 'folium, i. E. leaves fcatter'd linear-lanced flowers unequal, nar- £^- Oeo/. 2/. 6c$. broad-lea-vsd. * * Stamens ereel regular, petals tvoo-chft. hirfutum. 3. E. leaves oppofite lanced faw'd decurrent-ftem-dafp- ing. Cec/.c/o„s. 32 6. froggy : zx . O o 4. E. 290« EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Epilobium. V T* montanum. 4. E. leaves oppofite egg'd tooth'd. mountain. jEJB. fetragonum. 5. E. leaves lanced toothletted : the lowed oppofite, ftem four-cxmer'd. . four-corner d. X.'B. palujhe. 6. E. leaves oppofite lanced mofl intire, petals end- nick'd, ftem erecl:. Oed.ofc\»> .34?? marfh. alpinum. 7. E. leaves oppofite egg-lanced mofl intire, filiques (t(- file, Item creeping. Oecf ■(**<• n M&- alpine. 1267. ANTICHORUS. Cal. 4-leaved. Petals 4. Cap/, above, awl'd, 4-ceird, 4- valved. Seeds very numerous. deprefus. I. Antichorus. deprefs'd. 475. COMBRETUM. Cal. 4-tooth'd, bell'd, above. Cor. 4-petal'd, inferted on the calyx. Stamens mofl long. Seed 1, quadrangular with membranous angles. laxum. I. C. fpikes loofe. ■ loofe. fecundum. 2. C. fpikes one-rank'd. one-rank'd. 474. GRISLEA. Cal. 4- cleft. Petals 4, from the incifions of the calyx. Filaments mofl long, afcending. Cap/, globular, above, i-cell'd, mafty-feeded. Jecunda. I. Grislea. one-rani' d. 476. ALLOPHYLUS. Cal. 4-leaved: leaflets or- bicular; the oppofite ones lefs. Petals 4, lefs than the calyx. Germ twin. Stigma 4- cleft. fiw«<"^»J*. zeyhnicus, i. Allophylus. ccylon. 478. JMIMU- OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. MimufopS. 2Qi. 478. MIMUSOPS. Cal. 4-leaved. Petals 4. ' ' \ NeBary 16-leaved. Drupe pointed. J/?<>-/oc<> Elengl. 1.' M. leaves alternate remote. Kanki. 2. M. leaves crowded. 479. JAMBOLIFERA. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Cor. 4-petal'd, funnel -form. Filaments flattifh. Stigma fimple. pedunculata. i. Jambolifera. pedunded. 472. MELLICOCCA. Cal. 4-parted. Petals 4, reflected beneath the calyx. Stigma rather targetted. Drupe leathery. •$&>•* -*t**fy bijuga. 1. Mellicocca. twice-palrd. J335- GUAREA. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Petals 4. Netfary cylindric, bearing the Anthers in its mouth. Cap/. 4-ceird, 4-val- ved. Seeds folitary. tr'ichilioide*. Guarea. trkhilia-Uke 473. AMYRIS. Cal. 4-tooth'd. Petals 4, oblong. Stigma 4-corner'd. Berry druped. Elemifera. 8. A. leaves three'd and five-feather'd downy under- J neath. Elemi-bear'mg. fylvatica. i. A. leaves three'd notch'd acute, wood, mariuma. 2. A. leaves three'd notchletted obtufe. fea. p'deadenfis. 5. A. leaves three'd moft intire, peduncles lateral one- flower'd. gilead. Opobalfa- 6. A. leaves feather'd : leaflets feflile. mum. .11/1 •/• toxifera. 3. A. leaves feather'd : leaflets petioled ftat. potfon- bearing. O o 2 7. A, 292. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. AmyriS, Protium. J. A. leaves feather'd : with leaflets petioled waved. balfamiftra. 5. A. leaves twice-pair'd. balfatn-bearing. ambrofiaca. A. leaves feather'd petioled, panicles crowded axil- lary. S. ambrojial. 470. XIMENIA. Cal. 4-cIeft. Petals 4, hairy, revolute. Drupe i-feeded. americana. 1. X. leaves oblong peduncled many-flower'd. ameri- can. inermis. 2. X. leaves egg'd, peduncles one-flower'd. unarm d. 128. FUSCH[A. Cal. none. Cor. 8-cleft. Ber- ry beneath, 4-cell'd, many-feeded. tfiphylla. F. peduncles one-flower'd. three-leaved, mult /flora. F. peduncles many-flower'd. many-flower d. excorticate, F. peduncles axillary one-flo^rer'd, leaves egg'd alter- nate. S. bar kiefs. 1258. CHLORA. Cal. 8-leaved. Cor. i-petal'd, 8-cleft. Cap/, i-cell'd, 2-valved, ma- ny-feeded. 'l/p/lrto £jp*>£<*/n . ~E.B. perfoliata. I. C. leaves leaf-pierced. leaf-pierced, quadifrifolia.i. C. leaves four-fold. four-leaved. 12-andra. 3. C. leaves oppofite. twelve-male, imperfoliata. C. corols fix-cleft. unleaf-pierced. 1303. DODONiEA. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. o. Capf. 3-cell'd, inflated. Seeds twofold. anguftifolia. D. leaves linear. S. narrow-leaved, tiifcofa. D. leaves oblong. S. vifcous. 482. LAW- octandria. monogynia. Lawfonia. 293. 482. LAWSONIA. Cal. 4-cleft. Petals 4. Sta- mens 4 pairs. Cap/. 4-cell'd, many- feeded. fpittofa. 2. L. branches thorny. thorny. Anonychia. L. unarm'd, leaves long-petioled wedge-form. S. evening. inermis. L. unarm'd, leaves fubfeffile egg'd pointed at both ends. S. unarm'd. 481. MEMECYLON. Cal above with bottom ftriated, margin moil: intire. Cor. 1- petal'd. Anthers inferted on the fide of the top of the filament. Berry crown'd with a cylindric calyx. captellatum. M. leaves egg'd. headletted. 483. VACCINIUM. Cal above. Cor. i-petal'd. Filaments inferted on the receptacle^ Berry 4-cell'd, many-feeded. Wfa/A Joe. * Leaves annual or deciduous. Myrtillus. I . V. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves faw'd egg'd decidu- EB ous, ftem angled. bilberry. fiamineum. i. V. peduncles folitary one-flower'd, anthers longer than the corol, leaves oblong moft-intire. Jla- men. ulhinofum. -?. V. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves mpft intire inverfe- ^ b egg'd obtufe polifh'd ,Oecf.i/nr> ■*.*/. marJh- album. 4. V. peduncles fimple, leaves moft intire egg'd downy underneath. white, mucronatum. 5. V. peduncles moft Ample one-flower'd, leaves egg'd dagger'd fmooth moft intire. daggered, corymbofum. 6. V. flowers corymbed egg'd, leaves oblong pointed jyj^ moft intire. corymbed. frondofum. 7. V. racemes thread-form leafy, leaves oblong moft in- tire. leafy. Imiftrinum, 8. V. racemes naked, ftem fhrubby, leaves notchletted oblong. P™?; 9 V, 294« EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Vacdnium. £.7M. Arclojlaphy- 9. V. flowers racemed, leaves notchletted egg 'd acute, las. ftem arborefcent. * * Leaves ever -green. H.B. Vitis idaea.io. V. racemes terminal nodding, leaves inverfe-eg°-'d revolute moft intire dotted underneath, vine of Oecf ■cJci'n. -jO - J 1 £.B. Oxycoccos. 11. V. leaves moft intire revolute egg'd, Hems creeping thread-form naked. Pect'offiTt;- he, cranberry. hifpidulum. 12. V. leaves moft intire revolute egg'd, fteras creeping thread-form hifpid. bifpidijh. 484. ERTCx<\. Cat. 4-!eaved. Cor. 4-cleft. Fi- laments inferted on the receptacle. An- thers two-cleft. Cap/, four - cell'd. Heath. * Anthers awn'd, leaves cppofite. E JS vulgaris. 1 . E„ anthers awn'd, corols bell'd fubequal, calyxes double, leaves oppofite arrow'd. common, lutea. E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd pointed, flowers col- lected, leaves oppofite linear. yellow. IVith Leaves threefold. halkacaba. 27. regerminans. mucofa. bergana. deprejpt. pilulifera. 31. viridipur- 7. purca, befitapbylla. 23. E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd inflated, ftvle included, leaves three-fold, flowers folitary. E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd, ftvle included, ca- lyxes acute, flowers racemed, leaves three-fold. regerminant. E. anthers awn'd, corols fubglobular mucous, ftvle included, leaves three-fold, mucous. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, calyxes' reflected, leaves three-fold. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, flow- ers thin, leaves three-fold, ftemdeprefs'd. deprefs'd. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers umbel'd. ball-bearing. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers (battered. green-purple. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, leaves three-fold, flowers pubefcent. five-leaved. 43. E. planifolia. fcoparia. arbor ea. vefpertina. 43- 35' OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Erica. 295. 4-3. E. anthers awn'd, corols belTd, ftyle included, ca- lyxes imbricated three-flower'd feflile. black. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle protruded, leaves three-fold mod expanding. fiat-leaved. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd with the ftigma pro- truded- targetted, leaves three-fold. becfom. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd with the ftyle pro- truded, leaves three-fold, branchlets hoary, ar- borejccnt. E. leaves three-fold, corols bell'd, anthers awn'd, ftyle protruded. S, evening. With leaves four -fold. ramentacea. perfoluta. Tetralix. 8 . pubefcens. 24. abiet'ina. 22. mammofa. caffj- a. 9. fcffil'iflora. trifiora. 33. baccans. gnaphalcdes. 34. corifoli 32. E. anthers awn'd, corols globular, ftyle included, ftig- ma double, leaves four- fold briftly. dujl. E. anthers awn'd, corols bell'd, ftyle included, ca- lyxes fringed, leaves four-fold. perfolute. E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd, ftyle included, leaves £.B. four-fold fringed, flowers headed. Oect. <>/(*■» »f.T}^^L-.n^a E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd, ftyle included, leaves P*"'- four-fold rugged, flowers feflile lateral, pule- n."M. . fee nt. E. anthers awn'd, corols grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, flowers feflile. fir. E. anthers awn'd, corols grofs, ftyle protruded, leaves four-fold. nippled. E. anthers awn'd, corols egg'd, ftyle protruded, leaves fourfold pubefcent, flowers collected. E. anthers awn'd, leaves fourfold, ftyle protruded, fpike with flowers "feflile deflected oblong. S. fejfilc-fiijtverd. * * Anthers ere/led, leaves threefold. E. anthers crefted, corcls globe -bell'd, ftyle included leaves threefold, flowers terminal, three-flower d. E, anthers crefted, corol globe-bell'd cover'd, ftyle -^ -^- ineluded, leaves threefold imbricated, berrying. E. aethers crefted, corols egg'd cover'd, ftyle in- cluded, leaves threefold", ftigma four-parted. gnaphallum-like. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd, ftyle included, calyxes trp-fliape, leaves threefold, flowers um- bel'd. coris-leaved. E. 296. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. EKca. ».M. articularis. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd pointed, ft vie inclu- ded longer than the calyx, leaves threefold. johited. calycina. 23. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd, ftyle included, calyxes molt expanded wheel'd, leaves threefold. calycine. *•&' cinerea. 4. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd, ftyle rather protruded, leaves threefold, ftigma headed. Ot fit ' c/c/f^ffjijhy. paniculata. 36. E. anthers crefted, corols bell'd, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold, ftower/s mi :ute. pankled. auftralis. E. anthers crefted, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold expanding. fouthern, — -- With haves fourfold. B.M. . pbyfodes. 26. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd inflated, ftyle inclu- ded, leaves fourfold, flowers fubfo i.tary. H.M-. empctri- 30. E. anthers crefted, corols egg'd, leaves fourfold, folia. fluwers feflile lateral. empetrum-haued. BJM. rctorta. E. anthers rather crefted, leaves fourfold recurved, corols egg-oblong, ftyle middling. S. retorted. cernua. E. crefted, leaves fourfold, ftyle included, corol egg'd, calyx fringed, flowers eightfold bowing. S. bowing. * * * jfnthers awnlefs included : with leaves oppofite. tenu'folia. 22. anthers awnlefs included, corols and calyx bloody, leaves oppofite. fender-leaved. Pafferints. E. leaves oppofite, corols bell'd, anthers included awn- lefs, piftil protruded. S- ■ With leaves threefold. B/M-. aliens. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols cse'd oblon^ acute, leaves threefold, racemes one-rank'd. white. fpumofa. 37. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols threefold coverd by the common calyx, ftyles protruded, leaves threefold. frothy. 'eapitata. 16. E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols cover'd with the woolly calyx, leaves threefold, flowers feflile. headed. melanthera. E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols bell'd longer than the colour'd calyx, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold. black-flower'd. E. OCTANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Erica. 29 / " ahfyntbioides. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols egg-bell'd, ftyle protruded, ftigma funnel-form, leaves threefold. sbfyntbiu m-like. ciliaris. u. E, anthers av/nlefs included, corols egg'd grofs, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold, racemes one-rank 'd. -^ -***- fringed. h'fpidula. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols roundifh, leaves motfly threefold eg^'d acute fringed, ftem hif- pid. S. kifpidijh. ■ With leaves fourfold. tubifora. 20. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols club'd grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold rather fringed, tube* foiver'd. curviflora. 19. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols club'd grofs, ftyle included, leaves fourfold fmooth. curvp-jiovoerd. coccinea. 18« E. anthers awnlefs nearly included, corols club'd grofs, ftyle included, calyxes fhaggy, leaves fourfold. fcarlct. cerinthoides. 21. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols club'd grofs, ftig,- ma included crofs'd, leaves fourfold, cerinthe- llke. fafiigiata. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols falver-form fafci- cled, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, level-top' 'd. cubica. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols beli'd acute, ftyle included, calyxes four-corner 'd, leaves four- fold, cubic. denticidata. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols egg-funnel- form, ftyle included, calyxes toothletted, leaves four- fold. tOQthktted. vifcaria. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols beli'd glutinous, ftyle included, kaves fourfold, Rowers racemed. vifcous. granulata. E. anthers awn'd included, corols globular, ftyle in- cluded, calyxes fubimbricated, leaves fourfold. gramdated. c.mofa. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols egg-oblong, ftyle included, leaves fourfold, flowers collected. tufUd. * * * Anthers awnlefs protruded, leaves threefold. Plukenetii. 17. E. anthers awnlefs longeft protruded, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, calyxes fimple, leaves threefold". of Plukenet'. ? p E. 298. EIGHT MALES. ONE FEMALE. Erica. Petiveri. E. anthers awnlefs moft long protruded, corols acute, ftyl; protruded, calyxes imbricated, leaves three- fold, of Pet her. nudiflora. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols cylindric, ilylc protruded, leaves threefold, branches uowny. naked-flower, Bruniades. 15. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols cover'd with the woolly calyx, leaves threefold, flowers fcattcr'd. ihiaiui. imbricata. 12. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell'd, calyxes imbricated, ftyle protruded, leaves threefold. imbricated, umbcllata. 2. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell'd, ftyle pro- truded, leaves thr.efold awny. umbel' d. leucanthera. E. leaves threefold, ftyle protruded, corol bell'd, calyx white, flowers threefold, ftamens awnlefs pro- truded. S. ivhite ' -flower* d. With leaves fourfold, or more. purpurf- 10. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell'd, ftyle pro- cens. truded, leaves fourfold, flowers fcatter'd. purp- ling. E.B. vagans. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols bell'd, ftyle pro- ,. truded, leaves fourfold, flowers folitary. Jlrag- gling. B.M- herhacea. 3. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols oblong, ftyle protruded, leaves fourfold, flowers one-rank'd. herbaceous. multiflora. 13. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols cylindric, ftyle protruded, leaves fivefold, flowers fcatter'd. many-flower 'd. B.IM. miditerranea. E. anthers awnlefs protruded, corols egg'd, ftyle pro- truded, leaves fourfold expanding, flowers fcat- ter'd. miditerranean. * * * * From the Suppl. Plant, not reducible to the foregoing Ihads. Sparmanni. E. leaves fourfold, imbricated fringed, heads fcur- flower'd, corols tubular lance-pricklc-hifpid, anthers awnlefs. S. of Spar man. /ajcicularis. E. anthers awn'd, corols grofs, ftyle included, flow- ers fafcicled, leaves numerous linear lop'd. S. fafcicled: OCTANDRIA. MONOGVNIA. Erica. 299. Tbunbergii. E. anthers awnlefs middling, corols flat : tube globu- 3^. lar, ftyle protruded, leaves three-fold. S. of Thunberg. Maffoni. E. anthers awnlefs included, corols cylindric grcis, £ jvt. . flowers headed, leaves eight-faced imbricated pubefcent. S. of Maffon. tctragona. E. leaves threefold, ftyle included, corol four-corner'd oblong, calyx linear, flowers racemed one- rank'd. S. four-corner1 '3s/L okedes 12. D. flowers double terminal feffile, leaves elhpfe- lanced fmooth. oka-like. foetid. D. fmooth, flovers terminal collected feffile, leaves oppofite pctioled eg^-oblong acute. S. fetid. roiundifolia. D. fhaggy, flowers terminal collected feffile, leaves oppofite elliptic fubpetioled obtufe fmooth. S. round-leaved. 486. DIRCA. Cal. o. Cor. tubular with an ob- fcure border. Stamens longer than the tube. Berry one-feeded.yi>.,^>w* Pa£erint. I. S. leaves linear, flowers four-cleft. Chamcejajiiie.i. S. leaves lanced, corols five-cleft. 489. PASSERINA. Cal. o. Cor. 4-cleft. Sta- mens placed in the tube. Seed 1, bark'd. Sparrow Wort. filtformis. 1. P. leaves linear convex four ways imbricated, branches downy. thread- form. birfuta. 2. P. leaves flefhy fmooth without, ftems downy, foaggy. er'icoides. P. leaves linear polifh'd fubimbricated, corols globular. heath-like, capitata. 7. P. leaves linear fmooth, heads peduncled downy. headed, ciliata. 3. P. leaves lanced rather fringed erecl, branches naked. fringed. uniflora. 4. P. leaves linear oppofite, flowers terminal folitary, branches fmooth. one -flow er* d. Antlrjlloidet. P. leaves egg'd villous, flowers headed fhaggy. S. Anthyllis-like . fpicata. P. leaves egg'd villous, flowers lateral folitary. S. /piked. laxa. P. leaves egg'd fcatter'd, flowers headed, branches loofe bowing. S. hofe. 302. eight males, one female. PafTerina. B.M. grandiflora. P. moft fmooth, leaves oblong acute concave wrin- kled without, flowers terminal feflile folitary. S. great-flower 'd. Gnidia. P. two-male moft fmooth, leaves lanced acute. S. pilofa. P. two-male hairy, leaves linear obtufe. S. hairy. projlrata. P. two-male hairy, leaves egg'd. S. pro/irate. 490. LACHNEA. CaL o. Cor. 4-cleft : border- unequal. Seed 1, fomewhat berried. ;gj\J»Ci'-- Andy*/* * Atraphaxis-like with jlcm Jhruk -growing. " fruiefcens. I. P. ftem flirubby, two calyx-leaflets reflected. Jhrub- growing. * * Biftort* E.B. E.B. 304. eight males, three females. Polygonum. * * Biftorts with cm r. Bi/lorta. 2. P. ftem moil fimple one-fpiked, leaves egg'd decur- rent upon the petiole. <."../ ,Vr >~ <> < hrt. vivipantm. 3. P. ftem moll fimple one-fpiked, leaves lanced. i.',-.y. «I*** . is. *■* * Periicarias with Fijiil two-deft, or the ianum ZJS. B.B. T..B. B.M- lapat Hum. amphibium. Hydri Pel haria. barbah XJ3 6. S. 9- 1 or. 11. - pen/yham-12 12. r/ mar it 14. r 15- P. 16. P " .17. P drvari 18. j turn. ferratt 7- P fibir P P. flowers rive-male half- two-female, corols four- cleft unequal, leaTes e^g'd. P. flowers five-male half- two-female, ftamens equal to the regular corbl. lap: P. flowers five-male half-two-female, fpike egg'd. P. flowers five-male three-female, leaves lanced. bated P. flowers fix-male half-two-female, leaves lanced, fripules nearly awnlefs. P. flowers fix-male two-female, fpikes egg-oblong, leaves lanced, ftipules fringed, bn^l. >,,-». t&i. P. flowers fix-male three-female, fpikes twiggy, fti- pules lop'd brilfle-fringed, leaves lanced. been 1 flowers (even-male two-female, leaves egg'd, item erect, ftipules fh? \ ;r-form. P. flowers eight-male two-:", n incles hiipid, leaves lanced, ftipules awnlef . * * Pol] gonums wit tght-male three-female axillary, leaves oval-lanced ever-green, ftem fomewhat fhrub- ing. flowers eight-male three-female axillary, leaves lanced, ftem procumbent herbaceous. bird. flowers eig ee-female axillary, leaves ova!, ftem erect herbaceous. P. flowers eight-male three-female, fpik? cled, ftipules (heathy lop'd. Sowers eight-male three-female racemed, leaves lanced, ftem divaricated expanded, diz. leaves notch 'd. flowers eight-male three -fern ale raeemed, leaves . ftipules fcaggy. S. . octandria. TRIGYNIA. Polygonum. 305. ***** Helxine wkh leaves rather hearted dinenfe. 19. P. fqgittatwn. 21. P. orifolium. 11. P. perfoliatum.10. P. i 'atari 'cum. 23. P. Fagopy- 24. P. rum. Convolvu- 25. P- /«1. dumetorum. 26. P. fcandens. 17. P. leaves eight-male three-female, peduncles rugged, leaves egg'd, bractes hearted. china. leaves arrow'd, ftem prickly. amw'd. leaves halberted, ftem prickly. arum-leaved. leaves triangular, ftem prickly, ftipules leafy-leaf- plerced expanding roundilh. leaf -pierced. leaves heart-arrow'd, ftem unarmed erecl:, feeds rather topth'd. tartarian. leaves heart-arrow'd, ftem erectifh unarmed, an- gles of the feeds equal. leaves hearted, ftem twining angled, flowers ob- tufe. leaves hearted, ftem twining polifh'd, flowers keel- wing'd. biijh. leaves hearted, ftem erecl climbing. climbing. HJi E. 496. COCCOLOBA. Cal. 5-parted, colour'd. Cor. o. Berry calycine, one-feeded./>^1//-^>' Uvifera. pubefcens. excoriata. punctata. emarginata. barbadenfis. tenuifolia. I. 2. 4- 3- 5- 6. 4- C. leaves heart-round ifh glofly. grape-bearing. C. leaves orbicular pubefcent. pubefcent. C. leaves egg'd, branches as if barklefs. excoriated. C. leaves lance-egg'd. _ ■ dotted. C. leaves leathery roundilh gafh-end-nick'd. end- nick'df C. leaves heart-egg'd waved. C. leaves egg'd membranous. fender-leaved. 497- afatica. Seriana. nodofa. Cururu. v}cr.icana. PAULLINIA. Cal 4-leaved. Petals 4. Netlary 4-leaved, unequal. Cap/. 3, comprefs'd, membranous, conjoin'd. P. leaves three'd, petioles and ftem prickly. ajiatic. P. leaves three'd, petioles naked, leaflets egg-oblong. ?. leaves 'three'd, petioles naked, the middle leaflet • inverfe-egg'd. knotted. P. leaves three'd, petioles margin'd. P. leaves thrice-three'd, petioles all margin'd, ftem prickly. mexuatu ^H P* 306. EIGHT MALES. THREE FEMALES. Paullitria. carthaginenfis. P. leaves thrice-threed, petioles all margin'd, ftem unarm'd. Carthaginian, caribaa. P. leaves thrice-three'd, petiolets all margin'd, bran- ches prickly. caribean. curajjavica. 5. P. leaves thrice-three'd, petiolets all margin'd, bran- ches unarm'd. curajfao. barbadenfis. P. leaves thrice-three'd, the intermediate petiole mar- gin'd, the r#ft naked. barbadoes: polyphylla. 6. P. leaves three times thrice-three'd, petiolets naked. many- leaved, triternata. P. leaves three times thrice-three'd, petiolets margin'd. three times thrice-three'd. pinnata. 7. P. leaves feather'd, petioles margin'd, leaflets glofTy. feaiht ■ d. tonientofa. P. leaves feather'd, petioles margin'd, leaflets downy. downy. diverfifolia. P. leaves fuperdecompound, petioles margin'd-: the loweft feather'd, the reft three'd. itiverfc-leaved. 498. CARDIOSPERiMUM. Cal. 4-leared. Pe- tals 4. Ne&ary 4- leaved, unequal. Capf. 3, conjoin'd inflated. W,o,nJ-*er* . X A -B.Ttf. Halicacabum. 1. C. leaves poltfh'd. Corindum. 2. C. leaves downy underneath. 499, SAPINDUS. Cal. 4-leaved. Petals 4. Capf. flefhy, conjoin'd, bellied. Soap- Berry. Saponaria. I. S. leaves odd-feather'd, ftem unarm'd. fpinofus. 3. S. leaves abruptly feather'd, ftem moft thorny, thorny, trifoliatus. 2. S. leaves three'd. three-leaved, chhenfis, S. leaves feather'd, leaflets jagg'd. china. FOUR OCTANDRIA. TETRAGYNIA. Paris. j%7« F O U R F E.M ALES. (Tetragynia.) 500. PARIS. CaL 4-leaved. Petals 4, nar- rower. Berry 4-ceird. wi,&-fou9 u/ns.&^iy. quadrifolia. Paris. four-leaved, t.b. 501. AD OX A. Gal. 2 -cleft, beneath. Cor. 4 or 5-cleft, above. Berry 4 or 5- cell'd, with the calyx coalefced. C^W%^ -rori Mofcatellina. 1: Adoxa. t..B. 502. ELATINE. CaL 4~leaved. Petals 4. Cap/, 4-ceH'd, 4-valved, deprefs'd. Water- Wort. Hydropiper. 1. E. leaves oppofite. Oeo/o/a,>,i$6 water-pepper, JB-B. AlfinajlrurQ. 2. E. leaves verticil'd. 1389. HALORAGIS. CaL above, 4-cleft. Pe- tals 4. Drupe dry. Nut 4-cell'd. S. frofirata. Haloragis. pro/lratc Q_q 2 C LJ S S CLASS IX. NINE MALES. ( "Enneandria. ) ONE FEMALE, (Monogynia.) 504 Tinus. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petaPd Berry 3-cell'd. Seed 1. 503 Laurus. Cal. 0. Cor. 6-petal'd, calycine. Berry i-feeded. Glands of the Neftary 2-briftled. 520 Anacardium, Cal. 5-parted. Cor. 5-petal'd. Stamen the tenth caftrated. Nut with a flefhy receptacle. 505 Cassyta. Cal. o. Cor. 6-parted, calycine. Berry i-feeded. Glands of the Neftary lop'd. * Anacanlium 520 viitb the tenth Jlamen caftrated. THREE ENNEANDRIA. 309. THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia.) 506 Rheum. Cal. o: Cor. 6-cleft. Seed i, tlyee- fided. SIX* FEMALES. (Hexagynia) 507 Butomus. Cal 0. Cor. (5-petaPd. Cap/. 6, many- feeded. ONE 310. NINE MALES. ONE FEMALE. LaWUS. ONE-FEMALE. (MoriGgynia.) 5°3« JS JVl". Cinnamo- ?num. JSjVl. C?^7. Camphora. Culilaban. Chloroxylon. nob His. indica. Perfea. Borbonia, ajlivaliu B enzoin. Sajfafras. LAURUS. Cal. o. Cor. calycine, 6-parted. NeBary with glands 3, two- bridled, furrounding the germ. Interiour Fi- laments gland-bearing. Drupe i-feed- ed. Bay. s/au/fPr, fii'/nngmipi. f/i a n> f>r>oY I. L. leaves three-nerved egg-oblong: the nerves van- ifhing towards the top. L. leaves tripple-nerved lanced. L. leaves trippie-nerved lance-egg'd. L. leaves tripple-nerved oppofite. L. leaves three-nerved egg'd leathery : reaching the top. L. leaves lanced vein'd perennial, flowers four-cleft. JwrttJ&atj 1 noble. leaves lanced perennial flat, branchless tubercled with fears, flowers racemed. indian. leaves egg'd leathery tranfverfly vein'd perennial, flowers corymbed. leaves lanced perennial, calyxes of the fruit berried, leaves vein'd oblong pointed annual, branches wrinkled underneath above the axils, fummer. 10. L. leaves -#ervelefs egg'd acute at both ends intire annual. L. leaves three-lobed and intire. 2. 3- 4- 5- 6. cinnamon. cajjia. camphor. the nerves yellffw-wood. L. L. L. L. 11 520. ANACARDIUM. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5, reflected. Anthers 9 : with one caf- trated. Nut kidney-form above the, flefhy receptacle. Cajhew-Nut. occidental*. 1. Anacardium. occidental. 504 TINUS. -ENNEANDRIA. MONOGYN£A. TinUS, 3 1 1«. 504. TINUS. Cal 5-cleft. Cor. 5-parted. Nec- tary pitcher'd, included in the germ* Berry 3-ceird. Seed folitary. occidentalis. A. Tinus. occidental. 505. CASSYTA. Cor. calycine, 6-parted. Nec- tary with 3 glands, lop'd, furround- ing the germ. Interiour Filaments, * gland*-bearing. Drupe i-feeded. filiformis. 1. C. thread-form loofe. thread-form, cornjcidata. C. branches woody thorny. horned. THREE FEMALES. ( Frigym'a. ) 506. RHEUM. Cal. o. Cor. 6-cleft, perma- nent. Seed j, three -fided. Rhubarb. RJmponti- i? R. leaves fmooth, petioles rather furrow'd. cum. Rhabarba- 2. R. leaves fubvillous, petioles equal. ru?n. palmatum. 3. R. leaves handed pointed. handed, cotnpaclum. 4. R. leaves lublobed moft obtufe moft fmooth lucid den- ticled. compacl. Ribes. 5, R. leaves granulated, petioles equal. tataricwn. R. leaves heart-egg'd intire flat molt fmooth, petioles half-columnar angled, panicle furrow d. S. tartarian. S IX 312. NINE MALES. -SIX FEMALES. ButOITlUS. SIX FEMALES. (Hexagynia.) 507. BUTOMUS. Gal o. Petals 6. Cap/. 6, many-feeded. F lower ing-RuJh. EJ5, umbellatus. I. Butomus. umbiFd, CLASS CLASS X. TEN MALES. (Decandria.) ONE FEMALE. ( Monogynia. ) * Flowers many-petal' d irregular, 508 Sophora. Cor. papilionaceous: banner afcending. Le- gume with protuberances remote. 509 Anagyris. Cor. papilionaceous : banner fhort ftraight, keel longer than the wings. 510 Cercis. Cor. papilionaceous: the wings banner-form. Netlary with glands ftyle-form, under the germ. 511 Bauhinia. Cor. expanding, claw'd, afcending. Petals lanced. 512 Hymenjea. Cor. fubequal. Legume woody with a mealy pulp. 515 Poinciana. Cor. the higheft petal larger. Legume com- prefs'd. R r 1398 Myrox~ 3H- T E 1398 Myroxylon. 513 Parkinsonia. 516 CiESALFINIA. 524 ToU'-fERA. 514 Cassia. 517 Guilandia. 522 DlCTAMNUS. N M S. Cal bell'd. Superiour Petal greater than the reft. Legume one-feeded. 5. Cor. loweft petal kidney-form. Legume co- lumnar twifted. Cor. loweft petal more beautiful. Legume rhombic. Seed rhombic. Cor. loweft petal larger. Cal. bell'd. Cor. unequal. Anthers beak'd. Legume inter- cepted with ifthmufes. Cor. fubequal fitting on the calyx. Legume rhombic. Seeds bony. Cor. expanded. Filaments dufty. Cap/. 5> connected. Seeds aril'd. 519 Cynometra. 126c Pkosopis. 526 AdENANTHERA. • HjEMATOXYLON 528 Trichilia. 1 •;- 6 Turrjea. 527 Melia. 3-i SwiETiNIA. 5: Guajacum. 523 RUTA. 532 Tribulus. 53* Faconia. 53° Zygophyllum. * * Flowers many-petard equal. Cal. 4-parted : the oppofite divifions larger. Legume i-feeded, flefliy. Cal. hemifpheric. Legume many-feeded. A Gland fitting on the Anthers. Legume com- prefs'd membranous. , Stigma of the Pijlil end-nick'd. Silique with valves boated. Nettary tubular, 5-toothM. Cap/. 3-ceird, 3-valved. Seeds berried. Neelary tubular, !o-tooth'd. CapJ. 5 -grain'd. Seeds twofold. Neoiary tubular, ic-tooth'd. Drupe with nucleus 5-cell'd. Nedlvy tubular, 10-tooth'd. Capf. woody, 5-valved. Seeds imbricated with a membranous margine. Cal. two exteriour divifions lefs. Capf. flefhy, 3_or-5-cell'd, angled. Germ with 10 honey-bearing points. Capf. 5-cleft, 5-cell'dj> many-feeded. Style of the Pijlil none. Capf. 5 , connected, many-feeded. Cor. claws inferted on the calyx. Capf. 5- cell'd, 10-valved, i-feeded. Scales of the Neclary ic, at the bafeof the ftamens, Capf. 5-cell'd many-feeded 529 Qua- If E 529 Quassia. A N R I A. 3*S< 533 Thryallis. 534 Limonia. 535 Heisteria. 339 Quisqualis. 553 Clethra. 554 Pyrola. 546 Ledum. 1307 Dionjea: 1341 Murraya. 1261 Chalcas. Cap/. 5, two-vidved, i-feeded, inferted on the flefhy receptacle. Cor. 5-petal'd. Caff. three-grain'd. Cor. 5-petal'd. Berry 3-feeded. Cor. 5-petal'd. Drupe fitting on the colour'd enlarged calyx. Car. 5-petal'd, fitting on the thread-form calyx. Drupe dry. 536 Monotropa. Cal. corolline, gibbous at the bafe. Cap/. 5-celPd many-feeded. Stigmas of the Pijiil three. Cap/. 3-cellM, many-feeded. Anthers tv.'O-horn'd upwards. Cap/. 5-cell'd, many-feeded. Cor. flat, 5-parted. Cap/. 5-cell'd, many- fceded. Cal. 5-leaved. Stigma fringed. Capf. i-cell'd. Seed at the bafe of the capfule. Berry i-feeded. Cor. 5-petal'd. Neclary furrounding the germ with a margin. Berry 2-feeded. Cor. bell'd. 544 Melastoma. Cor. fitting on the calyx. Anthers refracted. Berry 5-cel!'d, cloath'd with the calyx, 538 Jussieua. Cor. 4-or-5-petal'd. Cap/, beneath. * RJjexia Aci/anthera. Geraniums. Conocarpus racemed. Lythrum Jhrubby. Jacqui?iia racemed. * * * Flowers one-petal' d equal. 1285 Codon. Cor. bell'd, 10-cleft. Cal. 10-parted. Cap/. many-feeded. 549 Andromeda. Cor. bell'd, round. Cap/. 5-cell'd. 548 Rhododendron. Cor. funnel-form. Stamens declining. Cap/, 5-cell'd. I391 Inocarpus. Cor, funnel-form. Cal. 2-cleft. Drupe one- feeded. S. C4.c Kalmia. Cor. border 5-hornM underneath, Cap/. 5- 3 J cell'd. R ra 520 EPICJEA, 3*6. TEN MALES. 550 Epigjea. Cal. cxteriour 3-leaved ; interiour 5-leavcd. Cap/. 5-cell'd. 551 Gualteria. Cal. exteriour 2-leaved : interiour 5 -cleft. Cap/. 5-cell'd, calyx berried. 552 Arbutus. Cor. egg'd, diaphanous at the bafe. Berry 5-cell'd. 595 Styrax. Cor. funnel-form. Drupe two-feeded. 520 Anacardium. Cor. with divifions reflected. Drupe with nucleus above, naked. * Some Vaccin'wms. * * * Flowers petalle/s or incomplete. 540 Dais. Cor. one-petal'd. Involucre 4-leaved, many- flower'd. 543 Samyda. Cal. 5-parted. NeSlary io-cleft, furrounding the germ. Cap/, berried, 3-celi d. 541 Bucida. Cal. 5-parted. Berry i-feeded. 542 COPAIFERA. Cal. 0. Cor. 4-petal'd. * Stellera Chamaja/ne. Conocarpus racemcd. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) 562 Scllranthus. Cor. none. Cal. 5-cIeft, above. Seeds 1. 537 Trianthema. Cor. none. Cap/, circumcifed. 558 Chrysospleni- Cor. none. Cal. above. Cap/. 2-cell'd. 2- UM. beak'd. 555 Royena. Cor. i-petal'd. Cal. bellied. Cap/ 4-feed- ed, 4-valved. 557 Hydrangea. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-cleft, above. Cap/. 2-cell'd, 2 -beak'd, circumcifed. 559 Saxifraga. Cor. 5-petal'd.- Cal. 5-parted. Cap/, i-cell'd, 2-beak'd. 560 Tia- D E CAN D R I A. 317,, 560 Tiarella. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. corol-bearing. Cap/. two-halved : one larger. 561 Mitella. Cor. 5-petai'd. Cal. corol-bearing. Cap/. two-valved. Petals comb'd. 556 Cunonia. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved. Cap/. 2- cell'd, acute. 563 Gypsophila. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-parted, bell'd. Cap/. I-cell'd, globular. 564 Saponaria. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. tubular naked at the Safe. Cap/, i-cell'd, oblong. 565 Dianthus. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. tubular, fcaly at the bafe, Cap/, i-cell'd, oblong. * Trianthema ten-male. THREE FEMALES. (Trigynia. J 569 Arenaria, Cap/, i-cell'd. Petals intire, expanding. 568 Stellaria. Cap/, i-cell'd. Petals 2-parted, expanding. 566 Cucubalus. Cap/. 3-ceUM. Petals 2-cleft with throat naked. 567 Silene. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Petals 2-clcft with throat crown'd. 570 Cherleria. Capf. 3-cell'd. Netlaries petal-like lefs than the calyx. 571 Garidelia. Cap/ diitincL Petals calycinc. Ncfiaries 5, two-lip'd. 575 Erythroxylon. Drupe i-feeded. Petals furnifhed with a fcale at the bafe. 572 Malpighia. Berry 3-feeded. Petals 5» claw'd. Cal. glandular. 573 Banisteria, Seeds 3, one-wing'd. Petals 5, claw'd. Cal. glandular. 569 HiRiEA. CaPf' 3-wing'd, 3-cell'd, 2-feeded. Petals 5, claw'd. Cal. moft minute. I308 Triopteris. Seeds 3, two-wing'd. Petals none but the wings of the feeds. * Tamarix ger?nan- FOUR 3l8. TEN MALES. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragynia.J * Lychnis alpine. EIVE FEMALES. fPentagyma.J 578 Cotyledon. Cap/. 5 at the Ne&aries. Car. i-petal'd. 579 Sedum, Capf. 5 at the Ne&aries. Car. g-pe&l'd. 580 Penthorum. Capf. 5-lobed. Cor. petals fewer. 1509 Bergia. Capf. 5-cell'd, 5-valvcd : the valves gaping horizontally. 586 Spergula. Capf. i-cell'd. Petals intire. Cal. 5-leavtd. 585 Cerastium. Capf I-cell'd. Petals 2-cleft. Cal. 5- leaved. 583 Agrostemma. Capf i-cell'd, oblong. Cal. tubiilar, lea- thery. 584 Lychnis. Capf 3-cell'd, oblong, Cal. tubular, n. branous. 582 Oxalis. Capf 5-ceU'd, angular. Cal. lubcohering at the bafe. 577 Spondias. Drupe with nucleus 5-celPd Cal. i-leaved, 576 Averrhoa. Pome 5-celi'd. Cal. 5 I X235 Grielum. Seeds 5, diftin£fc, awn!» 5-petal'd. Styles none. 581 Suriana. Seeds 5, ronndifh. Cor. 5-petaPd. t thread -form, lateral. 1262 Forskolea. Seeds 5, involved in wool. Cor. io-petal'd. * Adoxa. Geraniums. Corlar'ia. Drofera portugal. TEN FEMALES, (Decagynia.) 587 Neurada. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. 5-petal'd. Capf 10- grain'd. 588 Phytolacca. Cal. 5-leaved, corolline. Cor. none. Berry 10-grain'd. ONE BECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Sophora. 319. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) 508. SOPHORA. Cal. 5-tooth'd, gibbous up- wards. Cor. papilionaceous: with wings the length of* the Banner. Legume, alopecuroides.i. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous villous oblong, Hem herbaceous. alopecurus-like. tomentofa. 1. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous roundifh downy. downy. eccidentalis. 3. S. leaves feather'd: leaflets numerous roundifh. oc- cidental. capenfis. 9. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous lanced downy underneath, ftem fhrubby. cape, japonicaf 10. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets more numerous egg'd fmooth, ftem arborefcent. japan. tetraptera. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets numerous inverfe-egg'd end-nick'd, legumes four-corner'd : with angles membranous. S. four-wing" d, BM: heptaphylla. 4. S. leaves feather'd : leaflets feven-fold fmooth. /even- leaved, geni/lsides. 5. S. leaves three'd feflile : leaflets linear. Genijla-like. ;b.A£ aujlralis. 12. S. leaves three'd fubfeilile fmooth, ftipules fword-form. fouthern, 35 JM- tinclora. 6. S. leaves three'd fubfeilile : leaflets inverfe-egg'd -p -^. fmooth, ftipules minute. Dyers. alba. II. S. leaves three'd petioled : leaflets elliptic fmooth, ftipules rather awl'd fhort. white. -^^* - lupinoides. 7. S. leaves three'd petioled : leaflets oval hairy. Lu- pin-like. bi flora. 8 S. leaves fimple inverfe-egg'd rather-downy, pedun- cles two-flower'd. two-flower'* &. ;oo. ANA- 320. TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. AnagyHs. t 509. ANAGYRIS. Banner and wings fhorter than the keel in a papilionaceous corol. Legume. £6o»y fcandens. I. B. ftem tendril-bearing. climbing, aculeata. i. B. ftem prickly. prickly, divaricata. 3. B, leaves egg'd : lobes divaricated. divaricated, ungulata. 4. B. leaves egg'd : lobes parallel. clavSd. variegata. 5. B. leaves hearted lobes coadjoin'd obtufe. variegated, purpurea. 6. B. leaves rather hearted two-parted rounded downy f underneath. purple. tomentofa. 7. B. leaves hearted: lobes femi - orbicular downy. downy, acuminata. 8. B. leaves egg'd . lobes pointed half-egg'd. pointed. 512. HYMENS A: Cal 5-parted. Petals 5, fubequal. Style twitted. Legume re- plete with farinaceous pulp. Locujl- Tree. Courlaril 1, Hymen .«a. 513. PAR- decandria. MONOGYNiA. Parkinfonia. 321. 513. PAPvKINSONIA. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5, egg'd : the loweft kidney-form. Style none. Legume necklace-form. prickly. aculeeia. i. Parkinsonia. 514. CASSIA. Cal. 5 -leaved. Petals 5. An- thers, 3 higheft barren; 3 lowefl beak'd. Legume, jtt/o* *^e n r,0t— ■ diphylla. i . Jbfus. 1. bacc'illarii. viminea. 3. Tagera. 4. Tora. 5. bicapfularis. 6. emarglnata. 7, C obtujifolia, 8 . fokata. 1 0 . longifdiqua . occidentals. 1 1 . plan ifd'i qua. 13. * Senna. Qi leaves pair'd, ftipules heart-lanced. two-leaved. C. leaves twice-pair'd inverfe-egg'd : with two awl'd glands between the loweft. C. leaves twice-pair'd egg'd oblique with an obtufe gland between the loweft, racemes axillary pe- duncled, filique columnar long. S. ftajf' C. leaves twice-pair'd egg-oblong pointed : with an oblong gland between the loweft, thorns iubpe- tioled obfeure three-tooth'd twiggy* C. leaves thrice-pair'd : gland petioled, ftipules fringed hearted pointed. C. leaves thrice-pairM inverfe-egg'd : exteriour ones larger : with an awl'd gland between the in- feriour. C. leaves thrice-pair'd inverfe-egg'd fmooth : the interiour rounder lefs : with an interpofed glo- bular gland. two-capjulcd. leaves thrice-pair'd egg'd rounded end-nick'd equal. end-nick'd. leaves thrice pair'd egg'd obtufifh. obtufc-leaved. leaves four -pair'd egg -lanced backw.trd-iickled . with a gland at the bale of the petioles. Jickled. C. leaves four-pair'd : outmoft leaflets lanced, with an awl'd gland beneath the loweft and between the outmoft. S. long-jiliqued. C. leaves five pair'd egg-lanced rugged on the margin: the exteriour ones larger, with a gland at the bafe of the petioles. occidental. C. loaves five-pair'd egg-lanced fmooth : with a gland ;it the bafe of the petioles. flat-pdiqutd. S s 14. C. c. c. Fijlula. atomaria. pilofa. Senna. J',.M . biflora. hlrfuta. ■ fata. TEN MALS. ONE FEMALE. Cafiia. 14. 3*- 12. 9- IS- 16. lomehtofa. Jerpens. 17. HJSi- ligujlrina. 18. a lata. 19. marilan- 20. tenuijjima. 21. Sophera; 22. bracleata. auricUlata..2'$. javanica. 24. vrandis. C. leaves five-pair'd egg'd pointed fmooth, petioles glandlefs. »^Mf«r^.* -G**fao^~. pipei C. leaves five-pair'd egg^a rather downy, petioles co- lumnar glandlefs. • #/?>«. ' C. leaves five-pair'd glandlefs, ftipules half-hearted pointed, ftem upright hairy. hairy. C. leaves lix-pair'd rather-egg'd, petioles glandlefs. fenna. leaves fix-pair'd oblongifh fmooth : the inferior lefs, gland awl'd between the loweft, pedicels two- ■ flower'd. two- flower* d. C. leaves fix-pair'd egg'd pointed woolly. Jhaggy. d leaves fix-pair'd broadly egg'd pointed woolly. S. ft>a£gy* C. leaves fix-or-eight-pair'd, leaflets linear obliquely rounded at the bafe fhaggy above, panicles ax- illary, legumes villous. S. downy* C. leaves feven-pair'd, flowers five-male, ftem thread- form proftrate herbaceous. creeping. C. leaves feven-pair'd lanced, the outmoft lefs, a gland at the bafe of the petioles. privet. C. leaves eight-pair'd oval-oblong : the exteriour ones lefs, petioles glandlefs, ftipules expanded, wing'd. C. leaves eight-pair'd egg-oblong equal, a gland at the bafe of the petioles. maryland. C. leaves nine-pair'd oblong, with an awl'd gland between the loWeft. moji-jlender . C. leaves ten-pair'd lanced, the gland at the bafe oblong. C. leaves ten-pair'd oblong obtufe glandlefs, racemes elongated, bracles egg'd tumid imbricated, legume quadrangular comprefs'd, 5, br ailed. C. leaves twelve-pair'd obt-ufe dagger'd, glands awl'd numerous, ftipules kidney-form bearded, card. C. leaves twelve-pair'd oblong obtufe fmooth, gland none. java. C. leaves twenty-pair'd, fomewhat velvety glandlefs. S. great. * * Chamaecriftae with leaflets numerous R.M.. Cbama*- 25. C. leaves many-pair'd, the petiole gland pedicel'd, crifta. ftipules lword-form. glandulofa. 26. C. leaves many-pair'd many-glanded, ftipules awl'd. J glandular. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Caffia. ' 323. mimofoides. 27. C. leaves many-pair'd linear, gland at thebafeofthe petioles obfcure, ftipules briftly. mhnofa-like. jlexuofa. 28. C. leaves many-pair'd, ftipules half-hearted, winding, niclitans. 25. C. leaves many-pair'd, flowers five-male, item eredl- ifh. tivinklmg. procumbent. 30. C. leaves many-pair'd glandlefs, ftem procumbent. procumbent. / 515. POINCIANA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5: the highefl larger. Stamens long : all fruitful. Legume. J<>o,,-i>c,J0Lj t/%w3i-A*c$- bijuga. 2. P. prickles folitary, leaflets end-nick'd. twice-pair'd. pulcherrima* 3. P. prickles double, mojl^beautiful. J3 -^*- elata. A. P. ftem unarm'd. lofty. 516. CAESALPINIA. Cal. 5-cleft: the loweft diviiion larger. Petals 5 : the loweft more beautiful. Legume, veficaria. 3. C. ftem prickly, leaflets inverfe-hearted roundifh. bladdery. Sappan. 4. C. ftem prickly, leaflets oblong unequal-fided end-, nick'd. Crijla. 2. C. ftem arborefcent, leaflets egg'd intire, flowers five-mak. 517. GUILANDINA. Cal. i -leaved, falver-form. Petals inferted on the neck of the calyx, fubequal. Legume. fUc*»* $?j&. Bonduc. 1. G. prickly, feathers egg'd, leaflets with folitary prickles. Bonduccella. 2- G. prickly, feathers oblong-egg'd, leaflets with double prickles. Nuga. 3. G. ftem unarm'd, leaves on the primary petiole with double prickles underneath. Moringa. 2. C. unarm'd, leaves moftly twice-feather'd : the in- feriour leaflets three'd. ' disica. 4. G. unarm'd, leaves twice-feather'd : on the bafe and top fimply feather'd. tivo-houfe. S s z 518. GUA- 324« TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. GliajaCUm. 518. GUAJACUM. Cal. 5-cieft, unequal. Pe- tals 5, inferted on the calyx. Cap/. angled, 3-or-5-cell'd. officinale, fa nil urn. afrum. 5*9- 1. G. leaflets two-pair'd obtufe. 2. G. leaflets manv-pair'd obtufe. 3. G. leaflets many-pair'd acute. officinal. holy. african. CYNOMETRA. Cal. 4-leaved : Anthers two-cleft at top. Legume flefhy moon'd. i-feedtd. cauli flora. I. C. trunk flower-bearing. ramiflora. 2. C. branches flower-bearing. flem-floxverd. branch-fioiverd. 1285. CODON. Cor. bell'd, ten-cleft. Cal. 10- parted. Cap/, many-ieeded. Royeni. 1. Codon. of Royen. 522. DICTAMNUS. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, ex- panded. Filaments fprinkled with glandular points. Cap/. 5, conjoin'd. Fraxinella. capenfts. alius. 523' D. leaves Ample ftem branchy. S D. leaves feather 'd, ftem Ample. S. cape, white. RUT A. Cal. 5-parted, Petals concave. Receptacle girt with ten honey-bear- ing points. Cap/, lobed. Rue. rnmam I Aut.gr aveolens. I. R. leaves decompounded, flowers lateral four-cleft. flrong-fcented. 4. R. leaves fuperdecompounded, petals fringed. 2. R. leaves tnree'd fcffile. Patavium. 3. R. leaves lanced undivided. flax-leaved. R. leaves feather'd three-pair'd : leaflets lanced : the odd-one faw'd, petals flat rather notchletted. S. feather'd. 524 TOLU- chalepenfis. patavina. linifolia. pinnata. DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Toluifera. 325. 524. TOLUIFERA. Cal. 5-tooth'd, bell'd. Pe- tals 5, the loweft the largefl inverfe- hearted. Style none. jM*/V/»*w d/xM* -&fas~. Balfamum. i. Toluifera. balfam. 525. H^EM^TOXYLUM. Cal. 5-parted. Pe- tals 5. Cap/, lanced, i-cell'd, 2- valved : valves boated. Logwood. Campechianum. I. Hjematoxylum. Campechy. 1260. PROSOPIS. Cal. hemispheric, 4-tooth'd. Stigma fimple. Legume inflated, many- feeded. fpicigera. I. Prosopis. fpike-bearing. 1261. CHALCAS. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. b el I'd : petals ciavv'd. Stigma head-warted. paniculata, I. Chalcas. panicled. 1 341. MURRAYA. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. bell'd with Nectary furrounding the germ. Berry one-feeded. exotica. Murray a. exotic. 526. ADENANTHERA. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Pe- tals 5. Globular Glands affixed to the Anthers on the exteriour top. Le- gume membranous. Bajiard Flower- fence. pavonina. i. A. leaves fmooth on both fides. peacock. falcata. 2. A. leaves downy underneath. fichled% 528. TRI- 326. TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Trichilfa. 528. TRICHILIA. Cal. moftly 5-tooth'd. Petals 5. Neflary cylindric, bearing the An- thers in its mouth. Cap/. 3-cell'd, 3-valved. Seeds berried. hirta- 1. T. leaves feather'd (haggyifh. fiaSSY' glabra. 2. T. leaves feather'd fmooth, the outmofl leaflets larger» fmoothi trlfolia. 3. T. leaves three'd. three-leaved. 1306. TURRiEA. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Petals 5, Nee tary cylindric bearing the Anthers in its mouth: Cap/. 5-grain'd. Seeds twofold. wens. TuRRiEA. green. 521. SWIETENIA. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Nectary cylindric bearing the Anthers in its mouth. Cap/. 5-celFd, woody gaping at the bafe. Seeds imbrica^.., wing'd . Mahogany -Tree. Mahagoni. Swietenia. Mahagoni. •527. MELIA. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Petals 5. Nec- tary cylindric, bearing the Anthers of the corol in its mouth. Drupe with nucleus five-cell'd. Bread-Tree. 3.M-. Jzedaracb. i. M. leaves twice feather'ci» Jzadirachta. 2. M. leaves feather'd. 530. ZYGO * DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. ZygOphyllum 327. 530. ZYGOPHYLLUM. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Neclary 10-leaved, covering the, germ. Cap/. 5-cell'd. Bean-Caper. /implex. 9. Z. leaves fimple feflile cylindric. fimple. Fabago. 1. Z. leaves pair'd petioled : leaflets inverfe-egg'd, ftem herbaceous. coccineum. 2. Z. leaves pair'd petioled : leaflets cylindric flefhy polifh'd. fear let. album. 3. Z. leaves pair'd petioled : leaflets club'd flefhy fpider- like<-hoary. ' zvhite. Morgfana. 4. Z. leaves pair'd fuhpetioled : leaflets inverfe-egg'd, item fhrubby. fejjilifolium. 5. Z. leaves pair'd feffile : leaflets lance-egg'd rugged on the margin, ftem fhrubby. /ejfile-kaved. jpinofum. 6. Z. leaves pair'd feflile : leaflets linear flefhy flat above, ftem fhrubby. thorny, afluans. 7. Z. leaves pair'd feflile, leaflets inverfe-egg'd retufe. burning, arboreinn. 8. Z. leaves feather'd, ftem arborefcent. arborefcent. cordifolium. Z. leaves fimple oppofite heart-orbicular. S. heart-, leaved, microphylhnn. Z. leaflets oval minute, capfules end-nick'd. S. fmall-leaved. I29. QUASSIA, Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Nee- tary 5-leaved. Pericarps 5, diftant, i-ieeded. Shnaruba. Q. flowers one-howfe, leaves abruptly feather'd : alter- nate leaflets fubpetioled, petiole naked, flowers panicled. S. Qmara, Q. flowers hermaphrodite, leaves odd-feather'd : leaf- lets oppohte feflile, petiole jointed wing'd» flowers racemed. S bitter. -B--^* 531. FAGO- 328. TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Fagonia. 531. FAGONIA. CaL 5-leaved. Petals 5, hearted* Cap/. 5-cell'd, 10-valved: cells one- fee ded. B.JV1. cretlca. I. F. thorny, leaflets hnced fiat polifh'd. cretan. hifpanica. 2. F. unarm'd. fpanijh. arablca. 3. F. thorny., leaflets linear convex. arabian. 532. TRIBULUS. CaL 5-parted. Petals 5, ex- panding. Style none. Cap/. 5, gib- bous, thorny, many-feeded. Caltrops* maximus. I. T. leaves moftly four-pair'd : the exteriour ones lar- ger, pericarps ten-feeded awnlefs. largejl. lanuglnofus. 1. T. leaves moftly five-pair'd fubequal, feeds two- horn'd. cottony terrejlris. 3. T. leaves moftly fix-pair'd fubequal, feeds four-horn'd. terreftrial. Cifloides. 4. T. leaves eight-pair'd fubequal. Cijlus-like. 533. THRYALLIS. CaL 5-parted. Petals 5. Caff- 3-grain'd- brafillenfis. I. Thryallis. Brazile. 534. LIMONIA. CaL 5-parted. Petals 5. Berry 3 -eel I'd. Seeds folitary. monophylla. L. leaves fimple, thorns folitary. one-leaved, trifoliata. L. leaves three'd, thorns double. three-leaved, acidijfima. 1. L. leaves feather'd, thorns folitary. moji acid. 536. MONOTROPA. CaL o. Petals 10: the five exteriour of thefe hollow-honey- bearing at the bafe. Cap/. 5-valved. J oit.n. 232 . Hypopithys. I. M. lateral flowers eight-male: terminal one ten-male. unifora. 2. M. ftem one-flower d, flower ten-male, one-flower* 'd. J307. DIOR&A £>£candria. MONOGYNiA. Dionaa. 329. 1307. DIONjEA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Cap/, i-cell'd, gibbous, many-feeded. Mufclpula. Dionjea. Flytrap, Ji.M. 538. IUSSIEUA. Cal. 4-or-5-parted, above. Petals 4 or 5. Cap/. 4-or-^-ceWd, oblong, gaping with angles. Seeds nu- merous, minute. repens. I. I. creeping, flowers five-petal'd ten-male, leaves egg- oblong, creeping. tenella. I. fmooth, flowers five-petal'd fubfeflile, leaves oppo- fite line-lanced. tender. peruviana* 2. I. ereft, flowers five-petal'd, peduncles leafy, peruvian, fuffruticofa* 3. I. ereft villous, flowers four-petaPd eight-male pedun- cled. Jhrubbyijh. ereda. 4. I. erecl fmooth, flowers four-petal'd eight-male feflile. ereR. Inclinata. I. erect fmooth, flowers four-petal'd eight-male pe- duncled. S. inclined. 535. HEISTERIA. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Drupe with a mod large colour'd calyx. comma. I. Heistekia. fcarlet* 539. QUISQUALIS. Cal. 5-cleft, thread-form. Petals 5. Drupe 5-angled. B.Af. indica. j. Quisqualis. vidian. 540. DAIS. Involucre 4-leaved. Cor. 4-or- 5-cleft. Perry i-feeded. cotinifclia. i. D. flowers five-cleft ten-male. cotinus-kaVed. 3.M.. c^andria. 2. D. flowers four-cleft eight-male. eight-male. T t 544 ME- 330- TEN MALES. ONE FEMALE. Melaftoma, 544. MELASTOMA. Cal. 5-cleft, bell'd. Pe- tals 5, inferted on the calyx. Berry 5-ceU'd, involved in the calyx. ,jhioc>1< ■TrttTu/h ■ I. M. leaves toothletted moftly three-nerved egg'd acute. Acinoden- drOll. G sjfttleri 2. M. leaves toothletted triple-nerved egg'd pointed. oidts. Goofeberry-like. fcabrofa, 3. M. leaves toothletted fine-nerved hearted rugged, downy underneath, branches down-villous. rugged. JB M. - hirta. 5. M. leaves toothletted five-nerved egg-lanced, ftem hiipid. foaggy. afpera. 10. M. leaves moft intire three-nerved lanced rugged. rough, bolofericea. 6. M. leaves* moft intire three-nerved oblong-egg'd, downy underneath, racemes crofs-arm'd, fpikes two-parted. velvet, fefiilifolia. 4. M. leaves moft intire tripple-nerved fpatuled feflile downy underneath. fejjile-leaved. jB.M Malabath- 7. M, leaves moft intire five-nerved lance-egg'd rugged. rlca. laevigata. 8. M. leaves moft intire five-nerved egg-oblong fome- what polifh'd pointed polifh'd on the margin. polijtfd. difcolor, 9. M. leaves moft intire five-nerved oblong-egg'd fmooth polifti'd on the margin. difcolour'd. ofiandra, II. M. leaves moft intire three-nerved egg'd fmooth hif- pid on the margin. eight-male, crifpata. 12. M, leaves moft intire five-nerved four- fold, branches curl'd. curl'd. fragilis. M. leaves five-nerved netted, racemes with flowers one-rank'd feflile. S. fragile, groffa. M. leaves moft intire five-nerved rather hearted rug- ged. S. grofs. Jlrigoja. M. leaves moft intire three-nerved lance-briftled egg'd, flowers folitary. S. lance-brijlled. 545. KAL- DECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Kalmia. 331. 545. KALMIA, Cal. 5-parted. Cor. falver- form : border c-horn'd underneath. Caff. C-Cell'd. Sl'm^rf £f?nn„.jpQl\um4eaveil^ Bryantha. A. flowers corymbed, leaves elliptic, ftem proftrate! X £ . Daboccia. 10. A. racemes one-rank'd, flowers four-cleft e»g'd, leaves alternate lanced revolute. drcferaides. A. racemes one-rank'd, leaves linear hairy vifcid. . . Drofera-like. pamculata. 6. A. racemes one-rank'd naked panicled, corols ™-. arborec. 8. A. racemes one-rank'd naked, corols round-egg'd. Y-,_/t/ , , arbor e [cent. _Z?-7\1, calyculata.,^. A. racemes one-rank'd leafy, corols fubcylindric, '"' '' * * 'v" '' ctr yr'i*t leaves alternate lanced obtufe dotted. calycled. enajiomofans. A. leaves egg'd rather faw'd dotted underneath with anaftomofes. S. anajiomofed. rupejins. A. leaves oblong alternate fawletted. S. rock. cerea. A. peduncles axillary folitary two-leaved one-fiower'dj leaves alternate egg'd faw'd. waxen. ' > 55°' EPIG^EA. Exteriour Calyx 3 -leaved : interi- our one 5-parted. Cor. falver-form. Cap/. 5-cell'd. &*,'£*>* Ofr/a/vs. repens. 1. Epigjea. creeping. 551. GAULTHERIA. Exteriour Calyx 2-leaved: 3yL interiour one 5-cleft. Cor. egg'd. NeBary, with 10 daggers. Cap/. 5- cell'd, cloath'd with the interiour ber- ried calyx. procumbens. 1. Gaultheria. procumbent. 552. ARBUTUS. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. egg'd : pellucid in the mouth at the bafe. Berry c-cell'd. v/s*u>otn*Y~Sid9 ,*Jvvaf~£&rrta> JZ.3. Untda* 1. A. ftem arborcfisent, leaves fmooth faw'd. berries many-feeded. A. A. DECANDRIA. MONOGVNIA. ArbutUS. 333. Andrachne, A. A. ftem arborefcent, leaves fmooth moft intire and -gjvt faw'd, berries many-feeded. acadienfts. 2. A. ftems procumbent, leaves egg'd rather faw'd, flowers fcatterM, berries many-feeded. acadian. 22.23. alpina. 3. A. ftems procumbent, leaves wrinkled faw'd. alpine, Jt\yj,,„. Uvaurji. 4. A. ftems procumbent, leaves moft intire. Bear's £73 a*r'-c! '"' ' 3- grape, ferruginea. A. arborefcent, leaves oblong obtufe fmooth moft; intire, racemes terminal. S. iron, laurifolia. Af arborefcent, leaves oblong pointed at both ends acutely faw'd fmooth, racemes axillary one- ranlc'd feifile folitary. S. lam us- leaved. JJnedo. A. ftem arborefcent, leaves fmooth obtufely faw'd, panicle terminal, berries many-feeded. S. mttcrqnata. A. ftem fhrt*bby, leaves alternate egg'd faw'd dagger'd, peduncles axiilary one-flower'd. S. dagger'd. pumila. A. ftem diffufe, leaves alternate two-rank'd oblong 553 % moft intire, flowers lateral folitary. $. dwarf. . CLSTHRA. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5. Stigma 3-cleft. Caff. 3-ceird, 3- valved, Mlnifolia. 1. Clethra. alnus-leaved. 554. PYROLA. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5. Cap/. 5-cell'd, gaping at the angles. ff&»/»-o/*sfn rotundifolia. 1. P. ftamens afcending, piftil declining, round-leaved, <*** 1 -cell'd, many-feeded. sJ/k* « /oun^a^ JZB altemifolium. l. C. leaves alternate. alternate-leaved. E3. erppofitifolium. 2. C. leaves oppofite. oppofite -leaved. 559. SAXIFRAGA. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cap/'. 2-beak'd, 1 -cell'd, many-feeded. Saxifrage. * With leaves undivided^ Jiem nakedijh. „ Cotyledon. 1. S. leaves radicated aggregate tongued griftle-faw'd, ' ' ftem panicled. Oeoi.'ofa/h 441. "B.R. mutata. 2. S. leaves radical aggregate tongued griftle-faw'd, ftem racemed-4ea£y. changeable, penfylvanica. 3. S. leaves lanced toothletted, ftem naked panicledj flowers fomewhat headed. ptnfyhanian, androfacea. 4. S. leaves lanced obtufe hairy, ftem naked two- flower'd. androface. cafia. 5. S. leaves linear perforate-dotted aggregate recurved, ftem many-flower'd. grey. burferiana. 6. S. leaves aggregate imbricated three-fided awl'd po- lifh'd, ftem nakedifh one-flovver'd. hurjerian. fedoides. 7. S. leaves aggregate alternate and oppofite fublanced, flower peduncled. fedum-like. bryoides. 8. S. leaves fringed inflected imbricated, ftem naked ifh many-flower 'd . bryum-like. bronchialis. 9. S. leaves imbricated awl'd fringed thorny, ftem na- kedifh many-flower'd. bronchial. TL3 Jlcllarh 10. S. leaves faw'd, ftem naked branchy, petals pointed. H.M-.craJJifolia. II. S. leaves oval retufe obfcurely faw'd petioled, ftem naked, panicles conglomerated. thick-leaved. E.B. nivalis. 12. S. leaves inverfe-egg'd notch'd fubfeflile, ftem naked, flowers collected. O^.ctct»»- *V. fnouiy. puntlata. 13. S. leaves roundifh tooth'd longly petioled, ftem naked. dotted. £J3. umbrofa. 14. S. leaves inverfe-egg'd fubretufe griftle-notch'd, ftem naked panicled. Jbady. :6. S. DECANDRIA. DIGYNIA. Saxifraga. 337. birfuta. 16. S. leaves heart-oval retufe-griftle notch'd, ftem naked panicled. ft>aggy- cuneifolia. 15. S. leaves wedge-form moft obtufe fcollop'd, ftem naked panicled. wedge-leaved. Genm. 17. S. leaves kidney-form tooth'd, ftem naked panicled. averns. farmentofa. S. leaves radical roundifh hearted notch'd, farments axillary rooting, corol irregular, race^ne com- pound. S. farmentous. oppofitifolia. 18. afpera. 19. Hir cuius. 28. aizoides. 22 • autwnnalis. 20. rotundifolia.2%. gramdata. 20. bidbifera. 25. cernua. 26. rivularis. 28. geranmdes. 30. ajugifolia. 31. S fibirica. 27. tridaclylites.^i. * * JVith leaves undivided r, Jletn leafy. S. ftem-leaves egg'd oppofite imbricated : the higheft fringed. Oent.etovh-. 34.. oppofite-leaved. S. ftem-leaves lanced alternate fringed, items pro- cumbent, rough. S. ftem-leaves lanced alternate naked unarm'd, ftem erecl:. Otd-fftot**- q.*\o. S. ftem-leaves linear-awl'd fcatter'd naked unarm'd, ftems decumbent. , $4: Vafcaria. 3. S. calyxes pyramidal five-angled, leaves egg'd pointed _, feflile. -~>' cretica. 2. S. calyxes five-angled ftriated, ftem erect moftly two- fork'd, leaves awl'd. cretan. porrigens. S. calyxes cylindric pubefcent, branches moft divari- cated, fruit pendulous. extending. illyrica. 7. S. calyxes fuocylindric, ftem erecT: vifcid-purpling : branches alternate, corols dotted. Illyria. U u 2» 3. s B.M.. barbatus. I. D. carthufano- 2. D. rum. 340. ten males, two females. Saponaria. B.yi. Ocymoides. 3. S. calyxes cylindric villous, ftems two-fork'd pro- cumbent. Ocy mum-like, erientalis. 5. S. calyxes cylindric villous, ftem. two-fork'd erect expanded. . oriental, lutea. 6. S. calyxes columnar, corols crown'd, flowers fubum- bel'd, leaves fublinear channeFd. yellow. * - * 565. DIANTHUS. Cal. cylindric, 1 -leaved: with four fcales at the bafe. Petals 5, claw'd. Cap/, cylindric, i-cpH'cL Pink. * Flowers aggregate. flowers aggregate fafcicled, calyx-fcales egg-awl'd equalling the tube, leaves lanced. bearded. flowers fubaggregate, calyx-fcales egg'd awn'd fubeqwalling the tube, leaves three-nerved, of the carthufians. £). flowers aggregate, petals two-cleft : divifions three-tooth'd. iron. 3. D. flowers aggregate fafcicled, calyx-fcales lanced villous equalling the tube.<> -k/t tufe, petals many-cleft, leaves linear. Jand. alpimis. 14.. D. ftem one-flower'd, corols notch'd, the exteriouj __£ y^ calyx-fcales equalling the tube, leaves linear obtufe. alpine. •virgineus, 15. D. ftem moftly one-flower'd, corols notch'd, calyx- £.£. fcales moft fhort, leaves awl'd, virgin. -0-M. • * * * * Shrub-growing. arboreus. 16. D. ftem fhrubby, leaves awl'd, petals faw'd. arbo- refcent. fruticofus. 17. D. ftem fhrubby, leaves lanced. Jhrubby. pungens. D. ftem fhrubbyifh, leaves linear-awl'd, petals intire. pungent. THREE FEMALES. ( T^rlgynia. j 566. CUCUBALUS. Cal. inflated. Petals 5, claw'd, without a crown at the Throat. Capf. 3 -eel I'd. Campion. <% try- oo& A r>y M, ?/<*><>< // baccifera. I. C. calyxes b^ll'd, petals diftant, pericarps colour'd, ~%J£>. branches divaricated. berry-bearing. Behen. 2. C. calyxes fubglobular fmooth net-vein'd, capfules £.£. three-cell'd, corols nakedifh. £.B(/^ fabarius. 3. C. leaves inverfe-egg'd flefhy. bean. vifcofus. 4. C. flowers lateral every way decumbent, ftem undi- vided, leaves reflected at the bafe. vifcous. ftellatus. 5. C. leaves fourfold. Jiar'd. 3.~ML. isgyptiacus. 7. C. flowers erect, petals end-nick'd retroflected : mark'd on both fides with a toothlet. agyptifw. 9. c. ■ - it alien:. 9- C tataricus. 8. c fibiricus. 7« c catholicus. 10. c MoIliJJimjts . ii. c E.B. Otites. 12. c rejlexns. J3- c faxifragus. 14. c pumileo. 15- c 342. TEN MALES. THREE FEMALES. C'UCubaluS. petals half-two-cleft, calyxes club'd, panicle two- fork'd ere£t, fructification declining, ftemereCr.. it all an: petals two-parted, flowers one-rank'd decumbent, peduncles oppofite folitary erect, flem moll fimple. ta) tartar, petals end-nick'd, flowers fubverticil'd : verticils umbel'd leaflefs. Jiberian. petals two-parted, flowers panicled, ftamen< long. leaves lance-egg'd. catholic. petals half-two-cleft, panicle two-fork'd, flem and leaves velvety: radical leaves fpatuled. mojl-foft. flowers two-houfe, petals linear undivided, flowers fpiked alternate one-rank'd fubfeffile, petals nearly two-parted obfeure. Occt. ttatl. giB. teflecled. petals two-cleft, calyxes ftriated : terminal ones fubfeffile : lateral ones peduncled. Jaxifrage. ftem one-flower'd fhorter than the flower, dwarf. 567. SILENE. Cal. bdlied. Petals 5, claw'd : crown'd at the throat. Cap/. 3-cell'd. Catch -fly. * With Flowers folitary lateral. 1. S. fliaggy, petals end-nick'd, flowers erect, fruit reflected peduncled alternate. englifl). 1. S. fhaggy, petals tooth'd undivided, flowers erect, fruit divaricate-refledfed alternate. portugal. E.B. qninquevul- 3. S. petals mod intire roundifh, fruit ere£t alternate. nera. five-zuoutids. noclurna. 4. S. flowers fpiked alternate one-rank'd feffile, petals two-cleft. noclurnal. 5. S. flowers fubfpiked alternate one-rank'd, petals un- divided, fruit erecl. french. 6. S. fhaggy, petals end-nick'd, fructifications erect, calyxes fubfeffile rather hairy. Cerajlum-Uke. * * Flowers lateral croiuded. mutabUh. 7. S. petals two-cleft, calyxes angled peduncled, leaves lance-linear. mutable. ZB . «nglica. lufitarJc. gallica. o cerajtoides. 8. S DECANDRIA. TRIGYNIA. ilene 34; nutans. 8. S. petals two-cleft, flowers lateral one-rank'd bow- E ^ amcena. paradoxa. fruiicofa. bupleuroi- des. 35- 10. 14. gigantea. 13. era ltona. ■idi flora. idea. II. 12. ing, panicle nodding. fork'd. S. leaves lanced fawletted, petals five-parted, radiant. S. leaves lanced fawletted, petals two-cleft. S. leaves linear moft intire, flowers panicled. grafly- S. leaves oblong, peduncles moftly two-flower'd. Cera/lium-like. S. leaves awl'd, fcapes moftly two-flower'd, petals end- nick'd, geims oblong, calyxes ftriated. two- dot, dot-» . a., flower' d. leaves fpatuled, ftem ere£r two-cleft, branches al- ternate petals end-nick'd. /and. 8. S. 569 ARE- decandria. TRiGYNiA. Arenaria. 345- 569. ARENARIA. Cal. 5-leaved, expanding. Petals 5, intire. Capf. i-cell'd, many- feeded. Sandwort. peploides. I . tetraquetra. 2. bifora. lateriflora. 3. trinervia. 4. ciliata. 15. balearica. multicaulis. 5. ferpyUifolia. 6. triflora. ?nontana. 7 . rubra. 8. media. g. bavarica. 10. gypfophiloides. faxatilis. 1 1 . verna. . A. leaves egg'd acute flefliy. peplis-like. E.SB. A. leaves egg'd keel'd recurved four-ways imbricated. four-fided. A. leaves inverfe-egg'd obtufe, ftems procumbent, peduncles two-flower'd lateral. two-flower d. A. leaves egg'd obtufe, peduncle lateral two-flower'd. fide -flowering. A. leaves egg'd acute petioled nervy. three-nerved, forfwjz,^ A. leaves egg'd nervy fringed acute. JE.B- fringed. tW/ufc-.Si, A. leaves egg'd lucid rather flefhy, ftem creeping, peduncles one-flower'd. balearean. A. leaves egg'd nervelefs feflile acute : corols larger than the calyx. ?nany-frem'd. A. leaves rather egg'd acute feflile, corols fhorter than -g -t, the calyx. thyine-leaved. A. leaves lance-awl'd fringed, branches moftly three- flower'd, petals lined obtufe. three-jloxver d. A. leaves linear-lanced rugged, ftems barren moft ^ j$£ long procumbent. mountain. A. leaves thread-form, ftipules membranous ftieath- ing. red. E.J5. A. leaves linear-flefliy, ftipules membranous, ftems j£3 pubefcent. middle. A. leaves femicylindrie flefliy obtufe, petals lanced, terminal peduncles moftly two'd. bavaria?:. A. leaves linear : radical ones briftly, panicle fubpu- bufcent, petals lanced. gypfophila-like: A. leaves awl'd, ftems panicled, calyxes with leaflets egg'd obtufe. rock. A. leaves awl'd, ftems panicled, calyxes pointed ftri- i-r.JJ. a ted. vernal, hifpida. 16. A. leaves awl'd hifpid underneath. hifpid. juniperina. A. leaves awl'd thorny, ftems erect, calyxes ftriated, capfules oblong. juniper, tenuifolia. 12. A. leaves awl'd, ftem panicled, capfules erect, petals -£ -g fhorter than the calyx lanced. flender -leaved, laricifolia. 13. A. leaves briftly, ftem nakedifh above, calyxes rather fhaggyi larix-leavcd. X x 14. A. 34-6* TEN MALES. THREE FEMALES. Arenam. (Iriaia. 14. A. leaves linear erect apprefs'd, calyxes oblong ftriated, Jlriated. fafciculata. A. leaves awl'd, ftem erect upright, flowers fr.fcicled, petals moll fhort. fafcicled. grandifiora. 17 . A. leaves awl'd flat upright : radical leaves crowded, ftems one-flower'd. gr eat- flower' d. linijlora. A. leaves awld, ftems lhrubbyifh, flowers double. fuix-fioiverJ. linijlora. A. ftems erect, branchy below ftirubby, leaves awl'd, flowers double. S. fax-Jiowerd. 570. CHERLERIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Nectaries 5-two-cleft, petal-like. Anthers al- ternate barren. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3- valved, three- feeded. 2.73, Sedoides. I. Cherleria. Scdum-like. 3Jil 571. GARIDELLA: Cal. 5-leaved, petal-like. Nectaries 5, two-lip'd, two-cleft. Cap/. 3, connected, many-feeded. Nigellajium. i. G arid ell a. / ' 572. MALPIGHIA. Cal. 5-leaved with honey- bearing pores on the outfide the bale. Petals 5, roundifTi, claw'd. Berry 1 -cell'd, 3-feeded. *Aarfa 01*7 O rum ■ Mombin. 1. S. leaves with the common petiole comprefs'd. Myrobalanus.i. S. petioles columnar . leaflets glofTy pointed. ■ 578. COTYLEDON. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. i-petal'd. Five nectar-bearing Scales at the bafe of the germ. Cap/. 5. Navel Wort, S. M. . orbiculata. 1 . C. leaves orbicular flefhy fiat moil intire, ftem fhrubby. orbicular. fpuria. 2. C. leaves fpatule - lanced flefhy moft intire, ftem fhrubby. fpurious. hemifpharica.^. C. leaves femiglobular. hemifpheric. ferrata. 4. C. leaves oval notch'd, ftem fpiked. " favfd. 9. C. DECANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. Cotyledon. 349. Umbilicus. 9. C. leaves cowl-targetted faw-tooth'd alternate, Item g g i branchy, flowers eredt. navel. laciniata. 6. C. leaves jagg'd, flowers four-cleft. Jag£d* Lij ' anica. 7. C. leaves oblong rather columnar, flowers raicicled. fpanijh. Papillaris. C. leaves oppofite column-egg'd, flowers corymbed. S. papillary» mamillaris. C. leaves alternate column-egg'd, flowers alternate fubfeflile. S. mamillary. trijlora. C. leaves inverfe-egg'd intire, flowers fubpeduncled threefold. 8. three-flower d. Cacalioides. C. leaves columnar, flowers corymbed, Item fhrubby . S. Cacalia-like. reticulata. C. fhrubby, leaves columnar, flowers net-corymbed. S. netted. paniculata. C. fhrubby, leaves oblong -cgg'd feflile, panicle diva- ricated racemed. S. panided. 579. SEDUM. Cat. 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Five nactar-bearing Scales at the bafe^of the germ. Capfules 5. n //.?? resetted. u. S. 3jO- ten males, five females. Sedum. E.J3. rupejlre. n. S. leaves awl'd five-faced crowded at the bafe, flowers cymed. rock. hifpanicum. 12. S. leaves columnarifh acute : radical leaves fafcicled, cyme pubefcent. fpanifo. 31'£. album. 13. S. leaves oblong obtufe columnarilh feflile expanding, cyme branchy. Qjtf. j cm . Gi white. -*-••»•■ acre, 15. leaves fomewhat egg'd coadjoin-fefllle gibbous ereclifh alternate, cyme three-cleft. acrid* 5M>. fexangulare. 16 S. leaves rather egg'd adjoin-feflile gibbous ere&ifh im- bricated fix-ways. fix-angled, annuum. 17. S.- ftem erecl: folitary annual, leaves egg'd feihle gib- bous alternate, cyme recurved. annual. E. B . yilhfum. 18. S. ftem ereit., leaves flattifh and peduncles rather hairy. Oocl. ofoyn . £4. VlihuS. titration. iq. S. ftem erecl:, flowers corymbed level-top'd. black. .M. . ~ papuli folium. S. leaves petioled hearted tooth'd, flowers panicied. S. poplar -leaved. * Sedum blufoing j fee Craffula red. 580. PENTHORUM. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals none to five. Cap/. 5-piked, 5-ceird. Sedoides. 1. Penthorum. Sedum- like. 1309. BERG I A. Cal. 5- parted. Petals 5. Cap/. 1, globular, protuberant, 5-cell'd, 5- valved : valveicts petal - like. Seeds mofl numerous. glomeraia. B. leaves inverfe-egg'd notchletted, flowers glomera- ted . S. glomcrated. capenjis, B. leaves lanced or elliptic, flowers verticil'd. S. cape. 5Z1. SURIANA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Styles inferted on the interiour tide of the germs. Seeds 5, naked. 'lima* 1 Suriana. fa. 1235. GRI- DECANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. Grielum. 351. 1235. GRIELUM. Ceil. 5-cleft. * Petals 5. Fi- laments permanent. Pericarps 5, one- feedeci. tenuifolkm. 1. Grielum. Jlendcr -leaved. 582. OXALI3. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals conneded by the claws. Capf.^ gaping in the angles, 5-corner'd. 4icoc( K/cmj-( * V/lih fcape radical, monophylla. O. fcape one-flower 'd, leaves fimple. onc-kavtd. Acetofella. I. O. fcape one-fiower'd, leaves three'd inverie-hearted root teeth-like. purpurea.. 2. O. fcape one - flower'd, leaves three'd end-nick'd fringed. turPle- kngi flora. 3. O. fcaps one-flower'd, leaves three'd half-two-cleft ■: lobes lanced. long-jiciver 'd. flava. 4. O. fcape one-flower'd, leaves three'd two- parted. yellow. comprefja. O. fcapes one-flower'd, leaves three'd, leaflets inverfe- hearted, petioles flat-dilated. S comprefs'd. punclata. O. fcape one-flower'd, leaves three'd inverie-hearted dotted. S. "; i*H*« natans. O. fcape one-flower'd, leaves three'd fwimming. S. fvhnming* tomentofa. O. fcape one-flower'd, leaves finger'd downy. SI J dotvny. lanata. O. fcape one-flower'd, leaves three'd inverfe-hearted downy. S. woolb- violacea. 5. O. fcape urrlbel-bearing, leaves three'd mverfe-hearted, calyxes callous at top. violet. Pes Capra. 6. O. fcape umbel-bearing, leaves three'd moftly two- parted : callous underneath at top. Goats-foot. fenfttiva. 7. O. fcape umbel-bearing, leaves feather'd. fenfiUve. * * With /I em-leaves alternate. verficolor. 8. O. peduncles one-flower'd, irem branchy, leave? every where .verticil'd linear end-nick'u be ardtd underneath at top. colour-changing. incarnata. 9. O. pedunclesone -flower'd, ftem branchy bulb-bearing, leaves every where verticil'd : leaflets inverie- hearted. ' incarnate*. E..& 352. TEN MALES. FIVE FEMALES. QxallS. fejfilifolia. O. peduncles one-flowered, flem rnoft fimple, leaves three'd pubefcent : leaflets undivided, fefjile- leaved. hirta. 10. O. peduncles one-flower'd, ftem more fimple, higheft leaves crouded : leaflets two-lobe-divaricated. flaggy» X.B- torniculata. u. O. peduncles umbel-bearing, ftem branchy diffufe. horned. Jlrltta. 12. O. peduncles umbel-bearing, ftem branchy erecl. up- right, frutefcens. 13. O. peduncles umbel-bearing, ftems {hrubby, leaves three'd egg'd : the intermediate one petioled. Jhrub-groiving. Barrelieru 14. O. peduncles two-cleft racemed, ftem branchy erecl. of Barretter. fericea. O. ftem-growing, peduncles umbel-bearing, leaflets inverfe-hearted downy. S. fil^h 583. AGROSTEMMA. Cal. i-leaved, leathery. Petals 5, claw'd : with Border obtufe undivided. , Caff, 1 -celled. Cockle. ,/i'ove yeiiftifitcm E.B- Githago. 1. A. ihaggy, calyxes equalling the corol, petals inure naked. Cfrlja*?. tyb- B.M. . Coronarla. 3. A. downy, leaves egg - lancecT, petals end - nick'd, _ M crown'd faw'd. • ■• Flos jovis. 4. A. downy, petals end-nick'd. Flower of Jupiter. B.M.. Cali roja. 2. A. fmooth, leaves linear-lanced, petals end-nick'd crown'd. Rofe of Heaven. 584. LYCHNIS. Cal. i -leaved oblong, polifhed. Petals 5, claw'd : with Border nearly two-cleft. Caff. 5-cell'd. b'aw/> alpine. * * TVith capfules rowidijl). repens. 9. C. leaves lanced, peduncles branchy, capfules roundilh. creeping. Jiriclutn. 10. C. leaves linear pointed fmooth, peduncles one-flow- er'd rather downy, capfules globular, up- right, fuffrutico- 11. C. ftem perennial procumbent, leaves linear-lanced furii. ihaggyiih. Jhrubbyijl). maximum. 12. C. leaves rugged, petals notch'd, capfules globular. greatejl. aquaticum. 13. C. leaves hearted feffile, flowers folitary, fruit pendu- lous, aquatic. latifolium. 15. C. leaves egg'd downyifh, branches one-flower'd, cap- -j> -n fuies globular. broad-leaved. foment sf urn. lb. C. leaves oblong downy, peduncles branchy, capfules globular. downy. Yy 14. C, 354* TEN males, five females. Ceraftium. manticum. 14. C. fmooth, ftem ftriated, leaves lanced, peduncles moft long, capfules globular. 586. SPERGULA. Cal. c-leaved. Petals 5, in- tire. Cap/, egg'dy i-cell'd, i-valved. Spurrey. X3* arvenfu. B."Bf pentandra. 'ot.cfcui.qb. nodofa. laricma. EJ3. faginoides. 1262. 1. S. leaves verticii'd, flowers ten-male. field. 2. S. leaves verticil'd, flowers five-male. five-male. 3. S. leaves oppcfite awl'd poliih'd, ftems fimple. knotted. 4. S. leaves oppofite awl'd fring'd fafcicled. larch. 5. S. leaves oppofite linear polifh'd, peduncles folitary moil long, item creeping. fagina-like. FORSKOHLEA. Cal five-leaved, longer than the corol. Petals 10, fpatuled. Pericarp none. Seeds 5, connected with wool. fl mdida. F. leaves tooth'd. S. white tt mciffima F. leaves egg'd faw'd. S. mojl tenacious T E N F E M A L E s. (Decagynia.J 587. NEURADA. Cal. 5-parted. Petals 5. Cap/. beneath, 10-cell'd, 10-feeded, prickly. procumbens. I. Neurada. procumbent. 588. PHYTOLACCA. Cal. o. Petals 5, caly- cine. Berry above, io-cell'd, 10- feeded. Of/mi^^tx/n file//1, /*/> acts . oclandra. JB.T^l-. decandra. icofandra. dioica. 1. P, flowers eight-male eight-female. 2. P. flowers ten-male ten-female. 3. P. flowers twenty-male ten-female. 4. P. flowers two-houfe. eight-male. ten-male. tiuenty-male. two-houfe. CLASS *$» $-#•$"$•# &&&&&$&%>%'$>$>&%'&$''$''%''$•$'$'$$'•&%' CLASS XL TWELVE MALES (Dodecandria,) ONE FEMALE. 591 BOCCONIA. I263 HUDSONIA. 289 ASARUM. 592 Rhizophora. 594 Garcinia. 599 Cratjeva. 596 Halesia. 600 Triumfetta. ( Monogynia. ) Cor. 0. Cal. 2-leaved, beneath. Berry dry without, 2-feeded. Cor. O. Cal. 3-leaved, beneath. Cap/. I- cell'd, 3-valved, 3-feeded. Cor. 0. Cal. 3-cleft, above. Cap/. 6-ceWd. Cor. 4-parted. Cal. 4-parted, beneath. Seed 1, club'd with a flefliy receptacle. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved, beneath. Berry 8-feeded, crowned. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-cleft, beneath. Berry 2-cell'd, pedicel'd. Cor. nearly 4-cleft. Cal. 4-tooth'd, above. Pericarp 4-feeded, 4-angled. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved, beneath. Cap/. 4-cell'd, 2-feeded, murex'd. Yy 2 6oi Pe- 35^' TWELVE MALES. 601 Peganum. Cor. 5-petaPd. Cal. 5-leaved, beneath. Cap/. 3- cell 'd. Stamens 15. 602 NlTRARiA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-cleft, beneath. Drupe i-feeded. Stamens 15. 131 1 Vatica. Cor. 5-petal'd. Anthers 15, four-cell 'd : in- teriour cells fhorter. 598 Winterana. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 3-lobed, beneath. Berry 3-cell'd, 2-feeded. Cor. 5-petal'd. Nedtary anther-bearing. Cal. half-4-cle*t corol-bearing. S. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 2-cleft, beneath. Capf. i-cell'd, circumcifed. Cor. 6-petal'd. Cal. 12-cleft, beneath. Capf. 2-cell'd. Cor. 6-petal'd. Cal. 6-clefr, beneath. Capf. i-cell'd, 4-valved. Ccr. 6-petal'd. Cal. of the fruit 6-leaved : of the flower above undivided. Capf. 6-cell'd. Anthers connected. Cor. 7-petal'd. Stamens 14. Berry juicelefs, 7-cell'd. Cor. 8-cleft. Stamens 16. Drupe 5-feeded. Cor. 10-petal'd. Cal. io-leaveu, above. Cor. 6-petal-lilce. Spathe 1 -leaved, above. Capf. 3-cell'd. I3g2 DODECAS. 603 portulaca. 604 Lythrum. 605 GlNORA. 593 Blakea. 1310 Befaria. 1343 Bassia. 597 Decumaria. 590 Gethyllis. * Cleome vifcous, twelve-male. Rivlna eight-male. Chlronia twelve-male. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) 606 Heliocarpus. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Capf. 2* cell'd, i-feeded, flat- radiated. 407 Agrimonia. Cnr. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-cleft. Seeds 1, or 2. THREE DODECANDRIA. 357- THREE FEMALES. ( Trig y ma. J 608 Reseda. 609 Euphorbia. 1393 Visnea. 1394. Tacca. i395 Pallasia. Cor. petals many-cleft. CaL parted. Cap/. 3-cellM, gaping. Cor. petals targetted. CaL bellied. Capf. 3-grain'd. Cor. 5-petal'd. CaL 5-leaved, beneath. S. Flower above. Co>\ 6-petal'd, vaulted. S. Cor. 5-petal'd. CaL none. S. FOUR FEMALES. (Tetragynia.) * Torment'dla eretl. Some Refidas. FIVE FEMALES. ( Pentagynia. J 610 Glinus. Cor. o. except briftlets. CaL 5-leaved. Capf. 5-cell'd. Refeda purpling. TWELVE 7$8. TWELVE MALES. TWELVE FEMALES. ( Dodecagynia. J 6l2 SEMPERVIVUM. Car. 12-petal'd. Cal. 12-parted. Capfules 12. MANY FEMALES. (Polygyria.) * AUCma heart-leaved» ONE DODECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Afarum. 359. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) 589. ASARUM. Cal. 3-or-4-cleft, fitting on the germ. Cor. o. Cap/, leathery, crown'd. europaum. 1. A. leaves kidney-form obtufe two-fold. european E-13. canadenfe. 2. A. leaves kidney-form dagger'd. ^<&. tnrginicum. 3. A. leaves hearted obtufe fmooth petioled. Virginian. 591. BOCCONIA. Cal. 2-leaved. Cor. o. Style two-cleft. Berry quite dry, i-feeded. frutefcens. I. Bocconia. Jhrub-growing. 590. GETHYLLIS. tytf^. Cor. 6-cleft. £/*- ;w/zj- inferted fix - ways. Cap/ 3- cell'd. fl/r«. 1. Gethyllis. african, 1347. BASSIA. Ctf/. 4-leaved. Cor. 8 -cleft : tube inflated. Stamens 16. Drupe 5-feeded. kngifolia. Bassia. long-leaved. ro2. RHIZOPHORA. C*/. 4-parted. Cor. 4- parted. Seed moft long, flefhy at the bafe. $no(f<»*' Ga/nofPs eonjuvaia. I. R. leaves egg-oblong obtufifh moft intire, calyxes feffile, fruit cylinder-awl'd. pair ft. rymnorhiza. 2. R. leaves esg-lanced moft intire, root laid upon the ground. naked-root. Candel. 3. R. leaves obtufe, peduncles twice-doubled longer than the leaf, fruit awl'd. cmuculata. 4. R. leaves egg'd, flowers crouded, fruit arch'd, pointed, horned. 5. R. 360. TWELVE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Rhizophora. Mangle. 5. R. leaves acute, fruit awl-club'd. cylindrica. 5. R. fruit cylindric obtufe. cylindric. cafeolaris. 6. R. leaves egg'd obtufe, flowers folitary, fruit orbicu- lar deprefs'd dagger'd. chcefe. 593.. BLAKEA. Cal. beneath, fix - leaved ; that above in tire. Petals 6. Cap/, fix - cell'd, many-feeded. tnplinervia* trinervia. B. uncalycled, leaves triple-nerved. S. triple- nerved. B. two - calycled, leaves nervelefs tranverfely moft nicely flriated. S. three-nerved. 1310. BEFARTA. Cal. 7-cleft. Petals 7. Sta- mens 14. Berry 7-cell'd, many-feeded. refinons. fcorcbing. refmofa. ajluam. I3II. chinenjis. B. leaves egg'd, flowers collected. S. B. leaves lanced, flowers racemed. S. VATICA. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. An- thers 15, feffile, 4-celi'd. Vatica. china. 594. GARCINIA. CW. 4-leaved, beneath. Petals 4. Berry 8-feeded, crown'd with a targetted Stigma. /7?v> Jj.iMl ictraptera. i. H. leaves lance -egg'd, petioles glandular, four- winged. diptera. 2. H. leaves egg'd, petioles polifh'd. two-wing'd. 597. DE~ dodecandria. MONOGYNiA. Decumaria, 361. 597. DECUMARIA. Cal. 10 -leaved, above. Petals 10. Fruit ftill unknown. harbara. i. Decumaria. barbarous, 598. WINTERANIA. Cal. 3-lobed. Petals 5. Anthers \6, growing on the pitcher'd Nectary. Berry 3-cell'd. Seeds 2. Candle. i. Winter a ni a. 599. CRATjEVA. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-cleft. Berry i-cell'd, many-feeded. Garlick Pear. gynandra. I. C. unarm'd, leaves egg'd moft intire, flowers femi- nine-male, feminine-male. Tapia. 2. C. unarm'd, leaflets moft intire lateral fhorter at the anteriour bafe. Marmelos. 3. C. thorny, leaves faw'd. 600. TRIUMFETTA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5- leaved. Cap/, hifpid, burfting into four. Lappula. 1. T. leaves end-nick'd at the bafe, flowers not ca-> lycled. Bartramia. A. T. leaves intire at the bafe undivided. femitriloba. 2. T. leaves half-three -lobed, flowers complete, half- three-lobed. annua. 3. T. leaves egg'd undivided or rarely lobed. annual. 601. PEGANUM. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved, or o. Caff. 3-cell'd, 3-valved, many* feeded. y/ifnot^ i/ius. Harmala. 1. P. leaves many-cleft. dauricum. 2. P. leayes undivided. dauric. Zz 1263. HUD- I 362. TWELE MALES. ONE FEMALE. Hudfonia. 1263. HUDoONlA. Cor. none. CaL 5-leaved, tubular. Stamens 15. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved, 3-feeded. . .. erioldes. Hudsonia. heath-like.. 602. NITRARIA. Cor. 5-petal'd, petals vaulted at top. CaL 5-cleft. Stamens 15. Drupe many-feeded. J).!?- Schobert. A. Nitraria. of Schober. 603. PORTULACA. Cor. 5 - petard. CaL 2- cleft. Cap/, i-cell'd, circumcifed, or 3-valved. Purjlane, /7,^ l<~"<-tileracea. I. P. leaves wedge-form, flowers feflile. oleraceous. pilofa. 2. P. leaves awl'd alternate : axils hairy, flowers feflile terminal. hairy, quadrifida. 7. P. bradr.es four-fold, flowers four-cleft, ftera with hairy knots. four-cleft, halimoides. 3. P. leaves oblong flefhy, ftem corymbed, flowers feflile. halimus-like. triangularis. 5. P. leaves inverfe-egg'd flattiih, raceme fimple three- fided. triangular. Anacampfe- 4. leaves egg'd gibbous, peduncle many-flower'd, ftem rns. fhrubby. patens. P. leaves lance-egg'd flat, panicle branchy, calyx two-leaved. expanding, fruticofa. 6. P. leaves inverfe-egg'd flattifh, peduncles racemed, calyxes five-leaved, ftem fhrubby. Jhrubby. meridiana. P. leaves elliptic flefhy flat, knots hairy, flowers feflile terminal. S. meridian. 604. LY- DODECANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Lythrum. 363. 604. LYTHRUM. Cal. 12-cleft. Petals 6, in- ferted on the calyx. Capf. 2-cell'd, many-feeded. M//^/1cc(/. 1. R. leaves lanced intire^ne-tooth'd on both fides the E.B. bafe, calyxes four-cleft. 2. R. leaves lanced waved hairy. hoary. 3. R. leaves linear tooth'd at the bafe, flowers four- female, fea-green. purpurafcens.j. R- leaves linear obtufe, flowers five-female, purpling. Se/amoides. 5. R. leaves lanced intire, fruit ftar'd- S efmnum-like . fruticulofa. 7. R. leaves feather'd recurvate at top, flowers four- female, calyxes expanding five-parted, item fhrubby at trie bafe. firubbyijh. 8. R. leaves feather'd. flowers four-female, calyxes fix- parted, white. 6. R. leaves feather'd waved, flowers three-female or four-male. waved. 9. R. leaves all three-cleft : inferiour ones feather'd". _ yellow. ' ' Phyteuma. 10. R. leaves intire and three-lobed, calyx moft large fix- parted. mediterranea. R. leaves intire and three-lobed, calyxes ftiorter than the flowers. mediterranean. odorata. 11. R. leaves intire and three-lobed, calyxes equalling the ^ N1 flower. odorous. 609. EUPHORBIA. Cor. 4 or 5-petal'd, fitting on the calyx. Calyx 1 -leaved, bellied. Cap/. 3-grain'd. Spurge. * Shrubby, prickly, antiquarian. I. E. prickly nnkedifh triangular jointed: branches ex alba. undata. lutea. andin c of the ancients. 2. E. 366. TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Euphorbia. canarienfis. 2. E. prickly naked fubquadrangular : prickles doubled. , Canaries. heptagona. 3. E. prickly naked feven-angled : thorns folitary awl'd flower-bearing. /even-corner' d. mamillarts. 4. E. prickly naked : angles tuberous diftinguifhed with . thorns. mammillary, cereifonms. 5. E. prickly naked many-angled : thorns folitary awl'd. . Cereus-form. cfficinarum. 6. E. prickly naked many-angled: prickles doubled. ... ojjicmal. nenifoha. 7. E. prickly : angles obliquely tubercled. nerium-leaved. ** Shrubby, unarm d, (Jlern neither two-fork' d nor umbel-bearing.) CaputMedu-.S. E. unarm'd imbricated with tubercles furnifh'd with a /*• . , linear leaflet. Medufa's Head. I mauritani- 10. E. unarm'd half-naked fhrubby thread-form flaccid, ca. _ leaves alternate. mauritanian. Tirucalli. 11. E. unarm'd half- naked fhrubby thread -form eredt, branches expanding determinately crowded. Tithymal- 12. E, unarm'd fhrubby, leaves two-ways alternate egg'd. oides> Tithy malm-like. heteiophylla.il. E. unarm'd, leaves faw'd petioled different: egg'd lanced violin-form. different-leaved, cotinifolia. 14. E. leaves oppofite nearly hearted petioled end-nick'd moft intire, ftem fhrubby. cotinus-leaved. ocymoidca. 15. E. unarm'd herbaceous branchy, leaves nearly hearted moft intire fhorter than the petiole, flowers folitary. ccy?nwn-likc. * * * Two-fork' d (umbel two-cleft or none.) ongayioides. 16. E. two-fork'd, leaves fawletted egg'd obtufe three- * nerved, panicle terminal, ftems Ample, origa- . . vum-like. hypertci- ij. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oval-oblong fmooth, folia- corymbes terminal, branches divaricated, hvpe- ricum-leaved. maculata 22. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oblong hairy, flowers ax- illary folitary, branches fpreading. fpotted. mrta. 18. E. two-fork'd, leaves fawletted egg'd pointed, pedun- cles headed axillary, ftems hairy. jhaggy. pilulifera. 19. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oval-oblong, peduncles two-headed axillary, ftem erect, ^ball-bearing. 20. E, DODECA hyjfopifoha. 20. Thymifolia. 2 1 . parvl flora. 23. canefcens. 24. Chamoefyce. 25. Peplis. ' 26. Polygon':- 27. folia. graminca. 63. Tpecacuan- 28. ha. portulacol- 29. des. NDRIA. TRIGYNIA. E Euphorbia. 367. E. E. myriifolia. 30. E two-fork'd, leaves fomewhat notch'd linear, flowers fafcicled terminal, ftem ere£t. hyffop-leaved. E. two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oval-oblong, heads axil- lary glomerated fubfefiile, ftems procumbent. Thyme-leaved. E. moftly two-fork'd, leaves faw'd oblong fmooth, flowers folitary, ftem erectifh alternately bran- chy, fmall-floiver'd. two-fork'd, leaves intire roundifh hairy, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. hoary. two-fork'd, leaves notchletted roundifh fmooth, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. E. two-fork'd, leaves mod intire half-hearted, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. E. leaves oppofite raoft intire lanced obtufe, flowers folitary axillary, ftems procumbent. Polygonum- leaved. two-fork'd leaves lance-elliptic petioled moft intire, ftem erect, peduncles two-fork'd. graJfy- two-fork'd, leaves moft intire lanced, peduncles axillary one-flowrer'd equalling the leaves, ftem ere£t. Ipecacuhan. two-fork'd, leaves moft intire oval retufe, pedun- cles one-flower'd equalling the leaves, ftem erect. portidaca-like. two-fork'd, leaves moft intire roundifh end-nick'd hoary underneath, flowers folitary, ftem erec~h myrtle-leaved. * Umbel three-cleft. E. umbel three-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels egg'd, leaves moft intire inverfe-egg'd petioled. E. umbel three-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels fomewhat hearted dagger'd, leaves lanced obtufifh. fickled. E. umbel three-cleft : two-fork'd : involucels lanced, leaves linear. little. tuberofa. 35. E. umbel three-cleft, involucre four-leaved, ftem naked, leaves oblong end-nick'd. tuberous. Peplus. falcata. exivua. 3J- 34- T..B. JS-M 2jB, EM ** Umbel four-cleft. Lathyris. 36. E. umbel four-cleft ; two-fork'd, leaves oppofite moft I.B, intire. 33- E' 368. TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Euphorbia. terracina. 33. E. umbel four-cleft : two-fork'd, leaves alternate lanced retufe dagger 'd. Apios. 38. E. umbel four-cleft : t/o-cl ft, with involucels kid- ney-form : the chief inverfe-hearted. * * * Umbel five-deft genlfioides. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft with involucels egg'd : leaves linear erect, ftem fhrub-g rowing, ge- nijla-like. JD-.B. fp'ino[a' 37* E* umbel nearly five-cleft : fimpie, involucels egg'd : primary ones three-leaved, leaves oblong moft: intire, ftem fhrubby. thorny. J3.M. epithymoi- 39. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg'd, clcs. leaves lanced obtufe villous underneath, epitli- mon-like. dulcis. 40. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels fome- what egg'd, leaves lanced obtufe moft intire. Jweet. Pithyufa. 41. E. umbel five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg d dagger'd, leaves lanced : the lo veft involute imbricated backwards. T.~B. Portion- 42. E. umbel five-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels fomewhat dica. hearted concave, leaves linear lanced fmooth. expanding. Portland. E.B. Paralias. 43. E. umbel nearly five-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels heart-kidney-form, leaves imbricated upwards. alcppica. 44. E. umbel five-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels egg- lanced dagger'd, inferiour leaves briftly. alcppo. plnea. 64. E. umbel five-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels hearted, leaves linear pointed crowded, capfules fome- what polifh'd. pine, fegetalis. 45. E. umbel five-cleft: two-fork'd, involucels hearted acute, leaves linear-lanced : fuperiour leaves broader. corn. !E.B- heliofcopla. 46. E. umbel five-cleft: three - cleft : two-fork'd, with involucels inverfe-egg'd, leaves wedge -form faw'd. J errata. 47. E. umbel-five-cleft: three-cleft: two-fork'd, with involucels two-leaved kidney-form, leaves ftem- clafping hearted faw'd. faw'd. vcrrucofa. 48. E. umbel five-cleft : nearly three-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg'd, leaves lanced faw'd vil- lous, capfules warty. warty. 48. E. piloja. 51- orientalis 52. DODECANDRIA. TRIGVNIA. Euphorbia. 369. corollata. 48. E. umbel five-cleft: three-cleft: two-fork'd, with involucels and leaves oblong obtufe, petals mem- branous. coroTd. coralloides. 50. E. umbel five-cleft : three-cleft : two-fork'd, with involucels egg'd, leaves lanced, capfules woolly. coral- like. E. umbel five-cleft : three -cleft : two-cleft, with in- volucels egg'd, petals in tire, leaves lanced ra- ther hairy fawletted at top. hairy. E. umbel five-cleft : four-cleft : two-fork'd, with in- volucels roundiih acute, leaves lanced, oriental, platypbyllos. 53. £. umbel five-cleft: three-cleft: two-fork'd, with involucels hairy on the keel, leaves faw'd lanced, capfuLs warty. broad-leaved. * * * * Umbel many-cleft. Efula. 54. E. umbel many-cleft: two -cleft with involucels fomewhat hearted, petals moftly two-horn'd, branches barren, leaves uniform. Cyparijjias. 55. E. umbel many-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels fome- what hearted, branches barren with leaves j briitly; ftem-leaves lanced. myrfmites. 56. E. umbel nearly eight-cleft: two-cleft, with involu- cels fomewhat egg'd, leaves fpatuled expanding flefhy dagger'd rugged on the, margin. palujlris. 57. E. umbel many-cleft : nearly three-cleft : two-cleft, with involucels egg'd, leaves lanced, branches barren. mar ft. hybcrna. 58. E. umbel fix-cleft : two-fork'd, with involucels oval, ^leaves moft intire, branches none, capfules warty. winter. dendroides. 59. E. umbel many-cleft: two-fork'd, involucels fome- what hearted : primary ones three-leaved, ftem arborefcent. tree-like. amygdala!- 60. E. umbel many-cleft : two-fork'd, involucels leaf- des. pierced orbicular, leaves obtufe. amygdalus- like. fyhatica. 62. E. umbel five-cleft: two-cleft, with involucels leaf- pierced fomewhat hearted, leaves laneed moft intire. wood. Cbaracias. 61. E. umbel many-cleft : two-cleft, wjth involucels leaf- pierced end-nick'd, leaves moft intiie, ftem ihrub-growing. 3.K -E.E. ~E.B A a a J39 >' VIS 2J0. TWELVE MALES. THREE FEMALES. Vifliea. 1393. VISNEA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved, beneath. Stigmas three. Nut 2 or 3-cell'd, half-beneath. S. Alocanera. Visnea. 1394. TACCA. 'Flower above. Cor. 6-petal'd. vaulted. Cal. 6-leaved. Berry dry, angled, 3-cell'd. S. fifinatifida. Tacca. feather-cleft. 1395. PALLASIA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. o. Nut quadrangular : angles membranous, two-cleft. S. Cafpica. Pallasia. Cafpian. FIVE FEMALES. fPentagynia.J 6I0. GLINUS. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. none. Nec- taries with two-cleft briftles. Cap/. 5-angled, 5-cell'd, 5-valved, many- feeded. lotoides. 1. G. item hairy, leaves inverfe-egg'd. lotus-like, diclamnoides. G. ftem ftiff, leaves orbicular downy. diclamnus- like. TWELVE dodecandria. dodecagYnia. Sempervivum. 371. TWELVE FEMALES. f Dodecagynia. ) 612. SEMPERVIVUM. Cal. 12-parted. Petals 12. Cap/. 12, many-feeded. Houfe- kek. t S. ftem arborefcent polifh'd branchy. arbor efcent. S. ftem torn by the rubbifh of the leaves, leaves retufe. canaries. S. leaves fringed, offfets expanding. roof. S. leaves fringed, offfets globular. globe-bearing. S. leaves with hairs interwoven, offfets globular, cob- web. S. leaves ftem and tops of the petals maggy. flaggy- S. leaves moft intire, offfets expanded. mountain. S. leaves fcatter'd, inferiour ones columnar ; fuperi- our ones deprefs'd. fedum-form. arbor enrn. canarienfis. t eel or urn. globiferum. araclmcide- um. hirtum. montanum. fediforme. 1. 2. 3- 4- 7- 5- 6. jB.M.. JB.JSt. A a a 2 CLASS CLASS XIL TWENTY MALES, ( Icofandria. J ONE FEMALE (Monogynia.) 613 Cactus. Cal. above, 1- leaved. Car. many -cleft. Berry i-cell'd, many-feeded. 616 Eugenia. Cal. above, 4-parted. Cor. 4-petal'd. Drupe I-cell'd, i-feeded. 614 Philadelphia. Cal. above, 5 or 4-parted. Cor. 5 or 4- petal'd. Cap/. 5 or 4-cell'd, many- feeded, 615 Psidium. Cal. above, 5-eleft. Cor. 5 -petal' J. Berry i-cell'd, many-feeded, 617 Mvrtus. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. moftly 5-petal'd. Berry 3-ceird, i-feeded. 618 Punic a. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Pome 10-cell'd, many-feeded. 619 Amygdai.us. Cal. beneath, 5-eleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Drupe with a perforated nucleus. 620 Prunus ICOSANDRIA. 273' 620 Prunus. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Drupe with nucleus intire. 621 Chrysobalanus. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd, Drufe with nucleus furrow'd. 671 Plinia. Cal. beneath 4 or 5-parted. Cor. 4 or 5- petal'd. Drupe furrow'd. 1396 Sonneratia. Cal. 6-cleft. Petals 5» awl'd. Cap/, many- cell'd. S. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) bzi Crataegus. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Berry 2-feeded. THREE FEMALES, (iTrigynia.) 623 Sorbus. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Berry 3-feeded. 424 Sesuvium. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. none» Cap/. 3-cell'd, circumcifed. FIVE FEMALES ( Pentagynia. J 627 Tetragonia. Cal. above, 5 or 4-cleft. Cor. o. Pericarp with nucleus 5 or 4-cell'd. 625 Mespilus. Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Berry 5-feeded.. 626 Pyrus. Cal above, 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Pome 5-cell'd many-feeded. 628 Me- 374- TWENTY MALES. 628 Mesembryan- Cal. above, 5-cleft. Cor. many-cleft. Cap/. themum. flefhy, cell'd, many-feeded. 629 AiZOON. Cal. beneath. 5-cleft. Cor. o. Cap/. 5- cell'd many-feeded. 630 SPIRJEA. Cal. beneath, 5-cleft. Cor. 5 -petal'd. Capf numerous, collected. MANY FEMALES. (Polygyria.) 631 Rosa. 632 Rubus. 635 Torme 637 Drvas. 633 Fragaria. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. 5-petaPd. Cal. berried, many-feeded. Cal. . 5-cleft- Cor. 5-petal'd. Berry com- pound. 635 Tormentilla. Cal. 8-cleft. Cor. 4-petal'd, Seeds 8, awnlefs. Cal. 8-cleft. Cor. g-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous : awn woolly. Cal. 10-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous upon the berried receptacle, deciduous. Cal. 10-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous ; awnlefs. Cal. 10-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous : awn knotted. Cal. 10-cleft. Cor. 5-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous upon a fleihy permanent re- ceptacle. 639 Calycanthus. Cal. fcaly corolline. Cor. 0. Seeds tail'd in a fucculent calyx. * Spiraa Filipendula, Ulmaria. Phytolacca twenty -male. 634 PoTENTILLA. 636 Geum. 638 Comarum. ONE ICOSANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. Ca&US. 375. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) 613. CACTUS. Cat. i -leaved, above, imbricated. Cor. manyfold. Berry i-ceU'd, many- feeded. We/a» &£,**//&. * Echinomelocachifes roundijh. mammilla fis, % > C. roundifh cover'd with egg'd bearded tubercles, ma-r miliary. Melocaflus. 2. C. roundifh fourteen-angled. * * Cereufes erett Jlanding by themselves. Pitajaya. 24. C. erect triangular. heptagonus. 3. C. erect oblong feven-angled. feven-corner'd. tetragonus. 4. C. erect quadrangular long with comprefs'd angles. four-corner d. hexagonus. 5. C. erect: fix-angled long, angles diftant. fix-corner' d. pentagonus. 6. C. erect moftly five-angled long jointed, five-cor- ner d. repandus. 7. C. erect long eight-angled : angles comprefs'd wav'd, thorns longer than the wool. fcollop'd. lanuginofus. 8. C. eredt long moftly nine-angled : angles obfeure, thorns fhorter than the wool. woolly, peruvianas. 9. C. erect long moftly eight-angled : angles obtufe. peruvian- Royeni. 10. C. erect jointed nine-angled : joints rather egg'd, thorns equalling the wool. of Royen. * * * Cereufes creeping tvith lateral rootlets. grandiflora.11. C. creeping moftlv five-angled. great- flower' d. jlagelliflor- 12. C. creeping ten-angled. whip-form. mis. parafiticus. 13. C. creeping columnar ftriated awnlefs. paraftic. triangida- 14. C. creeping triangular. triangular. ris. **** Opun- 376. TWENTY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Ca£tllS. * * * * Opuntias comprefsd with proliferous joints. monilifor- 15. C. joint-proliferous, joints globular thorny glome- mis. rated. necklace-form. Tr~7*i ■ Opuntia. 16. C. joint-proliferous loofe, joints egg'd, thorns bri(*ly. Ficusindi- 17. C. joint-proliferous, joints egg-oblong, thorrs briiiy. ca. indian Fig. J3 J\L Tuna. 18. C. joint - proliferous, joints egg -oblong: tnorns avvl'd. cochcnillifer '.19. C. joint-proliferous, joints egg-oblong nearly un- arm'd. cocbeneal-beai ing. curaffavi- 20. C. joint-proliferous, joints cylinder-bellied comprefs'd. cus. curaffao. Phyllanthus.11. C. proliferous fword-form-comprefs'd, faw-fcolloo'd. Perefkia. 22. C. item arborefcent columnar with prickles double recurved, leaves lance-egg'd. portulacifo- 23. C. flem columnar arborefcent thorny, leaves wedge- lius. form retufe. portulaca-leaved. 614. PHILADELPHIA. Ca/. 4 or 5-parted, above. Petals 4 or 5. Cap/. 4 or 5- cell'd, many-feeded. Mock Orange. \/if 'M. ■ Jdnd0*' '■'• E. leaves moft intire, peduncles branchy terminal. 6. E. icosANDRiA. monogynia. Eugenia. / 377. pfeudo-pfidi- 6. E. leaves moft intire, peduncles one-flower'd very urn. numerous lateral and terminal. falfe-pfidiutn. uniflora. 3. E. leaves moft intire heart-lanced, peduncles one- flower'd lateral. one- flower 'd. cotimfolia. E. leaves egg'd obtufe moft intire, peduncles one- flower'd. contimis-leaved. acutangiila. 4. E. leaves notch'd, peduncles terminal, pomes oblong acute-angled. acute-angled. racemofa. 5. E. leaves notch'd, racemes moft long, pomes egg'd quadrangular. racemed. 617. MYRTUS. Cat. 5-cieft, above. Petals 5. Berry 2 or 3-feeded. Myrtle. communis. i. M. flowers folitary : involucre two-leaved, common. brafiliana. 2. M, flowers folitary, peduncles naked, petals rather fring'd. brazile. biflora. 3. M. peduncles two-nower'd, leaves lanced. two- flower' 'd. anguflifolia.z\. M. peduncles umbel'd, leaves linear-lanced fubfeflile. narrow-leaved. lucida. 4. M. peduncles moftly three-flower'd, leaves fubfeflile lanced attenuated. lucid, cumini. 5. M. peduncles many-flower'd, leaves lance-egg'd. dioica. 6. M. peduncles three- fork -panicled, leaves oblong, flowers two-houfe. two-houfe. Chytraculia. 7. M. peduncles two-fork'd panicled downy, leaves ter- minal rather egg'd double. .Zuzygi.um. £. M. peduncles many-flower'd, branches two-fork'd, leaves double rather eggM terminal. Zelanica. 9. M. peduncles many-flower'd, leaves egg'd fubpetioPd. Ceylon. androfa?noi-io. M. peduncles three-cleft-many-flower'd, leaves fub- des. oval fefliie. androfamum-like. caryopbylla-u. M. peduncles three-cleft-many-flower'd, leaves in- ter, vefe-egg'd. Pimento. 12- M. leaves alternate. Mfpice.J3.iMl. Bbb 618. PU^ 378. TWENTY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Punka. BM- £.23 618. PUNICA. Cal. 5 -cleft, above. Petals 5. Pome many-cell'd, many-feeded. Pomegranate. granatum. I. P. leaves lanced, ftem arborefcent. nana. 2. P. leaves linear, ftem fhrubby. granate. dwarf. 619. Perfica. AMYGDALUS. Cal 5-cleft, beneath. Pe- tals 5. Drupe with nut perforated in the pores. Almond, woc^ /fa /»'»#. communis. 2. pumila. nana. 620. Padus. A. leaves with all the fawings acute, flowers feffile folitary. per/tan or Peach. A. leaves with the loweft fawings glandular, flowers feflile double. ut^rso^M £7*-€t common. A. leaves vein- wrinkled. low. A. leaves attenuated at the bafe. dwarf. PRUNUS. Cal. 5-cleft, beneath. Petals 5. Nut of the Drupe with futures fome- I. 2. iJOMtSgfo virgimana. canadenfts. 3. lufitanica. 4. lauro-lera- fus. Mahaleb. a'rmeniaca. fibirica. pumila. eerafus. 5- 6. 7- 8. 14. 9- P. flowers racemed, leaved deciduous twCglanded underneath the bafe. <5Vv/ o/t,+, apf.. P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous glanded before at the bafe. Virginian, P. flowers racemed, leaves deciduous glandlefs broad- lanced wrinkled pubefcent on both fides, ca- nadian. P. flowers racemed, leaves ever-green glandlefs. por- tugal laurel. P. flowers racemed, leaves ever-green two-glanded on the back. laurel, P. flowers corymbed terminal, leaves egg'd. P. flowers feflile, leaves rather hearted. apricot. P. flowers feflile, leaves egg-oblong. fiberian. P. flowers fubumbel'd, leaves narrow-lanced, dwarf P. umbels fubpeduncled, leaves egg-lanced fmooth conduplicate. cherry. 10. P. ICOSANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. PrunUS. 379. avium. 10.. P. umbels feffile, leaves egg-lanced pubefcent under- neath conduplicate. hird. domejlica. II. P. peduncles fubfolitary, leaves lance-egg'd convolute, jrj^ branches awnlefs. do?ne/iic. infititia. 12. P. peduncles dowble, leaves egg'd fubvillous convo- lute, branches thorn-growing. infititious. fpincfa. 13. P. peduncles folitary, leaves lanced fmooth, branches jrjg, thorny. thorny. '■" .. penjyhanica. P. umbels fertile, leaves egg-lanced, branchlets palely dotted. S. penfylvanian, 671. PLINIA. Cat. 5 or4-parted. Petals 5 or 4. Drupe above, furrow'd. crocea. I. P. flowers five-petal'd. jafforn. rubra. P. flowers four-petal'd. red* pedunculata. P. flowers peduncled many-male. 5. peduncled. B.M. 621. CHRYSOBALANUS. Cal. 5- cleft. Petals 5. Nut of the Drupe 5-furrow'd, 5- valved. Cocoa Plum. Icaco. 1. Chrysobalanus. 1396. SONNERATIA. Cal 6-cleft. Petals 6, awl'd. Cap/ many-cell'd, fucculent : Cells many-feeded. S. acida. Sonneratia. ectd. TWO FEMALES, (Digynia.) 622. CRATAEGUS. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals $* Berry beneath, 2-feeded. HawMoYn Aria. 1. C. leaves egg'd gafh'd faw'd downy underneath. 353. torminalis. 2. C. leaves hearted feven-angled : the loweft lobes diva- -£-g ricated. griping. B b b 2 3. C, 380. twenty males, two females. Crataegus. coccinea. 3. C. leaves hearted fcollop-angled faw'd (mooth. fear lei. viridis. 6. C. leaves lance-egg'd nearly three-lobed faw'd fmooth, ftem unarm'd. green. DB- Crus Galli. 4. C. leaves lance-egg'd faw'd fmooth, branches thorny. Cock-fpur. ■ tomentofa, 5. C. leaves wedge-form-egg'd faw'd fubangled, villous underneath, branches thorny. downy. 13.7*1. hidica. 7. C. leaves lanced faw'd, ftem unarm'd, corvmbes fcaly. indian. JEJ3. cxyaeantha. 8. C. leaves obtufe nearly three-cleft faw'd. Jharp-tborn'd. Jzaro.'us. 9. C. leaves obtufe nearly three-cleft fomewhat tooth'd. Azarole. maura. C. leaves oblong tooth'd at top. 6". moorijh. THREE FEMALES. ( Trigynia. ) 633. SORBUS. Cat. $-cMi. Petals 5. Berry beneath, 3-feeded. Service. 'jj^i3!' aucuParia- i- S. leaves feather'd fmooth on both fides. catch-bird. «X officio (.hybrida. 2. S. leaves half-feather'd downy underneath. mule. 2.B. domejiica. 3. S. leaves feather 'd villous underneath. domejlic. 624. SESUVIUM. Cal 5-parted, colour'd. Petals none. ^ Cap/, egg'd, three-cell'd, cir- cumciied, many-feeded. Portula-caftrum. A. Sesuvium. FIVE ICOSANDRIA. PENTAGYNIA. MefpilllS. 381. FIVE FEMALES. ( Pentagynia, J 625. MESPILUS. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Berry beneath, 5-feeded. Medlar. germamca. Pyracantha. arbutifolia. Amelanchier. 4. Chames Mef-6. pilus. canadensis. 5. Cotoneojler. 7. Xanthocarpus. Phanopyrum. 1. M. unarm'd, leaves lanced downy underneath, flowers folitary feflile. german. 2. M. thorny, leaves lance-egg'd notch'd, calyxes of the fruit obtufe. ?. M. unarm'd, leaves lanced notch'd downy under- neath, arbutus- leaved. M. unarm'd, leaves oval faw'd fhaggy underneath. M. unarm'd, leaves oval acutely faw'd fmooth, flowers coiymbe-headcd. Oec/.otc**,. //2. M. unarm'd, leaves egg-oblong fmooth faw'd acutifh. Canadian. M. unarm'd, leaves egg'd moft intire : downy under- neath. M. thorny, leaves fomewhat wedge-form notch'd, flowers folitary, divifions of the calyx fome- what leafy gafh-faw'd long reflected, fruit fome- what top-fhape dot-warted. S. Yellow-fruit. M. thorny, leaves hearted three five or fcven-cleft faw'd fmooth, flowers corymbed, fegments of the calyx deciduous, fruit globe-deprefs'd broad- navel'd, nuts naked at top. S. Scarlet-pear. 626. PYRU3. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Pome be- neath, c-cell'd, many-feeded. Pear. communis. I. P. leaves faw'd polifh'd, flowers corymbed. common. Pollueria. P. leaves faw'd downy underneath, flowers corymbed. Mains. 2. P. leaves faw'd, umbels feflile. Apple, baccata. 5. P. leaves faw'd, peduncles crowded, pomes berried. berried, coronaria. 3. P, leaves few-angled, umbels peduncled. crown. A. P. E.3. EJ. J5.M 382. TWENTY MALES. FIVE FEMALES. PyrUS. Cydonia. 4. P. leaves moft intife, flowers folitary. Quince. nivalis. P. leaves moft intire, flowers corymbed. S. jnotvy. falicifolia. P. leaves linear-lanced hoary white -downy under- neath, flowers axillary folitary fubieifile. S. willow-leaved. Botryapium. P. unarm'd, leaves egg-oblong faw'd acute, racemes fimple elongate. S. M.M . Amelanchier. P. unarm'd, leaves oval obtufe faw'd downy under- neath becoming bald, ftipules awl'd lateral de- ciduous, raceme fimple few-flower'd, petals fublinear. S. Arbutifolia. P. unarm'd, leaves ege-lanced moft finely faw'd : rachis above gland-bearing, corymbe compound. S. Arbutus-leaved. 627. TETRAGONIA. Cal. 4 or 5-parted. Petals o. Drupe beneath, 5 or 4-corner'd, 5 or 4-cell'd. %%&*< ccrr>**— fruticofa. i. T. leaves linear. firubby. hcrbacea. 2. T. leaves egg'd. herbaceous. Ivcefolia. T. eredf. fmooth, leaves petioled egg-lanced faw'd, petals deciduous. S. Jva-leaved. h'n-futa. T. herbaceous fhaggy procumbent, leaves egg'd vil- lous, flowers axillary threefold feflile. »i _ pomerld'ia- 39. M. num. verucula- 34. M. leaves nearly thread -form fmocth diftincl: longer than the joint, ftems procumbent, fender- leaved. leaves fomewhat three-fided compreis'd incurved dotted diftincl: collected ; margined at the bafe. leaves femicylindric bedotted conjoin'd three-fided at top, flem creeping femicylindnc. thick-leaved* leaves columnarifti compreis'd dotted diftincl:, item panicled many-flower'd. glomerated. leaves femicylindric recurved collected gibbous at the interiour bafe conjoin'd, item pendulous. 1. leaves equilateral-three-fided acute fomewhat dot- ted conjoin'd : angles rugged, branches hx- corner'd. thready. leaves fcymitar-form bedotted con]oin'd : rugg d on the keel-angle, petals lanced. fickled. leaves fcymitar-form obtufe bedotted conjoin'd ; thorny at top, Item two-edged. fajfar* * * * With yellow cor oh. leaves equilateral-thiee-fided acute upright bedot- ted conjoin'd -y fomewhat faw'd on the keel, ftem two-edged. eatabh. leaves awl'd dotted polifh'd diftincl, ftemfhrubby, corols two-colour'd. two-colour'd. leaves awl'd three-fided dotted diftincl : faw'd backwards on the keel-angle. faw'd. leaves fubcylindric pimply diftincl:, ftem rugged. glittering. leaves three-fided acute dotted diftincl:, calyx- leaflets egg-hearted. fa-green. leaves three-fide-femicylindric dot-rugged ; con- join'd above the bafe with an elevated line. horn'd. leaves flattifh oblong egg'd fomewhat pimply crowded conjoin'd, calyxes three-leaved two- horn'd. twiflcd. leaves flattifh broad-lanced polifh'd, rather fringed diftincl, ftem with peduncles and germs fhaggy. afternoon. leaves three-fide-cylindric acute conjoin'd bow'd bedotted diftincl:. wart. 33- M. icosANDRiA. pentagynia. Mefembryanth. 385. rojlratum. 33. M. ftemlefs, leaves femicylindric externally tubercled conjoin'd. beak'd. M. ftemlefs, leaves fringe-tooth'd dotted, grinning. M. ftemlefs, leaves ax-form dotted. ax-form. nngens. 40 dolabrifor- 4 1 . me. difforme. 42. albidum. 43. Iinguiforme.4.4. M. ftemlefs leaves different dotted conjoiri'd. different. M. ftemlefs, leaves three-fided moil: in,, re. white, M. ftemlefs, leaves tongue-forme thicker on one margin bedotted. tongue-form. M. leaves alternate crowded awl'd three-fided raoft long bedotted. poniard- form, papulofum. M. leaves oppofite fpatule- oblong pimply, flowers peduncled, calyxes linear. S. pimply. M. leaves feather-cleft. S. feather-cleft. M. leaves conjoin'd columnar pimply, ftem eredt, branchlets one-flower'd thread-form fmooth. S. capillary. pugionifor- 45. pinnatifidum. capillar e. 629. AIZOON. Cal. 5 -parted. Petals o. Caff. above, 5-cell'd, 5-vaived. canarienfe. hifpanicum lanceolatui paniculatiim perfoliattim farmentofum. Glinoides. fecundum. fruticofum. rigidum. 1. A. leaves wedge-form-egg'd, flowers feflile. canary. A. leaves lanced, flowers feflile. fpanijh. leaves lanced, flowers panicled. lanced. fhaggy, leaves lanced, flowers feflile, branches ere'cl. S. panicled. downy, leaves inverfe-egg'd conjoin'd cryftalline- dotted, flowers peduncled. S. leaf-pierced. A. leaves linear thread-form, panicle two - forlc'd, flowers folitary peduncled. S. farment. A. fhaggy herbaceous procumbent, leaves egg'd, flowers feflile diftinCt. S. Glinus-like. A. fhag-hoary herbaceous procumbent, leaves egg'd, flowers feflile imbricated one-rank'd. S. one- ranked. A. fhrubby ere& fmooth, leaves lanced, flowers feflile. $# forubby. A. fhrubby procumbent downv, leaves egg'd, flowers feflile remote. S. rigid. &.J*.- JJ.M C c c 630. SPIRAEA. E.S. J3.73. EJB. J5.M 4- 5- 6. 7- 386. TWENTY MALES. FIVE FEMALES. Spil'0?a. 630. SPIR^A. Cal 5-cleft. Petals S. Cap/. many-feeded. /Pecc/ou t/wti, ty*\ /, fa /a "An * JV'ith germs fubglobular. Eglanteria. 3. R. germs globular and peduncles fmooth, item with prickles fcatter'd ftraight, petioles rugged, leaflets acute. Sweet Briar. rubiginofa. R. germs globular and prickly with prickles recurved, leaves rufty underneath. T>0lihc*r,f./vyrubiginous. cinnamomia. 4. R. germs globular and peduncles fmooth, flem with ftipule-prickles, petioles nearly unarm'd. cin- namon. arvenjis. R. germ globular and peduncles fmooth, ftera and pe- tioles prickly, flowers corymbed. field. pimpinelli- 2. R. germs globular and peduncles fmooth,. ftem with folia. prickles fcatter'd ftraight, petioles rugged, leaf- lets obtufe. pimpinella-leaved. fpinofjfima.i^. R. germs globular fmooth, peduncles hifpid, ftem and petioles moft prickly- Jcc'.Ja,, ■^gjnojl-tborny. Carolina, 5. R. germs globular hifpid, peduncles fubhifpid, ftem with ftipule-prickles, petioles prickly. Carolina. villofa, 6. R. germs globular and peduncles hifpid, ftem with prickles fcatter'd, petioles prickly, leaves downy. villous. Sinica. R. germs fubglobular fmooth,peduncles prickly hifpid, ftem and petioles prickly, calyx-leaflets lanced fubpetioled. fempervirens.cj, R. germs globular and peduncles hifpid, ftem and pe- tioles prickly, flowers fubumbel'd. ever-green. 3Z.TS. £.3 .■\ A Z.B. CCC 2 * * G erms 388. TWENTY MALES. MANY FEMALES. Rofa. * * Germs egg'd. centifolia. J. R. germs egg'd and peduncles hifpid, ftem hifpid prick- B-M.tn^w* — #*? /",** — fya petioles unarm'd. hundred-leaved. gaUica. 8. R. germs egg'd and peduncles hifpid, ftcra and petioles hifpid-prickly. french. alpina. I. R. germs egg'd fmooth, peduncles and petioles hifpid, Hem unarm'd. alpine. R. germs egg'd c.nd peduncles fmooth, ftem and peti- oles prickly. dog. R. geims egg'd and peduncles fmooth, ftem nearly unarm'd, petioles prickly. Indian, na. 12. R. germs egg'd fmooth, peduncles and ftem hifpid, pnioles unarm'd, fruit pendulous. pendulous. 13. R. germs eig'd fmooth, peduncles hifpid, ftem and petioles prickly. 3>ptJ.fof*n4.t'f£- white. R. germs egg'd, petioles and peduncles hifpid, ftem moil prickly above. S. dwarf. jE J3 . canina. indica. penduli alba. tumila. 10. 11 632. RUBUS. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5. Berry compound with grains one - feeded. Bramble. Ifictsfpifq '• JS/nf*-/*** * Shrubby. _E3. £.B. £3. J8.M. y idaeus. occidentalis . bifpidus. parvifolius. jamaicenfis. coeftus. fruticofus. ianadenfis. :d'rat»<. 1. R. 14. 4- 5- 6. 2. R 2. leaves five-feather'd and three'd, ftem prickly, p tiole channel'd. (ofida) rajberry. leaves threefold downy underneath, ftem prickly, petioles columnar. occidental. R. leaves three'd naked, ftems and petioles moft hif- pid v/ith lance-prickles rigidlfh. hifpid. R. leaves three'd downy underneath, ftem ftiaggy and petioles with prickles recurved. /mall-leaved. R. leaves three'd downy underneath, ftem petioles and leaves pubefcent recurve-prickled. Jamaica. R. leaves three'd nakedifh : lateral ones two-lobed, ftem prickly columnar. gre)'i dewberry, R, leaves' flve-finger'd and three'd, ftem and petioles prickly. jhrubby, blackberry. R. leaves finger'd tenfold fivefold and three'd, ftem unarm'd. Canada. R. leaves fimple handed, ftem unarm'd many-leaved many-flower'd, odorous. 8. R. ICOSANDRIA. POLYGYNIA. RubuS. 389. mcluccanus. 8. R. leaves funple hearted fublobed, ftera prickly de- cumbent, molucca. japonica. R. leaves fimple hearted oblong faw'd, ftem unarm'd fhrubbyifh. japan. microphallus. R. fhrubby prickly fmooth, leaves fimple hearted egg'd obiufe fublobed, peduncles folitary one flower'd. S. w /mall-leaved. corchorifollus. R. fhrubby prickly downy, leaves firrple oblong hearted faw'd, peduncles folitary one-ftower'd. S. corchorus-leaved. yapom'cus. R. fhrubby unarm'd moft fmooth, leaves fimple hearted oblong pointed double-faw'd, peduncles folitary one-flower'd. S. Japan. * * Herbaceous. SaxatU's. 10. R. leaves three'd naked, with creeping herbaceous JLJ$ wires. Oso/. &/c rus. 0& f- cf<*»> -i. . Dalibarda. 13. R. leaves fimple hearted undivided notch'd, fcapsleaf- lefs one-flower'd. 633. FRAGARIA. Cal. io-cleft. Petals 5. Receptacle of the Seeds egg'd berried, deciduous. Strawberry. •vefca. 1. F. wires creeping. eatable. ~E~Q monopbylla. 1. F. leaves fimple. one-leaved. 3.M.- jierilis. 3. F. ftem decumbent, branches flower-bearing flexible. £.23. barren. 634. POTENTILLA. Cal. 10- cleft. Petals 5. Seeds roundifh, naked, affix'd to a fmall juiceleis receptacle. CinquefoiL * With leaves feather'd. fruttcofa. 1. P. leaves feather'd, ftem fhrubby. fhrubby. EJ3. Anferina. 2. P. leaves feather'd faw'd, ftem creeping, peduncles'" one-flower'd. 'Oeef.'cf&ii.fA*. Goofe. £$. 3- P. E3. 7.H. ZJS. IE.!?. 39O. TWENTY MALES. MANY FEMALES. Potentilld. jericea. 3. P. leaves twice-feather'd downy on both fides : the fegraents parallel approximated, ftems decum- bent. /My. multifield. 4. P. leaves twice-fcather'd : fegments mofl intire dii- tant downy underneath, ftem decumbent. ?nany-cleft. fragarioides. 5. P. leaves feather'd and three'd : the outmoft ones greater, wires creeping. jlrawberry-like. rupejlris. 6. P. leaves feather'd alternate : leaflets fivefold egg'd notch'd, ftem erect. rock. bifurca. 7. P. leaves feather'd fubequal : leafleats oblong nearly two-cleft : the outmoft ones confluent, two- fired. pimpinelhi- 8. P. leaves feather'd : leaflets roundifh tooth'd equal, des. ftem ere&. p'wipinella-like. fenfylvanica.1%. P. theinferiour leaves feather'd, fuperiour ones three'd: leaflets gafh-iaw'd, ftem erect pubefcent. penfyl- vaman. leaves feather'd, ftem two-fork'd decumbent. fupine. * * JVith leaves finger d. P. leaves fevca'd lanced faw'd fomewhat hairy on both fides, ftem erect. Jlraigbt. P. leaves fived wedge-form gafh'd downy underneath, ftem erect. . fiiver. P. radical leaves fived, ftem-leaves three'd, ftem erectifh moil branchy. intermediate* P. leaves feven'd and fived wedge-form gafti'd hairy, ftem erect fhaggy. J^oggy. P. leaves feven fefiile fitting on the dilated ftipule. Jiipulc. P. radical leaves fived wedge-form faw'd, ftem-leaves fuboppofite, branches thread-form decumbent. opake. P. radical leaves fived acutely faw'd retufe, ftem- leaves three'd, ftem declined. ^ty/.c/ri/T, //formal. P. radical leaves fived faw'd pointed, ftem-leaves three'd, ftem declined. 114 . golden, tanadenfis. 17. P. leaves fived villous, ftem afcending fhaggy. canada. alba. 18. P. leaves fived converge-faw'd at top, ftems thread- i'-*i,lt/i">- OlS form procumbent, receptacles fhaggy. white, caulefccns. 11. P. leaves fived converge-faw'd at top, ftems many- flower'd decumbent, receptacles fhaggy. /km- growingm 21. P. fupina. 9. P. reef a. 10. argentea. 1 1 . intermedia. 29. hirta. 12, Jlipidarh. 13. spaca. 16. verna. i<. aurea. 14. icosANDRiA. polygynia. Potentilla. 391. nitida. 21. P. leaves moftly three'd downy converge - three- tooth'd, ftems one-flower'd, receptacle woolly. glojfy. valderia. 20. P. leaves feven'd im?erfe-egg'd faw'd downy, Item erei9:, petals fhorter than the calyx, receptacles woolly. valderian. reptdnt. 22. P. leaves fived, Item creeping, peduncles one-flower'd. creeping. E.B. ■ '*'* 'JVitlr leaves three'd. ?nonfpelien- 12' P '• leaves three'd, ftem branchy erect, peduncles /is. . 1 growing out above the knots. montpelter. norveglca. 24. P. leaves three'd, item two-fork'd, peduncles axillary. Oiof.cS»* . fpongy> permanent, /#«•?/ /^hf^A EJB. palujire. I. Comarum. 7/ztfr/fc. 639. CALYCANTHUS. C*/. 1 -leaved, pitcher'd, ragged with colour'd leaflets. Cor. calycine. Styles moft numerous with a glandular fligma. Seeds moft nume- rous, tail'd, within the fucculent calyx. J&.M.» foridus. 1. C. interiour petals longer. fiowering. B.M. precox. 2. C. interiour petals minute. earfy. CLASS CLASS XIII. MANY MALES. ( Polyandria. J ONE FEMALE k (Monogynia.) * One-petaVd. 640 Marcgravia. Cal. 6-leaved, imbricated. Cor. I-petal'd, clofed. Berry many-cell'd, many- valved. 1397 Ternstromia. Cal. i-leaved, 5-parted. Cor. i-petal'd. Berry )u.\ce\e(s, two-cell'd valvelefs. S. 1398 Alstonia. Cal. beneath, imbricated. Cor. 8 or 10- cleft. 5 * Three-petal' d. 1 3 13 Trilix. Cal. 3-leaved. Berry 5-cell'd, many-feeded. * Four-petal'd. \i±i Rheedia. Cal,- none. Berry 3-feeded. D d d 656 Mam- 394; M A 656 Mammea. N M S. Cal. 2-leaved. Berry i-cell'd. Seeds cal- lous. Cal. 2.-leaved. Cap/, i-cell'd, crown'd. Cal. 2-leaved. Silique. Cal. 4-leaved. Berry pedicel'd barky. Cal. 4-leaved. Berry I-cell'd. Seeds in a double order. Cal. 4-leaved. Berry 8-feeded, 8-angled. 658 Calophyllum. Cal. 4-leaved. Drupe globular. Nucleus fubgiobular. 659 Grias. Cal. 4 - cleft. Drupe 1 - feeded. Nucleus 8 -furrow 'd. 669 CARYOPHyLLUS.Ctf'. above. Berry i-feeded, crown'd. 1400 Spap.mannia. Cal. 4-leaved. Cor. 4-petal'd, refledted. S. Cal. 4 or 5-leaved. Petals 4 or 5, 3-cleft. S. 648 Papaver. 647 Chelidonium. 643 Capparis. 644 ACTEA. 650 Cambogia. J401 Vallea. 1286 Loosa. 670 Mentzelia. 666 Vateria. 655 Sloanea. 673 ClSTUS. 675 corchorus. 652 Sarracenia. 660 TlLIA. 657 OCHNA. 651 MuNTINGIA. 663 El^eocarpus. 1399 Myristica. * Five-petard. Cap/, half- beneath, i-cell'd, half-three- valved, many- feeded. Cap/, beneath, i-cell'd, 3-valved, many- feeded. Cap/, i-cell'd, 3-valved, 1 -feeded. Cap/, hedgehog'd, berried within. Exteriour Stamens barren, leafy. Cap/, roundifh. CaL 5-leavcd 2 leaflets lefs. Cap/, nearly 5-cell'd. Cal. 5-leaved, the length of the corol, deciduous. Cap/. 5-cell'd. Stigma fhield-like. Cal. the exteriour 3-lcaved, the fuperiour 5- leaved. Cap/. 5-cell'd, leathery, 1 -feeded. Cal. de- diduous. Berries 5 in a flefhy receptacle. Petals with elongated claws. Berry 5-cell'd, navel'd. Cal. 5-parted. Drupe with nucleus cufl'd. Petals torn. Berry flefhy, one-feeded. S. * Delphinium Confolida, Jjacis, Aconites. * Six-petal'd. 649 Argemone. Cal. 3-leavcd. Capf, i-cell'd, half-valved. 667 Lagerstroemia. Cal. 6-cleft. The 6 exteriour Stamens greater. Cor. curl'd. 668 Thea. PC L 668 Thea. 664 Lecythis. 645 Sanguinaria. 646 Podophyllum. 654 Bixa. 653 Nymphjea. 1239 Trewia. 674 Prockia. 661 Laetia. 676 Seguieria. 672 Delima. f A N D R 1 A. 395. Cal. 5 or 6-leaved. Petals 6 or 9. Cap/. 3-ceH'd. Seeds folitary. Cal. 6 leaved. Stamens conjoin'd to the tongued ne&ary. Cap/ circumcifed. * Eight-petal' d. Cal. 2-leaved. Cap/. 2-valved, many-feeded. * Nine-petaPd. Cal. 3-leayed. Berry i-cell'd, crown'd. * Thea. * Ten-petard. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Cor. 5-petal'd, double. Cap/ 2-valved. * Many -pet a? d. Berry many-cell'd, barky. Cal. large. * Petalle/s. Cal. 3-leaved. Pericarp 3-gramM. Cal. 3-lea^ed. Pericarp 5-cell'd. Cal. 5-leaved. Pericarp i-cell'd, 3-valved. many-feeded. Cal. 5-leaved. Pericarp i-feeded, wing'd. Cal. 5-leaved. Pericarp 2-valved, 2-feeded, TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) 680 Calligonum. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. none. Pericarp hedge- hog-hook'd. Fothergilla. Cal. moft intire. Cor. none. Cap/ 2-cell'd. Seeds twofold. 670 Curatella. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 4-petalM. Cap/. 2- lv parted, 2-feeded. D d d 2 678 PiEONIA, 396. M 678 Pjeonia. N M s. Cal. 5 -leaved. Cor. 5-petal'd. Capf, many-feeded. Seeds colour'd. THREE FEMALES. ( T'rigynia. J 681 Delphinium. Cal. none. Cor. 5-petal'd : the higheft horn'd. NeElary 2-cleft, feflile. 682 Aconitum. Cal. none. Cor. 5-pecaPd : the higheft hel- metted. NeBaries 2, pedicel'd. * Refeda Luteola. Corchorus. FOUR FEMALES. 1282 ClMICIFUCA. 683 Tetracera. 1314 Caryocar. (Tetragynia.) Cal. 4-leaved. Or. with Nectaries 4, pitch- er'd. Capf 4. Seeds fcaly. Cal. 6-leaved. Capf. 4, one-feeded. Cal. 5-parted. Cor. 5-petal'd. Drupe with 4 nucleufes. FIVE FEMALES 684 Aquilegia. 685 NlGELLA. 686 Reaumuria. ( Pentagynia. ) Cal. none. Cor. 5-petal'd. Netlaries 5, horn'd below. Cal. none. Cor. 5-petal'd. Netlaries 8, 2- lip'd above. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petal'd : with necta- ries 10, adhering, fringed. Capf. 5-cell'd, many-feeded. 1402 Bra- D A. 1402 Brathys. 397- Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. Neclary none. Cap/. i-celPd, many-feeded. S. * Aconhum Author a * variegated. SIX FEMALES. (Hexagynia.) 687 Stratiotes. CaL 3-parted. Ccr. 3-petal'd. Berry 6- cell'd within the fpathe. MANY FEMALES. (Polygyria.) 704 Hydrastis. 695 Atragene. 696 Clematis. 697 Thalictrum. 701 isopyrum. 702 Helleborus. 703 Caltha. 694 Anemone. 69I MlCHELIA. 700 Trollius. CaL none. Cor. 3-petal'd. Berry com- pound with ftones i-feeded. CaL none. Cor. 4-petal'd greater : inwardly many-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous, awn'd. CaL none. Cor. 4-petal'd. Seeds-mod nu- merous awn'd. CaL none. Cor. 4 or 5-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous, nearly awnlefs, naked. CaL none. Cor. 5-petal'd, deciduous. Nec- taries 5. Cap/, many-feeded. CaL none. Cor. 5-petal'd, permanent. Nec- taries very numerous. Cap/, many- feeded. CaL none. Cor. 5-petal'd. Capf. moft nu- merous. Nectaries none. CaL none. Cor. 6-petaPd. Seeds moft nu- merous. CaL lop'd. Cor. 8-petal'd. Berries 4-fecded, glomerate. CaL none. Cor. 1 4-petal'd. Nectaries li- near. Capfules many-feeded. 692 UVARIA. 39$. M A 692 UvARIA. 693 ANNONAr 698 LlRIODENDRON. 690 Magnolia. 1404 Unona. 688 DlLLENIA. N M S. Cal. Cal. Cal. Cal. 699 Ranunculus. Cal 611 Illicium. Cal 698 Adonis. Cal 1403 Drimys. Peri Cal. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal'd. Berries many-feeded, affix'd to a long recep- tacle. Cal. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal'd. Berry many- feeded with an imbricated bark. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal'd. Seeds raoft numerous, lanced, imbricated. 3-leaved. Cor. 9-petal'd. Capfules glomerate, 2-valved. Seeds pendulous. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal'd. Berries very numerous, pedicel 'd, 2-feeded. S. 5 -leaved. Cor. 5-petal'd. Capfules very numerous conjoin'd : with a flefhy receptacle. 5-leaved. Cor. 5-petal'd. Seeds moft numerous. Petals with a neclar- bearing claw. 6-Ieaved. Petals 27. Capfules i-feeded in an orb. 5-leaved. Cor. 5 or 10-petal'd. Seeds molt numerous, angled, barky. Perianth 3-lobed. Petals 6 or 12. Berry inverfe-egg'd. S. * Phytolacca twenty-male. Some Negellas. ONE polyandria. monogynia. Marcgravia. 399. ONE FEMALE. (Monogynia.) 640. MARCGRAVIA. Cor. i-petal'd, calyptre- form. Cal. 6 - leaved, imbricated. Berry many-cell'd, many-feeded. wnbellata. I. Marcgravia. umbel'd. 131 3 TRILIX. Cor. 3-petal'd. Cal. 3-leaved. Berry 5-cell'd, many-feeded. lutea. Trilix. yellow. 641. RHEEDIA. Cor. 4-petal'd Cal none. Berry 3-feeded. lateriflora. I. Rheedia. f de-flowering. 643. CAPPARIS. Cal. 4-leaved, leathery. Petals 4. Stamens long. Berry barky, 1- cell'd, peduncled. Caper-Bujh. fpinofa. I. C. peduncles one-flowor'd folitary, ftipule» thorny, 3. At. leaves annual, capfules oval. thorny. zeylanica. 1. C. peduncles one-flower'd folitary, ftipule thorny, leaves egg'd acute at both ends. ceylon. fepiaria. 3. C. peduncles umbcl'd, ftipules thorny, leaves annual egg'd end-nick'd. hedge. frondofa. 11. C. peduncles umbcl'd, leaves every where crowded. leafy. ferruginea. 8. C. peduncles umbcl'd, leaves permanent lanced downy underneath, flowers eight-male. iron. Baducca. 4. C. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves perennial egg-ob- long determinatelv crowded naked. 5. C. 400. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. CappanS. cynopballo- 5. C. peduncles many-flower'd terminal, leaves oval phora. obtufe perennial, glands axillary. pulcherrima. 12. C. peduncles racemed, leaves oblong obtufe, fruit berried. mojl-beauiifid. linearis. 13. C. peduncles fubracemed, leaves linear. linear. Breynia. 7. C. peduncles racemed, leaves permanent oblong, calyxes and peduncles downy, flowers eight- male. bajlata. 10. C. peduncles many-flower'd, leaves halbert-lanced gh'fly. halberted. fexnofa. 9. C. peduncles collected terminal, leaves permanent oblong obtufe fmooth, branches winding. Jlex- uous. filiquofa. 6. C. peduncles many-flower'd comprefs'd, leaves per- manent lance-oblong pointed dotted underneath. filiqited. grandis. C. arborefcent, mild, leaves egg'd acute fmooth, corymbes terminal, fruit globular. S. great. horrida. C. arborefcent, flipules prickly, branches winding leaves egg-lanced dagger'd fmooth, flowers ax- illary twofold. S. horrid. 644. ACTiEA. Cor. 4-petalU Cal. 4-leaved. Berry i-cd\'y . ma jus. 1. C. punduncles umbel 'd. &&-m<>6»n/ :,&&&. greater. E_B. Giaucium. 2. C. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves ftem-clafping finu- % ■% ous, ftem fmooth. Oea .-/n*, . 5"S 5~. cormcuiatum.^. C. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves fertile feather-cleft* JZ Pj ftem hifpid. horn'd. hybridum. 4. C. peduncles one-flower'd, leaves feather-cleft linear, £ -q ftem polifh'd, filiques three-valved. mule. 648. PAPAVER. Cor. 4-petal'd. CaL 2-leaved. Capfule i-cell'd, gaping with pores under the permanent Stigma. Poppy. * With hifpid capfules. hybridum. I. P. capfules fubglobular brawny hifpid, ftem leafy -p^ many-flower'd. mule. Argemone. 2. P. capfules club'd hifpid, ftem leafy many-flower'd. i'._B. alpinum. 3. P. capfule hifpid, fcape one-flower'd naked hifpid, leaves twice-feather'd. alpine. nudicaulc. 4. P. capfules hifpid, fcape one-flower'd naked hifpid, 0^1 / t leaves fimple feather-finuous. naked-Jlem. * * With fmooth capfules. Rhoeas. 6. P. capfules fmooth globular, ftem hairy many-flower'd, ~E.£>. leaves feather-cleft gafh'd. dubium. 5. P. capfules oblong fmootH, ftem many-flower'd with briftles apprefs'd, leaves feather-cleft gafh'd. 11. B. dubious, fofnniferum. 7. P. calyxes and capfules fmooth, leaves ftem-clafping j?£ gafh'd. fomniferoas. cambricum. 8. P. capfules fmooth oblong, ftem many-flower'd pol- ^ _ ifh'd, leaves feather'd gafh'd. welch. srientale. 9. P. capfules fmooth, ftems one-flower'd rugged leafy, 3^ *»• leaves feather'd faw'd. oriental. E e e 049. ARGE- 402. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Argemone. 649. ARGEMONE. Cor. 6-petal'd. Cal. 3-leaved. Capfule half-valved. Prickly Poppy, B.M.. mexicana. I. A. capfules fix-valved, leaves thorny. mexican. armeniaca. 2. A. capfules three-valved. armenian, pyrenaica. 3. A. capfules four-valved, ftem naked. pyrenean. 650. CAMBOGIA. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved. Pome 8-cell'd. Seeds folitary. ucwloq» Gutta. 1. Camjbogia. 651. MUNTINGIA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5- parted. Berry i-cell'd, i-feeded. C-alahura. 1. Muntingia. 652. SARRACENIA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. double, 3-leaved and 5-leaved. Capfule 5- cell'd, ftyle with ftigma fhield-like. flava. 2. S. leaves upright. / yelloiv. _g.M. purpurea. 1. S. leaves gibbous. purple. 653. NYMPHi^A. Cor. many-petal'd. Cal. 4 or 5-leaved. Berry many-cell'd, lop'd. JVater-Lily. EJ3 lutea. 1. N. leaves hearted moft intire, calyx five - leaved greater. yellow. EJh. alba. 2. N. leaves hearted moft intire, calyx four-cleft, white. j$ jvT -Lotus. 3. N. leaves hearted tooth'd. 2> j^. Nelumbo. 4. N. leaves targetted every way intire. 654. BIXA. Cor. 10-petal'd. Cal. 5-tooth'd. Cap/, hifpid, 2-valved. a.nmjfa-. ZB.7VT. Orettana. 1. Bixa. 6$S- SLO- polyandria. monogynia. Sloanea. 403. 6$s- SLOANEA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved, deciduous. Stigma peforated. Berry barky, hedgehog'd, many -feeded, ga- ping. rt/iftP°i ff/wfOi4tf. dentata. I. S. leaves heart - egg'd toothletted, ftipules faw'd. tooth'd. emarginata. 2. S. leaves oblong moft intire end-nick'd. end-nick' d. 1239. TREWIA. Cor. o. Cal. 3-leaved, above. CaPf- 3-grain'd- nudiflora. Trewia. naked-flower. 656. MAMMEA. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 2-leaved. Berry moft large, 4-feeded. americana. 1. M. ftamens fhorter than the flower. american. aftatica. 2. M. ftamens longer than the flower. afiatic. 657. OCHNA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved, Berrip 1 -feeded, affix'd to a large roundifh receptacle. fquarrofa. i. O. -racemes lateral. ragged. Jabotapita. 2. O. racemes terminal. 659. GRIAS. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-cleft. Stig- ma feflile, crofs'd. Drupe with nu- cleus eight-furrow'd. cauliflora. 1. Grias. Jl em- flowering. 658. CALOPHYLLUM, Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal »j*v» 4-leaved, cplout'cl. prupe globular. ' Jnophyllum. I. C. leaves oval. Calaba. 2. C. leaves egg'd obtufe. E e e 2 660. TILIA. 404. MANY MALES, ONE FEMALE. Tilia. 660. TILIA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-parted. Berry dry, globular, 5-cell'd, 5-vaIved, gaping at the bafe. Limeys* £B. europcea. 1. T. flowers deftitute of a nectary. Opcf.rfoH-SSUuropean. JJJ}. qmericana. 2. T. flowers furniih'd with a nectary, amencan. 661, LAETIA. Cor. 5-petal'd, or none. CaL 5-leaved. Fruit i-cell'd, three-cor- ner'd. Seeds with a pulpy aril. apetala. 1. L. flowers petallefs. peiallefs. ipleta. 2. L. flowers petal-like complete. complete. com 66$. ELiEOCARPUS. Cor. 5-petal'd, torn. Anthers with top two-valved. Cal. 5-leaved, witb nucleus curl'd. Oif-fmit ferratus. E. one-female, leaves alternate oblong faw'd, racemes axillary. 5, faw'd. Dicera. E. four- female, leaves' oppofite egg'd double-faw'd, racemes lateral oppoiite. S. 664. LECYTHIS. Cor. 6-petal'd. Cal. 6-leaved. Nefiary ligulate, flamen-bearing. Pe- ricarp circumcifed, many-feeded. Ollaria. 1. L. leaves feifile heart-egg'd very intire. minor. 2. L. leaves petioled lanced faw'd. l*Jfer. 672. DELIMA. Cor. o. Cal. 5-leaved. Berry 2-feeded. /armentofa. A. Delima. far merit. 1 666. VA- PpLYA^DRIA. M0NO6YNIA. Vateria. 405. 666. VATERIA.: Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-cleft. Qapf, 3-valved, i-cell'd, 3-feeded. indica. I. Vateria. Indian. 670. MENTZELIA. Cor. 5-petafd. Cal. 5- leaved. Caff, beneath, cylindric, many- feeded. afpera. i. Mentzelia. rough. 1286. LOOSA. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved. Capfiile half-beneath, i-celld, half- three-valved, many-feeded. hifpida. I. Loos a. hifpid. 667. LAGERSTROEMIA. Cor. 6-petaI'd, curl'd. Cal. 6-cleft, bell'd. Stamens many : the 6 exterionr of thefe thicker, lon- ger than the petals. indica. Lagerstroemia. indian. JB>M 668. THEA. Cor. 6 or 9-petal'd. Cal. 5 or 6- leaved. Cap/. 3-grain'd. Tea. Bohea. 1. T. flowers fix-petal'd. Bohea. JS.hL viridis. 2. T. flowers nine-petal'd. green. 669. CARYOPHYLLUS. Cor. 4-petal'd. Cal. 4-leaved, double. Berry i-feeded, beneath. Clove. arematicus. 1. Caryophyllus. aromatic. 673. CISTUS. 406. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. CiftllS. 673. CISTUS. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5-leaved : Wjth -two lefler kaflejs.- Capfule. • '/cc/u *o*S— lJ * Unftipuled Jhrubbby. cspenfis. I; C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg-lanced petioled three-nerved toothletted naked on both fides . cape. villa/us. 2. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg'd petioled flaggy- villous. populifohus. 3. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves hearted polifh'd pointed petioled. poplar-leaved. hurifolius. 4, C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves oblong-egg'd petioled three-nerved fmooth above : petioies conjoin'd at the bafe. bay-leaved. JB.ht. ladamfenn. 5. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves lanced polifh'd above, petioles coalefced at the bafe fheathino-. ladanum-b earing. monfpd'nnfis.d. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves linear-lanced feflile villous on both fides three-nerved. montpelier. falvifolius. 10. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg'd petioled fhaggy on both fides. /age-leaved. B.St- incanus. 7. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves fpatuled downy wrinkled : inferiour ones conjoin'd at the bafe fheathing. hoary, creticus. 9. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves fpatule-egg'd peti- oled nervelefs rugged, calyxes lanced, cretan. albidus. 8. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves egg-lanced downy hoary fertile moftly three-nerved. white. crifpus. 11. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves lanced pubefcent three-nerved waved. curl'd. lM2limiJ0lius.il. C. arborefcent unftipuled,the two calyx-leaflets linear. y '■ .• halimus-leaved. hbanotis. 13. C. arborefcent unftipuled, leaves linear revolute, flowers umbel'd. •- % Unjiipukd JJjrubbyiJh. umbeliatus. 14. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite, flowers umbel'd. umbel'd. B.T^L, ler-vibcs. 15. C. fhrubbyifh afcending unftipuled, leaves alternate fafcicled thread-form fmooth, peduncles ra- ce med. foot-polijh 'd. salycinus. C. fhrubbyifh erect unftipuled, leaves linear, pedun- cles one-flower'd, calyxes three-leaved, calyx. 16. C. POLYANDRIA. Fumana, 1 6. C MONOGYNIA. Ciftus. 407. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves alternate linear rugged on the margin, peduncles one- flower'd. canus. 18. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite inverfe-egg'd villous downy underneath, flowers fubumbel'd. hoary. italicus. 17. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled, leaves oppofite hifpid : the inferiour ones egg'd ; the fuperiouf ones lanced, branches expanding. Italian. marifolius. 19. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled, leaves oppofite oblong pe- tioled flat hoary underneath. marum- leaved. andicus. C. fhrubbyifh unftipuled procumbent, leaves oppofite oblong revolute hairy, flowers racemed. englijh. celandicus. 20. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent unftipuled, leaves oppofite oblong fmooth on both fides, petioles fringed, petals end-nick'd. celandian. Unftipuled herbaceous. Tuberaria. 21. C. unftipuled perennial, radical leaves egg'd three- nerved downy ; ftem-leaves fmooth lanced : the higheft ones alternate. guttatus. 22. C. herbaceous unftipuled, leaves oppofite lanced three- nerved, racemes braclelefs. /potted. canadenfis. 23. C. herbaceous unftipuled, all the leaves alternate lanced, ftem afcending. Canadian. * * * * Stipuled herbaceous. 24. 25- C. herbaceous erecl fmooth ftipuled, flowers folitary fubfeftlle oppofite to a three'd leaf, ledum -leaved. C. herbaceous fpreading villous ftipuled, flowers ra- cemed ereel, pedicels horizontal, willow-leaved. C. herbaceous ftipuled ere^,-. rather downy, flowers racemed folitary feffile leaf-oppofed. nile. agypticui. 26. C. herbaceous ereel ftipuled, leaves linear-lanced pe- tioled, calyxes inflated larger than the corol. Egyptian. ledifolius'. falicifolius. niloticus. ***** Stipuled Jhrubbyifh. fquamatus. 27. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled, leaves cover'd over with or- bicular (bales, fioly- X.B. K.B. 1L3. C. 408. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE, Ciftu$. Lippii. C. fhrubbyiih ftipuled ere<:L, leaves alternate and op- pofite Jai ced rugged, fpikes one-rank'd. of Lipptus. E.3. furrejanus. 28. C. fhrubbyifh ftipided procumbent, Jeaves egg-oblong rather hair', . petals lanced. furry. nummula- 29. C. fhruobyifh ftipuled, the lower leaves orbicular, the rius. fuperiour ones egg'd. money. ferpyllifolius.Tfi. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled, leaves oblong, calyxes polifh'd. ferpy I hum-leaved, glutinofus. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled, leaves linear oppofite and al- ternate, peduncles villous glutinous, glutinous. Tbymifolius.31. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled procumbent, leaves oval-linear oppofite moft fhort collected. Thyme-leaved, pilofus. 32. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled ere&ifh, leaves linear two- furrow'd underneath hoary, calyxes polifh'd. hairy, racemofus. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled, leaves lance-linear downy un- derneath, racemed. E.B. Hellanthe- 33. C. fhrubbyifh procumbent, ftipules lanced, leav.s ob- ?num. long revolute rather hairv .Otcf.r/a*,foi Sun-flower. hirtus. 34. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled, leaves egg'd, calyxes hifpi-d. fiaggy. apenninus. 35. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled fpreading, leaves lanced fhaggy. apennine. JZ-1* polfo/ius. 36. C. fhrubbvifh ftipuled procumbent, leaves oblong- egg'd hoary, calyxes polifh'd, petals faw'd. polium-leaved. arabicus. 37. C. fhrubbyifh ftipuled, leaves alternate lanced flat polifh'd. arabian. 674. PROCKIA. Cal. 3-leaved beiides the two leaflets of the bale. Cor. o. Berry 5-angled, many-feeded Crucis. 1. Prockia. 675. CORCHORUS. Cor. 5-petal'd. Cal. 5- leaved, deciduous. Cap/, many-valved, cell'd., Jew's Mallow. cfitorius. 2. C. capfules oblong bellied, leaves with the loweft fawings briftly. garden. 7-C. POlYANDRIA. MONOGYNIA. CotchorUS. 409. trilocularis. 7. C. capfules three-cell'd tbree-valved thee-fided : the angles two-cleft rugged, leaves oblong : the loweft fawings briftly. three-cell'd. tridem. C. capfules linear columnarifh rugged, leaves with the loweft fawings briftly. three-tooth 'd. ajluans. 3. C. capfules oblong three-cell'd three-valved fix-fur- row'd fix-piked, leaves hearted : the loweft fawings briftly. burning. capfularis. 4. C. capfules roundiih deprefs'd wrinkled* leaves with the loweft fawings briftly. capfidar. h'irjutus. 4. C. capfules roundifh woolly, leaves egg'd obtufe downy equally faw'd. foaggy. birtus. 5. C. capfules oblong and ftem hairy, leaves oblong equally faw'd. Jhaggd. filiquofus* I. C. capfules linear comprefs'dtwo-valved, leaves lanced equally faw'd filiqued. 676. SEGUIERIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Cor. o. Cap/. ' one-feeded : with a large terminal wing and lateral winglets. americana. I. Seguieria. american. 1397. TERNSTROEMIA. Cal one-leaved, 5- parted. Cor. i-petal'd, 5 or 6-parted, globular, bell'd. Berry juicelefs, two- cell'd, valvelefs. S. vierul'wwlh. Ternstroemia. meridian. 1398. ALSTONIA. Cal. beneath, imbricated. Cor. 8 or 10-parted : with alternate divifions, S, Thexformis. Alstonia, Tea-form. Fff 1399. MY- 4IO. MANY MALES. ONE FEMALE. Myriftica. / / 1399. MYRISTICA. Berry flefhy, one-feeded. Membrane netted, dry, between the Berry and the Seed. S. 3M. officinalis. MyrisTica. officinal 1400. SPARMANNIA. Cal 4-leaved. Cor. 4- petal'd, reflex. NeBaries very nume- rous protuberant. Capfide angled, five- cell'd, hedgehog'd. S. :.7VL- afrkana. Sparmannia. african. 1401. VALLEA. Cap/, two-cell'd. Cal. 4 or 5- leaved. Petals 4 or 5, three-cleft. Stigma 4 or 5-cleft. S. Jllpularis. Vallea. Jiipuled. TWO FEMALES. (Digynia.) 678. PtEONIA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5. 'Styles o. Capfules many-feeded. Paony. .officinalis. 1. P. leaves oblong. cficiml anomala P. calyx leafy, capfules fmooth deprefs'd. anomalous, tenuijoha. 2. P. leaves linear many-parted. Jlender-leavtd. 679. CURATELLA. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 4. %/ / / y7 FOTHER- (fa ff>$ (•%/> 'toothy yfiarJijVvt &V?/ja/dl'>"r>tf co/ju'c/, /rcn» M^ co tn/j? 'oy'/% > VQi no/ /<*Jjj}y> rye?» \SCry->r,jy a *v '/p^^^p?^ qfft JfOtcSi polyandria. DiGYNiA. Fothergilla. 411. FOTHERGILLA. Cal. lop'd, moll intire. Cor. o. Germ two-cleft. Cap/. 2-cell'd. Seeds foiitary, bony, (cells 2-valved. S.) Garden}. Fothergilla. alnifolia' Fothergilla. S. alum-leaved. 3JMT. 680. CALLIGONUM. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals o. Styles o. Fruit hi fpid, i-feeded. w^«.m,/,^ Polygonoides. Calligonum. Polygonum-like. THREE FEMALES. ^ Trigynia. J 681. DELPHINIUM. Cor. o. Petals $. Nettary two-cleft, horn'd on the back. Siliques 3 or 1. Larkfpur. * One-capfuled. Confolida. I. D. nectaries one-leaved, ftem fubdivided R.B. Ajacis. 2. D. nectaries one-leaved, ftem fimple. ofAjax. aconiti. D. nedtaries one-!eaved four-tooth'd before, capfules foiitary, branchlets one-flower'd, aconite, * * Three -capjuled. amb'iguum. 3. D. nectaries one-leaved, corols fix-petal'd, leaves many-parted. ambiguous. ■peregrinum. 4. D. nedtaries two-leaved, corols ninc-petal'd, leaves many-parted obtufe. foreign. grandiprum.<$.~D. nedtaries two-leaved : the lips intire, flowers fub- folitiry, leaves compoynd linear-many-partcd. '' great-finver^d. F f f 2 6. 1). . 412. MANY MALES. THREE FEMALES. Delphinium. ' datum. 6. D. nectaries two-leaved : the lips two-cleft beard- ed at top, leave? gafiVd, ftem erecl. elate. Stapbifagria.']. D. nectaries four-leaved fhorter than the petal, leaves handed lobes obtule. puniceum. D. lips two-parted hairy, horn of the nectary ftraijrht, leaves many-parted j calyx-bracf.es none. . 5. Jcarlet. 682. ACONITUM. Cat. o. Petals 5 : the highefl vaulted. NeBaries 2, peduncled, re- curved. Siliques 3 or 5. Wolfsbane. f Three-capfuled. Lycottonum. 1. A. leaves handed many-cleft villous. Napcllus. 4. A. divifions of the leaves linear broader above plough'd with a line. monkjhood. pyrenaicum. 5. A. leaves many-parted : the divifions linear incumbent ragged. . pyrenncan. * * Fhe-capfuled. Antbora. 7. A. flowers five-female, divifions of the leaves linear. variegatum. 3. A. flowers five-female, leaves with divifions jlmi- parted broader above. variegated. Cammarum. 6. A. flowers moftly five-female, divifions of the leaves wedge-form gafh'd acute. BM. uncinatum. 2. A. flowers moftly "five-female, leaves many-lobed, helmet of the corols extended longer. hook'd. FOUR FEMALES. ( T^etragynia. ) 683. TETRACERA. Cal. ^-leaved. Capfuks 4. ..... vy'cn1. Alifmoides. 1. S. leaves hearted. Alifma-like. Acorcides. S. leaves fword-form flat moft fmooth, fpathe bearded at top. S. Acor us-like. M ANY polyandria. polygynia. Dillenia. 415. MANY FEMALES. ( Polygynia. J 688. DILLENIA. Cal. 5 -leaved. Petals 5. Capfules many - teeded, conjoin'd, re- plete with pulp. indica. I. Dillenia. Indian. Ji.M . 611. ILLICIUM. Cal. 6-leaved. Petals 27. Capfules very numerous digefted in an orb, two-valved, one-feeded. anifatum. I. (flowers yellowifhj anife. floridanam. I. Cflowers red) jlorida. B.M. 689. LIRIODENDRON. Cal. 3-leaved. Petals 9. Seeds imbricated in a ilrobile. Lyre- Tree. &> fy ^9 Tulipifera. I. L. leaves lobed. Tulip-bearing. B.M. Liliifera. 2. L. leaves lanced. Lily-bearing. 690. MAGNOLIA. Cal. 3 - leaved. Petals 9. Cap/. 2-valved, imbricated. Seeds berried, pendulous. ^ms/Acvcrf UZ.M. glauca. 2. M. leaves egg-oblong lea-green underneath, fea- jb.7V£, green, acuminata. 4. M. leaves egg-oblong pointed. -pointed, tripetala. 3. M. leaves lanced, the exteriour petals depending. .3.7^ . three-petal 'd. / 691. MI- 4l6. MANY MALES. MANY FEMALES Michelia. 691. MICHELIA. CaL 3-leaved. Petals 15. Berries many, 4-feeded. Champaca. I. M. leaves lanced. Tfiampaca. 2. M. leaves lance-egg'd. 692. UVARIA. CaL 3-leaved. Petals 6. Ber* ries numerous, pendulous, 4-feeded. zeylanica. i. U. leaves moft intire. ceylon. javanica. 2. U. leaves faw'd. java. 693. ANNONA. CaL 3-leaved. Petals 6. Berry many-feeded, roundifti, with a fcaly bark . Cuftard Apple. muricata. 1. A. leaves oval-lanced fmooth glofly flat, pomes mu- rex'd. murexd. . > ' fquamofa. 2. A. leaves oblong fomewhat waved, fruit rather ob- tufely fcaled. fcaly. reticulata. 3. A. leaves lanced, fruit egg'd area-netted. netted» pahtjh-is. 4. A. leaves oblong obtufiih fmooth, fruit area-like. marjh* glabra. 5. A. leaves lance-egg'd, fruit cone-like fmooth. fmooth. triloba. 6. A. leaves lanced, fruit three-cleft. tbree-lobed. afatica. '7. A. leaves lanced fmooth glofly lined. afiatic. africana. 8. A. leaves lanced pubefcent. african. hexapetala. A. flowers fix-petal'd. S. fix-petal' d. 694. ANEMONE. CaL o Petals 6-9. Seeds very numerous. jftf/no/J/oian—. * Hepaticas with flovjer fubcalydcd. B.M. Hepatica. 1. A. leaves three-lobed moft intire. * * Pulfatillas with peduncle involucred, feeds tail'd. 3.M". patens. 3. A. peduncle involucred, leaves finger'd many-cleft. expanding. 23. A. polyandria. polygynia. Anemone. 417. fulphurea. 23. A. peduncle involucred, leaves triple-feather'd hairy fiat acutely gafh'd, feeds tail'd. fulphur. balden/is. 22. A. leaves thrice-three'd fliaggy. 'vernalis. 4. A. peduncle involucred, leaves feather'd, flower erecT:. Oed-ett*'"- 2$- vernal, Pulfatilla. 5. A. peduncle involucred, petals ftraight, leaves twice- EvB fe?ther'd. (W A*.^''- praUnfis. 6. A. peduncle' involucred, petals reflected at top, leaves twice-feather'd. meadow, alpha. 7. A. ftem-leaves threefold conjoin'd fuperdecompound JS."M . many-cleft, feeds fliaggy tail'd. alpine. * * * Anemones withjlem leafy, feeds tail'd. coronarla. 8. A. radical .leaves three-decompound, involucre leafy. B. bi- er own. bortenfs. 9. A. leaves finger'd, feeds woolly. garden. jb.M. palmata. 2. A. leaves hearted fublobed., calyx fix-leaved colour'd. 2..M- handed. * #.* * Anemonoides with flower naked, Seeds taillefs. fibirica. 18. A. ftem one-flower'd, involucre leafy obtufe. fibcrian. /ylvflcris. 10. A. peduncle naked, feeds roundifh fhaggy awnlefs. 3.M.. J wood. virvimana.w. A. peduncles alternate moft long, fruit cylindric, feeds (baggy awnlefs. virginian. decapetala. 23. A. ftera ohe-nower'd, flowers ten-petal'd, leaves three'd lobed radical. ten-petard. penfyhanica. A. ftem two-fork'd, leaves feffile ftem-clafping : the loweft threefold three-cleft gafh'd. penfyhanian. dichotoma. 12. A. ftem two-fork'd, leaves feffile all oppolite ftem- clafping three-cleft gafh'd. two-fork d. tri folia. 11. A . leaves three'd egg'd intire faw'd, ftem one-flower'd. J three-leaved. quinquefolia.^. A. leaves fived oval faw'd, ftem one-flower'd. five- nemorofa. i«j. A. feeds acute, leaflets gafh'd, ftem one-flower'd. % ^ J J grove, appennina. 16. A. feeds acute, leaflets gafh'd, petals lanced nume- j.^. , rous. . appenmne. ranuneuhi- 11. A. feeds acute, leaflets gafh'd, petals roundifh, ftem EJB. ■ £s moftly one-flower'd. 0*/.Wa* /^-ranunculus- hfie. narci/n/lora.ig. A. flowers umbel'd, feeds oval - deprefs'd naked Bm. JJJ ' naraj/us-foiver a. G o- o- 20. A. 4i 8. many males, many females. Anemone. fafciculata. 20. A. flowers umbel'd collected, leaves many -cleft. fafcicled. JB.AL- Thaliclroi-ii. A. flowers umbel'd, ftem-leaves Ample verticil'd, dcs. radical cnes thrice-three'd. Tbaticlrum-like. 695. ATRAGENE. Cal. 4-leaved. Petals 12. Se?ds tail'd. 3-2* • alphia. JZM. - captnfis. zeylanlca. tenu'ifolla. 2. A. leaves thrice-three'd faw'd, the exteriour petals fourfold. alpine. 3. A. leaves three'd : leaflets gafh'd tooth'd, the exteriour petals fivefold. cape. I. A. tendrils two-leaved. . ceylon. A. leaves twice-feather'd : featherlets linear intire. S. fender -leaved. 696. CLEMATIS. Cal. o. Petals 4, feldom 5. Seeds . tail'd. Virgin's Bower. * C limbing. / SB-M- cirrhcfa. C. leaves Ample, Hem climbing with oppoflte tendrils, peduncles one-flower'd lateral. tendriVd. .B.N-.- Viticella. I. C. leaves compound and decompound : leaflets egg'd fublobed moft intire. Viorna. 2. C. leaves compound and decompound : fome leaflets three-cleft. JMVL\ crifpa. 3. C. leaves fimple and three'd : leaflets intire or three- lobed. curl'd. orientalh. 4. C. leaves compound : leaflets gafh'd angled lobed wedge- form, petals internally villous, oriental. JD-Tj . virginiana. 6. C. leaves three'd: leaflets hearted fublobe - angled climbing, flowers two-houfe. Virginian, dioica. 5. C. leaves three'd moft intire, flowers two-houfe. two- houfe. -&•*• Vitalba. 8. C. leaves feather'd : leaflets hearted climbing. Flammula. 9. C. the inferiour leaves feather'd jagg'd : the higheft ones fimple moft intire lanced. bexapetala» C. leaves compound : leaflets egg'd faw'd, peduncles two-leaved, corol expanding fix-petal'd. S. fix-petal 'd. * * Erecl. polyandria. polygynia. Clematis. 419. . * * Erea. maritima. 10. C. leaves feather'd linear, fiems fimple fix-corner'd. fea. erecla. 8. C. leaves feather'd : leaflets egg-lanced moft intire, ftem erect, flowers five-petal'd and four-petal'd. erecl. integrifolla. 9. C. leaves fimple egg-lanced, flowers bowing, intire- j. ^ leaved. 69y. THALICTRUM. Cat. o. Petals 4 or 5. Seeds taillefs. Meadow-rue, alpimim. 1. T. ftem moft fimple nakedifh, raceme fimple terminal. -* R '«w ,/^„ .//. alpine, fevtidum. 2. T. ftem panicled thread-form moft branchy leafy. jlinking. tuberofum. 3. T. flowers five-petal'd, root tuberous. tuberous. Cornuti. 4. T. flowers five-petal'd, root fibrous. cfCornutus. dioicum. $. 'T. flowers two-houfe. two-houfe. minus. 6. T. leaves fix-parted, flowers bowing. lefs. JEJJ. fibiricum. 8. T. leaves three-parted : leaflets fubreflected fharply gafh'd, flowers bowing. fiberian. purpurafcens.y. T. leaves three-parted, ftem twice as high as the leaves, flowers bowing. purplijh. angujlifoli- 9. T. leaflets lance-linear moft intire. narrow-leaved. urn. flavum. 10. T. ftem leafy furrow'd, panicle manyfold erect, j, g yellow, fmplex. 14. T. ftem leafy moft fimple angled. fimple. lucidum. 11. T. ftem leafy furrow'd, leaves linear flefhy. lucid, aquilegifo- 12. T. fruit pendulous triangular ftraight, ftem columnar, juvt. Hum. columbine-leaved ', contortum. 13. T. fruit pendulous triangular contorted, ftem fome- what two-edged. contorted. Jlameneum. T. filaments of the ftamens petal-form lanced. S. Jiamcn. Jlyloideum. T. leaves three-part-feather'd, ftyles wing'u at the bafe. S. jlyle-like. G g g 2 698. ADO- 4.20. MANY MALES. MANY FEMALES. Adonis. EJB. S-M. 698. ADONIS. Cat 5-leaved. P*foZr more than five without a nectary. Seeds naked. Pbeafant's Eye. aftivalis. autumnalis. vernalis. apenmna. capcnjis. fili a. capcnjis. veficatoria. 1. 2. 3- 4- 5- A. flowers five-petal'd, fruit egg'd. fumvier. A. nowers eight-petal'd, fruit fubcylindric. \autumnal. A. flower twelve-petal'd : fruit egg'd. vernal. A. flowers fifteen-petal'd. apennine. A. flowers ten-petal'd, fruit deprefs'd, leaves thrice- three'd : leaflets faw'd hearted. cape. A. leaves twice-feather'd : leaflets linear feather- cleft. S. thread. A. leaves thrice-rhree'd : leaflets fomewhat hearted. A. leaves thrice-three'd : leaflets flowers ten-petal'd. S. cape. faw'd fmooth, bladder. 699. RANUNCULUS. Cal. 5-leaved. . Petals 5 with a honey-bearing pore within the claws. Seeds naked. &ron>ft>•&-■ ample xicaulis.^ '. R. leaves egg'd pointed ftem-clafping, ftem many- flower'd, root fafcicled. Jlem-clajping. 8. R. leaves egg'd faw'd, fcape naked one - flower'd. ftudded. 9. R. leaves hearted angled petioled, ftem one--flower'd. •*-«*»♦•"*#- Pilewort. 10. R. leaves kidney-form moftly three-lobed notch'd : ftem-leaf fefllle, flowers lanced^ ftem moftly two-fiower'd. * * Leaves E.-B ■Flarmnula. reptans. E-E. Lingua. Jj.M.fi nodiflorus. S3*3/. platanus- leaved. leaves three'd moft intire lanced. illyrian. leaves three'd and thrice-three'd : leaflets three- cleft gafh'd, ftem branchy below. afiatic. leaves fuperdecompound, ftem moft fimple one- leaved one-flower'd, root tuberous, rue-leaved. calyxes fhagzy, ftem two-flower'd, leaves many- cleft. l«ae. oi*/M.tg. icy. calyx fhaggy, ftem one-flower'd, radical leaves handed ; ftem-leaves many-parted feflile. fnowy. radical leaves fomewhat hearted obtufe three-parted: with lobes three-lobed : ftem-leaves lanced moft intire, ftem moftiy one-flower'd. alpine. leaves three-parted lobed obtufe, ftem nakedifh one-flower'd. lapland. leaves thiee-parted notch'd, ftem Ample villous nakedifh one-flower'd. montpeUer. ,. calyxes retroflectcd, peduncles furrow'd, ftem erect many-flower'd, leaves compound, hid- (''■ >/- ->. 'Si/. ivy. £.Z>. aquatilis. 28. R. the fubmerged leaves capillary, vthe emerged ones targetted. dee* .&&*.'.&?£' water. penfylvanicus. R. calyxes reflected, ftem erect, leaves three'd three-cleft gafh'd hairy underneath. penjyl- vanian. 700. TROLLIUS. Cat. o. Petals about 14. Capfules mod numerous, egg'cJ, many- feeded. Globe-Ranunculus. £. B. europaus. 1. T. corols converging, nectaries the length of the ftamens. Ooct. i/&&<&< c/7 n %/■//?? & v- *Ji(ty ..«, tX/rr> > Xx/vr^-. hyemalis. i. H. flower fitting on the leaf. winter. 3.7VL- niger. 2. H. fcape moftlv two-flower'd nakedifh, leaves footed. T,1vf black, viridis. 3. H. item two-cleft, branches with leaflets two-flower'd, £.q. leaves finger'd. green, foetidus. 4. H. flxm many-flower'd leafy, leaves footed. fetid. E.B. trif alius. 5. H. fcape one-flower d leaves three'd three-leaved. c?iW ofcu. 5i'G . 703. CALTHA. Cal. o. Petals 5. NeBarie? o. Cap/, very numerous, many- feeded. Marjh Mary gold. paluftris. I. Caltha. mar J}.-. i.B. 704. HYDRASTIS. CW. o. Petals 3. Tfrtf*- nVj- o. Berry compound with ftones many-feeded. Tellow Root. canadenfn. 1. Hydrastis. Canadian, 1403. DRU 424» MANY MALES. MANY FEMALES. DrimyS. 1403. DRIMYS. Perianth 3-lobed. Petals 6 or 12. Germs club'd. Style o. Berry inverfe-egg'd. S. granadenfis. D. peduncles axillary elongated three-cleft, piftils eight. S. granada. IVinteri, D. peduncles aggregate terminal, piftils four. S. Winter's, axillaris. D. peduncles threefold axillary, piftil one. S. axil- lary. 1404. UNONA. Cat. 3-leaved. Cor. 6-petal'd. Berries very numerous, pedicel'd, two- fezded. «S. difcreta. Unona. dijiinfl. ■BSP